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 A chaos wedding - Calvin

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A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: A chaos wedding - Calvin   A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 EmptyOns Apr 17, 2019 3:19 am

Calvin brummede bare lidt groggy, som han mærkede kysset på kinden, det var nu meget rart, han gad bare ikke vågne, lå lige så godt, midt i en rigtig god drøm - med en meget nøgen Acacio. Derfor var han selvfølgelig også helt hård mellem benene, som han stønnede lidt morgentræt og pressede sin krop ind mod Acacios, "morning.." brummede han træt, som han fandt frem til Acacios bløde læber og gav sig nok til at råsnave ham en smule, kunne bare ikke helt holde igen, som den der drøm stadig kørte rundt i hovedet på ham og han bare var helt vildt liderlig efter Acacio. "Had a dream about you.. mhmm.. mhmm and you we're all naked.. and horny.. and then you woke me.. just before I could have you.. not fair.." knurrede han bare, som han rakte ud og fangede Acacios hånd, som han langsomt gled ned ned over sig selv, og så bare ned i sine underbukser, håbede lidt Acacio var færdig med at pive over den slags, og at han bare kunne være lidt med på den for engangs skyld, "touch me please.." stønnede han bare tungt mod Acacios meget bløde læber, som han slet ikke kunne få nok af, som hans anden hånd gled lidt op og ned af Acacios krop, "mhmm.. too bad you're not naked in real life too.. mhmm, from now on I think we should sleep naked only.. so I can just touch your perfect soft skin every morning when I wake up.." stønnede han bare dybt, virkelig liderlig, som man nok kunne høre, "please blow me.. please suck me.. please Acacio.. please mhmm.. pleasepleaseplease!" stønnede han bare helt væk i liderlighed og nydelses fra Acacios fingre i sine underbukser - men han ville have mere, bare lidt mere, kom nu!
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A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: A chaos wedding - Calvin   A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 EmptyOns Apr 17, 2019 8:03 pm

Acacio blev en anelse stille da Calvin pressede sig ind mod ham og noget hårdt stødte mod ham. Han var dog ikke meget bedre, han var selv ret hård, men det havde lidt mere betydning når nu Calvin var i samme seng som ham. Heldigvis havde han tog på, så kunne han ikke se den! Han gengældte blidt kysset, et morgenkys, et ret hedt et af slagsen som Acacio godt kunne lide.
Han grinte blidt og rystede bare på hovedet af det Calvin fortalte ham. Acacio kunne da ikke vide hvad han drømte om altså. Han syntes dog det var ret sjovt. Sorry sagde han drillende og mente det måske ikke rigtigt. Han ville hellere have det skete i virkeligheden, end at det skete for dem i en drøm som Calvin havde.
Han gispede let da han hånd blev fanget og ført ned i Calvins underbukser. Han stønnede blidt og tog så bare om ham uden at klage. Han begyndte at bevæge sin hånd op og ned af ham, mens han pressede deres læber lidt hårdere sammen, da Calvin selv begyndte at udforske Acacios krop. Så rart!
Hmm, okay, I won't complain about that mumlede han og smilede. Han havde sovet med Calvin nøgen nogle gange nu, så det var vel ikke noget der gik ham særlig meget på længere. Han kunne godt lide at mærke den varme krop mod sig, når han faldt i søvn og når han vågnede op. Hvem kunne dog klage over det?
Han stoppede dog lidt op i sine bevægelser da Calvin begyndte at tigge ham om at give ham et blowjob. Acacio... havde bare aldrig givet nogen et blowjob og var ærligtalt lidt på bar bund. Hvad pokker skulle han gøre? Han ville dog ikke sige nej til Calvin og nikkede så bare, som han lænede sig ind over Calvin og gled ned til han var mellem hans ben. Han trak langsomt hans underbukser af ham så han var helt fremme. Det fik Acacios hjerte til at hamre derud af. Han var så tæt på ham...
Remember that I have never done this... so please don't judge me. mumlede han lidt, inden han prøvende lod sine læber glide over Calvins længde.
Han måtte indrømme... det var sexet at have ham i munden, han kunne ikke forklare hvorfor det tændte ham så meget, når det egentlig ikke gav den samme følelse som når Calvin rørte ham, men alligevel kunne han ikke stoppe med at små stønne, som han begyndte at bevæge sit hoved lidt.
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A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: A chaos wedding - Calvin   A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 EmptyOns Apr 17, 2019 10:31 pm

"Really? You would sleep naked with me? Last time I slept naked beside you, you freaked out and told me not to do that ever again.." he just whispered back at him, Acacio had really changed.. like over night apparently.. everything he was not allowed to do before, he was now? Well he shouldn't complain.. he liked it.. liked the new Acacio.. maybe it wasn't only him who had changed, maybe Acacio had changed a little bit too.
"Really?" he moaned back at him teasingly, seeing the cute guy slipping down between his legs, fuck he couldn't believe this was happening.. was he really gonna blow him?!
"I'm sure no matter what you do to it, it's gonna feel amazing.. just.. try something, anything.." he moaned out impatiently, seeing the boy between his legs like that, was the fucking hottest ever.. shit! He moaned out even louder as Acacio finally started to play with him, fuck! "Ah yes, just like that Acacio, aaaah!" he moaned, grabbing the boys hair, as he cliched it between his fingers, feeling the pure pleasure of the sweet innocent lips wrapped around his hard cock - fuck yes! "More.. more.." he moaned deeply, fuck it was hot - even more so with the boys tiny moans and whines.. shit.. he couldn't wait to fuck that boy senseless!!
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A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: A chaos wedding - Calvin   A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 EmptyTors Apr 18, 2019 4:39 am

What? No, I didn't, I just told you not to stick your finger up my butt, because you didn't get permission he said surprised. He didn't remember ever telling him never to do it again. He remembers being incredibly embarrassed and shy when Calvin did it for the first time, after that it just became something he was used to, but something he continuously reminded Calvin of.
He liked this form of encouragement. Calvin just saying that he could do no wrong, that it would just as good no matter how he did it... Of course not biting, but he knew that.
His breath hitched as he caught the eyes of Calvin while having him in his mouth. God that was hot, just them remaining the eye contact, while Acacio made him feel good. He was pretty proud of himself, he could make Calvin feel like this, it actually felt good and it was his first time? He had expected it just be awkward and Calvin not really feeling it at all, but there he was moaning for him.
He just focused all his concentration on Calvin, making sure that it felt good and making sure that he did the same thing that made him moan, maybe with a slight rise in the tempo to keep him on edge.
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A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: A chaos wedding - Calvin   A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 EmptyTors Apr 18, 2019 4:08 pm

"Tsk! You were so freaking out on me every time you saw my naked butt! Mhmm but fint - doest that mean I can stick them up inside you know and you won't yell at me?" he just said teasingly, as he just watched the sweet boy, as he really picked up the slag, fuck! And for a first time, it really wasn't bad! It was crazy so amazingly it felt - yea maybe he needed a little bit of practice, but seriously, he was already much better than some of the girls Calvin had had between his legs before Acacio.
"Just like that baby, harder - faster!" he moaned happily, feeling the warmth just circle around inside him, as it was pushing down between his legs, begging to be let out - he hold it in as long as he could, trying to get as much form the blowjob as possible, moaning and pulling Acacios hair, as he cramped up, and came between his sweet soft lips - "Oh god yessssss! Ah.. fuck.. thank you.. mhmm.." he just moaned happily.. shit that was so great!
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A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: A chaos wedding - Calvin   A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 EmptyTors Apr 18, 2019 5:23 pm

Well, you were the first person I saw without clothes... I had a very strict family when it came to stuff like that he said with a slight rise from his shoulders. His family never talked about stuff like that, it was like it was scary for them or just a really awkward topic. Like they never had sex... tsk.
He didn't know how to react on what Calvin asked him though. His cheeks just darkened and he didn't want to meet his gaze for a while, before deciding to answer. And.. Yeah, I guess you can... just not when I'm sleeping, kind of a rude awakening.
he said with a peal of soft laughter.

He just sped up and sucked harder when Calvin asked him too, trying to please him every way possible, he wanted to do it right, and it sounded like he did.
He was shocked when Calvin came in his mouth, making him jump a little, not really knowing what to do, so he just swallowed it, maybe out of instinct when he had something in his mouth.
That was... hot he said with shy tone and looked up at Calvin that thanked him. Tsk, now he was there all happy and done, what about Acacio? He was just left there?
Can you please touch me too? he begged all desperate. It couldn't just be Calvin that got to get release! Acacio wanted some too, and he knew that Calvin wanted to touch him right?
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A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: A chaos wedding - Calvin   A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 EmptyFre Apr 19, 2019 2:40 pm

"Mhmm.." he just hummed back at him, whatever little prude.. "What, no! It's not rude at all, it's mhmm sooo good.." he just moaned back at him, didn't see anything wrong with a little good-morning sex, that was the fucking best - just as right now, mhmm, he wouldn't mind waking up to Acacio blowing him - fuck yes, he should just do that every moraning please!
He just looked up at Acacio with a teasing smile on his lips, as the boy swallowed, mhmm dirty little slut.. now you've got me inside of you, in more than one way.. he just thought to himself, as the little mouse just lay there begging to be just as satisfied - mhmm maybe..
"Say please.." he just teased him, before sitting up, so he could reach down and greb Acacio and pull him up. "Better take this off first.. and this.. and this.. mhmm Jesus could you please just stop wearing all theses clothes.. mhmm so annoying.." he just teased him, as he started to pull Acacios pyjamas off, got him all naked in front of him, as he leaned back towards the headboard, and he parted Acacios legs, before pulling him up to sit on his knees, so his hard cock was just in front of Calvins mouth - and with his legs on each side of Calvins, he could easily reach behind him ang brag his ass, feeling him up, before pushing forward and taking Acacio in, as he startede to suck him while humming and moaning, massaging his sweet bottom, pressing one finger in between his butt-cheeks starting to circle around his sweet little virgin hole.. mhmm.. couldn't wait to press his hard cock inside that.. fuck!
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A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: A chaos wedding - Calvin   A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 EmptyFre Apr 19, 2019 7:02 pm

He narrowed his eyes at him when he only got an mhmm for an answer, not really liking it. It was like he didn't understand where Acacio came from, or maybe he just didn't care that much?
He rolled his eyes and shook his head when he said he it wasn't rude. But what did he know of that? It wasn't him that woke to a finger up his ass! It was Acacio, so he couldn't really speak for Acacio. It's rude when I haven't said yes he complained and looked at Calvin with a judgy gaze.
The red glow from his cheeks went down his throat and to his chest when he was asked to say please again, to beg for it. Please he whimpered and smiled when he was pulled up to Calvin. He was so excited about something that he had never done before. How would it feel? Calvin seemed to have enjoyed it.
He laughed when Calvin started to take his clothes off and complained that he was wearing clothes.
If I stop wearing clothes, I will never have peace from you he said with humour in his voice. Calvin would probably never stop touching him if he just went around naked in the house, that wasn't such a good idea. Not for Acacio anyways, Calvin would enjoy it... because he loved sex.
He gasped when his legs were spread and he was pulled a bit up to Calvin, he was right in front of his mouth! He gulped nervously as he looked down at Calvin, just waiting for him to take him in.
And when he did... This was... amazing! Never in his life had he experienced this kind of pleasure and it was insane, it felt so freaking good. The warmth of his mouth around him, the softness of the lips and the wetness, he understood why people liked blowjobs so much now. He had missed out on something, but now he got to experience it with Calvin, who he loved.
Calvin! It feels so good he moaned out in pure pleasure, shivered a bit when he felt Calvin's finger between his cheeks, circling his hole, making him a bit nervous, but also really turned on.
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A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: A chaos wedding - Calvin   A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 EmptyTors Apr 25, 2019 12:04 pm

"Say yes then.." he just laughed back at him, not really wasting time on being so fucking serious all the time, he had spent enough of his life worrying, now he just wanted to have some fun - and well - Acacio was pretty high on the list of persons he wanted to do that with. "Mhmm" he moaned back at the small please leaving the cute boys mouth, it was indeed - sweet music to his ears! "Yes.. that's the whole point.." he whispered teasingly, as he didn't want any peace from Acacio, so why would Acacio want that from him? Wasn't it him, who had a clock on him, that only counted up, when he was in touch with Calvin? And wasn't it him, who was in love with Calvin? Wasn't it him who came crawling back to him again and again? Then why would he want any peace at all? Mhmm..

He just started socking even harder, as the boy moaned and told him how it felt - mhmm, of cause it felt good, Calvin was a pro! He just pulled his lips away for one second to speak, "suck on this.. and move your hips.. fuck me in the mouth.. don't worry I can take it.. the harder the better.." he just laughed and smirked at Acacio, as he took him in again, sucking him even harder, waiting for him to move inside his mouth - and while he waited he pushed two of his fingers inside his mouth, forcing Acacio to suck on them, and make them wet and ready for himself.. before pulling them out and returning them to his sweet little butt.. as he once again circled the wet fingers around Acacio's opening, and just then, he pushed one on them in - all the way in.
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A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: A chaos wedding - Calvin   A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 EmptyTors Apr 25, 2019 5:50 pm

He scoffed at him and just shook his head. How can I say yes, when I'm asleep he raised an eyebrow at him questioningly. That was kinda hard to say yes to something when you were so deep in sleep.
He just rolled his eyes when he said that was the point. He couldn't just be used all the time? That would just make him sore right? And then it wouldn't be as pleasurable. He was so shameless when it came to sex and telling how it was. This guy...
Ugh, you are such a pervert he complained. Couldn't hold the light laughter in. He was so different from Acacio, who was so shy when it came to this, but maybe that was a good thing, he could learn not to be as shy and more confident when they did stuff like that... well, just for a short while anyway.

A whine escaped him as Calvin stopped. He couldn't just do that! Acacio was so lost in all the pleasure. He just moaned in response to what Calvin was saying, just desperate for Calvin to take him in again, and when he did, he started to move his hips as Calvin told him to. It was a light movement at first until he began speeding up when he got the hang of it, and god it felt amazing.
He sucked on the fingers eagerly, moaning softly as he pulled them out again after he had wettened them enough. He jumps a bit as Calvin's fingers now again were down at his hole, before pushing all the way in, making him gasp in surprise and squirm a bit in discomfort. It felt really weird, but also kind of good to be filled like that.
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A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: A chaos wedding - Calvin   A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 EmptyFre Maj 03, 2019 7:45 pm

"Say yes before you fall asleep.." he laughed back at him, smirking teasingly up at det beautiful boy sitting on his chest. He laughed again as he just nodded, "exactly, now be a good little boy and do as told, yes?" he said in a teasing tone, before getting Acacio in-between his lips again, sucking him even harder, as the boy finally started to move his hips, so he got him all the way down his throat. He moaned enjoyable back to him, loving how it felt getting Acacio to do as told, and now even starting to move faster all by himself, damn hot. He grabbed his ass tighter with the now hand, and pushed his finger deeper inside him with the other, fucking him in the ass with the finger as Acacio was fucking Calvin in the moth with his dick.. fuck!

After a little adjustment, he snaked another finger inside Acacio, pulling his lips from his dick just a moment to breath, "Fuck! I want you to come in my mouth boy.. now! Fuck!" he moaned back at him, pressing his fingers all the way inside the boy, before taking him in again, sucking harder and faster - moving his fingers hard and fast, finding that perfect spot inside Acacio to press down on, again and again and again.
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A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: A chaos wedding - Calvin   A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 EmptyTirs Maj 07, 2019 11:00 pm

He rolled his eyes at him, but didn't comment any further on it. It was clear that Calvin wasn't up for any discussion, because he already had his mind set on what he thought.
Good little boy? What? He narrowed his eyes at him, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks. He didn't get to complain at all though, as Calvin had him in his mouth again and Acacio couldn't stop the moans leaving him. It was pure pleasure, pure heaven, even though Calvin was far away from ever going to heaven.
Acacio fisted Calvin's hair tightly as he started moving faster, the finger inside him bringing him so close to what he wanted. It felt so good, he just wanted more, so much more inside of him, if that was Calvin's dick, then so be it.

A small whine left him as Calvin added a finger, but the comfortable warmth of Calvin's mouth left him, making him complain slightly. His breath hitched as Calvin wanted him to cum inside his mouth. It made Acacio all excited, couldn't wait to know how it felt for his cum to go anywhere else but on his stomach.
He moaned loudly in pleasure as the warmth around him returned and Calvin continued to hit that sweet spot inside of him, making him squirm and do all kinds of things. It felt so good, he could feel a tightness building up inside him, before he released with a groan inside of Calvin's warm mouth.
His heart was pumping fast as he rode out his high, gasping a bit as pleasure was glazing his eyes, looking down at Calvin. Nothing could top this feeling, this was the best feeling ever. How can you be this good he whimpered and pulled out of Calvin's mouth, before laying down beside him, clinging on to his side.
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A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: A chaos wedding - Calvin   A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 EmptyLør Maj 18, 2019 12:33 pm

He just waited for the cutie to come between his lips, before pulling back to swallow his lovejuice. He loved the way Acacio reached, and his sweet sounds and hot come-face, that was just.. fucking amazing! He couldn't wait to make him come by sticking it up his ass, ha!
"Practice.. don't worry, when I'm done training you, you'll be just as good.." he whispered in a teasing way, smirking back at the boy, as he pulled him into his arm real tight, and give his sweet soft cheeks both a gentle kiss. "So apart form sex, what are we doing today?" he whispered in his ears, kissing him up the neck to numble down on his earlobe.. also his hands was kinda not as tired as his mind was.. so they just played a bit with the boys body, touching him all over, grabbing his ass ans squeezing it tight, "mhmm I wanna fuck this.. so.. so bad.." he just told Acacio.. but well, it wasn't any secret afterall.. he had.. made a pass at him.. so many times.. and been rejected so many times, but now.. fucking finally! When would he get to go all the way mh?
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A chaos wedding - Calvin - Page 6 Empty
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A chaos wedding - Calvin
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