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 Sooo...i have a brother - Damien

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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyMan Nov 20, 2017 12:39 pm

Place: The cantina
Surroundings: A bunch of hungry students
Time: 12:00
Weather: Cold as fuck...might be snowing
Outfit: Link

Darcy took a deep breath and opened the door and took a step in to the cantina, *shit...there are way to many fucking people in here*, he couldn't believe that he was here in school of all places, but there was no way in hell he was gonna let his darling sister run off to England without him. No fucking way! over his dead rotting body was he gonna allow her to come here on her own....and what if this brother wasn't what she was hopping for...*i won't let her get hurt...never...and if anyone tries anything...well...i will feel very sorry for them*.

He made his way through the mass of students and teachers who were agonizingly slowly making there way over to the food court *jesus fucking christ! how many people go to this school! it cant be that fun to sit on your ass all day and listen to Dumbledor talk* He wasn't really looking were he was going due to the fact that Daisy had kept him up all night with her crying *i will feel so sorry for the poor bastard that ends up as my roomie...hope he likes kids...god i need to go buy something for her ear infection before i pick her up from daycare*

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't really see what was going on around him and ended up bumping into sombody "shit mate! sorry!"

Sidst rettet af Darcy Tirs Nov 21, 2017 11:08 pm, rettet i alt 2 gange
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyMan Nov 20, 2017 1:05 pm

Damien havde haft en rimelig standard dag indtil videre. 5-6 timers søvn grundet træningen i Overwatch, stenet igennem halvdelen af timerne og tegnet kruseduller i den anden bortset fra i kemi hvor han rent faktisk fulgte ordenligt med. Han var så også godt sulten nu, og vidste at han skulel spise godt til for han havde idrætstimen lige efter frokosten her, så han måtte hellere vælte så meget ned som muligt, så mange kalorier som han forbrændte på den time.

Han havde allerede claimet en plads ved et af bordene ved at stille sin bakke der, men havde så kommet i tanke om at han havde glemt sine energidrikke i sit skab... Han var nok ved at blive afhængig af det lort, men hey, han kunne da være ligeglad. Det påvirkede jo nok ikke hans krop på samme måde osm det gjorde ved menneskers i længden. SÅ han havde hentet to af dem i sit skab og var på vej tilbage igennem menneskemylderet i kantinen, da der var en eller anden der stødte ind i ham.

"Oh! Ah, no, no, don't be sorry, mate, I really wasn't looking where I was going, either!" grinede han bare - han havde da idet mindste ikke tabt sine energidrikke, og så så endelig op. Vent... vent vent vent... Det her var da... "... Darcy?" sagde han spørgende. Han havde set ham på nogle billeder Meghan havde sendt ham, og var næsten hundrede procent sikker på at det her var den samme fyr. Og siden Meghan var rejst herover, var der vel også mulighed for at han havde...

// Outfit, minus hue og solbriller.
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyMan Nov 20, 2017 8:43 pm

"Oh! Ah, no, no, don't be sorry, mate, I really wasn't looking where I was going, either!" grinede fyren Darcy smilede til fyren, men tog et skridt tilbage da han fik set ordenligt på ham * cant he really does exsist...* han nået ikke at sige noget før fyren begyndte at tale til ham "... Darcy?" sagde fyren spørgende, "so your Damien..." sagde han stille og betragtede fyren foran sig " meet you...Meg told me a bit about you...wanna eat together...would be nice to get to know the man that brought me all the way to this school" sagde han med et lille grin

Han satte kiggede ned på sine mobil og skyndte sig at skrive en sms til Meghan

~in the cantina with Damien wanna join us...and could you bring Daisy i dont wanna leave her in daycare for to long~

Han smilede og sendte den til hende "hope its all right i asked Meg and maby Daisy to join us...its about time we all got to know one and other "sagde han tøvende, han sukkede og kiggede ned på sine mobil *shit...this is so akward...* han tog en bid af sin mad og skar et ansigt " food...they never learn...not even my ex was this bad...and she was a hazard in the cooking department" sagde han med et lille grin i stemmen
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyTirs Nov 21, 2017 2:01 am

"Ah, well, yeah, I am," grinede Damien, og trak let på skuldrene. "Can't really run from it. But yeah, of course! I put my tray over here..." og så viste han vej hen til det ene ledige bord der var, hvor han havde stillet sin bakke, og han stillede så også sine to energi drikke der, før han satte sig ned. "Of course. I'd love to meet all of you. The sooner the better, I guess," sagde Damien så, stadig med et større smil på læberne, og trak let på skuldrene før han tog en større bid af en af de to sandwiches han havde valgt deroppe.

"Eh, this school food is way better than what they give us at the tournaments, sometimes, to be honest. Sometimes it's so bad I choose to just snack all the time instead of eating anything they'd offer us," grinede han, og åbnede så en af energi drikkene, for at bælle næsten halvdelen af den i én omgang. "I mean, alright, it's decent at the sports tournaments, but they really need to up their game with the cantinas they use for the e-sports tournaments," sukkede han.
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyTirs Nov 21, 2017 5:17 pm


Meghan was on her way to pick up her niece, Daisy, when she got a text from Darcy. in the cantina with Damien wanna join us...and could you bring Daisy i dont wanna leave her in daycare for to long, she read the last bit outloud, one of her bad habits and she couldn't help, but smile og jump a little og she only hurried towards the daycare center after that.
After picking up Daisy, she was on her way towards the school once again, with Darcy riding on her back. She even ran sometimes and kid around with Daisy, making her laugh out loud.
When they arrived at the schools cantine, continued to carry Daisy on her back, as she searched the crowd for her twin and half-brother.
She then saw them and she walked over to them in a fast pace, while making sure Daisy, still hung on. She loved her niece like she was her own. She'd always been there for her brother and his daughter, and she was indeed the cool aunt, if she had to say herself.
She flipped Daisy around and into her arms and plopped her down next her father and hugged Darcy, with one arm, because Daisy had a death grip on her hand and wrist. "Hi Dar." She looked over at Damien and smiled "Hi Damien, it's nice finally meeting you. I'll be right back, I just gotta grab some grub for me and Daisy.". Her smile was big and her eyes sincere. She then crounched down to talk to Daisy "Look lil flower, I'm gonna get us some food, while I do that, I'm gonna go get us some food, alright?".
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyTirs Nov 21, 2017 11:06 pm

A smile grew on Darcy's face when he saw his 'girls' walk over towards them "speak of the devil and she appears" he whispered to Damien halfhearted. He looked up at Meghan as she finally made her way over to them "are you trying to steal my girl! betrayed by my own sister!" he laughed out when he saw how Daisy was grabbing on to Meghan's fingers.

"ooo since you are going up to grab some food could you be a darling and get me a cup of coffe...Daisy kept me up all night so glade i dont have a roommate...poor guy..." he looked up at his sister and sighed *im gonna die single...who the fuck wants to date a guy who has a kid...and a toddler at girl or even guy would go for me...not that i like guys...just stating a fact*.

He liftede Daisy up on to his lap and kissed her curly hair, he smiled when he smelt dirt and grass in her hair "been playing outside prinsess...hmmm you need a bath cub...but first we have to eat, lucky for you daddy has a free period so we can play all day" he looked over to Damien "that's your uncle...say hello "Daisy look up at Damien and lean her tiny head to the side "allo" she whispered out and hid her head in her dads hoddie.

//okay rækkefølge: darcy, damien og meghan og tænker at vi skriver på engelsk hvis det er okay med alle <3//
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyOns Nov 22, 2017 3:06 am

Damien chuckled just a little at what Darcy said about Meghan, giggling into his food as he took another big bite. After chewing and swallowing that, he looked up and smiled at Meghan as she appeared, with the small toddler. Well now, that kid was rather cute. To be honest Damien didn't care too much for kids.... Another good thin with his sexuality, he never had to worry about that sort of thing.

"Ah. Right. Take your time," he just told Meghan with a soft, friendly smile, and looked after her for a bit. Then, not having even looked at Darcy and therefore not having seen or heard the sigh, he still moved his attention to Darcy, a worried frown on his face. What... Why was he suddenly so sad... But not showing it? What the heck was the guy thinking about? He thought he'd be happy to meet more family... "... Something wrong?" he asked after a while, with a worried look at him. This was a thing he knew came from his mother, from her being a fairy... All this sensing people's emotions, even when they tried to hide it.

But then his sadness was gone again as he introduced his daughter to Damien, and Damien let the worried expression fade away for another friendly smile, directed at Daisy. "Why hello there," he grinned and gently waved at her.
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyOns Nov 22, 2017 2:35 pm

Meghan quickly walked up and grabbed two plates and started placing food on each plate, she new exactly what Daisy liked and what she disliked, but she'd even eat most of the things she didn't like, if you said she should. She had always been so well behaved and kind, it made Meghan smile for her self and she then placed the plates on her arm, like some fancy waiter, she'd learned it when she was a waitress, and grabbed two cups of coffee and a juicebox ing the other hand and started walking back to the table.
As she placed the coffees on the table, one in front of her brother, the juicebox infront of Daisy and the last cup of coffee besides her. She sat down, while placing the plates in front of Daisy and herself.
"I've actually been meaning to ask you, Dar, if you and Daisy maybe wanted to move into the apartment with me, I mean there's room for enough for the both of you and it'd be easier for me to look after her.". She smiled at her brother and sipped her coffee, before finally digging into her food. She looked over at Damien and asked "So.. What courses are you taking? And are you still playing on that team?".
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyTors Nov 23, 2017 3:30 pm

Darcy smiled at Damien "naah im fine...just worried thats all...but it noting really" he said more to himself than Damien, but he couldn't help but smile at Damien when he talked to Daisy "she's a shy one...but once you get to know her trust me she will have you warped around he tiny glade i have her...but i still feel to young for all of this father stuff...i dont wanna mess it up" he stoped talking when he saw Meg come over to them, she didn't need to hear all his angsy bullshit, so he just smiled when sat the juice and coffe down and wiped all the negative shit from his mind.

"Really? oh god that would be kinda getting tied of the other studets banging on my door telling me to 'shut her up' if you don't mind the god yes we are all for it..aren't we pup". He cocked his head to the side "team...what kind of team...", *god i need a hobby that isn't my geting so turning into a propper dad...i havn't had sex or even been on a date in...a year...* he hid his face in his hands "i need a hobby...i need to go on a turning into a monk..."

Sidst rettet af Darcy Fre Nov 24, 2017 12:02 am, rettet 1 gang
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyTors Nov 23, 2017 11:51 pm

Damien smiled at Darcy and nodded. Alright, just everyday worries, probably... Everybody had those, after all. Then he smiled and nodded at what he said. "I get ya... I mean... I'm already pretty old for what I look like, and I can't imagine having a kid... Good thing I'm probably never going to get one," he said, and shrugged, before taking another big bite of his sandwich.

Then Meghan came over again, and he downed it with more energy drink when she spoke. "Oh. Uhm. Well, I've gone with biology, chemistry and sports." he told her, with a wide smile. "And... Well, I don't know which of the teams you mean. I'm still on both of the teams... But the gaming's going a bit better than the sport right now, so I might just end up counting on that. We won the last couple tournaments, hoping to get good enough for next year that some of us might end up on national teams for the Overwatch World Cup. Would be so awesome togo to blizzcon to battle it out for the UK," he laughed, and ate a bit more. "But so far I'm still on the handball team, too." he ate on, and soon, both sandwiches were gone, before he commented, muttering under his breath, to what Darcy'd said; "... I still don't get why people want to date and all that..."
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyTirs Nov 28, 2017 3:44 pm

Meghan smilede til Darcy, da han sagde han gerne ville flytte ind med hende, det ville også hjælpe hende med at kunne få betalt regningerne, som havde vist sig at være mere end hun troede det ville være blevet, alt sammen fordi hun havde været nødt til at tage imod den lejlighed der var ledig, ellers ville hun have været hjemløs. Det var en ret stor lejlighed, så der ville være plads nok til dem alle tre.
Meghan nikkede så også til det som Damien svarede på hendes spørgsmål og hun nikkede let "Well, I hope it all works out and that your teams win!". Hun gav sig til at spise lidt af den mad hun havde taget.

//Sorry, it's so short D: Og på dansk også, men opdagede det først efter jeg havde skrevet det, og orker ikke lige at skrive det om D:
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyTirs Dec 05, 2017 11:55 am

He laughed and shook his head ”I think people ‘date’ because people are afraid of being alone….i know I am…that and I need to do something with my life” he slowly said and looked down at Daisy *I need more in this life than just her*

”I never blame her…but dera god, there are just so many things in life I never got to do… or will do before she is older … and I don’t know if I will still want those things… I sound like a bad dad…I not…I love her so much…but im kinda lonely…”, he sighed and took a bite of his sandwich, he looked over at Meghan, and took her hand and gave it a sqees, he didn’t know if coming here was a good thing he was still wary of this who going to school thing was gonna work out, but dear god he was terrified…

”sooo overwatch uh? Who is your go to character? For me personally its Reaper ”
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyTirs Dec 05, 2017 8:47 pm

Damien chuckled and shrugged. "Well, thanks! Seems like we're in a winning streak in Overwatch, anyway. It's a bit more win and loss with the handball. 'S why I'm considering just going all out on Overwatch and quite the handball thing." he said with a big smile, before downing the rest of the open energy drink as he listened to what Darcy said. He was going to mention the whole date thing, that he wasn't at all afraid of being alone, but then he heard Darcy's question, and everything else was forgotten.

"Ooh you play too? Well, I play offense and defence on my team. I'm best with Widowmaker, Hanzo, Tracer and Genji - but Genji's the one I like playing the most. You know, it's rather important to have a lot of characters you can play, so you can always change based on the enemy team's composition... So important knowing which characters are good against which, and in the tournaments, to scout out the opposing team's playstyle, too... There's so much more strategy involved in it than most people think!" he grinned, and his skin lit up with excitement - literally. His fairy genes did show rather obviously like this, that whenever he was happy, really happy, his skin glowed.
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyFre Feb 09, 2018 8:10 pm

Darcy chuckled, he looked over at Daisy and smiled, before looking back at his brother. "Well then do that...i mean why spend time on something you don't love... if you don't have a passion for handball anymore then stop and maybe one day you will miss it and come back to it...but until then...just do what you would suck if didn't do what we would be so boring...", he looked away with a small smile on hs lips, before his thoughts drifted over to the boy he met this morning...he was cute.....*oh god stop it.....i need to get this out of my system*

He couldn't help but laugh the second Damien started talking about Overwatch, he was like a kid on Christmas day...he was grinning and his skin lit up with excitement - literally. "hahah hold your horses...but yes i play... im more of a Mass Effect kind of guy....buuut i do enjoy Overwatch"

//super kort svar, og lang vente tid <3 har aftalt med Meghan at det okay at vi to bare køre videre indtil hun kommer tilbage <3
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyTirs Feb 13, 2018 11:15 pm

"I might... At least I know I have a good shot at the gaming, since I'm already earning something from all the tournaments," he said, shrugging a little. Because yeah... Handball was getting a bit stale, while there was always something new going on in Overwatch... If nothing else, then with all the new heroes that kept on coming into the game at a steady pace. But he still swore by Genji, Pharah and Junkrat more than anyone else. Occasionally Widowmaker, too...

"And I do love my Overwatch." he laughed. That should be pretty clear to anyone watching him talk about the game, as Darcy found out just a moment later. It was, indeed, one of the things that always got him so happy his fairy genes clearly showed through with that one unnatural thing about his look. "Oh. Uhm, ah, sorry. I just... I get so excited about it every time," he laughed. "Sorry, dude. I'll try to curb my excitement a bit more. But I've heard good things about Mass Effect too, yeah. 'S cool,"
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyTors Feb 15, 2018 5:06 pm

Darcy couldn't help but smile and shook his head, there weren't many things he loved as much as Damien clearly loved Overwatch...well maybe his guitar...he looked down at his hands and all the little scars that were there... *the second i have money i am gong to buy a better where the strings don't cut me every 10 seconds*

He held up is hands and chuckled "don't say's good to have something you love...i get just as overexited when i talk about music....or my guitar...her name is Bridget.." he looked over at his brother and took a sip of coffe "well if you ever wanna play an amazing rpg game that breaks your heart...Mass Effect is the game for you"

//blev lidt kort <3
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyTirs Feb 20, 2018 1:43 am

"Ah, well, it's just... I'm used to people getting sick and tired or annoyed of my gaming rants. I try to cut back on it when I'm not talking to my team or at a torunament or convention," he chuckled lightly and scratched at the back of his neck, just a little awkwardly. He ate on while listening to his half-brother speak, eating pretty damn fast as he always did, but he'd always attributed that to his werewolf genes. At least he hadn't seen any fairies eating quite as fast as he'd seen some of the werewolves at school do.

"Well, I might take a look at it if we ever have a pause in our training schedule. Being in the pro leagues kinda means Overwatch is my day job... Whenever I'm not at class or doing homework, I'm training in Overwatch. There's a good reason for energy drinks and snacks being my very best friends in the entire world right now," he laughed, shrugging. He knew it wasn't at all healthy, but he did want to have jsut a bit of an education he could fall back on, should the gaming thing fail completely in the future. Not that he thought so right now, because recently he'd been contacted by Blizzard... They had him and his team in their scopes as possible team for Canada at the world cup this year, so he really had to keep up his A-game right now!
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyMan Apr 02, 2018 8:34 pm

Darcy smiled at him "it's okay i get just as bad with need to say sorry or at all...yea..." he said and gestured to the way his brother was acting. He turned over and looked at Daisy who was busy drinking her juice and completely forgetting her food. He looked at her and shook his head "im not letting Meg look after you if you don't start eating your food...come on darling eat or we are eating broccoli tonight", that seemed to do the trick and she started to eat.

He was so busy with Daisy that he missed what his rother was on about, probably more gaming..."sorry i wasn't paying you want to come over for dinner tonight? it's just we have class soon and well i want to get to know my brother" he said with a grin.

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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyTirs Apr 03, 2018 1:57 am

Damien smiled, though just a bit self-consciously rubbing his arm, too, now. He did feel rather awkward every time he was caught doing one of his rants, but there was really nothing to do about it, his brain and thoughts just kinda got stuck in the loop when he began, and it was so incredibly hard to stop it, he always needed someone else to stop him, just like this - so it was just a bit embarrassing for him. But probably just a good thing that he cared so much about gaming after all, being a pro gamer and all.

He chuckled just a little at the interaction with Daisy, while drinking the rest of his second energy drink. She really was a right little cutie. Maybe he could get permission to be the one to teach her all about video games someday? He'd love to do that, anyway. "Don't worry, I was just rambling." he said, chuckling and shrugging a little, attention back on his younger half-brother. "Dinner? Sure. I have some training later tonight, but it's not until, like, ten or eleven pm. That's when the rest of the team's ready to play anyway. Those giant timezone differences," he snickered just a little. "But yeah, I'll be there. Do we just meet up in front of the building and go there together, after school, or?"
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyTirs Apr 03, 2018 7:10 pm

He chuckled just a little at the interaction with Daisy, while drinking the rest of his second energy drink. Darcy felt at felt good to be here with his family, he gave the little girl a kiss before turning to his brother smiling

"Don't worry, I was just rambling." Darcy shook his head "i know...still not usually this lost in thought" he couldn't help think about the cute boy in class today..* aaaand it's started again...sleeping with two guys and thinking one is cute....does not mean im....* "wonderful! i mean great..." he said in a nervous tone we just meet up in front of the building and go there together, after school, that would be good...we can go shopping for dinner and i can cook because im not letting Meg into my kitchen...or well its mine if im in it " he said with a chuckle
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyTors Apr 05, 2018 4:25 am

Damien had just enjoyed watching that little exchange, seeing just how much love the guy had for his little girl... Just the way things should preferably be. One nice, little, happy family. He had downed the energy drink by the time Darcy had turned to him again.

"Hey, it's chill. Everybody has their weird days," he chuckled, and shrugged. He for sure knew that he had days he just spaced out half the time, unless he was gaming. He never really spaced out with that, but then again, that was his job. If he spaced out, he lost and didn't get as much money. Simple as that. So he couldn't space out there, but he did a lot of other times, including when he worked out. It was nice destressing.

He nodded and smiled to the last part. "Sounds great... So I guess we just meet then and there? I have a sports lesson to go to, now..." he then said, finally standing up again, and grabbing a hold of his backpack. "It's definitely nice to finally see you guys, put faces on the names, y'know," he grinned.
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyMan Apr 09, 2018 9:21 am

"Hey, it's chill. Everybody has their weird days,". Darcy nodded "tell me about it...i have had a wired day...but it's also been....well interesting..." a small smile adorning his face, when his thoughts drifted over to the fairy he met earlier, there was something about him that Darcy couldn't put his finger on, but whatever it was he liked it *not that i like him but....i's not like im attracted to him....that would mean that i...i not....* he shoock his head and looked over to his brother smiling.

He nodded and smiled "sure....i have martial arts in 20 min..." he looked over at Daisy and picked her up he had to get her back to the kindergarten before his lessons started up. "but yea we can met up after school" he then said,  grabbing a hold of his backpack and daughter on his shoulders "right back at you" he smiled.
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyMan Apr 09, 2018 1:38 pm

"Well, at least it wasn't a bad day, then," Damien chuckled. "Hope I didn't fuck up that record," he then joked, snickering just a little bit. He really, really didn't act his age most of the time... He just seemed like an overgrown teenager, but hey, keeping your mind young was important anyway, right? At least he himself felt rather weird when he did have to act all grown up and serious like that. Having fun was what he was best at, and the reason he loved that gaming was getting to be a proper profession these days.

Damien smiled and nodded. So they both liked training their body, just in different ways. Well, made sense. Probably some werewolf thing, maybe? At least he didn't know any fairies who loved working out the way he did... So he'd always been assuming it was just the werewolf part of him that maybe wanted to show off or something. "Soo I'll see you guys later," he said, smiling as he got up and slung his messenger bag over his shoulder. He smiled and gave just a small wave to Daisy, crouched down just enough to be on eye level with her. It was probably rather clear that he liked children. Then he straightened, and settled fora one-armed hug to Darcy, careful to keep to one side so as to not squish Daisy. "See ya in a couple hours!" and then he left the mess hall, waving after them for a bit, before heading to his locker to get his gym clothes and then setting course for the gym hall.

// Timeskip? Smile
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptySøn Apr 15, 2018 11:11 am

As he sat on the floor in the gym glancing up at the clock waiting for the bell to ring so he could fetch his brother and Daisy. As fun as throwing people around and punching holes in punching bags....he just wanted to leave and eat....fuck he was so's probably a wolf thing..
He jumped up at the sound of his name *finally.....just hope this guy is more fun than the last two...not that it isn't fun being on top of a lot of guys....but...yeah im not even gonna finish that thought...*. He walked over to the guy with a cocky grin, as he sized him up *this will be over fast*

By the time the bell rang he was ready to shower and leave. The other students just avoided him *somethings never change*
He walked over the school entrance and waited for Damien to show up, so they could get Daisy eat...yup it was sooo a wolf thing. "I'm still standing better than I ever did...Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid...I'm still standing after all this time...Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind" he sang lowly looking up at the grey sky.
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Sooo...i have a brother - Damien   Sooo...i have a brother - Damien EmptyTirs Apr 17, 2018 9:05 pm

Damien had... Well, a pretty normal class, he guessed. At least today it was handball and not more of the soccer stuff, which he - to be frank- was horrible at. But handball, that was his shit, next to Overwatch. He was still on his handball team, after all, even though he might be dropping that soon to pursue his gaming career in favor of it, as the team he was on there seemed to be faring better than his handball team. Anyway, he was chosen to be on a team as one of the first, and scored a hell of a lot of goals, and from pretty far away. He had, after all, inherited the werewolf strength and speed, and the fairy agility... Made for a pretty strong combo in sports.

He showered real quick after the bell had rung out, and changed into another t-shirt (this one with Genji on it), black jeans and a hoodie (also Genji-themed, and sporting his Overwatch nickname, 'Agilities', on the back of it and on the left sid eof his chest). He swung by his dorm room to throw the sports bag into his room and grabbed his second set of headset, connecting them to his phone before he got going - the rainbow color scheme of the lights on the Razer headset drew some attention here and there, but he didn't mind. Everybody who knew him knew what a big geek he was, anyway.

Because of the music in his own ears, he didn't hear Darcy's singing, and so just waved at him as soon as he could see him, and walked over to him before pausing the music and slipping the headphones down to around his neck instead. "Ready to get going?"
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien Empty
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Sooo...i have a brother - Damien
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