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 Feel no pain

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Feel no pain Empty
IndlægEmne: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyFre Jan 14, 2022 8:02 pm

Dedicated to @Melanie & the rest that is going to join

Date | 14th of February 2022
Time | Evening
Weather | I’m guessing its rainy, hate this day
Place | Wherever the hell Adonis got himself killed again
Attire | outfit


After Leon had told his and Mariella’s theory that something was wrong with Adonis. Damian had reached out to Sarah asking for her help, because if anyone knew about her family and the fact that someone was missing their heart, she would be the best start. Sarah had then contacted her mother that happened to be in town. Together it would have seemed that they had figured out what to do, which would include them killing Adonis. Which wouldn’t be all that easy to convince their brother was for the greater good. But at least they could try, and then they would have to do it. If it could somehow, somewhere down the line get back the brother he remembered growing up with, before they had joined the war against the vampires in Scandinavia. He would try anything.

They had finally gotten a lead which was in Aston city centre. And there he was, lying in an alley, with a neck broken. Damian face fell into an almost emotionless expression. “You got to be kidding me” he breathed out, closing his eyes. His fingers glided through his hair before he looked at Melanie and then back at Adonis. “Well, it’s fitting we pick him up between the trash, is Elias close by?” he asked, as he walked over to expect the body of their brother. Besides him and all the trash in the alley he picked up both Revna and River’s scent. Some scents you never really forgot. Interesting, that was a story for another time. Now they just needed to get him out of here, as secretively as possible.
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Humør : “Don't carry worries around," she always says. "They're heavy"
Antal indlæg : 175

Feel no pain Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyFre Jan 14, 2022 8:29 pm



It had felt like ages since they had moved more than half a step ahead, not something that were actually her and Damian's style. Far from. So, this entire thing with the Russian pack and Adonis, she felt like it was going in slow motion - perhaps there was so much happening and Melanie couldn't even put her attention at just one thing. Here was the whole thing with Neil, then Cecilia had been bitten. The Russian pack, then the fact that their brother's heart might have been taken, to get confirmed it was the case. She felt awful for not having noticed, but it hadn't taken long till she also had realized that it was just one of Rebekah's master plans, another reminder never to second guess that woman. But if Adonis couldn't remember or mention that Rebekah had done something, she theorized there was something with his memories, so she had Clay on speed dial as well.

Arriving in Aston, she knew this town well by now despite living with her family, she came by here when she was checking on the rest of the family. Casual drop ins or when she had to find an excuse to check up on what Fenris was up to. Which she hadn't done in a while, not since Neil had gotten his status back - to be fair, Melanie's stress levels were up so high she hardly felt like she had time to breath. But she would perhaps drop by soon enough, hopefully when the whole thing with the Russian pack had simmered down. Melanie just like Damian caught their brother's scent rather quickly and made it to the alley. Melanie sighed a bit. Taking in the scent. It was a very long time since she had smelled one of them, and the rain tried to wash away the scent. But she had met River while she had been in Russia, so his scent wasn't that old to her compared to the other - but the Addam's weren't their biggest problem right now. Melanie chuckled a bit dry by Damian's comment and sighed a little, "Elias is close by, let me just call him real quick," she picked up her phone and dialed Elias' number, "hey we found him," she then hung up after Elias had said he was on his way.

Melanie walked over and sat down next to Adonis, then moving her eye to the bloody brick not far from them, explained the blood on the forehead even if it seemed like he had started to heal. A broken neck wasn't the longest recovery time, but if his heart was missing she would add in a few hours more - from experience she knew that one hurt. "You think their theory is right? Or is it just us having some wishful thinking or seeking an explanation?" Melanie let out a small sigh, well she had killed Adonis before, he had been so close to killing her so many times. Their fights had been lethal because he just never stopped, so of course she wished for nothing other than a reason behind his brutality. He had challenged her before that day, but it was just like after something had tuned up for everything. She had theorized it being the actions him and her brothers had caused to get revenge on what Revna had done to her - now she barely knew what to think. "Well there was one sleeping beauty, and for the love of god don't tell me that bastard is near," he turned his head. Well, if anyone could make Elias' blood boil - it would be River, good reasons too - and he could smell him so close by it was almost painful not to follow the temptation and give him what he deserved.
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IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyFre Jan 14, 2022 8:51 pm

Thank you” he mumbled, before he just sat there closing his eyes trying to take in the whole being of what was his brothers. The scent, how heat was still radiating from his body, which meant it couldn’t have been that long ago that he had been killed. Rather efficiently at that, just his neck snapped. Now, he inspected his teeth and saw that he had bitten someone. The smell again was Revna; “Bloody idiot” he grumbled and looked over his shoulder when Melanie asked if it was just wishful thinking. “What ever it is, I just hope it can give us some answers, bloody idiot tried to kill Revna in full daylight here in the alley” now he knew that Melanie had no lost love for the pureblood vampire that had killed her, neither did he. But he had followed how she had grown the last eighty years. Because that was what you did, you kept taps on your worst enemies, and what he had seen. She had actually turned around, and even now it still seemed like she was a completely different woman. He got up as his son walked into the alley. Shaking his head when he asked if River was nearby. “I think he stopped Adonis from killing his mother and then took of with her, so that shouldn’t be a concern of ours, let’s just get him out of here” he nodded towards the door at the end of the alley that could be used as a way back to the mansion in Grounds of Lily where Sarah and Antionette was waiting for them. He picked up his idiot of a young brother and walked towards the door with the rest of his family.
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Humør : “Don't carry worries around," she always says. "They're heavy"
Antal indlæg : 175

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IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyFre Jan 14, 2022 9:29 pm

She lifted Adonis' hand up, almost seeing how the claws had been inches from piercing through the skin, having the tips slightly stained, or maybe that was just from River. Who knew, she got back up again as Elias returned to them. It so seemed all of them at least had one Addam's they disliked the most, lucky them, but now was not the time to dela with that. Elias let out a small growl not really taking his head of the direction before his father said to get Adonis out of there. Now the last two times he had seen Adonis hadn't really been about uncle nephew bonding, far from. But Elias walked towards the door followed by his father and Melanie and unlocked it back home. He had made sure that Flora had a small break from the mansion and the chaos that would unfold, and give her a free trip to Theronida. Well, Mariella had asked if she could join her. Then at least him and Leon knew where they were, and hopefully they could get a visit home after all this.

Lexie had followed along while her mother and grandmother had prepared the stuff, it was perhaps the most witchy thing she had seen ever, so she followed along very observant without saying a word. Well, she liked to study so she observed and mentally noted small things. Antionette on the other hand didn't mind asking both Sarah and Leon for the things she needed. Clay had arrived not long ago as well having a lucky day off. The door opened and everyone turned their heads shortly. "Place him on the chair within the circle," Antionette said and pointed towards the chair and took out a small vial from her box of things, "this is going to keep him paralyzed when he has fully healed," she looked at the green liquid in the vial and then at Adonis. "But before we do that we need his mind clear and anything hidden away surfaces - by those means once his heart is here, he might actually be able to tell us what happened," she clicked her tongue a little bit and took a deeper breath in. "Word of warning, it might be a bit much - not because I don't reckon you can handle it, but you know," she looked towards Adonis. One thing was missing your heart, she had seen her mother take millions of hearts, controlling people with them. But having lost memories of your heart being taken, and being forced to hurt your own family and cause so much trouble as Adonis had - for it all to come rushing back with your memories. Not to mention once they secured his heart and made sure it wouldn't come back in Antionette's mother's hands - well it was just the beginning. Antionette looked towards the hybrid knowing he would be able to enter the head of Adonis. But she wanted to make sure everyone was ready. The circle the chair was around was just for extra security if the poison should stop working, then at least he would be unable to walk out from the circle. "Let's get your brother back to a hopefully more sane state," she poured the liquid from the vial in Adonis' mouth and made sure he swallowed it, before letting Clay in the circle.
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IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyLør Jan 15, 2022 9:21 am

Sarah had helped her mother the best she could with setting all of this up. Weaved a magical spell into the circle where Adonis would sit. Keeping whatever that had been taken in its place, at least long enough for her to break the curse that her grandmother had put on him. At least she would only go without her magic for four days, before the full moon would restore what she had cancelled out with using her other ability. What a joke really, to give a witch the ability to cancel magic in such an extreme where she, if she would. Could take magic away from lesser witches and warlocks. But, in this case she was extremely grateful that she could be able to help Damian with, hopefully, get his brother back. She moved her eyes towards the door that opened, and Damian came in with Elias and Melanie. And in his arms was a very dead Adonis. That seemed, rather quick, if she had to be honest. The look in her former husband’s eyes told a story louder than words. “You found him like that, didn’t you?” she asked, and Damian looked up rolling his eyes nodding, as he did as Antionette instructed him to and placed him in the circle.

Sarah let out a soft breath, and then looked towards her mother. The circle was also to protect her and Alexandra so they wouldn’t get their magic taken away. “Maybe, take a step back, I don’t know how big of a backlash there will be of me breaking this curse, after so many years” she didn’t like the fact that she needed to go into the circle. But she trusted her mother, more than anything. It would be alright. And if it meant taking another piece away from Rebekah, it was the right thing to do. Looking at the dead werewolf in front of her, she couldn’t help but miss the grandmother she knew from when she had been young. She missed her.

Walking over, she placed a hand behind Adonis’s neck, she couldn’t imagine how it would be when he got his heart back. All the memories, but also the feeling of carrying a heart. And what a burden it could be. She let her other hand glide under the shirt and placed it where his heart should be. When she started to feel that his live force was returning to him, she started whispering the chant they had made to restore the heart. Her hand started to burn; small black circular curves moved under her hand burning into Adonis’s skin. When he started to wake up, she started to chant faster, not really interested in getting bitten. Even though they had made sure that there was an antidote if should happen.
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Humør : My role at family functions is to keep everyone just a little bit on their toes and make a mess.
Antal indlæg : 36

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IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyLør Jan 15, 2022 9:57 am

Melanie placed a hand on Clay's arm as he looked at Adonis, knowing he would have to step within the circle as well. Now, Clay did share the same curse as the rest of the family so even if something should happen, he would come back - but it was also just a lot to go inside someone's mind like that. Someone like Adonis with over 8000 years of memories. Clay stepped within the circle, while Lexie listened to her mother and took some steps back over next to her father, still with very curious eyes watching what was going on. Clay kept his hands on each side of Adonis' head feeling him waking up as he healed, looking shortly towards Sarah. Clay first needed to actually get inside his uncle's head. Which was work on its own, the main reason they needed him in this state as well because right now Adonis had no means to actually fight any of them off. Clay took a deeper breath in and closed his eyes as he entered the mind. Looking for all these locked doors, so many. It was easy for the hybrid to unlock them.

Antionette had as well taken a few steps back, focused on her work for the next steps in this. One thing was restoring the memories, bringing back his heart, having the man face his demons head on. He was immortal so it wouldn't kill him for good, maybe making him wish it had. Then there was the, making sure it didn't happen again. Just like she had mentioned to Kieran months ago, she had a set of poisons that would make her mother unable to take the heart of the person who had it in the system. And by messing with one of her mother's life long puppets, Antionette knew it would only be a matter of time before Rebekah would find a new one. Unless she could offer her mother something that was more worthy of her time than messing with the Radclyffee's or Jones' for that matter.

The werewolf woke up, his body numb, heavy. It burned, his mind burning, his heart feeling so heavy in his chest he couldn't anything but let out a roar. It was clear he found all of this very uncomfortable, his heart aching and he tried to move his head but the hybrid's grip was so strong - or maybe Adonis was just weak. He couldn't even find words of his mind. Adonis looked around his eyes catching on to his brother and sister, "Just stop this," his voice weak, he closed his eyes as he unlocked his memory of the heart being taken by Rebekah, how she had played him. "please" his jaw tightened a bit more, the heaviness of the heart trying to sink him. The next flashes of reminding himself how he had went to go after his family, to every time he had seen Rebekah, every single little whisper she had told him. Realizing just how empty he had been. "Stop it," he snarled out, still unable to move but his eyes looked towards Sarah in front of him.
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IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyLør Jan 15, 2022 10:36 am

Sarah looked up at Clay for a moment as he started working on Adonis’ mind. Then she turned her gaze back down, seeing how he woke up. A pained expression almost mirroring his own glided over her face, she understood why he wanted them to stop. Carrying a heart was a burden, especially for so long. Sarah could sometimes envy the fact that vampires had the ability to just shut it off, not let feelings affect them as it did others. But it was also a gift, having to experience love, joy – sadness. Pain. Sarah wanted to tell him that it was going to be okay, but she couldn’t break her spell to remove the curse. So, she kept mumbling the words. Heat started spreading to her fingertips, seeing how small threads of black lines curled so beautiful into almost what looked like a tattoo.

Her eyes found Adonis when he told her to stop it, blue meeting a green hazel. Her brows pressing towards each other, hoping that for a moment he would see that she was doing this to save him. To make sure that he would be whole again. Then it was done, her incarnation was finished. The last words left her. And for a moment nothing happened. Then it was like something snapped. A thread that was being cut and she felt pulled towards Adonis. Her head was placed against his shoulder as a powerful energy burst from the both of them. A scream left her, roaring what she believed had to be Adonis that was doing the same beside her. Her hand was still pressed against his chest where his heart would be put back and would stay. Tears glided down Sarah’s cheeks, as if she was experiencing his pain as her own.

It took every will power that there was in Damian not to rush in and grab Sarah and pull her out. Even if there were no romantic feelings left between them, he didn’t like seeing her in pain nor scream like she did. He even felt bad for Adonis, but things had to be done and it was either this or making sure that he could never come back again. Because what he had done, what he had tried to. It was hard to forgive and keep forgiving. Damian’s arms found his daughter’s body, pulling her in, almost sheltering from what was going happen. He had felt how energy had almost tried to push him off his feet, but other than that it seemed like the circle had made sure that nothing would happen to the rest of them. A soft breath left him, as he observed what was going on.
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Humør : My role at family functions is to keep everyone just a little bit on their toes and make a mess.
Antal indlæg : 36

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IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyLør Jan 15, 2022 11:22 am

It felt like his heart was bleeding, that it was filled with pieces of glass that cut through it and as each piece were pulled out the pain just screamed at him. The burn was like a wildfire spreading in his chest as the memories were sorted out, rushing back to him, the things he had done, the things he had said and planned out. Their eyes met, and he knew she was trying to help. But was it worth it? Helping him. All the things he had done was unforgivable. Suddenly he held his breath for a moment, like waiting for the tsunami to hit and right he was, he felt it. Every single thing, and her scream mixed with his painful roar. Clay who had luckily finished unlocking every door when the burst happened was pushed forcefully back, but caught as Melanie used her force field to protect him from the blast, only making it feel like a smaller push. Looking towards Damian and Lexie, seeing the young witch who had buried herself close to her father as he shielded her.

Antionette tensed her jaw a little not liking the pain her daughter was in, yet she knew what she had signed up for entering the circle and to break the curse - she had warned her. Adonis, she only felt bad for the fact of the list of things her mother would have forced him to do. "Get me out," he almost choked on a sob in frustration, still unable to move. His heart so heavy he couldn't even be in himself, his mind racing and then his body completely paralyzed - freaking him out. "Please get me out," he moved his tear filled eyes towards his brother first. "Damian please," then moving his eyes towards Melanie, "I'm so sorry Mel, please just -" he couldn't even finish his sentence. The weight of the guilt, could he even look at himself in the mirror again? His eyes caught Elias as well, knowing he had attacked him the latest, his head dropped a little in defeat trying to sweat the pain out but it was brutal.
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IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyLør Jan 15, 2022 11:57 am

How did you respond to something like that? What could you really do, when your brother that had been gone so long suddenly looked at you with eyes, eyes so terrified? Telling you a story of regret, sadness. Loneliness. Where were the manuals for telling you, how to react when your brother apologized and begged? There were none because you couldn’t know what to do before you stood in the situation. But this wasn’t like any other situation. This was a man tht over the last thousands of years had gone after them. Had made their lives living hell. He had tried to kill Melanie to take her title. He still remembered when one from the back, almost dying had come running towards him, telling him that Adonis had challenged Melanie. He had taken off, seen Adonis almost dying leaning up against a tree, their sister lying in a pool of her own blood on the ground. His quiet question, of what had he done. Until he had roared what had he done. That was the day that he had made Adonis a rouge, the first time out of a few where he had thrown him out of the pack. Told him to never come again, and he wasn’t his brother anymore. Seeing now, that it wasn’t really his fault. He almost had trouble looking at the tears leaving Adonis and had to look away. Holding his daughter in his arms.

As Sarah was the only one back in the circle. Recovering from the curse she had just broken; she took Adonis in her arms. With a soft whisper she broken the potion that kept him paralyzed pulling him down from the chair. Now, Sarah was much smaller than the big werewolf in her arm. It resulted in them stumbling unto the floor as she softly pulled him closer. Whispering that it would be okay, that he needed to let the grief of what had happened to him come out. “It’s going to be okay, Adonis” she whispered, hugging him closer.
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Humør : My role at family functions is to keep everyone just a little bit on their toes and make a mess.
Antal indlæg : 36

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IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyLør Jan 15, 2022 12:32 pm

Melanie held her breath, she didn't know how long she had held it for, but she felt like her legs were stuck to the floor. She had been so angry at Adonis, frustrated to points where she had killed him because she had no other choice if he wasn't to kill her first. An endless circle of all that. She had in the end accepted his ways, and how wrong she had been to do that. Was this Rebekah's plan? To have them fighting for her own sake of fun? What a cruel joke that had been toying with them for longer than it should, but they couldn't have known. A part of her blamed herself in this very moment, shouldn't she have known? And then to the part where she also understood why Rebekah had picked Adonis. He had always challenged things, her more than anyone and it hadn't been surprising for her the day he had challenged her the first time, maybe the second. The worst time. The one a part of her knew Damian's mind was visiting at this moment as well. Melanie first exhaled when Elias placed his hand on her shoulder and pulled his aunt in his arm, looking towards his father shortly as he then again looked at Adonis in Sarah's arms.

He could move his fingers again, his hand, he felt weak as Sarah had him in her arms and he leaned against her - not that he had much force yet to get not fall on her, he still tried not to. But still they tumbled to the ground, his eyes starring down at the surface underneath him as his hand had stopped him from falling over. He took a sharper breath in. Adonis was gasping, clenching his teeth, not at first really noticed how Sarah was pulling him close, completely consumed by everything happening in him. It was just too much. The tightness in chest and his heart running as fast as it possibly could, trying to run away from facing the things he had done. He closed his eyes shut. He couldn't look at them again, could he? Was it going to be okay?

This wasn't just one year or ten where he had done unspeakable things, it was thousands years of damage. He shook his head, shaking, felt the heaviness of his mind, heart and body. He let his tears escape his eyes, hitting the woodened floors revisiting everything he had done. Why he was here - everything in between, far too many memories.
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IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyLør Jan 15, 2022 12:53 pm

Damian pulled Lexie closer, and then he had to turn around. He had to be strong. He was a leader, was an alpha, he was a king. You didn’t cry, you didn’t show weakness. You fought harder. You pushed through and gritted your teeth. You never showed weakness. Tears glided down his cheek, no sound left him as the salty drops fell from his eyes and didn’t seem to stop as he starred straight ahead. He loved his brothers, his sister. There was no greater love than the one he had for them, and for his children. Seeing one of the one he loved this much, even for all the horrible things he had done. It could have been so easy just to hate him. To despise Adonis and be done with it. But he kept holding on to that hope that one day they would find the boy he had played tag with. Run around with on his shoulders. Laughing while playing by the lake in hot summers.

Sarah managed to move them around a little. Pulling Adonis into her arms probably. Sitting up and placed his head against her chest. Closing her eyes as she placed her head on top of his. Almost like a woman that was comforting a young child. But she knew that it was more than that. She couldn’t begin to imagine if she had to realize that eight thousand years of her life, had been because of someone playing around with you. That you had done horrible things that at the time, had seemed right for you. Her fingers slid over his cheek into his hair pushing it back. Trying to ease his pain by making him focus on her hands and how she caressed his skin. She didn’t care what the rest of the people around them thought of what she did. She had just shared his pain, she still shared it. She wouldn’t stop, until she was sure that he felt more at ease.
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Humør : My role at family functions is to keep everyone just a little bit on their toes and make a mess.
Antal indlæg : 36

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IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyLør Jan 15, 2022 2:03 pm

She held him close. And perhaps it was enough for him to just take a deeper breath in. Contain himself really. He hated feeling like this. There wasn't anything about this entire situation that he did like. After all, he had to come out on the other end of this, and he couldn't do that from the floor. Finally he gently pushed himself off Sarah, and dragged himself slowly up on his feet. Because, no he wasn't an alpha, he wasn't the first of his kind but he was still one of them. And just like anyone in his family they had to withstand the forces coming their way, right? They had to fight through their breaking point and push the limits time and time again. Adonis took a deeper breath in, held it for a moment before pushing the tears away with his hand. Then he looked up facing his siblings, which was perhaps the hardest part of it, even if they had been watching him this entire time, it didn't stop being the hardest part. Antionette mumbled a few words before she broke the circle with a shift movement of her hands, and waited for a moment seeing Adonis take a few steps ahead out of it standing closer towards Damian and Melanie, almost waiting for his judgment.

Antionette by then walked over to help Sarah back up, and walked a bit to the side, holding her daughter close still observing what would happen between the Radclyffee's. They had done their part now, she had already told Leon about the vials with the potion to withstand Rebekah's heart attacks, so in the older witch's eyes they had no more to do there.
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IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyLør Jan 15, 2022 2:53 pm

Sarah didn’t fight when he pushed her out of her embrace. But she didn’t get up herself, she was completely drained, and it ached in her heart. Almost as if something was wrong, but it didn’t really take her by surprise, something had been wrong ever since Damian had died and Primrose had been able to break the bond between them, only for her to go from dying to almost dying. It was almost like it had been more than just her mate bond that had been severed. It was like the whole link was somehow broken. Maybe it was just her that was, in a way she never really could be able to start to explain.

Damian turned when he felt like he could get his tears under control. Looking at his brother standing there, waiting for his judgement. For a time, the older werewolf just stood there, before he let go of his daughter. Then he walked over, one step. Two steps. Five steps and he stood in front of the man that had brought them hell for so many years. But they could forgive their enemies. Then there had to be place in their hearts to forgive a brother that had been turned astray. So, he pulled him in for a hug. Closed his arms around his brother. Hand on his head and an arm around his shoulders.  “Bloody idiot” he mumbled, in an almost caring manner.

When Sarah was picked up by her mother she stumbled. Almost falling back down on her knees. A small gasp left her. “I’m not feeling so well” she mumbled, closing her eyes. Even after so many years there was a special comfort in having your mother place her arms around you. Damian looked up and nodded towards Antionette. They would have time another day to say their thanks.
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Humør : My role at family functions is to keep everyone just a little bit on their toes and make a mess.
Antal indlæg : 36

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IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyLør Jan 15, 2022 3:22 pm

One step felt like hours, second step even longer, and yet it was like time first was placed on pause when Damian actually pulled him into a hug. Just having a moment were he barely believed it. A moment were he had to realize that it was possible to be forgiven, even after everything. Finally, he managed to use the last kick of energy to lift his arms up and placed them around Damian, and it finally felt like he could breath again. It had been so long since he had embrace one from his family without the urge to strange them or anything like that. To actually feel the warmth of an embrace. Remember what it felt like to be back home. "I'm so sorry," he breathed out, giving his oldest brother a little squeeze as tried not to choke on any sobs that wanted to join him, but he could help but letting a few more tears run down his cheeks. Melanie was let out of her nephew's embrace and slowly snuck over to her towering brothers, and just placed her arms around them to best ability. Because, this was what they were. Family. A pack.  And they had always hoped that one day maybe he would come back to them, realize what he had done. It wasn't how they had expected it, but he was here. Adonis was home.

Antionette took a sharper breath in, able to see they perhaps needed more magical help once they came home. "I got you," Antionette assured her softly, holding her up, and looked towards Damian and the others, and gave him a small nod, before teleporting her and Sarah out of there, making it so it looked like they had never even been there. Antionette was prepared to call in favors for the sake of making sure Sarah had a smoother recovery, and she was on the edge of calling Kieran for a hand, if she couldn't help her daughter on her own.
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IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyLør Jan 15, 2022 4:11 pm

He heard what Adonis said to him, but decided he wasn’t going to address it right away. It was a lot to take in, for all of them. There would be a long time of healing, for everyone. That they needed to both accept how they had treated him, because he had been so angry and so full of vengeance. That they needed to get over the stage where you were afraid that things would turn back to what had been before. More so if it would happen again. There were people in this family that had never experienced Adonis other than the man he had been just an hour ago. How would they react? He would have enemies everywhere he went. There was a lot of thought connected to all of this, that he needed to go through. But not right now. He let out a soft sigh as Antionette and Sarah teleported away from the mansion. It looked like they had never even been there. Feeling how Melanie hugged both of them, they stood there for a while, before Damian took a step back, placing a hand against Adonis’ shoulder. “Welcome home” he whispered with a small smile “Now begins the next step in a long journey, we need to clean up the mess you have made, while you were away, but first – you need to sleep” he nodded towards Melanie, asking without words if the room was ready for him.

Leon that had been standing seeing all of this, had placed a hand against Elias’ shoulder as well. Looking at his uncle, father and aunt standing there. Welcome Adonis home as if nothing had happened. He would never distrust his father’s decision. But it would take a lot of work before he would ever fully trust Adonis after what he had done. So many times to him and to his brother.
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Humør : My role at family functions is to keep everyone just a little bit on their toes and make a mess.
Antal indlæg : 36

Feel no pain Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyLør Jan 15, 2022 4:40 pm

Adonis breathed out fully aware that Leon and Elias were facing him as well, and he owed a special and far more personal apology to his nephews as well, as the girls he had been hunting around the marked and even before that. For everything, he wanted to wait till he had them in a room just them - so it didn't feel as forced. Welcome home, his heart ached again, and he blinked a little Melanie gave Adonis a small nod. "Sleep sounds good, but there is the reason why they are here," he cleared his throat a little bit. Well, it wasn't to attack as they had done over and over again, seemed like they had been testing them and the strength of the pack. "They are looking for something, or rather someone. A rouge she-wolf, and her son. Stepan's son, she ran away with him - and you know, the law -" he closed his eyes a little, his law, their was very clear rules about humans, female werewolves. "But yeah, maybe rest would do good," he mumbled a little bit, Melanie reached out to give Adonis' hand a little squeeze.

Elias looked towards Leon and took a deeper breath in. Still unsure about how he felt about all of this, moving his eyes towards Lexie who walked closer to her brothers and just without really asking them tugged them in a embrace because she needed that. She hoped her mother was doing okay, she didn't like what had unfolded to help Adonis - but all she could do was wait for an update on that front. He placed an arm around Lexie, while he thought about not just what Adonis just had said about Stepan having a son wandering around Athena somewhere, but his mind was also still haunted by River's scent from earlier and the bad blood there was between them. A lot of thing haunted Elias' mind right now, he had to talk to Flora about Adonis being here, not knowing if he was going to stay, but his father had just welcomed him back home - so it didn't take a genius.
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Humør : “I fix what's broken - except in the heart.”
Antal indlæg : 135

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IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptySøn Jan 16, 2022 11:48 am

Damian listened to what Adonis told him, they were looking for the alpha’s son? So, there was an alpha running around in Athena, that had no idea just how powerful he was? That seemed like trouble and clearly something that they needed to investigate. But not now, they could wait a day before they started tracking down some kid that was in grave danger. Even though a small voice in his head wanted to tell him that there was no time to waste. But since they were still roaming around on his territory, he had a feeling that they might be thinking that he had him. “Alright, let’s get you up to the room” he looked at Melanie, then nodded towards Clay to make sure that he was alright as he helped Adonis with getting upstairs and into a bed.

Leon pulled Lexie in for a hug and stood there for a while. He turned his head towards Clay and gave him a small smile, before letting out a small breath. “So, who need tea, and who needs a beer?” he asked, letting go of his siblings before walking towards the kitchen and pulled out a beer for himself and one for all the ones that also wanted on. He opened it and placed it towards his lips to take a sip. Damn it had been some intense weeks, months even. It was always like this with the family, some years of doing nothing and then everything just hit at the same time. And now there was some kid running around, an alpha at that? Bloody brilliant.
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Humør : Don’t bark if you can’t bite.
Antal indlæg : 132

Feel no pain Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptySøn Jan 16, 2022 12:39 pm

Adonis felt the waves of exhaustion take over him as he once again tried to follow along as Damian helped him reach a room, Melanie looked shortly towards the kids, giving them a small nod before she turned to help Damian help Adonis, because right now she just also wanted to be with her brothers. Adonis was tired, overwhelmed by the fact that his brother and sister, whom he both had been so cruel towards had the heart to help him, and allow him back home after all that had happened.

Clay exhaled a little leaning his hip towards the wall, all the things he had seen today just by being in the head of Adonis. Everything none of the others had seen or had to feel, or well Sarah had in some ways. "Beer sounds good," he mumbled a little feeling the headache coming in and perhaps it would just be best to get home and take a nap. "I think we all deserve a beer after this," Elias mumbled a little before grabbing one. However, Clay's phone started to buzz and he picked it up. "Seems like my break is called short. They need me at the hospital," he took a sharper breath in. Luckily, doctors got this superpower the second they became doctors to just not need to function as normal beings anymore. Or something. "Can you get me there?" He looked towards Elias who gave Clay a short nod. "Hopefully, next time we can just drink a beer without too much crazy stuff?" He said knowing it was perhaps too optimistic of him to say. Elias walked over to the nearest door and opened it directly to Clay's office at the hospital and let him through, before looking towards Lexie and Leon. "Well they aren't going to do anything the rest of the day either way, I say we have earned the rest of the day off, and we get out of here?" Elias suggested, they needed to get the girls at some point either way, they could as well just make a small trip out of it. Besides he needed to find out how to tell Flora that Adonis most likely was staying over full time, with his heart back he wasn't a threat - or he hoped he wouldn't be. He hoped that the curse was truly broken and they had their uncle back - but he also knew it would take months if not years before he fully trusted it.
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Humør : “I fix what's broken - except in the heart.”
Antal indlæg : 135

Feel no pain Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyTors Jan 20, 2022 6:48 pm

Damian stayed with his brother for a moment after he saw how he crashed in the bed that he had helped him into. He looked towards Melanie after a while, before he pulled a chair towards the bed and sat down. He didn’t really know what to think about it all but felt like he needed to sit observing to get it into his head, that his brother was back. And in a sense, that the brother they had grown up with, was back. There was also a sense of being scared that it might not last, and when Adonis woke up, they would be back to having a brother that tried to challenge them in every move they made. And not in a good way.
I don’t know what to do with all of this” he hummed, turning his head back to his sister, there always had been there for him in a time of need. He knew there would be some issues convincing the rest of their brothers that Adonis had come to stay. Then there were his sons, Elias had been the last to feel on his body how Adonis challenged them in a way that wasn’t appreciated nor healthy. It wasn’t even that long ago, a month only.

Leon let out a soft chuckle by his brother’s statement that they needed a beer at this point. A beer and some time off, that was really what they needed. But being in a pack in the higher ranks meant there wasn’t really a time where you were off. Add having a father that was king? That just added to a workload that never ended.
He put out beers for everyone and looked towards Clay as his phone started to vibrate. Pressing his brows together, he then nodded. “There really is no rest for the wicked, or doctors in this scenario, huh?” he gave his cousin a small smile and then made a small salute to say goodbye as he went with Elias towards the door and was let into the buzzling hospital. The many smells that hit him, before the door was closed again.
Without all the crazy stuff. Leon took off the capsule and took a big sip of the beer. Then he turned his head towards his brother. “You just want to get back to your human girl” Leon teased with a smirk on his lips, as he took another sip of the cold beer in his hand.
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Humør : Don’t bark if you can’t bite.
Antal indlæg : 132

Feel no pain Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyTors Jan 20, 2022 7:13 pm

It was a rather weird scene to watch, looking at Adonis colliding with the bed and fall asleep like a child exhausted after having been up for too long. Just asleep heavy and safe. Melanie just stood there for a second looking at Adonis while Damian pulled a chair out and sat down. She chose to keep standing for a moment, couldn't really anything but picture him waking up wanting to tear the whole place down. Like he had done every single time they had given him another chance. Both of them knew this. Melanie moved her eyes towards Damian when he turned his eyes towards her. "We will figure it out, we always do," she took a deeper breath in and moved her eyes back to Adonis again, still sleeping so heavily he even let out a snore, which managed to make her chuckle just a little. "We will see how he is when he wakes up, if it worked -" she clicked her tongue a little before her eyes met with Damian's again. "He has tested all of us for ages, done unspeakable things, and yet if his actions are caused by Rebekah's influence - I feel like we at least owe him the benefit of the doubt." There would be some conflicts, perhaps they needed a family meeting in a few months time, once Adonis had a chance to actually get over the first few steps in his redemption act. Because if it all had been forced, there was no way he was going to wake up feeling like he deserved any of their help.

The vampire smell. River Addams. Elias could have been right through the door and in there to cut that guy's head off if it wasn't for the fact his mind was set on seeing Flora soon as possible. It was the second time today Elias had caught onto that scent and it was the one scent that could bring his blood to boil within seconds - and River should be very thankful the two of them had not yet in all these years been standing face to face. "Oh yeah obviously, I'm not even going to pretend on that one," he pointed out grabbing his beer and took a larger mouthful. Well one thing was his hatred to River, which didn't come without its reasons. For one if it wasn't for River, his two oldest children would perhaps not be motherless - now it was many many years ago, but some scars you just simply never forgave someone like River for making. "Don't come here and say you are not even a little bit tempted by the offer," he raised a brow at his younger brother before a small smile showed on the corner of his lip as he once again took a mouthful of the cold beer.
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Antal indlæg : 76

Feel no pain Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyTirs Jan 25, 2022 7:26 pm

Damian turned his eyes away from his sister, and leaned forward, placing his elbows on his thighs. How on earth was he going to explain this to his brothers? To his father? Even though Melanie’s words made sense, that they would figure it out because they always did. They were the bloodline of Radclyffee they were the direct line to many werewolves that there were out there. Even though over the years so many created werewolves had been made, and you no longer could trace the purebloods to them. Much like the ten vampires that had been created nine thousand years ago. That just made him remember the problematic of Adonis having biting Revna before his death, before getting his heart back. Funny, he thought to himself, how the two of them suddenly would have something to have in common. Having to live with the burdens of past actions but now having a heart and a conscience that tried to make them better. Or at least, so he had been told of how Revna had changed the last eighty years. Damian narrowed his eyes, benefit of the doubt. “Yes” he mumbled, and nodded against the fist of his hands. “Even so, we need him in the upcoming problems with the Russian pack, and this alpha kid running around not knowing how much danger his in” he mumbled, licking his lips.

Leon shook his head, when being challenged with the fact that he shouldn’t say that he wasn’t tempted. “I would dare to do that, he nodded towards the door, well then let’s go?” he looked up towards were his father and aunt had brought Adonis “We can always come back in an hour or so, and see what status is, but I don’t think neither Melanie nor our father is about to leave his side before they are sure that he can actually be trusted” he pointed out, before walking towards his brother, being ready to step through the door back to their homeland. Where the girls were running around, not really knowing just what was going on at home.
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Humør : Don’t bark if you can’t bite.
Antal indlæg : 132

Feel no pain Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyTirs Jan 25, 2022 9:37 pm

Melanie took a deeper breath in. The kid running around not knowing he was an alpha with a pack like 'The pack' looking for him. She couldn't really find a part of her that believed they would do him any good, even if she didn't know who he was she hoped he at least had gotten away from all of that. "And if he is the Adonis we remember back underneath all of that, then he will tell us, he will help us. And now that we know what they are looking for, it narrows the field a little bit," Melanie just hoped it helped them along the way. She kept her rights to be sceptic about all of it, they had been dissapointed before, more than once. But she also tried to be just a little bit hopeful. Melanie looked towards their brother and sighed a little bit. "I just hope it's it this time, no regretting letting him back in," she sat down by the end of the bed looking from Adonis and then towards Damian. When magic was involved it was wisely not to trust it to completely, especially when it was Sinclair related magic - even if they should be able to trust Sarah and Antionette - right, they never quite knew.

Elias clapped his hands a little, before turning around towards the door, looking back at Leon looking upstairs. "Otherwise I'm sure they will call us up, it's not like we are more than a door away," he pointed out, then also knowing they had know idea where the girls actually would have wandered off to. Usually Flora didn't skip that far ahead, but well then there was Mariella and he got a feeling that she could have dragged Flora way across the nearest mountains. Stepping through the door, yes, the warmth, the energy, actually just what he needed after having the day they had. Entering the castle, it wasn't like he could pick up the scent of the girls being inside the walls, but not that far away either, not that he could blame them for going outside on a sunny bright day such as this.
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Humør : “I fix what's broken - except in the heart.”
Antal indlæg : 135

Feel no pain Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyMan Jan 31, 2022 3:08 pm

He let out a small, pained chuckle as Melanie put it down in stone, if, being the key word. Even though he wanted to go into this with an open mind, he wasn’t sure it would be all that easy to do so. No, he was sure that it wouldn’t be easy. Which he knew would be hard on their brother, if he truly was back. Because it would never be something that you would want to be around. People constantly eying your subspecialty. Ready to jump in, when something small happen. Because they thought that you were going to snap. This was going to be a hard and long rode to trust. He just hoped Adonis was ready to do it and wouldn’t pull away again. It was much like the case with Neil, there could be a good chance that even with his heart back. There would be so much damaged in the mind, that he had lived for to long with the nature they had come to know. Which would make it so much easier to just resort back to that. He truly hoped that he was up for it, that they once again could be a united family. It was a good thing that they had decided to call back up already, that Malcome and Zayden would be joining them in not so long from now. He had to call the others and started talking to them about all of this. But right now, he just sat there, looking at his brother, letting the silence from him speak a thousand words at the same time.

Leon nodded with a small smile on his lips “That is true” he added as they stepped through the door and closed his eyes for a moment. There really was no place quite like home. It was rather astonishing really. Also how quickly other people had found a home here, he had seen how Tatia’s eyes had lit up when they had talked about Theronida. “Well then, it seems like the girls are taking on a small hike today” he laughed, clapping his brother on his shoulder. “Let’s go!” he said a little more energetic and started running in the direction that he could smell them. Almost having a race with Elias without telling him there would be one. Cheating was something a little brother was allowed to do, right?
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Humør : My role at family functions is to keep everyone just a little bit on their toes and make a mess.
Antal indlæg : 36

Feel no pain Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyMan Jan 31, 2022 4:31 pm

They just sat there in silence. A dreading silence where her thoughts echoed so loudly that she had to get up and go outside for a moment, just to get a change of scenery and look around. It seemed like the boys had taken off, Lexie just sitting reading by herself. Melanie had taken a small walk just outside the manor, trying to figure out how she was even feeling about all of this. Now, she could handle pressure, she could handle a nearby threat, and she had gotten used to that threat being her brother. For so many years.

It took a while before Adonis started to move around a little, still not opening his eyes completely. His head aching like an explosion had happened, which of course sort of had. The actual sound of his heart beating in his chest once he started to become aware was frightening, then he took a deeper breath in noticing so much of his family's scents. The smell of family warmed his heart, he could feel it. The warmth of it. Then the tear. How it tore him apart inside to know what he had done, keeping his eyes closed his face still managed to pull together, and he could almost feel the tears pressing towards the surface. Like a child waking up from a bad dream. He wished it had been a bad dream all of it. But knew it wasn't. He had tormented his families for longer than he should've. He remembered the witch's voice whispering in his ear telling him to to do all these unspeakable things. Adonis felt his heart beat speed up, it almost hurt how fast it was going, but it was good. Good to know it still worked no matter how many pieces it was in. How was he ever going to get out of this labyrinth of suffering? Was it able to find redemption? Did he even have what it would take, what if he couldn't find himself again? A small half choked sob left him, as he opened his eyes and slowly sat up. Facing his demons one at the time, right?

Elias & Ella

Elias always longed to get back, but luckily for him he could just open the door and be home, as easy as stepping out of his bedroom in Grounds of Lily. It was pretty simple for him, and he sometimes really didn't appreciate his powers enough - perhaps because he had had them for so long. "It sure seems so," he nodded narrowing his eyes a little bit to get an idea on in which direction they had been headed. Then the sudden let's go! caught Elias off guard for a second, as he watched his younger brother run off in the direction. "You little shit," he stated in a laugh before he started running after his brother.

Now, Mariella was completely awestruck by the sights, and it hadn't taken her long to convince Flora that they needed to go see more. Because, it would be shame to just sit back and wait, even through the castle was something on its own, amazing architecture - the warmth and brightness had just filled her up with newfound energy. It was incredible. It didn't take long before she picked up on the change of emotion in the area close to where her and Flora were walking, looking towards Flora with a warm smile. "We will have company soon enough," she let her know with a little nod and turned around, walking backwards to see whenever they would be able to spot the racing brothers.
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Humør : “I fix what's broken - except in the heart.”
Antal indlæg : 135

Feel no pain Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Feel no pain   Feel no pain EmptyMan Jan 31, 2022 7:22 pm

Damian looked towards his sister, as she excused herself to go outside. He then turned his gaze back to his younger brother. Closing his eyes. His elbows placed on his thighs he had placed his chin in his hands. He had no idea how much time had passed when he could hear how Adonis body started reacting to him waking up, but even then, he didn’t open his eyes nor say anything. He just listened, carefully so. Mostly to see what had changed, it felt like everything had. And right now, it seemed that it was for the better. He could handle grief, and sorrow. Rather than anger and the Adonis they had come to know, return.
He opened his eyes, as he could hear how he sat up, a small smile formed on his lips as he heard how his brother choked a sob. It ripped in his heart, but he still didn’t say anything. He just sat there, looking at him, waiting. Both because he had no idea what he could say, but also because he wanted to give his brother the time to adjust. Take everything in his own tempo, noticing the small changes there had to be. Maybe they weren’t all that smile when it came to it. Having a heart was a heavy burden. Especially when you had a lot of regret filling your mind.

Leon & Flora

Leon just laughed a little louder and picked up speed, as he heard how his older brother roared at him. Now, it had been too long since they had just run like this. Behaving like kids, and just a little crazy. Not caring who was looking, as the wolf got time to play.
He looked up and saw the two girls standing a little further ahead, he gave Mariella a bright smile as he pushed himself a little more, just to make sure that he was there quicker than his brother was.

Flora looked around; she was still a little timid with walking around alone. Mostly after what had happened last, she had been there. At least she had taken solace in the fact, that Adonis didn’t have the power just to travel from one place to another. Not without getting help at least. And not like Elias could, or her. She forgot that all the time. That she had actual, supernatural, powers. She let out a soft breath as she looked around.
She turned her head as she felt Mariella looking at her. “Who?” she asked, turning around, and as she did, she could see how both Leon and Elias came running towards them. She laughed and took a step aside, as Leon bended in his knees and lifted Mariella up and spun her around before he placed a soft kiss against her lips.
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