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 Homeward Bound

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Humør : Are you flirting or starting a fight with me?
Antal indlæg : 65

Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyTors Okt 14, 2021 3:18 pm

A soft laugh left Scarlett as Irina said told her, that they might need to order food. “Well, let me know if I can help with anything” she said with breath and gave her friend a squeeze back and then let the hand go as Irina went back inside.

Nigel looked up from the fridge and then made a small nod "you know what? I think that we all deserve some takeout food” he chuckled scratching ins beard before closing the fridge door again and looked towards his beautiful girlfriend caring their child. He took her hand and pulled her closer to him “I’m feeling fine, maybe I’m starting to get used to this” he made a small laugh and pulled her close enough to put an arm around her shoulders and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

Scarlett looked up as another person stepped outside. Her arms were around herself, a soft chuckle left her “you didn’t ruin anything” she said softly looking towards the garden, licking her teeth. “Want to walk a little around? Might be nice to clear your head” she made a little hop down from the porch looking towards Jack, smiling so her dimples showed “So southside huh? I live there myself” she started a conversation that didn’t form around him meeting his unknown family. Something else to think about, just for a second while taking in the crisp cold air.
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Tideligere leder

Humør : I’m a snack, but like a midnight snack you know? One that looks better in the dark.
Fag : Martial Arts + Track + Music & Thunderbird history
Antal indlæg : 224

Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyTors Okt 14, 2021 7:31 pm

Irina smiled warmly as he pulled her closer towards him. It had become the knew normal around here, hadn't it? Meeting people you never thought you would meet nor see again. Archie's return had pretty much been the least expected, and after that it had pretty much been pretty chill when involving new members to their family. "Maybe," she chuckled a little lower, placing her arms around him, before tenderly kissing him back. Releasing her lips from his still with her eyes closed, she took a slightly deeper breath in before opening her eyes again. "When are you going to tell Jamie and Archie?" She wondered, it could of course be overwhelming to the newfound member, but telling them and shoving Jack in front of them were two different things. And it didn't have to be today, they could tell them tomorrow or later tonight. She stole a quick kiss, "let's order some pizzas," she whispered against his lips before pulling her head a little back.

Jack nodded a bit again, happy that he hadn't ruined anything by showing up the way he had. "Sure thing," he replied when she asked if he wanted to go for a small walk around the garden. The garden was very inviting, so he walked down from the porch. Jack pressed his brows together, as she mentioned Southside. She was from Southside? Now it wasn't like Jack knew everyone in Southside, far from, he knew the areas he was supposed to know. "Really?" He asked a little surprised, but not enough puzzled for the smile to leave his lips. "It's a shame I haven't seen you around." Not that Jack really had been living there as long as he claimed, only caused by the years he had spent in jail, it wasn't really something he liked talking too much about.
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Humør : Are you flirting or starting a fight with me?
Antal indlæg : 65

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IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyFre Okt 15, 2021 4:37 pm

When would he be telling his brothers, and of course sister. That was a very good questions “not tonight at least” he concluded, mostly because it wouldn’t be fair for Jack. He already seemed quite overwhelmed with just meeting him and his daughters. How wouldn’t it be to suddenly stand face to face with Jamie and Archie as well? Maybe it would be better to just find a day where they could sit down, just the brothers and sisters and get to know each other over a beer and wine. Play some cards, casually getting to know one another. It had been a long time since he had been having such a night with his siblings either way, so that would be a nice way to do it. “Pizzas sounds perfect” he said with a soft smile, and grabbed the phone looking alittle lost “Would you, maybe do it?” he gave her a big smile and handed her the phone “Just a vegan pizza for Katelyn, and then I think we should just order one for each and we can share?

A shame I haven’t seen you around, Scarlett placed her hands in her back pockets of her jeans and looked towards Jack. “Oh, really?” she lifted a brow as a cheeky smiled she took a few steps forward and turned around, walking backwards so she could see his expression “And what would you have done, if you had seen me around?” she couldn’t hide the glint in her eye, before she let herself turn around once more walking. Taking her hands out of her pockets and pulled some the strains of her hair back her ears. This guy was seriously dangerous, that cheeky grin, those beautiful eyes, the way he carried himself. Dangerous indeed.
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Tideligere leder

Humør : I’m a snack, but like a midnight snack you know? One that looks better in the dark.
Fag : Martial Arts + Track + Music & Thunderbird history
Antal indlæg : 224

Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyLør Okt 16, 2021 12:55 pm

She nodded to the conclusion, which was the most logical one either way. It was a lot, and despite them having welcomed Jack into their home, their family, there was still a lot they didn't know about him as well. But from what they had learned from the company of Jack and since Maya trusted him, Jack did deserve a chance, just as Nigel deserved a chance to get to know his brother if that was what he wanted. Besides, Scarlett seemed to already had taken a liking to the cyrobird. Irina raised her left brow just an inch as he got the phone, already holding out her hand to place the order. "Sometimes I question what you would do without me," she chuckled a little more teasingly before listening to the order idea nodding a bit. "Sounds good," Irina confirmed, before stepping over to one of the drawers pulling it out to get the number to the pizza place that both Cecilia and Evelina had told her so many times by now, was the only right choice. "I think Jack and Scarlett are still out in the garden, its odd, he doesn't really have a scent or anything -" she chuckled by that thought as she dialed the number to place the pizza orders.

Jack chuckled a little bit to her response how she placed her hands in her back pockets, making him tilt his head a little. He couldn't help but smile, following her as they walked further out in the garden. Autumn and the coldness that followed even on an afternoon like where the sky was clear and the sun was shining by now. He knew it was a matter of hours before the sun would set, and night would fall upon it. "That is the mystery of it all isn't it?" Jack narrowed his eyes just a little bit. She was like a ray of sunlight coming along way to light up the path that he was talking on, not sure he ever had felt so delighted and at peace in the company of someone. If he hadn't known better she would have been carrying a supernatural aura, but in reality it was just how she carried herself. Jack knew if he wouldn't have forgotten her if he had seen her around, but would he had spoken to her? Most likely not, he knew there was people who was way out of his league, and the fact she spoke to him now, with such sweet smile on her lips - seemed like more dream fuel to this entire day. "How long have you stayed in Southside?" He wondered, also if she actually knew much of him that he hadn't spoken about today.[/color]
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Humør : Are you flirting or starting a fight with me?
Antal indlæg : 65

Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyLør Okt 16, 2021 1:59 pm

Well, I wouldn’t, not that I have you in my life now” Nigel said with a teasing voice, though everything he was speaking off was the truth. Now that she was in his life, he was quite sure going back to whatever life he had been living before her, wouldn’t even be possible. And the future without her in it, that just didn’t exist. Nigel started walking towards her, folding his arms around her waist pulling her closer towards him. “mmhm, maybe he has some ability connected to hunting, would make sense given who his father is” he mumbled, towards her hear, while she rung the pizza place up.

Scarlett looked up towards the grey skies, the mystery of it all. “Yes well, a mystery can be very nice sometimes, but” she turned her blue eyes towards him, a kind smile forming towards her lips “The best mystery is the one that you are able to uncover and solve” she said in almost a low whisper. In the back of her head, she was sure that he was a mystery himself, some that needed a lot of investigating before you were sure who he really was underneath the layers. The smile widened a little, almost turning mysterious itself. “Well,” she licked her lips stopping her wandering, looking at him. “Long enough to know that the serpents aren’t only your family, but also your gang” she didn’t really mind it, nor wanted to judge him for that. “Don’t worry, I don’t really think nor judge about those kinds of things” she turned her gaze into the woods “I used to run with the bratva for quite some time, which is only much worse than anything I’ve ever heard the serpents do
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Tideligere leder

Humør : I’m a snack, but like a midnight snack you know? One that looks better in the dark.
Fag : Martial Arts + Track + Music & Thunderbird history
Antal indlæg : 224

Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyMan Okt 18, 2021 8:44 pm

She breathed out a little, and leaned her back towards him while placing the orders for tonight. "Done and done," she smiled before putting the phone down on the counter and turning her head towards him to place a kiss on his cheek. "Natasha has asked me if I would come and visit her in Grounds of Lily one of the days, meeting the big bad wolves that have been helping her," she informed with a little lower voice. After the whole thing in the beginning of the month with Natasha getting her son back, but also the whole hospital drama - the only other trips she had been on was to Juniper, Evelina and Cecilia's places, but they were also eventful enough. But Irina wasn't really used to visiting alpha werewolves territories, and she had only encountered a few other alphas before. And according to Diego, this one seemed to be a pretty big deal, alongside Melanie, but at least she had spoken to Melanie before, long before she even knew about the supernatural world. And how bad could it be if he had taken care of Natasha over the last few months? But Nigel was far more experienced with the supernatural world than she was, even if it was from a slightly different perspective, she still trusted he would tell her if it was a good or bad idea.

Jack chuckled a little bit, maybe it was true. He didn't know a lot of mysteries, but he had been told countless of times that he wasn't that easy to figure out. It didn't take her long before telling him what she knew, that it was his gang. Jack clicked his tongue a little bit, while his mind tried to race him on what to do with that. But she mentioned he shouldn't worry and she didn't judge him. Jack had never seen being a part of the gang as something that could be judged, then again, it was the only family and safer home he had known his entire life. She had been dealing with Bratva back in the day, making him raise his brow a little in surprise. "So, how do you know - them?" He asked, not really sure if it was Nigel, Irina or both he knew - because he didn't much to any of their stories. "But yeah, the Serpents are mine. My family. I was found by them when I was around elleven I think. I used to live in an old store in Southside, it had been left behind - so I made it my home for a handful of years," he lifted his shoulder a little, it was just his life.
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Humør : Are you flirting or starting a fight with me?
Antal indlæg : 65

Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyTirs Okt 19, 2021 8:40 pm

Sounds good, I’m really happy that Natasha is getting the help she needs” he breathed out finding some strains of her hand placing it behind her ear. “Just, promise me to be careful, even though I left that life behind me, supernatural species still makes me skeptical when I don’t know them” he said with a soft smirk formed on his lips, showing that he didn’t really mean it as harsh at it sounds. But letting go of so many years of indoctrination, it was hard. “I really do love you, so much” he whispered, pulling her closer before kissing her once again.


She looked towards the house as he asked how he knew them. “Irina and I go way back” she said with a smile “We met when I lived in Russia, she is also one of the big reasons I’m here now” she explained giving him a soft smile. She chuckles a little, not that his story was funny, it was rather sad actually. But she knew what it was like living with nothing. “I get it” she said looking at him, nodding a little, because it was true, so she shared a part of her own life.

I’m a child of a big family, I was born in a time where there wasn’t enough money to go around, and being a woman I was chosen to leave – So I know what it’s like to make the best of your life, live where there is room and find the means to survive in this world” she gave him a soft smile and then pointed at him, as her smile grew bigger “And don’t you dare feel sorry for me, I’m fine and it made me the person I am” she winked and then started walking again.
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Tideligere leder

Humør : I’m a snack, but like a midnight snack you know? One that looks better in the dark.
Fag : Martial Arts + Track + Music & Thunderbird history
Antal indlæg : 224

Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyTirs Okt 19, 2021 9:19 pm

"Yeah same -and now she got Luka back, I hope things gets easier for her from there," she breathed out slowly. Irina remembered what it was like after the first few transformations alone, before Selene had found her. It was important learning how to control it so you didn't become scared, a scared werewolf was more dangerous than an angry one. "I get it, I'm skeptical too," she lifted a small curl on her lip, if anything she knew how coming from something and having to look at life through a different perspective could be really hard, "but I will be careful. And it can wait a few days," she placed her hand against his cheek, giving him a soft smile. She would keep him updated on everything going on there either way. "I love you too," she whispered back, before meeting him in the kiss.


Jack took a deeper breath in and nodded to the information provided for him. Scarlett was close with Irina, he had expected that, but it had been because of the way they had been sitting next to each other when he arrived. Jack pressed his brows an inch together as he listened to her story. He breathed a bit out, honestly not knowing what to say to be fair, so he just listened - it was after all what he did best. Then she pointed towards him making him press his brows a little bit more together. "I won't feel sorry for you, if you don't feel sorry for me," he slowly breathed out, "deal?" He asked before he started to walk again. Jack smiled to himself, funny how his mind that usually was so chaotic had become so peaceful by being here.

Just talking, it felt like he could spent hours just talking with her. He actually talked, about the most minor things like how he liked going for runs, hiking - never said no to a cup of coffee - or whisky for that matter. He mentioned his best friend Victoria, mostly because she was the one he had known the longest. And for someone that usually didn't share a thing about himself, she sure got him talking a lot. It wasn't till the sound from the house yelling at them that the pizza was there, that he grabbed Scarlett's arm in a hook and started walking back towards the house.
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Humør : Are you flirting or starting a fight with me?
Antal indlæg : 65

Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyTirs Okt 19, 2021 10:05 pm

It was nice just walking around talking about everything from earth to the heavens. Not that she actually talked much about herself, but she was however very interested in hearing what he had to tell her. Getting more and more intrigued with every minute with him that went by. As Nigel called for them, she started walking towards the house, a little surprised as he suddenly grabbed her arm in a hook walking arm in arm towards the house. But the surprise quickly turned into a small smile as she let herself lean a little against him. It was hard not to get drawn to him; it really was. And she could already tell that falling for him, would be almost as easy as breathing.

The smell of pizza hit her the second that they walked through the doors. “Wow, I just noticed how hungry I was” she laughed as she walked further inside only letting go the moment, she stepped into the dining room. Nigel giving them both a knowing smile as he sat down besides Irina. Katelyn was already stuffing her face, giving both Scarlett and Jack an apologetic smile “sorry, I couldn’t wait” Scarlett waved her hand as she shouldn't be sorry, and sat down beside her, leaving a spot open besides. Her and Maya.

So Jack” Nigel started as he pushed one of the pizza tray towards him offering a piece. “First, just dig in, there should be more than enough, having a thunderbird, now half thunderbird half werewolf, not that it makes it better with the whole eating thing, I made Irina ordered extra” he said with a smile and took a piece for himself “But, I also wanted to know, how you would feel to meet your brothers Jamie and Archie? I know that they would both like to meet you, if you’re up for it
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Tideligere leder

Humør : I’m a snack, but like a midnight snack you know? One that looks better in the dark.
Fag : Martial Arts + Track + Music & Thunderbird history
Antal indlæg : 224

Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyTirs Okt 19, 2021 10:29 pm

Maya looked over at Katelyn shaking her head, not that she was any better herself, already having taken a few bites of the first slice. Jack traded a bit more careful, but he sat down beside Maya and Scarlett, already feeling more and more comfortable as the second past. He moved his dark eyes up towards Nigel when he said his name. Saying he could just dig in, them having more than enough food. Jack breathed out looking around, Irina also gave Jack a comforting nod. Then he reached out and grabbed a slice of the ones Nigel was offering him, and started eating it by taking a bite.

Would he like to meet his brothers. Jamie and Archie, the shapeshifter and the angel that had died and come back to life. He was good at remembering the stuff he was told. Jack looked to Scarlett for a brief moment, then he turned his head to Maya - of course Maya did nothing but encourage it. Getting her family back had changed Maya's life to the better and she wished nothing but the best for Jack as well. Then he turned his head towards Nigel again, breathing a bit more out. Now, Jack had taken a few leaps of faith today, so why not take the changes while he had the courage to do so. "I - I think I would feel good about it, at least if you are all here," he once again looked from Scarlett to Maya. Irina narrowed her eyes a little bit raising her brow a little as she looked to Scarlett. "We can arrange that," she replied before taking a bite of her slice of pizza.
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Humør : Are you flirting or starting a fight with me?
Antal indlæg : 65

Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyOns Okt 20, 2021 12:41 am

Scarlett was just about to take a bite when Jack turned his eyes towards her and then towards Maya as he asked if they were all here. Wait, did that mean her too? She looked towards Irina a little confused, she wasn’t family. Of course, she was good friends with Irina, and they were family in that way. But it wasn’t like she had anything to do with Jack, not like that anyway. Maybe she had misunderstood? Maybe he had just looked at her because they had talked out in the garden? A soft smile formed on her lips, but she didn’t answer afraid of looking like a fool if she did say something, only to be told that she wasn’t the one that was asked.

Nigel nodded “Yes, of course we’ll make it so it’s the most comfortable for you” he said with a smile on his lips, not about to force his newfound brother to do anything that he didn’t want. That just defeated the whole purpose. But he also knew that Jamie in particular, would throw some kind of fit if he wasn’t invited in on this. Something that he wasn’t ready to face, so, in that matter he breathed a little easy out with the fact that Jack actually agreed. “When would it fit the best? I’ll just make the two lazy ones fit their timeline to yours” he chuckled while taking a piece of pizza.
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Tideligere leder

Humør : I’m a snack, but like a midnight snack you know? One that looks better in the dark.
Fag : Martial Arts + Track + Music & Thunderbird history
Antal indlæg : 224

Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyOns Okt 20, 2021 12:56 am

Jack was still fully surprised by himself that he actually agreed to this, maybe it was the new and aspiring sense of hope and new beginnings. The cyrobird took a deeper breath in when asked when it would fit the best. Since Jack work long hours doing the week days, the weekend seemed like the best fit. He didn't have many assignments that needed to be looked through this weekend, he was thankful for the subjects he had chosen and the lack of homework he chose to assign. "Tomorrow or Sunday weekends really," he replied taking another bite of the slice he had in his hand. "I'm usually free in my weekends, so yeah -" usually that was, after work in this week days he had his gang to look after. "I think tomorrow is a good idea," Maya pointed out looking at Katelyn to get tomorrow confirmed with a nod before turning her head towards Jack again. "It's easy to get Jamie here, just mention to him that I'm baking a cake and he will be here in a heart beat," Maya chuckled a little bit to herself. Not that she really had showed off her baking skills to her family, well they hadn't asked and she hadn't really had the time, but Alison had learned her a bunch of stuff. "What I bake, don't look so surprised," she took a new slice of her pizza.
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Humør : Are you flirting or starting a fight with me?
Antal indlæg : 65

Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyOns Okt 20, 2021 9:25 am

Nigel nodded as Maya added that she thought that tomorrow would be the best day. “Well then, tomorrow it is” he gave a soft smile, knowing that Archie was very busy with planning the wedding that was being held at the end of this month. But somehow the young man always found time to come by and be with his family. Which Nigel understood, after being away for so long and coming back. He would use every single waking hour to be together with the people that you loved.

A soft and quiet atmosphere formed over the table. Small talk and sounds of pizza being taken from their trays. Laughter, and joy that followed along being close to family like this also formed around the people. Even Scarlett couldn’t help just how it make her feel, the love that started spreading in her heart being close to people and family. This time in a healthy manner that wouldn’t end up biting her in the ass.


As the table was being cleaned up Scarlett took Jack’s arm “I can drive you home if you want?” she said with a soft voice smiling at him, before she took a few of the beer bottles and walked towards the kitchen to place them in the crate for flasks that needed to be returned to the store. Nigel was already walking outside with the many pizza boxes. Now he knew just how much Maya could eat, and Irina for that matter, but with the whole pregnancy it was limited with how much she actually ate. But so much pizza had been devoured, and it was almost enough that he could get it all down in the trashcan outside. Luckily, they would come Monday and pick up the trash on the street. He walked inside again, watching how Scarlett was about to get herself ready to drive back home. Well, risk her life more like it. After he had met Scarlett the first time, he had offered looking at finding a car for her at the garage. And he had found one alright, one that needed to be scraped next year. But she made it work, and it was better than walking and taking the public transport towards Southside. And as Scarlett had told, it was better to have something so beaten down and rusty that no one wanted to steal it when you lived where she did. “Thank you for coming today, see you guys tomorrow?” Scarlett gave a big smile and gave the taller man a hug before she turned towards Irina and gave her a hug as well. “Thank you for today” she said with a big smile, a bigger smile than she had been wearing for such a long time.
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Tideligere leder

Humør : I’m a snack, but like a midnight snack you know? One that looks better in the dark.
Fag : Martial Arts + Track + Music & Thunderbird history
Antal indlæg : 224

Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyOns Okt 20, 2021 10:36 am

Jack looked towards Scarlett as she took his arm, and she looked down into her eyes slightly surprised by the suggestion. Usually he just asked Victoria to come pick him up, or ask Lucas for a ride - if not just walk, but he wouldn't miss out on a drive home. "Sounds like an offer I can't refuse," he chuckled a little bit, how loose he felt - like all the love and warmth from the entire atmosphere of being here had just molded him into a more relaxed state where he actually just felt like he could just be. Jack turned his head towards Nigel as he came back from having taken out the pizza boxes. "You will definitely see you guys tomorrow," he took a deeper breath in, watching Scarlett part with the others giving them hugs, which made Jack take the leap of faith and walk over to give his newfound brother a hug, first and foremost found himself needing that more than he ever had thought. Giving him a brief moment before actually letting go again, giving Nigel a small smile before taking a step to the side giving Irina a brief hug followed by giving Katelyn and Maya a hug both at once. "Yeah, thank you for today," he breathed out. "Anytime," Irina smiled at both Scarlett and Jack. It had indeed been a day of lovely surprises."See you tomorrow," Jack made a small wave before heading out the door to drive off with Scarlett.


Well, after Nigel had called him and Archie, told them that they had some lost family to meet. Of course, Jamie had agreed to meet up, naturally curious for the drama - he had promised to pick Archie up, waiting outside the apartment in his car, honking a bit to get his younger brother's attention. Elenora just returning back towards the apartment from her morning run, ran over towards the window that Jamie pulled down. "You know, you could just call or walk up and knock - like a normal person?" She raised her brow a little bit. "What would the fun in that be sweetheart, now will you get romeo out?" Jamie asked making Elenora raise her brow even more, rolling her eyes at Jamie. "Please," she rolled her eyes a bit of the shapeshifter. Then she walked back to the apartment, locking herself in. "Jamie is outside, honking to get your attention," she walked over placing a soft kiss on Archie's lips. She would love to join them in meeting this newfound family member, but Nigel had also made it pretty clear that too many people could be overwhelming. "See you soon," she gave him another quick kiss before letting him go.

"Finally, you took your sweet time," Jamie dramatically expressed to his younger brother. Before driving towards Nigel's house, well getting there time before Jack would, also just to get a face to face briefing from Nigel regarding what was going on.  
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Antal indlæg : 67

Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyOns Okt 20, 2021 12:00 pm

Normally Archie was a morning person, he would have been up by now making sure that there was a smoothie and a coffee waiting for Nora when she came home from her small morning run. But there had been so many things that needed to be planned with the wedding coming up end this month. And with his father running around in these parts, he wasn’t really all that rested and calm as he normally was. Worried what would happen, and how many people close to them would get hurt or killed. Then there was the planning on who should be invited, where they needed to throw the party. All the while he was trying to figure out what he wanted to do with life, and if he really should end up opening that restaurant that he had been talking about before he had been killed. It had always just been a, what if, thought. What if he didn’t was born a hunter, could he then have been just a normal guy doing what he pleased?

So, when someone started honking outside the house he groaned, rolling out of bed, trotting over towards the window seeing that his idiotic brother was sitting down in the car getting his attention. He hoped into a pair of pants and found a hoodie that he could pull over his naked chest. As he walked down Elenora went through the door, telling him that Jamie was trying to get his attention. “Yes well, I’m not deaf” he grumped and walked towards the door jumping a little around while getting on his socks on. He almost fell as Elenora walked over and placed a kiss on his lips. A smile lit up on his face, as she walked away, he pulled her back and gave her a better kiss. “mmhm, rather sooner than later” he mused, kissing her nose before walking out the door, grabbing his jacket on the way. He looked towards his brother sitting in the car.

Yes well, someone didn’t get the briefing about you wanting to meet up so early” he huffed getting inside the car putting on his sunglasses. The grey skies were extra intense this morning. He looked towards his brother. “You know, I was seconds from getting lightning to strike your car moron, when are you going to try and act like a normal human being and just knock on the freaking door?” To say he had gotten the wrong leg out the bed was an understatement, he was tired and a little grumpy as he hadn’t gotten his coffee yet. Nor anything to eat.
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Humør : I think I mostly want to see what happens when this whole place breaks apart.
Antal indlæg : 193

Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyOns Okt 20, 2021 12:17 pm

Jamie chuckled a bit to himself as he started driving. "Someone got the wrong leg out of bed this morning," he shook his head a little bit to himself before looking over to Archie by the mentioning on wanting to let a lighting strike down to his car. "Aren't you a ray of sunshine," Jamie breathed out, "but would you have opened the door knowing it was me? I think not," the shapeshifter pointed out looking towards his little brother. Then he moved his hand to the coffee he had made before going, not having taken any of it yet, it was for the very short drive. He picked it up and handed it to Archie, "for your divaness, don't worry I didn't have time to poison it." Then Jamie focused on the road ahead of them, at least the drive wasn't too long, but he hoped the coffee could at least put a small smile on Archie's face. Then Jamie turned on the radio to the tunes of Queen's Don't stop me now playing. Well the shapeshifter had never been unable to get in a good mood to a few tunes, tabbing his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat, singing a little along looking over at Archie in hopes of getting him just a little hyped up. Jamie had planned a wedding once, trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his life - he knew the stress that followed those two things combined, even if he hadn't come back from the dead in the process of it all. "Breathe okay? You don't have to figure everything out by now - and the wedding is going to be perfect because it's the two of you. Alright, you still let me know if you need help with anything okay?" Jamie looked over to his brother again with a slightly raised eyebrow to point out he meant it.
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Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyOns Okt 20, 2021 12:53 pm

He pushed down his sunglasses as Jamie presented a coffee to him. Eyes narrowing as Jamie told him that he hadn’t time to poison it “Well, I would be your head if I was poisoned by your coffee” Archie chuckled, knowing that Elenora wasn’t going to Jamie walk anywhere alive if he had caused that he wouldn’t be able to attend their wedding. A small groan left him, as Jamie decided to turn on the music, now the angel had different kind of masks that he could wear and the only time that he didn’t really bother with them was when he was together with Elenora and his brothers. Because why should he try to be someone he wasn’t? And besides that, he had a lot of things he needed to keep under check with memories and dealing with the fact of how he had died. It wasn’t just a normal, I got run over by a bus, or I died of a heart attack. And even those had to be traumatic to come back from the dead.

He sipped a little of the coffee and closed his eyes as they drove towards Nigel’s house. “I am breathing, thank you very much” Archie teased looking towards his brother as he then told him if he needed help with anything he just had to tell him. “Yeah that’s rich coming from you, when are you going to make a move on that Sariel girl huh? Or are you just having fun running around looking on houses with her?” he retorted back, looking towards his brother breathing out “Sorry, this wedding is making me age quicker than anything that I’ve ever done, and it doesn’t help that our father is running around in the area” he mumbled rubbing his nose a little.
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Humør : I think I mostly want to see what happens when this whole place breaks apart.
Antal indlæg : 193

Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyOns Okt 20, 2021 2:28 pm

Jamie rolled his eyes at his brother by the mention of Sariel, oh was he really going there? "I have plenty of moves to make -" he lifted a finger and pointed it towards Archie. "And house hunting is a very serious thing, you know that," he placed his hand back on the wheel and took a deeper breath in. Jamie did want to make a move on Sariel, but he also couldn't help but overthink it, which usually wasn't like him. Jamie breathed out as Archie finally breathed out and confessing a bit about his stress. No it did not help that their father was out and about. Jamie had tried to get a hold on him, trying to see if he could figure out what he had of plans, but if their father didn't want to be found it was impossible. "Yeah,  it's not making anything easier -" he breathed out. Who knew what their father was up to? "I have my eyes out okay, if I hear or see anything of him, you will be the first to know -" one thing was their father coming to town last month, but shooting Quentin had been crossing a line. And Nigel had enough on his plate, so did Archie, which was the main reason why Jamie also put this mess on his - but it wasn't like he planned on doing anything stupid on his own, not this time anyways.

Finally, they could park out front and get out of the car. "You better have some food ready, I picked up Grumpy instead of Archie," Jamie warned Nigel as he stepped out of the car, before walking over placing his arm around Archie's neck in a hook, pulling him towards him shortly before letting go again. Then Jamie walked over greeting Nigel in a hug before placing his hands on his hips. "I smell cinnemon rolls," he chuckled a little bit as Irina stepped outside to greet the brothers as well, "yeah Maya has been in the kitchen since she woke up, very focused - and lets get you some food," she gave Archie a quick hug before nodding to the side till he should follow her to the kitchen to grab something to eat. "Ella and Mila took a trip to the marked, it's become their Saturday morning ritual, they will be back in an hour or so," Irina informed Archie and Jamie, in case they looked after their sister. Jamie breathed out looking shortly at Nigel before following them inside. "So, what is going on, who are we meeting today?"
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Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyOns Okt 20, 2021 3:12 pm

Serious my ass, have you thought about the fact that she just thinks you are bringing her along to get a view on things, but that you are going to live alone or with someone else?” he said with a sarcastic smile, he nodded when Jamie promised that he would make sure that he would give word if he heard anything from their father. Hopefully Thomas still thought he was dead, the last thing he needed was to be brought back into that life. He hadn’t even been able to help when things had gone down at the harbour. Not that anyone blamed him, but he did. They had needed him, and all he had been able to, had been sitting on the couch waiting for them to call him. But he had also done it so not to put anyone in danger. Still didn’t help on the guilt of not being ready to face a great deal of things alone.

When the car parked, Jamie announced to Nigel that Archie was in a mood. Archie pushed his sunglasses up in his hair and made an annoyed face towards Jamie. “Well, if someone hadn’t decided honking outside my house, I would have been in a better mood" he huffed, but a big smile appeared as he saw Irina “Hey gorgeous” he breathed pulling her into a hug after Jamie had let his neck go. “Sounds like a real nice ritual they got going there, and it smells amazing” he mumbled, walking straight towards the kitchen still with his coffee in hand. Nigel looked with a raised brow towards Archie as he disappeared, clearly not as set on getting to know what would go down not long from now. He closed the door after Jamie had walked inside and gave him a side looped smile “Well, it seems that our father isn’t as big of a saint as he wants so to believe he is, given I met our half-brother yesterday” he lifted his brow and gave Jamie a big smile, shrugging his shoulder. “Isn’t our life if there isn’t anything new drama to add to the family at least once a month, right?
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Humør : I think I mostly want to see what happens when this whole place breaks apart.
Antal indlæg : 193

Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyOns Okt 20, 2021 3:33 pm

Jamie took a deeper breath in, letting Archie disappear with Irina to the kitchen following them with his eyes for a moment till Nigel replied to his question. The shapeshifter lifted his brows a little bit in surprise, but also formed a small cheesy smile on his lips. It was hard to believe that their ever so strict father had some dirt he most likely had wished his sons never had found out. They had a half brother. Jamie raised his brows a little bit more, clearly surprised by news like that. The next sentence made Jamie chuckle a little bit and shake his head. "Seems like it," Jamie breathed out and blinked a little bit. A half brother, was that the person they were going to meet? "And he wanted to meet us?" Jamie asked pressing his brows a bit together, not by the fact that someone wanted to meet them, but more because of it all sounding so strange - but he took it. "Anything we need to know?" It was pure skepticism, not knowing who he was going to meet and wanting to at least have some sort of information.

Maya had jumped to give Archie a warm hug the second he stepped into the kitchen, as she just had placed the cinnamon rolls in the oven. She wanted them to be ready for later. Irina finding some easy and quick food that Archie could get. She wanted it to be Nigel who broke the news for Archie regarding Jack, Yesterday had been a surprise on its own.
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Antal indlæg : 67

Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyOns Okt 20, 2021 8:41 pm

Nigel nodded “Yeah well, he was kind of ambushed by Katelyn when she figured out that him and Maya shared a link and decided that he didn’t have a choice about meeting us or not” Nigel chuckled putting his hands in his jeans pockets looking towards the kitchen where Archie had disappeared with Irina and Maya. He still needed to know what was going to happen later today. “He is a cryobird, and you won’t be able to track him by any of the normal means” Nigel gave a lopsided grin “Of all the abilities he could inherited, he got the ones that dad has, the kid that dad apparently got him with that thunderbird that he was hunting back in 1989 or something like that” Nigel licked his lips and started walking towards the kitchen to fill in Archie. Only to find him happily eating away, a smile appeared on his lips as he looked up to both of them. “So, what is going down today?” he asked, Nigel sighing a little bit “now, if you hadn’t run of like that you would have been briefed” he smile crumbled and a stoic almost deadpan facial expression glided over Archie’s face as he kept looking at his older brothers “yeah yeah, you won’t die from telling again” Nigel looked towards Jamie “The hell is his deal, and who brought fifteen year old emo Archie back?” another annoyed sigh left Archie as he took a bite, lifting a brow waiting for Nigel to tell him what was going on. “Oh nothing, just that you’re going meeting your half-brother” Nigel finally explained once again. Archie stopped chewing “what?” he asked mouthful, before swallowing and licking his lips.
I’m going to meet
Our half-brother
I’m meeting my
….I’m mee-
Oh for the love of good, you’re meeting your half-brother that is three years older than you, he is a cryobird and is a son of our dad and a thunderbird” Archie just looked at Nigel and down at his food, up again and then shrugged “Okay, but if his coming to the wedding I better know before he goes home today” Archie added and started eating once again. “I swear this guy” Nigel sighed and walked over and started making coffee for all of them.
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Humør : I think I mostly want to see what happens when this whole place breaks apart.
Antal indlæg : 193

Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyOns Okt 20, 2021 9:42 pm

With their father's ability, great. That was just marvelous. Their father having an affair with a Thunderbird, out of all creatures - a thunderbird - Jamie sighed a bit, then following Nigel to the kitchen where Archie was eating while talking to Maya and Irina. Of course, Archie wanted to know what was going on, and Jamie looked to Nigel, expecting him to tell him right away, but instead he just mentioned that he could not have walked to the kitchen, which was of course also true. Everyone were to be aware once the angel's smile crumbled, Jamie looked to Nigel, "you just had to poke the bear," he mumbled a bit, not that Jamie had been any better. Far from. Jamie made a small grimace, he had warned Nigel that Archie was in a mood. Irina and Maya looked shortly towards each other, clearly speaking more with their eyes whether or not they should leave the brothers to figure this out amongst themselves. But they chose to stay. Jamie pressed his brows together at Archie and chuckled a bit, finding it sort of amusing when it wasn't taken out on him. "Jack is also a teacher at the academy, his classes are music, material arts and track - and thunderbird history," Maya told looking towards Archie and Jamie. "Scarlett was coming too right?" She turned her head towards Irina. "Yeah -" She moved her eyes towards Nigel making coffee, "ooh yes, coffee," her attention turned to her man in a blink of an eye.

"Are you planning on meeting him with that attitude or is it just on display for our pleasure?" Jamie then asked Archie moving his hand up in a circle like moment to illustrate his point. Maya rolled her eyes a little bit by her uncles, "you could also just both go with me to the living room and sit down?" Maya suggested them with a warmer smile, having set a timer for the oven. Jamie breathed out and nodded a bit, before then starting to walk towards the living room.
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Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyOns Okt 20, 2021 11:23 pm

Archie nodded listing to what Maya was telling about Jack, as he placed another piece of toast in his mouth. Well, the food was helping, and as he saw that Nigel was working on making more coffee, he could feel how the sides of his mouth was lifting. A smile that quickly died down as Jamie had to poke him once again, his eyes narrowed “Are you planning on meeting him with that face of ours or – oh wait, no, you can’t do anything about that ugly mug of yours” he then pointed towards Maya as she asked to sit in the living room “at least our lovely niece seems to have good ideas” as he got up to walk after his niece, he picked up speed so he could push Jamie down sitting in a stool. Nigel had to keep his cool by folding his lips a little, focusing purely on making coffee and not react on how Jamie was behaving. One that hadn’t known Archie for very long would be surprised, but having grown up with the guy, Nigel was become costume to how he could change from day to day. Especially if he hadn’t gotten a good night sleep. Some hunts had been pure hell just because Archie had been in a bad mood over everything. But he had always done it in a way, where you couldn’t help but pull a smirk.

I don’t know what you miss more, being able to drink more than one cup of coffee a day, or getting to enjoy a cold beer now and then” he chuckled after they had all left the kitchen and walked into the living room instead. He looked towards his beautiful girlfriend and pulled her into a sideways hug, placing a soft kiss against her temple “How are you feeling today?
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Humør : I think I mostly want to see what happens when this whole place breaks apart.
Antal indlæg : 193

Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyOns Okt 20, 2021 11:48 pm

Jamie narrowed his eyes filling his upper lips vibrate just a little bit, about to say something back when Maya had suggested they moved to the living room. He was just walking about to sit down when Archie caught up to speed with him, and if it hadn't been for the shapeshifter's fast reflexes he would have taken a fall to the ground, but to be fair the piotte he made while trying not to fall was worth it. After all, Jamie was quite flexible. "Very mature Arch, very mature," he mumbled a lttle to his younger brother, looking more like someone who could and would like to just stangle him in his sleep. Yes, to people who hadn't seen Jamie and Archie being up in each other's hair like this, it seemed like a war that would never end. But to be honest, Jamie lived for it as well - especially with the time he had lost, even emo Archie was taken in with a hidden smile. Maya just sat slowly down narrowing her eyes a little by the scenario - well the it was watching a free comic show. Jamie sat down in the chair next to Archie, narrowing his eyes a little at him for a moment. "This is better than tv," Maya chuckled a little to herself crossing on leg over the other. "Look, you are setting a bad example," Jamie mumbled to Archie shaking his head a little as if disappointed.

Irina took a deeper breath in, it sounded like chaos and she just waited for the moment where something would break. She turned her head towards Nigel and laughed a little before letting a sigh leave her lips. "Try all of the above  - add vodka to the list as well - I don't think I can pick" she replied as they walked into the living room, smiling so bright by the affection. "Clearly better than Archie," she chuckled a little, looking towards him and stole a quick tender kiss. "But I'm feeling fine - compared to so many other days, so I take it as a win," she whispered a little against his lips before joining the rest of them. "When was it again they would arrive?" Maya asked looking back at her father and Irina.
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Homeward Bound - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Homeward Bound   Homeward Bound - Page 2 EmptyTors Okt 21, 2021 12:14 am

Archie send Jamie a big smile as he called him a bad example “And what do you pray tell, setting for an example walking around not being able to get your act together to finally make an honest woman out of Sariel, or are you just keeping the options open with her, what was it, Kenna?” he asked lifting a brow still smiling as he ate the rest of his toast and thanked Nigel as he gave him a cup of coffee from the tray that he had in his hands. “Well, I think Scarlett and Jack was supposed to come in around two hours or so” he explained Maya as he sat down the tray with the rest of coffee, his eyes went towards Jamie. Yeah, what was going on with him and Sariel, how many month were they going to run around each other before the other before they either gave up or actually made a move. “Wait, Jamie hasn’t made a move on a pretty girl yet?” he quickly ran over towards Maya to place himself beside her, almost trying to make a parody on those girls living for the drama and tea. “Are you telling me, our Jamie, no our James, hasn’t moved in on a girl after so many weeks, even though it’s clear that she’s crazy with him?” he lifted his brow placing the back of his hand under his cheek sipping a little bit from his coffee.
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