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 Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca

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Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca   Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 EmptySøn Dec 24, 2017 1:24 am

Smiling, Luca nodded, and dove underwater with her, and, of course, swam right along with her. It'd been a while since he'd really been swimming, in open waters like these, but he thought he kept up pretty well for mostly having swum in lakes the past few years. But she was right, it was such a lovely feeling to be swimming out in the ocean again, and also a completely different feeling with the saltwater compared to the freshwater.

When they arrived, he was a little out of breath, too, probably a bit more than her, but he was grinning from ear to ear, as well. "I... Kinda haven't been swimming like this for a couple of years. Nice getting out again," he told her honestly, before taking his time to look around. Still smiling, as he observed the different kinds of fish, carefully swimming closer. After all, just being a siren, you could come so much closer to the fish than the humans could, before they swam away, if they did at all. Sure, they were predators, but it seemed like the fish knew they weren't on the top of their list of preferred foods.

Of course, he could clearly see that yes, his, and his Dad's colors, were from around here. So many fish with the same cobalt blue, bright yellow and deep orange colors, here... Of course, those were the ones he studied the most, just out of pure curiosity and fascination.
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Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca   Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 EmptyTirs Dec 26, 2017 4:47 pm

There was no doubt that she was more used to swimming like this. But then again, she could just make a portal and take a dive in the oceans, it wasn’t something just anyone could do. So yes, she did have an advantage. But she didn’t really say or do anything to show it. She wasn’t the one to go poke at others, at least not like that.

Softly laughing by his words, and his breathing she sent him a soft smile. ”Maybe I should bring you along some more then. It’s always nice to let go once in a while.” she said as she watched him looking around the reef. His tail really did blend in here, and that was when she realized he actually told her his dad was from here. Slowly swimming closer, lazy moves with her tail making her pace calm and relaxed, barely disturbing the water. ”You look like you never been to this part of the world?” her head tilting slightly to one side as she watched her own tail, that didn’t exactly blend in here.

//okay blev lidt kort
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Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca   Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 EmptyTirs Dec 26, 2017 10:25 pm

This was... Lovely. Being here, in the warmer waters, he almost felt at home, even if he'd never been here before. He guessed it was only natural, after all... Some of his colors had stuck out like a sore thumb, even in the mediterranian. But here, they fit in like he was just another of the fish native to the coral reef. That, and it was pretty as fucking hell! A broad smile spread upon his lips as his eyes followed some of the fish, almost child-like joy apparent in his face. He almost wished he had an underwater camera, right now...

"Mmhmm... It is," he answered her, but his voice sounding a little far away, as most of his attention was still focused on the reef and all of its inhabitants, so many fish you couldn't find anywhere else, including an octopus or special sort of crab here and there! Oh, and the sea anemones! He knew they couldn't get through poison through his scales, so, just for fun, he poked at one of them, chuckling when it scrunched itself all up, just like he'd seen in nature programmes before, but never been able to see it in real life, until now.

He finally turned his head to look at her when she asked her question. Smile fading just a little, he shook his head. "No... I never dared swim here. Didn't want to run into... Well, yeah." he sighed, and turned to watch some of the fish again. "But I like it here. Seems to be very peaceful." Not to mention beautiful. Really, the beauty of this place was just outstanding...
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Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca   Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 EmptyOns Dec 27, 2017 8:53 pm

It was nice watching him like that. She loved making other people happy, and he sure was. She had always putted others happiness over her own, but not in that bad forgetting herself way. Her clear blue eyes watching him swim around, checking it all out. Even poking a sea anemone, she laughed a bit as she watched him, rolling her eyes with a smile on her lips.

Moving some hair away that got in her face, she listened to him speaking. ”I get that.. I do. But it’s a shame really. I’m glad I chose to bring you here then. It’s my favorite spot. I like the temperature, and the colors.” she sent him a soft smile head tilting softly to one side. ”It is peaceful. I have been here so much, I know where to go to avoid other sirens, so don’t worry. Were far from where they normally stay.” she let herself sink to the bottom, and laid there looking up, stretching herself just a bit. Taking a deep breath of water as she closed her eyes. ”I got nothing else to do, so let me know when you’re done being all crazy over this place.” a soft chuckle to her voice, the teasing in her tone being pretty obvious.
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Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca   Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 EmptyFre Dec 29, 2017 1:26 am

"Mmhmm.. It's the first time I've really been somewhere I can really blend in," he told her with a smile, carefully swimming in between the corals, careful to not disturb the fish more than absolutely necessary to keep exploring the reef as well as he could. The heightened senses they had underwater were really coming in handy here, he could see so many of the pretty colors shimmering in the morning light that reached them down here, steadily growing brighter by the minute and really highlighting just how clear the waters were around these parts, and how deep beneath the surface they were, too.

"Good to know." Luca then told her with a smile. He really wasn't sure how he'd have reacted to possibly seeing his father after all these years, so it was just another plus to be sure that he was away from the usual spot the sirens hung out at around these parts. He watched her as she let herself sink to the bottom, chuckling and shaking his head when he heard her teasing. "You can't blame me for being fascinated by this. The only reefs I've seen before were the ones near Mexico. They aren't anywhere near as beautiful as these are."
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Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca   Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 EmptyFre Dec 29, 2017 8:40 pm

She just watched him, didn’t swim deeper into the reef, he was a grown up after all. And it was not like she was his caretaker or something like that. Nahh he could handle himself, which gave her time to relax and enjoy the warmth of the water, feel how it slowly made her tense muscles relax.

Laying there on the bottom of the sea, she heard him chuckling, and then she heard his words. But she didn’t really open her eyes, she just kept them closed as she enjoyed the calm that had found its way to her body. ”Not at all. I just think its.. Cute.” she then said as she chuckled one more time, before her lips fell into that same relaxing way as before. Taking in a few big gulps of water. ”I found this place some years ago. I was on a shooting in Australia. In the evening I needed to stretch, to use my muscles, feel free you know. So I swam and I swam. That’s when I found this place.” She explained still laying as still as before, only the tip of her tail swaying softly in the calm waters ”I was raised in Brazil, I was no more than 2 years old when I was brought there. I never fitted in with my tail being those unique colors, but I never really hated it. I always loved it.” she said still as calm as ever. Nahh she might not have fitted into where she had been, but she had always liked herself. She had never suffered from poor self-esteem, but she had also never been one to go around showing it off to everyone. Maybe that’s what made her so down to earth as she was now.
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Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca   Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 EmptyLør Dec 30, 2017 4:47 am

Eventually, Luca had explored most of the small reef, and swam back out of it, near to where she was resting on the bottom, for just a moment laying down next to her, thought on his stomach, resting his head on his arms, a soft smile tugging at his lips as he heard her tell her story, share that memory. He did understand her, perfectly well, once in a while you did just need to get away from everything else and go for a long, good swim - one of the only bad things at being stuck with the school, he couldn't just go off to swim in the ocean every now and then, like he had everywhere else he'd lived. He'd missed this, and he was really grateful she'd brought him along.

"You do seem like the type to never mind that kind of thing, yes..." he said with just a small grin. "I don't mind standing out like I do in Europe and the Americas either, though. It's just nice to finally see where all these colors of mine came from," he explained with a soft chuckle. "Especially without having to run into him."
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Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca   Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 EmptyLør Dec 30, 2017 2:59 pm

She did the small disturbance in the water, as he laid down close to her, but not really bordered by the though. She just continued telling her story, sharing her memory. She turned her head to look at him, as he started sharing some himself. Her blue eyes watching his expression, noticing the way he talked, trying to read who he was as a person. It was not because she was scared of him or anything, it was just something she did automatically. She loved to get to know people, and her experience told her, that it wasn’t enough to listen to the words people said. You had to look deeper, at the small signs.

Turning to the side, she steadied her head with a hand, leaning on the elbow as she kept her eyes on him. ”As I said, you’re welcome to join me. You seem like a nice person, and well to be honest I go for swims in the ocean almost every day. Just tell me what you want to see and maybe I can bring us there.” she said with a soft smile. Silence hit for a few minutes, only the sound of the other animals in the water was to be heard. ”I don’t like to pry, like at all. But..” She started of as she broke the silence. ”Your dad. He seems like a bad person?” she didn’t like to pry into others privacies, but she was curious. She also trusted that Luca could tell her, if he didn’t want to tell her about it. He didn’t seem like the shy and insecure type after all. If had, she would have never asked, risking to force him to talk about something he didn’t want to.
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Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca   Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 EmptySøn Dec 31, 2017 3:30 am

Luca noticed how he was being watched, but didn't pay it much heed. He was used to a lot of people looking after him, either because of his looks or his style, and he didn't mind most kinds of attention. And if the attention came from another siren, well, then that was just fine, too. Especially when it was one who seemed as chill as Angelica seemed, it was much easier to relax in her company than most people's, like... Just her seeming to be so accepting, meaning the guard he usually had up was lowered just a little.

He looked at her out the corner of his eye when she turned to her side, still looking at him, a soft smile forming on his lips when she came with her offer. "I'd love to. I can't go every day though. If things go as I plan, there's a new band I'll soon be a member of... So there's at least weekly training sessions and all that. But once a week would be nice." he said, a small, pleased smile on his lips as he looked up at the lighter water above them, which clearly indicated the sun had fully risen, now.

And then there were those blissful, silent minutes in which he closed his eyes, just relaxing, and... His thoughts drifted. To a certain woman... He gently shook his head to rid his thoughts of her, but he simply couldn't.. So often, his thoughts revolved around Chloe, even when he was this far away from her. His thoughts just kept coming back to her... Luckily, Angelica's voice ripped him out of those thoughts, and he turned to look at her. He listened to what she said, then sighed and shrugged. "Well... He kinda...." he sighed and turned around again, on his back, brows furrowing. "He left us right after my youngest sister was born. Only thing I really remember about him, is him teaching me how to hunt humans. He just left. Neither us, nor mum never got an explanation."
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Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca   Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 EmptyMan Jan 01, 2018 5:50 pm

A feminine and amused laugh left her soft lips. ”Don’t worry. I don’t plan to bring you with me every time. I don’t have time to go pick you up every day you know.” She said with a teasing to her voice. ”Due to my job, I’m sometimes away for longer times. But we can just exchange number when we get back to our phones. That was I you can tag along from time to time. It would also be the easiest way to contact you, if I got that job for you I talked about.” she said, her hand moving slowly over the soft sand that was the bottom of the sea.

She had rolled back on her back, closing her eyes, enjoying the silence, as he probably did too since he didn’t try to break it. But non-the less she was the first to break it, as she asked bout his father. She looked at him as she asked, sitting up watching his expression. Noticing how his brow furrowed, and the way his voice sounded told her it was a topic he wasn’t to fond off. Pushing her long her back, she decided to share some about her own childhood. ”my mom died when I was like 2, and I got adopted into this family, or well I wouldn’t call it family.” she said with a soft voice looking back over the reef ”I was nothing more than a price child. Something that could make them look better from outside.” she shook her head as memories hid her, but then a soft smile reached her lips. ”Nanny, she was the only one who actually cared, I wouldn’t have been who I am today if it wasn’t for her.” she said with a fondness and warmth in those clear blue eyes of hers.
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Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca   Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 EmptyMan Jan 01, 2018 6:02 pm

Luca just laughed and rolled his eyes at her comment, but then smiled and nodded. "It's fine. I know some jobs are like that. if things go as I plan, I'll be away for months at a time, after all. On tours all around the world, just singing to people..." he smiled, eyes closed, as he imagined it for the umpteenth time. The vision was so clear to his mind's eye, him on a stage with a band that fit his ideal music taste, thousands of fans at their concerts, screaming their names, singing along to his heartfelt lyrics... He could imagine nothing better.

"But yeah, let's exchange numbers when we come back. Just remind me when we're back, my memory's been a bit weird these past few days." Ever since that day in the dancing hall with Chloe... Muddled feelings, muddling his thoughts, and memories regarding anything else but her... He could barely remember what he ate yesterday, but he remembered each and every expression on Chloe's face with eiditic precision.

He turned his head to watch Angelica as she spoke, nodding softly. "So neither of us had it easy, huh? I... Well. I left my mum and sisters when I was 15. Too much responsibility for me, having to take care of my sisters and all that... And also, the humans seemed more interesting to me than to them. My mum forbade me from ever going near them for anything else than food, she didn't want me to go up on land. Sooo..." he chuckled, "Of course, that's exactly what I did."
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Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca   Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 EmptyMan Jan 01, 2018 11:36 pm

She noticed a slight change in his voice, as he talked about his memory being weird. She wondered if she should ask more about it, but for now she chose not to. She figured he probably had a good reason, besides she had only just met him. There was a line to how much she could ask him about. And she had already asked about his dad, it felt wrong to keep poking. So she just sent him a smile ”Sure. I will do that.” she said with a soft chuckle to her voice.

She shrugged as he said none of them had it easy. He was right, but she also knew she wasn’t the unluckiest person in the world. A lot of people had it much worse. ”I actually think I was more lucky than most. At least I had Nanny. Lot of people don’t.” she said turning a bit more against him, pulling her tail up so she could place her arms on it, let her head rest on them as she looked at him. ”Seems like you had a lot on your plate as a young fish. I must admit it’s pretty bald setting out on your own, at the age of 15. Not many would have the guts to do that.”
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Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca   Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 EmptyTirs Jan 02, 2018 12:16 am

Luca smiled and nodded, grateful that she didn't poke at that particular bit. He was really very open about most things, but feelings? No. he never, ever discussed his feelings with anyone else, he'd rather just shove them all aside and keep having fun and random senseless sex to the right and left, it'd fit perfectly with his preferred future life, after all! Roaming the lands with his band, fucking new people everywhere they went! Win-win situation, really! Feelings would just complicate that dream, so no, no thanks, just shove them all away. At least it seemed to be easier for him to do that than it was for most sirens, maybe because he'd been raised in the water and not on land, so he'd learned to hunt humans as well and not just settle with different animal meat.

"Well, true that." he smiled, nodding when she did mention she was just that bit luckier than most, having had someone to lean on, after all. His eyes trailed over her black and gold tail again, when she moved, before they traveled back to her pretty face. "Well... Maybe. But I was tired of everything, and wanted to try something new. So I did," he shrugged. "I've been travelling a lot in these decades, always just uprooting myself and starting over a new place... And I was early to catch on to the rock'n'roll style," he chuckled. "Been sporting it since the mid or late 40s, just before it became widely popular," he laughed.
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Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca   Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 EmptyTirs Jan 02, 2018 10:35 am

She could understand it, needing to get away. If it hadn’t been for her Nanny she would probably have had the same feeling. Or well she did have that feeling, it just didn’t stick as much to her as it probably did to him. Silently she watched him as he continued to tell about the beginning of his life. ”This is where Sirens look can really fool. You look younger than me, but somehow I get the feeling you’re actually a lot older.” she said with a soft laugh. ”I’ve only lived for 24 years, and I was 18 before I left my new home. But despite that, I feel like I have seen and tried more in those 6 years, than people who have lived 200 years have.” she explained, raising her head with a soft smile on her full lips, looking up towards the surface of the sea. ”Sometimes I think I’ve been blessed. It might not have started out that easy, but I feel like I have an amazing life. I have some good friends, I do what I have always dreamed about. Well the only thing I’m missing is.. well love. But I guess it will come when the time is right. Not like I’m in a hurry or anything.” She turned her eyes back at the other Siren ”I’m sure you will end up being one of those amazing Rockstar’s.” she bluntly and honestly told him.

Sitting like that for a while she just watched some fish swim buy. ”Well we better get back. I think its starting to get pretty late.” she suddenly said after watching a few clown fish swim by them. She made a movement with her hand and once more a portal opened in front of them, this time though it let them back to the lake they had met at. She waited for him to swim through, before she followed him, closing it behind them once more as they reached the cold water. It was not because she was freezing from it, but she could feel that temperature change against her scales.
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Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca   Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 EmptyTirs Jan 02, 2018 4:50 pm

Luca chuckled, and shrugged. Well, he had to agree with her, right? he knew his looks were easy to fool others with, after all. "Mmhmm. It truly can. I know I stopped aging rather early on... Not that I mind it, not at all. But yeah, I'm 85. Not long until it's 86, though." he grinned, before listening to her tell the rest of her small story, smiling and nodding.

"Yeah, well, good things come to good people, right? And sirens, I guess. So I'm sure it'll come your way when you least expect it." he said, shrugging a little. And then, something that very rarely happened, did happen. Her blunt statement, right there... It kinda made him blush. Just a little bit. He wasn't too used to people believing in him, in his dream, and it was probably clear from the small smile and grateful nod sent her way, not really knowing how to reply to that.

Which was why he was actually rather happy she decided they'd go back now, and he quickly swam through the portal, breathing a small sigh of relief when he was back in the cooler waters, and swam to the bank of the lake, slowly pulling himself up on it again, wringing out some of the water from his hair.
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Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca   Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 EmptyOns Jan 03, 2018 1:28 pm

She sent him a genuine smile ”Thank you Luca.” she just simply said. It was really nice of him to say that.

She smiled as she noticed how she managed to make him blush. That had definitely not been her intention. Not at all. But he did look rather cute smiling. But being the sweet girl she was, she didn’t mention it, in fact she didn’t do anything to react on it. She just opened the portal and swam after him through it.

On the other side she followed him to the shore, and without any real effort pulled herself up. She sat with her back slightly towards him, and wringed out some water from the long hair. ”Thank you for joining. It’s been quite some time since I had the pleasure of bringing anyone with me on one of my swimming trips.” she then said, as she started to dry her body with the towel that was placed next to her clothes. It didn’t take long before her body was dried, and that gorgeous black and gold tail turned into some long gorgeous legs. She putted on her panties before she got up, using a few second to make sure she was steady. It was always a bit weird when she had been swimming to get used to her legs. ¨

She turned around and tossed him her towel for him to use, not really noticed by the fact that she was standing there only in her underwear. She was a model, and she didn’t feel ashamed of her body. She was a beautiful woman, beautiful curves that most would kill for. ”give me your phone, I will add my number.” she said before putting on her bra, closing it on the back without any problems. She was used to this after all
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Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca   Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 EmptyOns Jan 03, 2018 10:07 pm

"No need to thank me, I'm just saying what I think. No need to sugarcoat anything. You do seem like a really nice person. very down-to-earth." Unlike himself.... He was always here and there, allover the place, never really been all that down-to-earth, no, he was a lot more impulsive than most people, never staying in one place for too long.

After they'd come back to the lake, and he was up there on the bank, watching her get up on the lake bank as well, he watched her quietly as he shook out his hair - the more air it got, the sooner it'd dry, after all. "You're welcome. I'd really missed such a long swim, so how on earth would I have been able to say no?" he chuckled, catching the towel when she threw it to him, and began drying himself off as she stood up. He nodded at what she said, and as soon as his hands were dry, he rummaged through his pants to find his phone, and hand it to her before he continued drying himself off, his tail splitting back into his long, slim legs before he stood back up, and began pulling his clothes back on. That done, he stretched a bit and began walking over to where she was, smiling when he got his phone back, and putting it in his back pocket. "I'll look forward to the next swim... It was really nice,"
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Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca   Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 EmptyTors Jan 04, 2018 2:20 pm

She laughed a little, that feminine genuine joyful laughter of hers filling the evening. ”Well I will make sure to bring you with me another time then.” she said sending him a soft smile.

She quickly added his number, and sent herself a text, the sound coming from the pile of clothes she had laying behind her ”There. Now I have your number also.” she said as she gave him back his phone before she grabbed her pants and pulled them on, and then her top and shirt. She stopped and looked over her shoulder ”Yeah me too. It was nice.” she sent him a smile, before she pulled on the jacket, and found her phone in the pocket. She quickly saved his number, before putting on her socks and shoes. ”I will text you.” she said before she started to walk away ”Take care of yourself Luca… Ciao” she then said with a teasingly smile on those full lips, walking towards Gaia.

//Angelica er ude
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Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca   Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca - Page 2 Empty

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Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca
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