| | Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca | |
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| Emne: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Tirs Dec 12, 2017 10:56 pm | |
| Sted: Søen Tid: Omkring Midnat tirsdag Vejr: Stjerneklart, men koldt og vindstille Omgivelser: Enkelte skovdyr, træerne og ellers stille Udseende: Sirene Form Hale - sort + guld, SKål, guld skæl med sorte 'detaljer', Intense krystal blå øjne Tag: @Luca den sexede sirene <3 En lang dag, det var det Angelica havde haft. Hun trængte til at koble fra, men der var lang til havet. Hun havde dog opdaget en sø i en skov nær det lokale akademi, nogle dage inden da hun havde været ude og gå tur. Det var også derfor hun nu gik i den selvsamme skov, målrettet imod den selvsamme sø. Hun glædede sig til at komme ud af sit tøj, og bare hoppe i søens kølige vand. Et smil bredte sig som hun fik øje på søen og hun kom til at små løb derhen. Hun fik hurtigt hevet sin jakke af, efterfulgt af kjolen, undertøj og sko. Hun tøvede ikke men tog et par hurtigt skridt, ja faktisk små løb hun og sprang på hovedet i. Hun havde knap brudt vandoverfladen før at hendes ben samlede sig til en smuk sort og guldfarvet hale. Finner viste sig på siderne og bagpå, og hendes smukke bløde hud blev fyldt med guldfarvede skæl med sorte detaljer de dækkede endda hendes bryst og lignede nærmest en bh lign ariels, hendes gælder kom også frem, og hun blev under vandet længe. Hun nød og bruge sin hale igen, et slag var nok til at få hende flere meter, hun elskede det. Det var også den eneste grund til hun ikke lavede shoots i vandet, så snart hun ramte det ville hendes hale jo komme frem, nej det duede ikke. Hun brød overfladen og kørte det mørkebrune hår bagud, de lyse krystal blå øjne vendt imod himlen. Lavt begyndte hun og nynne, lod roen omfavne hende, og hun mærkede dagens stress forsvinde ud af hende. //https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5anLPw0Efmo Hva hun nynner
Sidst rettet af Angelica Ons Dec 13, 2017 12:23 am, rettet 1 gang |
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Tirs Dec 12, 2017 11:42 pm | |
| Mmhmm. Det skulel virkelig gøre godt med den - minimum - daglige dukkert efter den her dag. Han havde da heldigvis kun fag han virkelig elskede på skolen, så der var næsten aldrig nogen dage han syntes var dårlige dage, men lige præcis musik og danse timerne idag havdeværet rigtig dejlige, men dog udmattende. Mest dansen selvfølgelig, for han blev skam aldrig træt af at synge. Nej, aldrig, han elskede det alt for meget - der var jo en grund til at han også nogen gange bare sådan helt spontant brød ud i sang. heldigvis havde de færreste noget imod det, så han fik som regel bare lov til at synge løs. Men den daglige dukkert var han nu stadig meget glad for, og trissede derfor stille og roligt ned af den velkendte sti i skoven, hen mod søen... hvor han også havde mødt både Chloe og Lector. Den var trods alt et rimelig populært sted, og derfor undrede det ham heller ikke rigtigt at se nogen være ude at bade... men lige præcis dén kvinde havde han ikke set før, og måden hun svømmede på... Han kunne ikke se halen lige nu med måden lyset faldt på, men bevægelserne var så blide at det ikke kunne være normal svømning. Intet væsen med ben svømmede så yndefuldt, det var kun sirener der gjorde det - det vidste han trods alt en hel del om. Og hendes nynnen understregede det blot. Han smilede og gik stille og roligt hen mod badebroen der var, lænede sig op af en af stolperne som han bare begyndte at nynne med på hendes melodi. Altså, når hun nu var godt igang med at synge - nynne - så ville han da helst ikke afbryde hende. Og når det var en sang han kendte, så hvorfor ikke nynne med? Det virkede da rimelig logisk for ham. // Outfit |
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Ons Dec 13, 2017 12:22 am | |
| She had been to occupied with the stars, the feeling of the water against her body, her tail, and her humming. It was her song, her favorite, it was full of feelings, feelings she had seen one of her friends experience. It had been a hard breakup, and it inspired her to that song.
She noticed a different humming, and without stopping she turned her gaze to the small bridge where a tall guy was standing. Slowly she moved closer, letting her eyes wander over him. He was not human, and those eyes, that look, he had to be a siren. Something about his voice told her too. She stopped in the water as there was only 1 meter to the bridge, and changed the humming. She started to sing, but she didnt use her siren song, not wanting to try and seduce him, just feeling inspired. "When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears. When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears. And I held your hand through all of these years. But you still have all of me." A smile formed on those full lips as she finished the song and looked up at him. "So is this something you always do, spy on a girl taking a swim?" A small chuckle left her as the smile reached those crystal clear eyes "Something tells me that's not why you came here. So why don't you come join me for a swin?" she was not stupid, no she was a rather smart woman, even though she wasn't that old. |
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Ons Dec 13, 2017 2:47 am | |
| Luca watched her, smile getting broader as she swam closer, and stopped not too far from him as she sang. Of course, she had a very good singing voice, but then again, all sirens had. At least, he hadn't yet heard one he thought didn't sound good. He chuckled at first, and shook his head to her first question. "Not usually, no." he told her in that deep, slightly raspy voice of his, already busy throwing his gloves and leather jacket on the ground when she asked if he'd join her for the swim.
"Why, of course, that's what I came here for, after all. Just a swim, though, I hadn't expected the bonus of you," he told her with a smirk and a wink her way. It didn't take him long to discard the rest of his clothes, not the least bit embarrassed about being naked in front of another, like... Why should he be? he was gorgeous, and he knew it. So now, he just simply stepped out onto the small wooden pier, and jumped in, arms and head first in a slightly deep dive.
He relished in the feeling of his legs growing back together into his tail, the scales spreading on his body - mostly his back, sides, and back of his arms - and his gills growing back into place, too. He was smiling as he resurfaced, though only enough for his head to be above water, gills still underwater, his big, blue tail with those clear orange and yellow markings lazily moving underwater, just enough to keep him afloat. "You haven't been here for long, have you? I'm sure I'd have noticed you before, if you had." his eyes, like hers, changed hue just the slightest bit too, like this... Going from that already incredibly clear blue, to an icy blue. |
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Ons Dec 13, 2017 11:40 am | |
| Noticing him slowly taking of his clothes she smiled, before taking yet another dive. She didn't really look as he got naked, not that it was a problem for her, and definetly not because he wasn't hot. Nahh she just werent the type of person to stare at other people getting undressed. The feeling of him breaking through the water surface, made her return to the surface watching him as his head emerged from the water.
Relaxing, only moving her tail just enough to keep her afloat. A small chuckle leaving her "you're right. I just moved here a couple of weeks ago, still trying to get to know this place. But so far already loving it" she answerd him with a softness to her voice. Slowly she began swimming around him in circles, those lazy movements with her tail, just enough to move her slowly. "quite the colorful tail you got there. I'm guessing your not from around here. If I combind those bright colors, with that accent of yours. Hmm I would say Italy" it was just a guess, but his accent did make it way easier. |
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Ons Dec 13, 2017 1:04 pm | |
| Of course, he'd noticed she hadn't been looking as he stripped down. He really wouldn't have minded if she had, but he did have respect for not wanting to look at it, too... Some people only wanted to see another naked if they were going to have sex with them, after all. Maybe that was it. And even if it wasn't, that was pretty okay, too. So he'd just dived in, happy to once more feel the water flowing over his blue scales and his tail, smiling as he brushed a hand through his hair.
He smiled, chuckled a little at her words, nodding. "Yeah, it's a pretty decent school alright. Best thing is not having to hide, though. And that they had exactly the types of classes I wanted to attend, too, of course." he casually said, leaning back in the water to just sorta float at the surface, tail lazily moving to keep him afloat as she began swimming her slow circles around him. "Well... You're halfway right, there." he told her with a crooked smirk. "I'm Italian, yes. But my tail's colors aren't from the Mediterranian. My dad was from the Great Barrier Reef." he explained with a small grin. |
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Ons Dec 13, 2017 4:08 pm | |
| She looked in the direction of the school, and nodded just a bit ”Well I heard good things, but to be honest I’m not a student. I just found this lake, and well got tired of having to use my portals to go to a decent swimming area” She just casually told him, as if they had known each other for a long time. Angelica was good at meeting new people, she was very down to earth, and she treated everyone the same way. Unless they gave her reason not to.
She had stopped swimming around a big rock. Lazily she leaned against it, her tail relaxing against it. It was practical, she could lean on it, be under water, and she didn’t have to move her tail to stay afloat. ”Ahh yeah.. I actually never met any sirens from there before, although I have been there. My job kind of gets me around.” she said looking back up at the stars that could be seen though the tree tops.
//Fuu den blev kort <3 |
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Ons Dec 13, 2017 5:37 pm | |
| "Oh. You can make portals? That must be quite handy." Luca commented, smiling as he slowly swam over next to her again, eyes gliding over her tail now he could se eit up close. Those golden colors were quite intriguing, to say the least. After a while, his icy blue eyes travelled back up to her face, and his smile widened. "Well, this is a rather nice lake. Perfect for us students, too." he said, stretching just a little.
"Hmm? What kind of job do you have, then, since you get around so much? Myself I've mainly been here in Europe... And back in the 50's and 60's I was in America. Rock 'n roll, man, those were the times," he laughed, and ran a hand through his soaked hair. "By the way, what's your name? A woman as beautiful as you must have a name befitting that beauty," he said with a smirk, winking at her. He just couldn't help it... He flirted with basically everyone.
//meh, min blev heller ikke til så meget! xD |
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Tors Dec 14, 2017 12:44 am | |
| A feminine and rather charming chuckle left her. ”Indeed it is, especially if you suddenly feel like something Chinese.” she said with a soft smile on her lips. Yeah she could portal anywhere, It just took a lot more energy if she traveled far, and then there was the whole ‘have to have been there before’. As he placed himself next to her, she noticed how he looked down her, basically checking out her tail. Well it didn’t bother her, at all. She was used to men looking, and it was not like he did it in a creepy way. It was just as she had checked out his tail before. She was sure it was a Siren thing. Softly nodding ”Indeed. I like the fact it’s in the forest. It gives a more calm atmosphere.”
Listing to him, she became aware that he was older than he looked. Not that anything was wrong with that, at all. But being immortal as they were, you could never really be sure of the age just by the look. Pulling her hair to one shoulder she took a deep relaxed breath. ”I’m a model. I work for Victoria’s Secret mainly. But I also do other shoots for magazines, commercials, well basically anything I find interesting.” she said with that soft smile on her lips. Being used to it, she could see clearly that he flirted with her. But she didn’t really mind, it happened on daily basis. She just took it as a compliment. ”Angelica. Angelica Oliveira.” She said that friendly smile on her face once more. Her head tilting to just a bit to the side ”Now. Do you have a name, or should I call you ‘that Italian Siren with a gorgeous tail?’” a teasing glow in her eyes, a smirk on those full lips that was painted in a deep Boudreaux color.
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Tors Dec 14, 2017 11:35 pm | |
| Luca couldn't help but chuckle a little at that joke - well, she seemed rather nice. Only just having met someone, and already joking like that? He liked that. His eyes had lingered a bit on her tail, but had returned to her face when she spoke, of course. If he could've read her thoughts, he'd have agreed... That it had to be a siren thing. After all, one of his first thoughts about Ben had been how his tail might look,but then... Yeah. Other things happened to take his mind off of that.
"Ah. Well, yeah, I guess that's an optimal career choices with those looks, eh?" he chuckled. "Seems like most of us sirens like getting attention one way or another, doesn't it?" he said with a small smile, looking up at the sky for a bit. "I mean, I'm trying to find a band to suit my music tastes. And then I'll try going that route." he told her, turning to look at her again after brushing a hand through his hair. Smiling, he nodded, as she said her name. Well, that fit rather well, didn't it? So of course he told her so.
"Fits you very well, I must say." he smiled, and then laughed at her teasing. "Well, not saying that you're wrong - because you aren't," he told her with a wink and one of those damn charming smiles of his, "Buut I think I'd prefer you to just call me my name. Which's Luca. And if you want the full edition, that's Luca Angelo Serra." |
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Fre Dec 15, 2017 1:28 pm | |
| Looking at him with a soft smile ”It would seem so, but to be honest. I always liked the whole fashion world. When I was young I loved to look in magazines. I wanted to be the front page of that.” a small chuckle leaving those painted lips . ”Down side is there are way to many arrogant people in the world. They think themselves better than anyone else, and treat others like the dirt under a shoe. They give the rest of us a bad reputation.” she added, the annoyance showing on her face, but only for a second before it was gone again. ”A band you say? Well judging on your voice, when you talk, I think you could get a decent amount of screaming fan girls. Seems like it would be something you would enjoy.” she said with a teasing look in those blue eyes of hers. It was not that she found it bad, but he had that vibe, of loving to be in center. ”Im actually working on something at the moment. If all goes as plans, I might need a few good singers. If you’re interested. But I have a few rules. First I need to hear you sing, ohh and no fancy siren tricks.” she added with a smile on her lips. Being a Siren she knew exactly what they were capable of. She just didn’t fancy using it just for fun.
When he complimented her on her name a smile formed on her lips. And there is was. That confident she had already seen, but then again. With a tail in those colors, looking the way he did, his whole style. Well he didn’t come off as someone who had a problem with people looking at him, in fact he seemed like he enjoyed being the center of attention. ”Luca it is then. Nice to meet you.” she said, a friendly and happy sound to her voice.
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Fre Dec 15, 2017 3:01 pm | |
| Luca's smile stayed right where it was, as she nodded at what she told him. "I'm with you in the whole 'loving the fashion world' thing." he chuckled, and turned so it was now his side and not his back leaning against the rock. "Though a different type of fashion than you, I take it. I guess I mostly stick to the classic glam rock styles. But yeah, there's really some assholes in there. There is in the music industry, too, though. Guess you just can't avoid them no matter what." he said, casually shrugging. "Of course I would. I tried it on a small scale back in the states, and fuck, if that wasn't amazing, I don't know what is," he laughed, winking at her. "Like, really. People enjoying you living out your passion? It's the best feeling ever." he then said with a soft smile, before tilting his head just slightly to the side as he heard her offer, and he smiled. "Well, nice to meet you too, Angelica. And yes, yes, of course, no tricks... I don't want you to go all goo goo-eyed on me," he laughed, knowing his his voice could affect people so much more than any normal siren's. He was quiet for a moment or two as he mulled over which song to sing, then nodded to himself when he'd chosen, of course one of those he'd written himself and now just needed a band for... "Nothing left, now I'm feeling numb And just like you, I couldn't love someone There is no one, I can belong to Take you out, never bring you back again, back again, back again Can't recall how we lost our innocence, innocence
Nothing in the cage of my ribcage Got no heart to break, like it that way Nothing in the cage of my ribcage Emptiness is safe, keep it that way..."// Dejlige, dejlige Ribcage <3 |
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Søn Dec 17, 2017 2:46 pm | |
| A soft chuckle left the Siren as he spoke about fashion. ”Well now is fashion a lot of things. One is not more correct than others… and..” she turned her gaze to him and sent him a soft smile ”I like your style. It seems to be fitting to who you are. Or well as much as I have seen so far.” He was easy to talk to. It was actually nice; she couldn’t remember when she last met another Siren. No this was nice. Swimming, relaxing, casually chatting.
”I totally agree. But I think my passion is leaning more on the model side, than on the singing part. But that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy singing for an audience from time to time.” Leaning her head back against the rock she took a deep breath, underwater that is. Her eyes opening and a twisted smile showing us her lips when he talked about her going goo-eyed on him. Well he had confident, no doubt about it. But she didn’t comment on it, just rolled her eyes with a more relaxed smile on her lips, before leaning back and closing her eyes, listening to his voice as he chose to sing one of his own songs?
As he had finished singing the song she once more opened her eyes. An expression on her face showing she was impressed. ”Well that was not bad, not bad at all. I like your voice. That deep raspy tone it got. I wouldn’t mind offering you a job, If my plans come through.” She said as she pushed herself away from, swimming a bit away before turning around and looking at him. Slow strokes with her tail as she kept herself aloof. ”I hope to open some kind of café/Dining thing. I want there to be live music. Music will be all from classic to soft rock. So are you interested?” she asked bluntly.
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Søn Dec 17, 2017 6:41 pm | |
| "Why, thank you." Luca said with a soft smile, before he, out of laziness (not wanting to move his tail all the time) jumped up to sit on the rock instead, the lower half of his tail still submerged in water, but the biggest of the fins being above water, now. "I can see why they'd want a model like you, too, though." he told her with one of his big, friendly, charming smiles. She really was rather likable.
He looked at her again, still smiling, when he'd finished singing, tip of his tail moving just a little in the water. "Why, thank you. It seems a lot of people do like it. Good thing when I really love singing, huh?" he chuckled, and wrung out just a little bit of water from his soaked hair. "That's my solo stuff, though. It's very different from what I do in a band, usually I growl a lot there, too. Maybe that's what gave me the 'raspyness' in the end, Idunno." he said,shrugging, before listening to her tell him about that café, his smile widening at the end. "Really? That sounds awesome. Sure, I'd love to get out and do more gigs, no matter how small. At least it'll get people talking." |
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Søn Dec 17, 2017 9:31 pm | |
| A soft chuckle as he returned her compliment, but in a different way. ”Thank you. I appreciate those words.” she said with that soft voice of hers. It was pretty clear she didn’t really get arrogant or weird from those types of compliments. She was pretty used to them, but that didn’t stop some people from thinking they were better than anyone else. She was nothing like that.
Lazily swimming around she listened to his voice, even when he was speaking it had that raspy and deep tone to it. She could imagine him slaying a lot of girls, guys well whatever his type was a lot of those. He was good looking also after all. ”Maybe. But to be clear it’s your solo stuff I like to hire you for. I don’t think growling are going to fit the theme I have planned. She said with a smirk on her lips. Diving under water she took a few hard moves with her tail, using her full potential before returning back to the surface. Pushing her long hair back as she broke the surface, her makeup still being perfectly in place. Being a siren, you learned to used waterproof makeup. ”Now tell me. A young man as yourself, or well in looks. I’m sure you have lots of girls, or boys, running after you?” she said as her curiosity got the better of her.
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Man Dec 18, 2017 12:13 pm | |
| Luca smiled and nodded, leaning back against the rock, resting on his elbows as the tip of his tail still played in the water. "Fair enough. I can do that. Though a few of the softer songs from the band would probably fit, too." he said, glancing up at the sky once more, loving how clear the night sky was here, all the start twinkling down at them, the half moon casting light on everything. He just sat there, now, smiling with his eyes closed, enjoying the cool breeze across his skin and scales, still loving how the scales always protected from the cold. He'd seen the look on a lot of the others faces when he just mentioned bathing in the lake at this time of the year, and well, he could never help but chuckle a bit at them. Because... Well... The lake really wasn't that cold? At least it wasn't to any siren.
He opened his eyes again when he heard her breaking the surface again, looking down at her with a soft smile, just silently watching as she pushed her hair back in place, then grinning when he saw that her makeup, too, stayed right in place. "I see I'm not the only one who figured out which brands of waterproof makeup actually ARE waterproof," he chuckled. It'd taken quite a few brands to go through before he found one that really worked, after all.
And then, there it was, the question he got asked a heck of a lot. He chuckled, a crooked smirk slipping into place. "Well... I can say as much as the fact that I can't remember when I last went more than two days without sex. But it's very rare I go back and fuck someone more than once. Maybe twice, at most." yea... Since his fuckbuddy those 30 years ago, he hadn't fucked anyone more than once or twice... |
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Man Dec 18, 2017 5:12 pm | |
| ”If everything goes as planned, you and you’re band can just play some songs for me. Maybe we can figure something out.” she said before taking that dive she had been longing for.
His deep voice reached her as she once more was over the surface. ”Being what we are, its kind of needed” she said with a smile on her lips she looked at the other Siren. Slowly she swam closer, as he started to answer her other question. Placing her arms on his tail, the place where his knees would normally be, she used him to keep her aloof. Both of under underarms resting on that colorful tail of his, her head placed on her arms, head tilted to one side. ”That’s what I thought. Not that’s there’s anything wrong with it. I can see why some people prefer that.” Her head rose and she looked up at him with a soft smile on her lips ”To be honest its not my style. I don’t mind a little fun, but I’m pretty picky. And I rather want to just take care of it myself, than with some random.” She sent him a soft smile that was crooked just slightly to one side. ”Nahh.. to be honest I rather want love. But it’s not as easy to find as sex.” she laughed a little over her own words. She had been in love, but nothing big, and nothing that lasted very long. But she dreamt that one day, one day she would find him. The guy who would be right for her.
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Man Dec 18, 2017 11:38 pm | |
| "Sounds good," Luca simply said, smiling as he watched her take that dive, chuckling at her comment when she resurfaced. "Indeed. Took me about a month of trying different brands to find this one," he said, gesturing to the smoky eyes, smiling as she swam over to lean on his tail, which he, of course, didn't mind at all.
"Mmhmm. No strings attached for me, thank you very much. I try to avoid all that love... Thing. Not really anything for me. Can't imagine ever being tied down to just one person... Nope. I need my freedom." he chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "It's so much more fun to go out and meet people. I don't pick at random, either. I just go with whoever I find attractive. You see, unlike other sirens... I can kinda forgo the whole sexuality thing. Even people who wouldn't normally be attracted to guys." he told her with a smirk. "My singing's a lot more powerful than that of any other siren I've met so far." Yeah, he didn't really know how many straight guys he'd turned gay just for him, or pretty lesbians he'd turned straight just for him.... Heheh. It was rather fun to do that shit. |
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Tirs Dec 19, 2017 5:59 pm | |
| Well no strings attached was not bad, not bad at all actually. She was just really picky compared to other people. ”Handy skill. I’ll admit that, but I normally don’t use my singing actually. I know it sounds weird, but I’m not really interested in someone who isn’t interested in me.” she said as she shrugged just a little. It was not that she looked down on sirens who used it, it was part of them, she just didn’t feel like it. Of course it didn’t mean she didn’t sing. ”Well.. Maybe one day you will find someone. And at that time you don’t want anyone else.” She said with a soft smile on her lips ”Unless your just meant to swim solo for all of your immortal life.” a soft chuckle left her as she said it and she took a deep breath, still leaning against his tail.
”Personally I just take things 1 day at a time. If I meet someone fine, if I don’t then that’s also fine.” Angelica was a really relaxed and laid back siren. Where most got a crazy sex drive, hers was more driven by who she met. Sure, if she found someone that made her lust spark, then sure her drive could go crazy. But if not, well it was kind off hibernating.
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Ons Dec 20, 2017 2:22 pm | |
| "Hey, I get it," he shrugged. "I just... Well, i get a bit selfish sometimes, let's leave it at that." he chuckled. Yeah, he did get very selfish sometimes and made sure he'd get the person no matter what... Mainly if someone turned him on like bloody hell and didn't want to have a go at it. It was quite practical for that.
"Maybe, maybe not. Hoping for 'not'." he then said, stretching out a little and running a hand through his hair with a small smile. "I do enjoy my freedom. Being tied down with someone would... Not really work all that well with that." yeah, well, pure logic to him. Don't fall in love, don't get tied down, keep your freedom. Just like that. But still, there was a nagging thought, feeling, in the back of his mind... Just like there'd been with the last couple people he'd fucked, making his thoughts wander to that last time with Chloe... But then he shook his head to get rid of that thought again. Nope, not going there. Never, ever going there. "I guess that's a good attitude to have, too. Makes sure you don't get disappointed?" |
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Tors Dec 21, 2017 11:36 am | |
| She shrug thinking about his words. ”Well you don’t seem like the type of person who would do anything against peoples will.” she casually said. ”Sure, you have your voice and you can do crazy shit with it. But that doesn’t mean you do it on anyone. You haven’t tried it on me, and let’s be honest. If it does what you say it does, more than normal sirens, It should affect me too.” Nahh he didn’t seem like a bad person, she figured it must had his reason for when he used her skill. Something that she shouldn’t really bug her nose into, it was none of her business after all.
A small chuckle left her. ”Well, if that’s how you feel, I’m hoping for you that it will stay that way. No one should be forced to live a life they didn’t like. Although I’m pretty sure that if you do fall for someone, well.” She pushed herself away from him as she laid back in the water, casually floating ”Nahh you know what. No reason to talk about that. I’m sure if it happens to you, well you will know.” she said with a soft smile on her lips. Yeah she had been in love before, and at that point no one else seemed interesting. Well he would figure that out if it happened. She knew vampires who had lived decades without ever falling in love, who knew. Maybe he would get his wish granted.
Casually moving the tip of her tail, she looked up in the starry sky. The gold details on her tail was glittering in the moonlight, and her eyes slowly closed. ”I have way to much energy. Want to go for a swim? You know, more than just casually laying around? I need to get some speed going.” Yeah, she lived for the speed, loving how it felt against her skin and scales, how all her muscles in her tail was used. Nothing better.
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Tors Dec 21, 2017 11:40 pm | |
| "I try to avoid doing that, yes. I... In the start, I didn't. Got me into more trouble than it was worth," he chuckled, stretching a little. "Now I mostly use it if I can seethe other one's interested but just doesn't want to admit it." he told her with a rather casual shrug, since, well... He was just helping them come to terms with what they really wanted, right? at least he thought so.
"Well... Maybe I will." was all he chose to say to that whole falling in love thing. He'd been close before, but he'd cut off all ties as soon as he'd noticed, and moved to another country. Yes, he'd been that desperate to keep his freedom. he didn't know how the fuck relationships worked, so.... It'd been easier to just flee like that, than try to figure out a compromise where he wouldn't lose that freedom and could still be with someone.Not many people wanted an open relationship, after all.
But then the subject changed, and a huge, almost childish grin spread on his lips. "Sure! Been a while since I really did any speed swimming... I've kinda missed it," he laughed, as he let himself slip right back into the water, smiling as he once more felt water rush through his gills, always loving that first 'mouthful' of water running through them whenever he entered or re-entered water. |
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Fre Dec 22, 2017 5:40 pm | |
| She couldn’t help but smile. She was a pretty good judge at how people were, and apparently she had been right with Luca. ”I just simple seduction for that, really not that hard when it comes to men actually.” she said with a soft chuckle. Nahh she didn’t fool around that much, but if she found someone she liked, well she didn’t mind fighting for it. But she was probably just a LOT more subtle than most other sirens, well than others in general.
She couldn’t stop the smile as he just answered on the whole relationship thing with such a small remark. Maybe he did know how it was, but wouldn’t admit it? She could poke at it, but it wasn’t really her style, or yes, if she knew him better. But she didn’t. Nope it was better not to butt into this one. That’s also why she just asked him if he wanted to go for a swim, she needed it, maybe he did too? A pleased and playful smile reached those full lips as he got back into the water. ”I do it as often as I can, its nice to get those muscles used. I sleep better that way.” she said with an honesty to her voice that couldn’t go unnoticed.
She swam a bit away from the rocks, so there was room to move around. ”I hope your ready.” she then said with a grin now showing on her lips. Raising her hand from the water she made a swipe to the left, making purple and pink portal showing. It was placed so it was both under water and over water, but on the other side you could see the wide open sea. She turned those blue eyes at him, smiling ”There is not enough space her for swimming really fast. Don’t worry. I will get you back here in one piece, after all. My clothes is here too.” she said smirking before swimming through the portal and disappearing while doing so. She waited on the other side for him before she closed the portal behind him, it would drain her too much to leave it open like that. ”welcome to the Pacific Ocean, about 50km from the shore of Australia.” She said as she winked at him.
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Lør Dec 23, 2017 1:10 am | |
| "Sometimes normal seduction isn't enough... But well, we each have our own methods. And sometimes I get a bit too impatient to take it the slow way," he chuckled, just saying things as they were. If he was horny, he got very impatient, and in situations like that, his singing was a life saver - got things done rather quickly.
Yeah, he didn't want to let his thoughts linger on Chloe all too much... That'd just wind up stirring up feelings he knew he had to ignore, lest he fall for her completely, and he knew that would just wind up in heartbreak and sorrow. he wasn't cut out for relationships. So no, he'd just ignore everything even remotely resembling that kind of feelings. So instead he just smiled and nodded. It'd been a while since he'd actually had enough room to swim around properly, everything contained to this small lake... He raised an eyebrow as he watched the portal come into view, but then just smiled. Not first time he'd gone through portals, after all... Not with as many as Lector'd pushed him through before.
So he barely even hesitated before swimming after her, immediately feeling the change in water temperature, and looking around, curiously. His eyes widened a bit when she told him where they were. Wow... It was one of the few places he hadn't wanted to swim to before, mainly because of the stupid thought that he might run into his father, and he really, really didn't want to see him after he'd just abandoned them when Luca was still a small child. But now he was here, he knew he had to explore a bit more, and so, he turned to her with just a small smile. "... Do you know which way the reefs are from here? I... Kinda really want to see them." and that was true, he did... As much as he hated his father, he'd always wanted to see the are here, especially after knowing the colors he'd inherited after his Dad, had been because he was from this area... |
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca Lør Dec 23, 2017 9:33 pm | |
| Well it didn’t take him long to follow her, but what Siren would pass on the chance to go swim in the ocean. Non she had met, but okay this was the first time she opened the portal for anyone else actually. After the portal was closed she took in a deep breath, looking at him with a smile on her face. He looked pleased in some way. A soft chuckle left her as he asked for the reef. ”Of course I do. This is one of my favorite spots to swim.” she said as she sent him a smile, that told him to follow her. Quickly she was underwater and moved extremely fast with just a few strokes with her tail. She glanced at her side, making sure he was still with her before she increased the pace, closing her eyes shortly as the feeling ran though her. This was amazing, this was perfect, this was what she enjoyed most of all, swimming freely at a high speed. She didn’t stop before they hit the reef, and she looked at him, just a tad short breathed. ”Not bad. Not many can keep up with me, but then again. I didn’t exactly use my full speed.” she said with a soft chuckle still underwater. It had been a long time since she swam with another Siren, and she enjoyed it to the fullest. // Stemningsbillede af reef Billede 1 |
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| Emne: Sv: Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca | |
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| | | | Yes that is my tail! And yes, it is gorgeous - Luca | |
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