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 What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam

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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyMan Nov 27, 2017 12:49 pm

Time: Eight in the morning
Place: A field in North Ireland
Surroundings: Grass, trees as far as the eye can see
Year: 1803
Outfit: Naked

*fuck where am i…who…what is going on!?* Barry woke up with a startled gasp, and looked around him, he had no idea where he was or what was going on, he looked aound him to see if there was anyone around, he tried to open his mouth,to call for help, but no sound came out. Fear and terror filed his body *WHATS GOING ON!!...who am i…*, han looked down his naked body and gasped when he saw the flames surrounding his hands, the blood and mud didn’t matter…the things that did matter was 1:his hands were on fire…2: he had wings…big ass wings…*am I a demon…or maybe im and angel…but then why am I on fire then!*

He landed on his ass and he felt his wings warp around his body to protect him from the cold, he ran his shaking hands thru his hair. *Why cant I remember who I am…why did this happen to me…?* he felt tears run down his muddy cheeks, he was starting to feel tied and drained his whole body  was screaming from exhaustion, the flames were dying down, but the shaking and and hunger was getting worse by the second.

He felt his body slowly give out and his eyes were closing, *must stay awak….* he saw a shadow in front of his eyes “i…w-w-w-who…ww-w-w-what…aa-a-am i…” he stammed out before his eyes closed and his body gave out

//håber det okay hvis vi skriver på engelsk <3

Sidst rettet af Barry Fre Jan 26, 2018 5:17 pm, rettet 1 gang
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyTirs Nov 28, 2017 1:50 pm

Liam was out on his long, daily stroll this morning. He liked the start his morning with that long walk, and he took his walks alone, ignoring everything his servants and everybody else said about it being dangerous to walk alone outside when you were as rich as he was. To be fair, it was dangerous for everybody else. Liam was a demon of about 850 years by now, he did know how to look out for himself, and how to manipulate everyone around him to do exactly as he wanted them to. But this... Would prove to be an unusual morning.

He raised an eyebrow when he heard someone close by, someone crying... Curiously, he moved toward the sound - but stopped a couple of meters from the person. An angel... What in the world was an angel doing out here? And naked? Was he... Maybe an entirely new angel? Hmm... And then he heard the guy stammer. Yep, that was a new angel alright, when he didn't even know what he was. Liam sighed to himself as he guy passed out. Well then... How to go about this... He thought it over for a bit while looking down at the naked angel... At least they weren't far from his house, and it would always be fun to see whatever fun he could get out of this brand new angel.

So, he took his whistle from his inside pocket, and blew it, long and hard. Some minutes later, two of his servants appeared, his most trusted ones. They knew better than to ask questions. Having eaten part of their souls probably had something to do with them not minding getting rid of corpses and everything for him, but hey, it was practical. They put a blanket around the angel, and began carrying him back as Liam walked back to the small mansion. Barry was carried up into the bedroom, where, just to be on the safe side and because he liked to toy with people, he was left naked, but tied to the big, soft, luxurious bed. Then Liam took off his coat and hat, and sat down on a chair in the corner of the room, waiting for him to wake.

// Outfit her
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyOns Nov 29, 2017 2:22 pm

Barry could feel his breathing even out and his body relax as he felt softness under his naked sore body *mmmm feels nice...i haven't felt this relaxed since...i don't remember...i don't...who am i....i remember pain...falling from a rope...people laughing...a woman crying and i young man holding her...she seems like i should know her...but i dont know why...light...i remember light so much of it...i had...wings...but...i dont...whats me *. Barry's eyes fluttered open he tried to look around but the light hurt his eyes so he closed them again. "h-h-hurts...e-e-everything h-h-hurts" he groaned out, and shifted on the bed and whimpered in pain as the pain in his back flared up.

He tried to move but he couldn't, he tried again and felt his hands were tied, his eyes flew open and he felt his wings spread out and his hands light up in small flames, he stared to scream when he saw his hands "ww-w-w-what is h-h-h-h-happening to m-m-m-m-me! w-w-w--ww-what is g-g-g-going on!!!" he scream out, he tried again to move but the pain in his back and whole body made him fall back on the bed whimpering and groaning in pain and frustration.

He looked around the room and froze when he saw someone sitting in a chair looking at him. Barry's face grew red and he tried to hide his naked beaten body, but his tied up hands prevented him from that. He whimpered "p-p-p-please l-l-l-let m-m-mm--me g-g-g-go...p-p-p-please..." he begged *this may not be the best position for begging and pleading...* he self-consciously tried to get away and hide himself from the man.
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyOns Nov 29, 2017 4:40 pm

Ah. Finally, he was waking up. Liam had been watching him this whole time, or... Well, he'd been reading to pass time, one of his old Shakespeare novels. He laid it on the table behind him when he heard the angel begin to stir, though, and just observed him as he began whimpering in pain, moving and trying to get free. He sighed and stood up when he began screaming, to slowly walk over to him, his jacket discarded n the chair he'd been sitting in. And then the angel noticed him, blushing until his face resembled a tomato. Liam couldn't help but smile at that.

"Now, why would I do that, little angel, hmm?" he asked, and let one hand trace the feathers on one of Barry's wings. So soft... Such a contrast to the bat-like wings he himself had in his true form. "You might just end up hurting yourself in your panic. I'm her eto help you, really! I mean, why would I have put you on this nice, soft bed instead of leaving you out in the cold, if I didn't care, hmm?" and then he chuckled when he noticed the movement Barry made, trying to cover up. "Oh, no need to hide that from me. If it'd make you less self-conscious, I could strip down, too? Then you won't feel so under-clothed," he offered. To him it was pure logic, and, of course, he liked to be naked, too. He knew he was gorgeous as fuck, after all.
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyOns Dec 06, 2017 10:04 pm

Barry's head shot up and he stared at the man, *angel?? im not evil...but...why i don't...i just wanna go home and be safe...but i don't know who ore what home is...* he looked at the man with a skepical look in his hazel almost golden eyes *he has a point...if he wanted to hurt me he could of just left me...but if he doesn't want to hurt me...then why am i still naked...and tied up?*

"t-t-t-thanks...b-b-b-but....h-hh-how...i m-m-m-m...m-m-mean....w-ww-why am i s-s-still n-n-naked?" his voice was small like a child, a red shade covered his face when the man offered to discard his clothes as well. Barry hid his face in the bedding *why should he be naked to! how will that help!?....and what will people say...i mean its not...its a sin...or thats what the church say...since im an angel does that mean i have to follow all the rules? head hurts... *

Barry whimpered "p-p-please...l-l-let m-m-mm-m-m-mm-me g-g-go...i...i-i-im..." he thru his head back *im what?...i don't even know what i am..or who i am...* he looked at the man and sighed "p-p-p-please g-g-give m-m-mm-m-mm-me s-s-some c-clothes...or at l-l-least a d-d-duvet...."he said in a child like whimper, as a shiver wracked his body, " w-w-wait... w-w-why w-w-would y-y-you b-b-b-being n-n-n-naked h-h-help?"
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyFre Dec 08, 2017 6:52 pm

Liam smiled and went over to sit at the corner of the bed, right nextto one of Barry's tied-up legs. "Hmm.. I don't think anything I have would fit you. Besides, nobody in here to see you but me. And I really, really don't mind the view." he laughed, running a hand through his hair. Because, really. It was very, very few people he didn't like seeing naked.

As Barry kept stuttering about something to cover him up, Liam sighed and fetched a large, fluffy pillow, perching it on his groin. "There." he declared, as if that was as good as actual clothes. Because... Well, it got him covered up, didn't it? Though it'd been a nice view for the past couple hours. But he laughed at the last comment. "Well, maybe you'd feel less shy about being naked, yourself?" he shrugged. "Besides, I don't mind walking around naked. It's everybody else that seems to mind it."

//undskyld det blev kort....
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyFre Dec 15, 2017 1:05 pm

Barry felt his cheeks heat up, he cast his eyes down and fidgeted on the bed and looked at Liam, *im so confused…why does he want me to be naked….* b-b-b-b-but…i…ummm… *what on earth am I gonna say! I just don’t fancy him looking at my very dirty bloody body….wait…why am I more worried about the state of my hygiene than the fact that im naked in front of a man…. This is worng and bad and…he’s kinda pretty…nonononnonon…..just relax Barry…I think that’s my name…*

‘As Barry kept on stuttering about something to cover him up, he felt a tiny bit of relief when large, fluffy pillow was placed on his groin. "There." Barry just stared at him his eyes blinking uncontrollably *how does this help!!....well it my help hide…* Barry gulped and whimpered *fuck…why do I want to say yes…and why the hell is my dick hard!! Please let my die again!!* he just lay there breathing hard and fast he turned his head and looked over at Liam c-c-c-can I p-p-p-please w-w-w-w-wash….i….im s-s-s-still c-c-c-covered in b-b-b-blood a-a-a-and m-m-m-m-m-mm-m-m—m-mud….p-p-p-please…I w-w-w-will d-d—d-do w-w-w-what e-e-e-ever y-y-you s-s-say…j-j-jj-just l-l-let m-m-mm-me c-c-c-cc—c-clean u-u-up….a-a-a-and I w-w-w-won’t m-m-m-mm-make a f—f-fuss…a-a-a-a-and s-ss-s-stay…p-p-please Barry looked at him pleading, he felt his face grow red and body shiver *what the fuck have I just said yes to…I need to run…*.

//det helt okay <3 sorry det tog så lang tid for mig at svare <3
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyLør Dec 16, 2017 1:34 pm

Liam didn't move out of his spot, because... Well, why should he? It was a nice spot, allowed him to let his eyes wander over the angel's body like they'd done so many times the past few hours, his smile returning when he saw that cute little blush and the way he fidgeted in his bonds. He reached out a hand to the thigh he sat the closest to, gently running it up and down the soft - though dirty - skin. He really didn't mind the blood and dirt. For fuck's sake, he'd been having fun with Lilith right in the middle of a group of people they'd massacred before, there'd been blood and dirt EVERYWHERE, nothing at all like the little there was on Barry's body.

"Hmm? Why? I don't mind a bit of blood and dirt. But sure, I'll let you, if you can convince me. If you can't, well... We'll see, won't we?" he then told Barry with a bright smile after hearing all of that adorable begging. Aww, but the innocent ones were always the most fun to play around with! And a brand-new angel? Yeah, just made the whole deal so much sweeter. "Either that, or, if you can.... let's say.... If you can guess what I am. Then I'll let you clean up, too. Sounds fair?" he then added with a soft chuckle. It was always so much fun to see who could guess it and who couldn't... So many people hadn't been able to pinpoint it..
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyTirs Dec 19, 2017 5:56 pm

Barry felt his body shiver and he couldn't stop the tiny whimper escape his lips, when he felt Liam's hand run up and down his shivering thighs. He wished he could control the way his body reacted to Lian's touch, but after the ordeal, it and Barry had been through, a 'kind' and 'gentle' touch was to much for him.

Barry looked at him h-h-h-h-h-how d-d-dd-do i c-c-cc--c-convince y-y-y-you...w-w-ww-w-what d-d-dd-do y-y-you w-w-ww-want f-ff-f-from c-c-cc-can i g-g-gg-give y-yy-y-you? im n-n-nn-nothing... his voice grew weak and quiet, he didn't know what Liam wanted from him, what on earth could Barry give or do that would convince Liam...

Barry looked down his naked body...*is it me he want''s wrong...why would he want it...stop it...he doesn't want you why would he*. His eyes fluttered for a second, he pulled at his bounds, before he looked at Liam again with big innocent eyes begging him to show kindness to the angel in his bed.

"Either that, or, if you can.... let's say.... If you can guess what I am. Then I'll let you clean up, too. Sounds fair?", Barry cocked his head to the side *give yourself to him or guess what he is...seems like an easy choice* "w-w-w-what h-h-hh-happens if i g-g-g-get it w-w-w-wrong?" he asked *please dont let it be something bad....*
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyTors Dec 21, 2017 12:37 pm

Oh, that small, soft whimper... He really was quite the innocent one, wasn't he? Besides the whole deal with being an angel and all. Liam chuckled lightly to himself, the hand on Barry's thigh rubbing a bit more insistently, now. "Ooh, but you are something, you know. You just have to convince yourself of that before you convince me to let you go wash off, I guess." he said, shrugging before scooting closer, their hips now touching as he let his fingers slip up the angel's stomach instead, feeling out every little divot and curve of muscle.

"If you get it wrong? Hmm..." Liam pretended to think about it for a while, as his hand kept exploring Barry's stomach and chest. "Then I guess I'll have my way with you until your guess is correct." that sounded very fair, at least according to Liam's usual deals. But whether Barry would find it agreeable, well, time would have to tell, wouldn't it? Anyway, that was really one pretty little guy. The demon sitting right next to him really couldn't help himself as he leant in over him to get a better whiff of his scent, oh so sweet and innocent, compared to his own...
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptySøn Dec 31, 2017 11:30 am

Barry tried to get away from the hand that was rubbing his thigh insistently, he couldn't help but feel overly embarrassed at the way his body was reacting to being touched...he felt almost starved for it...his cheeks grew more red if that was even possible...

"i-ii-im r-r-r-rr-really n-n-not...h-h-h-h" his words were cut off, at the feeling of the other mans hips and his fingers that slipped up Barrys stomach. Barry couldn't help but lean into the touch *oh i really that desperate for attention, and feeling something real...that i...nonono i can't give in...even if i want to...i have to be strong*

Barry felt the curiosity and tension grow the more the man waited on telling him what would happen if he said the wrong answer, the hand on his stomach and chest really wasn't helping at all. "Then I guess I'll have my way with you until your guess is correct.". His mouth was hanging open, and the only things that came out of it were a bunch of incoherent sounds and words *i am so screwed...well...oh god that wasn't even funny...i....he is going to...oh god what am i to do! i dont want this...but....but...but why is my body reacting like it does...* he had no clue how long he lay there thinking, he felt a shiver run across his skin when Liam leaned over him to what? smell him? why would he do that? *okay think what is he..* he looked around the room for a clue, but sighed and just looked at Liam with his face scrunched up as he was trying to think of a creature that liked to smell people? "a w-w-w--ww-w-werewolf?" he whispered
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyMan Jan 01, 2018 10:23 pm

Liam couldn't help but chuckle lightly under his breath. Oh, but it was so cute, all that squirming, trying to get away from his hand even as he could hear the angel's heartbeat wasn't scared, but rather betrayed him being intrigued and embarrassed about it... "Shh, shh..." he muttered, smirking when Barry finally leaned into his touch instead, as he knew he'd want to. After all, being an incubus, he was pretty much built to be able to fit anyone's sexual desires, and he knew people could never hold off very long from him. If they found him the least bit attractive, he'd use that, and it was oh so clear how this angel liked his looks.

Mmhmm... Ooh, now he was looking around the room to try and get a clue. hah, good luck with that. And there was the first guess. Liam laughed and shook his head. "No. One strike," and then he pulled away the pillow he'd place don the angel's crotch, and let his hand slip further up Barry's thigh, to where his leg and hip joined, just shy of actually touching anything really interesting. "Your second guess?"
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyMan Jan 08, 2018 11:34 pm

Barry shock when he heard Liam laugh, *oh no....i wrong....what does this i even want to win this stupid game....all i wanna do is just give in and let him do whatever he wants...something is wrong with me* he gulped and tried to find his voice, but all he did was emit a strangled moan and a stuttering breath, when he felt how he pulled away the pillow he'd place don Barry's crotch, and let his hand slip further up Barry's thigh, to where his leg and hip joined. "v-vv-v-v-v-vampire?" he asked, not really putting in an effort to win this ridiculous game, why try to win a game that you can't.

Barry wanted to scream at himself and how he was behaving *stop it...if you do this you will never leave this bed....not that i would be a bad thing...i mean....bad very bad, worst thing ever, can't want that...because it's very bad....*, he shifted his body, he felt heat and flames dancing over his skin, he wanted to tell Liam to stop and let him go, *but why go out there in the cold when i can stay in here and feel alive....*"m-mm-m-m-m-mm-m-m-m--m-more....-p-p-pp-pp-p--please....i...n-n-n-n-need.....s-s-s-something...p-p-pp-please" his voice was small and vulnerable with a hint of desperation for somethig more than the teasing touches he was receiving.
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyTors Jan 11, 2018 2:17 am

Aww, that shaking. It really was adorable, as was the way the angel gulped. But that moan, the way his breath changed, when he slipped his hand up that soft expanse of skin, mmhmm. That was just what he liked. And then he heard the second guess. "Strike two. Third guess?" he said, smirking at him as the hand slipped up Barry's stomach, up his chest, for his fingers to gently flick a nipple.

He noticed the heat, the small flames, and curiously watched them. But they weren't too intense yet, not really doing any damage so far, so for the most part, he plainly ignored them. Why concern yourself with something that didn't do anything to you yet?

"More, you say? Oooh... But I thought you'd want to win the game. Just before you wanted to leave in such a hurry... What made you change your mind, hmm?" Liam asked, voice smooth as silk and eyes full of lust as they looked down at the angel in front of him.
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyOns Jan 17, 2018 3:09 pm

He had no idea why his mind and body really didn't seem to be on the same page, it really wasn't that hard, he had to leave now! But his body was shaking and begging for feel just give in and let desire take over, it would be so easy...Just give in...just feel and forget the pain, loneliness, and confusion.

"Strike two. Third guess?" he said, smirking at him as the hand slipped up Barry's stomach, up his chest, for his fingers to gently flick a nipple. Barry whimpered and felt how his entire body surged upwards in an attempt to what? get away? beg for more? *what is happing to me!*. Fear ran through his veins, flames were dancing across his skin and his whole body was vibrating, he had no clue what was going on, he turned his head and looked up at Liam "ww--w-w-ww-what a--a--a-are y-yy-y-ou d-d--doing t-t--tt-to m-m-m-m-m-m-mm-m-me?" his voice was small and weak, and full of fear and maybe excitement, but Barry pushed that feeling down and glared at Liam

The more Liam touched him, the more Barry's resolve cracked, he looked up at Liam with big pleading eyes "i d-dd-do...b-b-b-bb-but...i f-ff-ff-feel l-l-l-ll-like.....t-t-t-there is t-t--tt-this empty f-ff-ff-f-feeling inside....a-a--and i n-nn-n-need....hh-h-h-help...i n-n-nn-n-need t-t-tt-to k-kk-k-now i-i-ii-im a-a-a-alive....a--aa-a-and you" Barry looked away, with small tears running down his cheeks, he felt lost and confused, he had no clue who he was and what was going on...*i wanna go home....i just don't remember it....*
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyTirs Jan 23, 2018 1:07 am

Ooh, that writhe, that arch in the angel's back. Ooh how he loved it. But he sighed and pulled his hand back when the flames got just a bit too intense for his liking. Those were really damn annoying. Prevented him from touching Barry in just the ways he wanted to. "Doing to you? I'm just touching you, dear... Nothing else." he half-lied, smirking to himself. He knew, after all, that just the touch from someone else would probably not affect people as much as his touch did. That's what it was like being an incubus, after all. He was made for sex and pleasure. To give it to others, to take it for himself.

"Hmm... Well... Maybe I'll help you, then. If you do guess correctly this time. Think hard about it, my dear little angel. I'm not a werewolf. I'm not a vampire. And I'm definitely not like you. So what do you think I am, then?" he smiled down at him, a finger running up Barry's thigh as he finally let his own eyes bleed into pure black, giving him just a small hint with that, since those eyes were the hallmark of any demon. If you knew what to look for, anyway.
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyFre Jan 26, 2018 5:14 pm

Barry couldn't stop the tiny pout w when Liam sighed and pulled his hand back when the flames got just a bit too intense for his liking. A frustrated sound left his lips *No no no....why did he stop...*, he glared down at his body *stupid body.....*. He tried to relax, and will away those stupid flames! it wasn't like he was opposed to Liam touching him...he just....didn't understand what was happening to his body... He hadn't felt like this starved for touch an desperate...

He whimpered, his body was reacting weirdly and Liam was just making fun of him. He gulped y-y-y--yes y-y-y-you a-a-are....i d-d-d-don't u-u-u-uu-u--uu-understand ww-w-w-w-ww-what is h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-happening to mm-m-m-m-m-m-m--mm-m-m-mm-m--m-m-m-m-my bb-b-b-b-body... his voice was so small...he felt like a child, and looking up at this man he was.

Liam smiled down at him, a finger running up Barry's thigh as his eyes bleed into pure black, Barry was filled with an unsettling presence, like a cold wind surged through his veins and body and back down to his toes. He gasped and tried to get away, but moaned when he felt the bounds on his wrist tighten. "....d-d-d-d--d-d-dd-demon.....a-a-a-are y-y-yy-you g-g-gg-gonna k-k-kk-kill m-m-m-m--m-m-m-m-m-m-me...".
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyMan Jan 29, 2018 5:30 pm

That little pout was rather cute, though, and it made him smirk, watching the little innocent being writhing against his bonds, hearing all those small noises he kept pouring out. Aww, poor thing. "Are you really that innocent? My oh my..." Liam chuckled, and leant in over him again just as he'd let the black consume his eyes. "I could just gobble you all up, you're so cute..." he half-growled, ignoring the flames again for just a moment as he let one hand trail up Barry's stomach, feeling out every little dip of the muscles hiding beneath his fair skin.

It seemed like his eyes finally made things click within the guy's brain, and he was laughing at his question as soon as it'd been asked. "Kill you? No. What would be the fun in that when I can just do this instead? Ending it all would just be sad compared to all the other things I could do to you." and he really did mean that. Just ending someone's life? Nah, boring. He rarely ever did it unless he got something from it, like when he was eating someone's soul, but he had to have sex with them first to to it, after all, so not really an option right at this moment.
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyTors Mar 01, 2018 5:33 pm

Barry looked at him with utter confusion and slowly tilted his head to the side *innocent....what does he mean by that?....I'm not...why is he...I....I'm so confused...*. He couldn't help but glare at Liam when he chuckled, and leant in over him again just as he'd let the black consume his eyes. He whimpered and pressed his body down on the bed to get away from him

"P-p-p-p-pp-please d-d-d-d-don't....i d-d-d-d-don't t-t-t-t-t-think i tt-t-t-t-taste t-t-t-that gg-gg-g-g-good" he mumbled and looked down his body in confusion*why would he want to eat me???*, he looked at the hand that trailed up his stomach, feeling out every little dip of the muscles hiding beneath his fair skin.

But if he didn't want to kill him then what did he want from Barry..."w--w-w-ww-what d-d-d-do y-y-y-y-you w-w-w-w-want f-f-f-from-mm-m-m-m--m-m-m-m-mm--m-me"he gulped before looking the demon in the eyes.....they were beautiful...*wait so confused....i just wanna....what do i what....* he sighed and looked down down his shaking body and the warm felt he fighting this..."i.....i....i-i-im ....confused....p-p-p-please h-h--h-help....."
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptySøn Mar 04, 2018 12:03 am

Liam's smile widened, turned just a bit crooked, a hint of the darkness inside his mind evident in the lookover he gave Barry, one that would make most people's skin crawl, eyeing up Barry like he was some kind of prize. He chuckled when the angel pressed himself deeper into the mattress in a futile attempt to try to get further away from him. Impulsive as he was, Liam leant down to slowly lick up barry's throat in response, sampling the taste of the angel's skin and sweat, a soft growl slipping from his throat as he did so.

"Ooh, but you do..." he told him, the hand on Barry's stomach slipping further south, to his hipbones and then inner thigh. "I'm sure your soul would be tasty, too. You wouldn't mind me taking just a little bite of it, would you?" he asked, and laughed, a cold but amused laugh that echoed slightly in the large room. "It usually helps people get rid of their confusion," he finally added, but of course still left out the part about how people tended to lose a lot more than just that. His self-satisfied, cocky smile has returned to his well-formed lips, as the pitch black eyes met with the angel's once more.
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyOns Apr 04, 2018 6:25 pm

"Ooh, but you do..." he told him, the hand on Barry's stomach slipping further south, to his hipbones and then inner thigh. Barry couldn't help but cry out as tears started to roll own his cheeks... this feeling it was wrong...but it felt so right...and he wanted more...and it terrified him.

Barry froze and looked Liam dead in the eyes "m-m-mm-m--mm--my s-ss-ss-soul....-ww-w-what d-dd-do y-y-you w-w-want w-w-with i-i-it...." he could feel the fear slowly overshadowing the pleasure. His self-satisfied, cocky smile has returned to his well-formed lips, as the pitch black eyes met with the Barry once more. He needed to find....find...what...he was alone...what was there out there for him apart from loneliness...he started to cry again...the only place he wasnt alone was here....with this thing....but at least he was wanted....out there....what was he even...who was he.

Once more he turned his head to the demon and with a tear-stained voice he whispered "i-i-i-if...i...-l-ll-ll-ll-let y-yy-y-you....w-w-will....c-c-can...i s-s-s-stay...i d-d-don't w-w-w-w-wanna b-b-b-be" he said bowing his head in submision
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyTors Apr 05, 2018 5:08 pm

Really, all that small cry from the angel did, was to make Liam laugh, ever so softly. No reason to hide anything about himself right now, after all... One supernatural to another, right? And he had the guy right where he wanted him, with no chance of escaping. "What I want with your soul? I thought you had already figured that out..." he then said, smirking. It was just the two of them here, so why not... Slip into something a bit more... Comfortable. So that's what he did.

With the smirk still on his lips, albeit more crooked, he finally let his human form fade, since he did prefer to walk around in his demon shape whenever he could. So, ever so slowly, his nails grew out into small claws, his skin turned redder, his hair grew long and luscious, small bat-like wings grew from his back... A long, sinuous tail grew into place, too, and then finally, the curved horns and small fangs. "Now that's better," he muttered to himself with a pleased sigh, running a hand through his longer hair before the pitch-black eyes were back on the angel in front of him. "I want to eat it, of course. Didn't you know? We live off of souls. And ooh boy, but the ones from angels are delicious,"

"So I guess what I'm saying is... Thank you for offering up a part of that, for me to take..." he then said, leaning in to slowly lick up Barry's neck once more, before softly biting the fair skin, leaving behind a clear indent of the sharper teeth.

// Dæmon formen <3
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyFre Apr 06, 2018 9:17 pm

With the smirk still on his lips, albeit more crooked, he let his human form fade, Barry was frozen on the bed staring as the man in front of him started to change, his skin turned redder, his hair grew long and luscious, small bat-like wings grew from his back... A long, sinuous tail grew into place, too, and then finally, the curved horns and small fangs. Barry had no clue what he was seeing, but his body was griped with fear and longing...*longing....what the hell!*

"y-y-yy-youw-w-w-w-want t-t-t-t-toe-e-e-eat m-m-m-me.....b-b-but...." he looked away trying to understand what the demon was going to do to him and how he was going to eat it "w-w-w-will y-y-you k-k-k-killm-m-me a--aa-after?" he whispered before Liam leaned in to slowly licking up Barry's neck once more, before softly biting the fair skin, leaving behind a clear indent of the sharper teeth. Barry felt overwhelmed and started to moan loudly as his body shook with pleasure.
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyLør Apr 07, 2018 10:43 pm

Liam kept his eyes closed for a few seconds, just relishing the feeling of being back in what he deemed was his natural form. He just felt so much more at ease in demon form than he did in human form, and since the angel was bound rather tight so as to prevent escape, well, no reason to not let it out, right? At least that was why he'd shifted back into it, and was now smirking down at the wide-eyed Barry, the fear so easy to see, but still... Oh boy. Was he so touch starved? Hahahah, that was just going to make all of this so much easier! Though perhaps just a bit too easy. He liked people to be much more in doubt than even Barry was.

"Ohohoh, my dear... You don't know what eating your soul does to you, do you? Either... You wind up insane... Or you die. Depending on how much I eat." he grinned, letting his tongue slide over one of the small fangs he had like this, a crooked smirk in place. "And I don't think you want to know just how many I've eaten by now." he then added, one clawed hand lightly ghosting down Barry's chest and stomach.
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam   What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam EmptyOns Apr 18, 2018 9:46 am

He let out a tiny scream and started moving violently on the bed ”n-n-nn-n-n-n-n-n-no…p—pp-p-p—pp-p-please!!” he cried and shuddered when he saw the demons tongue slide over one of the small fangs he had like this, a crooked smirk in place. I d-d-dd-d-don’t…w-w-w-why a-a-are y-y-you d-dd-d-d-d-d-doing t—tt-t-t-t-this!! P-p-pp-please…. I-ii-i….d-d-d-d-don’t w-ww-w-wanna die…l-l-l-ll-let m-m-m-mm-m-me g-gg-g-go! fear colored his features a the  next words that left the demons lips h-h-h-h-h-h-how m-m-m-m-m-many…?he whipered when he felt the demons hand clawed down his body as it  lightly ghosting down Barry's chest and stomach.

He looked around the room frightful hopping that he could see something he could use to get away…he might have said yes to the…touching….because….it was nice…and he liked it…even if it made him feel weird and dizzy.  He did not want to give his soul to some demon…it was his… and the idea of dyeing and going insane was not on the top of his list of things he wanted to in life. He pulled at the chains p-p—pp-p-please….i….d-dd-d-don’t w-w-w-w-wanna d-d-d-die….i….w-w-ww-will g-g-gg-give y-yy-you a-a-a-anything…j-j-just n-nn-not m-mm-m-m-m-my s-s—s-s-soul….. he looked up at Liam with pleading eyes, begging him to not take his soul.. not when he had just been given a second chance in life.[/color][/color]
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What am i? (XxX) (Fortidsemne) - Liam
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