| | How to disappear | |
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Humør : Bada bing, bada bum Antal indlæg : 36
| Emne: Sv: How to disappear Søn Maj 15, 2022 8:49 pm | |
| Felix furrowed his brows a little and approached her where she sat, interested. Johan almost seemed to light up as if he recognized something that she said. This time, it was Felix that had the ‘here we go again’ moment, but it was unsaid, and he kept his eyes on her. Felix opened his mouth a little to debate whether or not he had feelings for her, but by now, it might be pretty clear to everyone that he had fallen for her. “I am very sorry about your ex being a dick to you,” he said with slightly furrowed brows. It really sounded awful having only had one stupid partner. “It- it sounds like a superpower!” Johan finally butted in, and Felix dropped his head, clearly tired of his odd assumptions. “No, no, hear me out! It’s everything you touch that has some kind of story to it,” he said and tried to push his cast over, so it was closer to the others, “You firstly got the information about my cast after you had touched it, right? You just gotta practice it! It could be a really cool superpower!” he said clearly amazed. “Are you high?,” Felix wondered, and one could almost hear how tired he was from Johan's speech. |
| | | Penelope
Antal indlæg : 57
| Emne: Sv: How to disappear Søn Maj 15, 2022 9:13 pm | |
| She gave Felix a slight smile when he told her that he was sorry that Blaise had been a dick; well, so was she, but she should have seen it coming. She had known; she just hadn’t wanted to believe them, which in a way was just as much on her as it was on him. Then her attention was turned towards Johan as he suddenly blurted out that she had a superpower. She couldn’t help but laugh at him; well, she had heard about humans having abilities, so maybe there was something about it; who knew? “Nah, I fin’ ‘e is onto summit. I’m clearly the next cat woman or summit, just need the suit and the fancy whip” she nodded towards Johan giving him a brilliant smile. “I’ve seen crazier things ‘appen in this town”, she chuckled, not knowing if they actually knew what kind of island they had fared to; maybe she shouldn’t be the one breaking the news that monsters and witches were all true. |
| | | Felix
Humør : Bada bing, bada bum Antal indlæg : 36
| Emne: Sv: How to disappear Søn Maj 22, 2022 8:49 pm | |
| Felix looked at her as she said that Johan was on to something, though he laughed as she mentioned her being cat woman, “I can make that happen,” he replied with a slightly cheeky remark. “Go home, Felix,” Johan replied thinking that Felix’s comment had a little too many undertones of something else than just superpowers. Both boys however looked at her as she explained that she had seen crazier things in this town. “Such as?” she had woken more of Felix’s curiosity, and now that she had spoiled something was interesting, well, then they wouldn't just be satisfied with at bearded woman or some other circus thing. |
| | | Penelope
Antal indlæg : 57
| Emne: Sv: How to disappear Man Maj 23, 2022 8:24 am | |
| Penelope let out a soft chuckle and shook her head when Felix mentioned that he could make it happen. Just like Johan, she could hear how the undertones weren’t purely joking, nor just about the fact that she was Catwoman. Then they caught onto the fact that she had seen crazier things happen; her eyes scanned both of them, and then she realised that they might not know anything about the supernatural in the area. “Wa boys, daan’t tell me that ya came ‘ere wifaht* knowin’ wot country this is” she let her eyes scan them, and as they didn’t look any wiser, she let out a soft whistle “, ya guys should maybe kna that the bleedin’ supernatural is very real, bloodsuckers, werewolves and many more, I’m workin’ wif a siren” she let her eyes scanned them, to see if they would just start laughing, it wasn’t like she could prove it or anything, so she would understand if they didn’t believe her.
*without |
| | | Felix
Humør : Bada bing, bada bum Antal indlæg : 36
| Emne: Sv: How to disappear Man Maj 23, 2022 9:47 am | |
| Felix and Johan looked at each other slightly confused. The navigators they had on computers and phones had told them that it was Athena, but had they ended up in England, the Netherlands, or Denmark instead? Felix had gotten a slight taste of fear because if they were in the wrong place, they would be in trouble with where they had erased transfers of money. Their eyes found her again as she continued. Almost symmetrically their brows raised. “What?” Felix laughed not really following. Johan shook his head to get his head back on track, “Are you for real?” he wondered and tried to get a hold of his crutches because he wanted to get up. Felix however was quick to take one of them away from him. “Nah man you ain’t going to play ghostbuster or shadowhunter,” he said and pushed his friend back in the seat. Felix then looked toward Penelope, “Are you sure you haven’t mistaken your refl- AJ!” Felix hand flew to the back of his head, and he turned to look at Johan who had hit him in the head with his crutch “Din lilla knähund!” he hissed at Johan angrily. Johan then gestured to Penelope again, which made Felix look at her, and taking it a little more seriously, “And where are you working again?” Felix wondered – definitely planning on seeing this siren himself. If Johan was lucky he could follow, but Felix didn’t want to be responsible for his ass getting eaten by a siren who lured him in. |
| | | Penelope
Antal indlæg : 57
| Emne: Sv: How to disappear Fre Maj 27, 2022 8:21 am | |
| Penelope couldn’t keep the smile from blossoming on her lips when she saw how Johan tried to get up from the seat and wanted to go out into the great world. She didn’t think they would be all that keen to get into the world of the supernatural when they found out just how scary and not to mention how dangerous it could be. However, her eyes widened when Felix was about to say something and got a crutch in the back of his head. Then she started laughing. “Oh god, were ya just abaht ter say if I thought me reflection was so beautiful, that it could be a siren?” she shook her head, giving him a small smile “Ya kna, sirens 're predators, wite? the bloomin' myths 're real abaht them eatin' 'umans, just, thought ya might want ter kna that” she chuckled shaking her head a little. “I’m workin' every day, so, garn in tonight,” she said with a small smile. |
| | | Felix
Humør : Bada bing, bada bum Antal indlæg : 36
| Emne: Sv: How to disappear Tors Jun 02, 2022 11:05 am | |
| Felix looked towards Penelope as she had figured what he had tried to say. “Yeah,” he responded with the Swedish accent pulling through. “He’s just being awfully cheesy,” Johan butted in with a glare towards Felix, just incase that Felix would look at him with a mean look, but Felix eyes stayed on Penelope. An overly confident huff left him as she mentioned how sirens did indeed eat humans, “Well, since you can work with them, I guess they’re not that dangerous, because you’re a definite snack,” Penelope would be able to see how Johan looked down covering his eyes and shaking his head from the cheesy pickup line. When she replied that she worked every night Felix however licked his lips, “Yeah, but where?” he laughed with a broader smile. There was nothing that could kick Felix of his high horse, though Johan did feel slightly intimidated, especially because he had been a fan of the supernatural forever. |
| | | Penelope
Antal indlæg : 57
| Emne: Sv: How to disappear Lør Jun 04, 2022 2:50 pm | |
| Penelope couldn’t help but smile at his stupid remarks, there was something so awfully charming about it, where she knew she shouldn’t be flattered, but it was hard not to. She then felt how her lips curled up in a sly gesture with a small sigh. “’re ya tellin’ me ya already forgot?” she hummed, faking a slightly displeased look for a moment before her tongue glided over her bottom lip. “I work at the bleedin’ Elysium Casina”, she then told before letting her eyes drift toward Johan before looking back at Felix, “then sum night I work at the Wolfs Den, depends on ‘a much monay I need”, she explained. Still, she worked most nights at River’s place; the money was good, and so was the company. Even if it wasn’t the straightest people in the world, she knew that they had her back, which was all she needed. Somewhere where she felt like she belonged, they would be there if she needed it, or at least as much as she wanted to let them. |
| | | Felix
Humør : Bada bing, bada bum Antal indlæg : 36
| Emne: Sv: How to disappear Søn Jun 05, 2022 12:07 pm | |
| Felix’s eyes widened a little as she spoke about how he had forgotten. Had she already told him? When she reminded him of where she worked, a wider smile spread on his lips, “Oh, yeah,” he laughed a little, rolling his eyes of himself. Felix raised a brow as she mentioned how often she worked at the Wolf’s Den. He wondered for a moment whether or not that was every night, because it certainly seemed like she needed money, except for the fact that people seemingly owed her money. Felix looked towards Johan, “Well, I might just visit without Johan,” he said with a little smile, only to notice how Johan rolled his eyes and leaned back on the stool. “You can also just wait until it gets easier for me to walk around” “Well I would like to see where Penny works,” Felix replied and looked back at Penelope. “Du kommer att slösa bort våra pengar på hasardspel,” Johan hissed and gained Felix’s gaze again. “Nej, det tänker jag inte” “Ja. Du kommer att få mig att arbeta hårdare,” he groaned. Felix looked back at Penelope, raising his hands as if he was giving up. “Would you be okay with me visiting you while you’re at work?” Felix asked Penelope. |
| | | Penelope
Antal indlæg : 57
| Emne: Sv: How to disappear Søn Jun 05, 2022 4:24 pm | |
| Penelope let her eyes float between the two boys as they started arguing in their mother tongue, a language that she didn’t understand at all. Still, then again, sometimes she wasn’t sure that people always understood what was coming out of her mouth either. At least not when she started to use the many slangs that there was in the cockney way of speaking the British language. “Yeah, sure, if ya wanna”, she shrugged, giving him a soft smile, not that she understood why he wanted to see her work; it wasn’t like she could be around him, not behind the bar. “Ya might wanna be careful steppin’ into the casina; it can become addictive if you’re not careful”, she assured him, especially if Kai was there, then it was like a magnet for men; maybe that was a slight hesitation? That Felix might start gaining interest for the other women working there? No, that wasn’t it, was it? Her nose scrunched together for a moment. Those thoughts formed in her head, and then she shook her head and smiled at him. “But maybe I should get garn na, needs ter get back ter me mother,” she said with a somewhat sadder smile; it had been nice to sit here and talk, but she did, in fact, have to go. |
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