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 Straight to the bat cave!

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Humør : Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.
Fag : Billedekunst, Musik, Kemi, Psykologi & Kampsport
Antal indlæg : 376

Straight to the bat cave! Empty
IndlægEmne: Straight to the bat cave!   Straight to the bat cave! EmptyOns Mar 04, 2020 8:25 am

@Tidus <3
Outfit: Link

"Hurry up loser, we are going on an adventure!" That was how the last ten voicemails had sounded from Maya. Her and Tidus hadn't seen each other in what felt like ages, maybe it really had been that long. And she was a little scared, that he no longer wanted to be a part of her life. People in Maya's life had the habit of leaving and she didn't want Tidus to leave. Actually, she wanted to tell him a lot of good things as well. It seemed like the world was finally just a bit in her favor, and she was excited. Maya was also a girl with a thirst for exploring and she had found herself at this new place. It had showed up in late October, and for some reason it was here to stay. Levi and Alison had warned her about going, saying it could be dangerous. Clearly; they had still some knowing to learn. Maya wasn't the one to sit back and miss out. And sharing her location with Tidus, then at least she wasn't alone. Right? Maya was standing next to the big foggy cave next to the Black Creek. Everything about this place screamed that she should run before it was too late. But she wasn't really a fan of cardio.

Maya took a deep breath in and breathed out impatiently. She looked at her phone again, the battery was dying soon. She crossed her arms and leaned up against the wall of rocks behind her. If it wasn't because she had spend sometime in Ramsay's personal little space, this would have crept her out. It was in the middle of the night, Maya wouldn't be surprised if she had interrupted Tidus' beauty sleep - but at least she could see he had seen her message. Which meant, he would be here - at least if he still was as protective as back then.
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Straight to the bat cave!
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Athena :: VII :: Rippingthorne :: Deadwood :: Black Creek :: The Bat Cave-
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