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 An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)

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IndlægEmne: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptyTirs Okt 15, 2019 1:42 am

Tid: Om aftenen, for to år siden
Sted: Jaxsons hjem
Omgivelser: Hele lejligheden
Deltager: @James

Det var ikke hver dag man fik et opkald omkring hus-visit fra kongen ham selv. James King. En meget selv-centreret mand, super arrogant, men også virkelig selvsikker. Jaxson havde intet imod disse personlighedstræk, faktisk var det ofte noget, han opfordrede folk til at lære at benytte sig af i sin branche. For ingen gad se på en usikker danser. Det hele handlede om udstråling og fantastiske led! Hvis man ikke besad det, så kunne man næsten lige så godt bare droppe forsøget.

Jaxsons lejlighed var relativt stor. Der var et ganske udmærket køkken, et soveværelse, en stue, badeværelse, men det vigtigste var det rum han havde dedikeret til at hjælpe folk med deres danse-egenskaber. I rummet var der et helt-vægs spejl, så man kunne se sig selv mens man arbejdede på sine moves og akustikken var også ganske udmærket til når der skulle sættes musik på. Det meste af Jax’ hjem var faktisk ret pænt og ryddeligt. Stilfuldt. Rent. Perfekt for en perfektionist.

Selv havde Jax trukket i en sort trænings-undertrøje og et par shorts, håret siddende en krøllet, men stilfuldt -som altid - på toppen af hans hoved. Det var ved at være tiden de havde aftalt, lidt sent om aftenen, men det gik sgu nok. Jax kunne sgu sove når han blev gammel.

Og så ringede det på døren. Jax dumpede ned fra køkkenbordet, som han før havde siddet og slappet af på, mens hans øjne havde været limet til mobilen. Hans selvsikre fodtrin nåede døren, som blev åbnet og et smil dukkede op i hans ansigt da han bød King velkommen.
“Afternoon, King.. Come on in,” Jax flyttede sig lidt i døren og lavede en høflig, men afslappet gestus til skuespilleren. “So what’s this I hear about a more relaxed role? I thought you were more into the wild ones?”
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IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptyTirs Okt 15, 2019 7:29 pm

Han havde fået beskeden af sin manager, at han skulle lære at løsne lidt bedre op i sine led, så visse øvelser i optagelserne ville se mere rene ud, mere perfektioneret, samt så troede han også at det kunne gavne ham lidt ekstra, vis han sendte ham Jaxson´s vej. Han havde kendt Jaxson i et stykke tid nu, både når der skulle laves custom syet designs til ham til den røde løber, men ligeså også når han havde haft roller der indebar dans, både tæt såvel som vilde. Han smilede lidt for sig selv, i det han skrev en besked til Jaxson, omkring at han gerne ville booke tid ved ham, men dog ikke ved det sædvanlige studie. Da han fik beskeden om at han kunne komme forbi en af dagene og hvornår, smilede han blot for sig selv, før han skrev tilbage, at det var en aftale.

Da han holde sin lamborghini foran lejligheds komplekset, stod han blot og kiggede på det en smule, før han trak de sorte solbriller væk fra sine øjne og gik med rolige skridt op mod døren til lejligheden. Han befandt sig kort efter i en elevator, inden han stod foran døren til lejligheden. Det var ved at være ret sent, dog havde han været igang hele dagen, så han havde ikke gidet at gå hjem og skifte, fra de grå trænings bukser og den tæt siddende sorte tshirt han bar, der fulgte hver en nærmest skulpturet muskel indenunder. Det tykke lysebrune hår lå lidt uglet ud til siderne, fra at han havde rodet sig lidt i håret, som han stod og ventede, efter at ringet på døren. He smiled when Jaxson opened the door, as he stood there almost

flexing his upper body, as he held his hands folded in front of himself. He walked past him to get inside, before he took his shoes of in the hallway and placed them neatly at the other shoes there where already there. " Good to see you again Jax ". He looked his way, when he teased him about getting into a relaxed role, before saying without even making a face. " I get enough action in my private life, so i though, why not try something new for a change ".

He looked at Jaxson with an almost sly smile, before walking inside looking around a little, turning around himself, before he made a whistling. " So this is how a poor person is living. No i´m just kidding, its lovely.. i like it ". He smiled teasingly to Jax, before turning his front to him, before walking over to him. He was clearly taller than Jaxson, and more muscular build than him, but it wasnt a problem. " I will be in your care, so please be gentle with me. I´m not used to doing soft ". He winked at him, before looking around once more. He would follow him, if he started to walk to the danse studio/room.
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IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptyTirs Okt 15, 2019 7:37 pm

Jaxson gengældte selvfølgelig King’s smil, for hvem kunne overhovedet modstå den type charme? Jax var i hvert fald ikke én af de mennesker, der var hardcore nok til at være ligeglad. Han fulgte med King ind i lejligheden. “Right, why not.. I’m sure it’s all quite new to you,” jokede han som han gik hen til barskabet og fandt en flaske rødvin frem. Han havde lagt mærke til at det var den drik, James foretrak. Ikke bare ud fra handlinger, men også fra den vibe af følelser der kom fra ham når han drak det. Det var tydeligt at det var den alkohol han foretrak. Dog tog Jax ingen glas frem endnu, han stillede bare flasken på stuebordet og skævede mod James.

“Legends never live poor, King,” gav Jax igen, dog med et skævt smil, velvidende at James blot havde drillet lidt. Nu hvor de stod front mod front og James bad ham om at være blid, hævede Jax blot et øjenbryn. Blid? Ved King? That’s a first!
“If the style is what I think it is, it’s not exactly soft. It’s more like wavy and elegant. Come on, let’s get to work, then we can have a drink after,” han ledte vejen ind til træningslokalet, men på vejen snurrede han rundt og gik baglæns med et drilsk udtryk i øjnene. “And don’t you worry King. These hands are the gentliest of them all. I’ll take good care of you,” der var en næsten flirtende tone i hans stemme, men så alligevel ikke helt?
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IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptyTirs Okt 15, 2019 7:38 pm

Han så kort mod drikken, det var som om han næsten kunne smage det på hans tunge, de delicate smage der ville skylle ind over ham. For ham var det ikke ligesom ved skabte vampyr. Han kunne faktisk nyde glæde af at drikke forskellige genstande dog mad var en helt anden sag. Han betragtede Jaxson, da det var at han gav igen, før han rystede på hovedet af ham en smule. Han kneb sine øjne en smule sammen, da det var at Jaxson svarede ham, at det ikke direkte var blidt men mere flydende og elegant de skulle til. Han nikkede til at de skulle igang, dog kunne han ikke lade vær med at se længselsfuldt efter vinen der stod på bordet, før han fulgte efter Jaxson, der havde et drilsk udtryk i sine øjne, som han gik bagud, mens han havde sin front rettede mod ham. Han kunne ikke lade vær med at trække lidt på smilebåndet over det, før han nikkede og svarede med en dyb stemme, næsten ru i det. " Ohh.. i know you will, or else i might just have to punish you ". Han gnubbede sig kort under hagen, hvor man kunne ane en fin trimmet skægstubbe, før han fulgte Jaxson ind i salen.

Han så nysgerrigt rumdt som han kom ind i rummet, før han gik hen til spejlene og beundrede sig selv en lille smule, inden han gik hen til Jaxson og stillede sig bag ham, vis han ville lade ham.. inden han blidt lod en hånd glide rundt om ham, før han nærmest hviskede ind i hans øre, med en ligeså flirtende tone. " Oh these mirror´s. It almost makes me wanna fuck you in front of them ". Han havde før flirtet med Jaxson, samt Jaxson burde vide på dette punkt, at James ikke holde sig tilbage med noget, vis først folk havde givet udtryk for en hvis stemning, dog kunne han dog godt være respektabel alligevel. Han slap blidt Jaxson, vis han havde ladt ham holde ham for en stund, mens han havde kigget på deres spejlbillede, næsten rørt Jaxson´s hals med sine fyldige læber i processen, før han gik hen og stillede sig klar. " So, what are the first thing we should do ". Det var altid svært for ham at følge en anden persons instrukser, dog når det gjaldt hans arbejde, så var det knap så svær, at lægge hans dominerende tendenser på hylden og faktisk lade sig føre, i stedet for altid at være den der førte andre.
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IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptyTirs Okt 15, 2019 7:49 pm

Uh, så King ville straffe ham? Jax bed sig let i underlæben, stadig med det drilske udtryk i ansigtet. Han havde ikke noget imod den måde, King talte til ham på. Det var faktisk en anelse frækt når alt kom til alt, og hver gang syntes Jax egentlig at det var en skam, at det aldrig var nået meget længere end lidt berøringer og lidt flirten frem og tilbage. Han gad godt se hvordan legendariske James King EGENTLIG var i sengen.
“Then you might have to,” sagde Jax til sidst med et øjenblink til skuespilleren.

Foran spejlene bemærkede Jax at James stillede sig bag ham og de berøringer der blev lavet var nok til at Jax kunne mærke sig selv blive mere levende. “Mmh, maybe you’ll have to fuck me after we’re done with your training then,” altid måske. Jaxson kunne godt lide at lade det være i det uviste. Til sidst gav James slip på ham og Jaxson følte sig næsten helt ivrig efter bare at vende sig rundt og springe i ansigtet på manden. Man kunne ikke tirre Jaxson the Legend på den måde!
“Right.. Uhm.. So, what you want to do is move as if you’re water.. Goin’ with the flow, you know?” han begyndte stille og roligt deres træningstime.
Godt og vel en time efter var Jax endelig tilfreds med hvordan det så ud og han klappede hænderne sammen en enkelt gang med et skævt smil plantet i ansigtet.
“There you go! That’s how it’s done!” udbrød han entusiastisk og gik hen foran King, stadig smilende. Det tog dog en let drejning, over mod et lidt lummert blik. “So what now? You said something about the mirrors, didn’t you?”
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IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptyTors Okt 17, 2019 10:12 pm

He laughed a little when Jaxson blinked to him, before smiling to him. " Maybe some day ". He loved flirting with Jaxson a little now and then. He was a handsome man, but he had never actually tried to go any further than just a little touching and flirtation. He respected his craft and talent, so he had never really thought about fucking it up, since he wasnt someone what was easy to handle or even being near sometimes and he definitely didnt want a relationship with any. He loved the way that he could almost make Jaxson squirm under his touch, before hearing his lustfull words. " Mmm.. maybe ". James had always been an eager learner, always striving to achive only the best, so of course when Jaxson said that he should move with the flow and like water, he started to copy Jaxson´s steps, as much as he could.. feeling the room, and also his body completely.

He felt alive for a moment, like nothing could disturb him at this very moment, like he was one with himself. He almost didnt hear Jaxson clapping and eager him on with complimenting words, about how good he was. When Jaxson positioned himself in front of him, with that oh so little smile, turning into something that could be quite dangerous but also rather fun. He smiled back, before narrowing his eyes, slowly walking up to him, before stopping. He looked at him for a moment, before placing a hand on his shoulder, turning his back to him with the words. " Maybe another time ". It was always maybe between the two of them, and somehow it amused James beyond words.

He looked over his shoulders, before saying " I need you by the way.. to help me make a suit, i´m thinking all black, the shirt, the tie, the whole thing.. but matching blacks.. but not quite matching, if you catch my drift? ". He smiled a little before saying " It´s for a gala event. Could you maybe start on it today? ". He looked at him a little, hoping for a yes, he always pain a good amoung of money to him, especially for cases that was almost last minute. " So what have you been up to?, the last couple of weeks i havent seen you ".
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IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptyFre Okt 18, 2019 12:32 am

It was teasing, the way James always ended up with a "maybe" instead of just doing it. Just making it goddamn happen! It was a little frustrating and very annoying, all at the same time and Jax could feel it building up. He would have to hit downtown after this if James kept going like this with the half-promises and vague flirts that never led anywhere. "Always with the maybe's," he hesitantly said, sounding mostly reserved to avoid sounding irritated. It came with his over-empathic brain. Being able to sense people's emotions made him better at shutting down himself.

It felt more like a "buddy" thing, the slight grasp on his shoulder. Normally he'd think that positive, but in this case? Not so much. James was such a fucking tease! Then the subject changed completely, towards the professional stuff, and Jaxson looked towards James, nodding a couple of times, having his work-brain turned on for this. And he would have to start today? That'd probably mean he'd have to pull another all-nighter, but he was used to it by now. He almost always lacked sleep. Mostly he just slept for about 4 to 5 hours a night. Sometimes more, when he eventually crashed. But tonight he felt a need to hit town and get laid, especially after the stunt James just pulled on him. Then again, this was work-related. His ambitions to be the absolutely best at his craft came in the way of him having fun way more than he liked. "Sure, I can do that.. All black, aesthetically pleasing to the eye in a matching but not matching way? I think I catch your drift," with a thoughtful expression he'd already begun planning patterns in his mind so when James once again flipped the subject, Jaxson hesitated a bit as his work-brain was still switched on. "Huh? Oh, yeah, uhm.. I haven't had a lot of free time lately now that I think of it. Many gala's, and parties this time of the year to be honest," he was still looking a little distanced mentally, scratching his chin thoughtfully.
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IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptyFre Okt 18, 2019 2:37 pm

He could feel the sudden change in the air, almost as if he had gone too far, which he properly also had, but he had known Jaxson for so long, even had him with him to parties, he didnt see them like business collegues, but more like friends, maybe even close family almost, because he would always invite Jaxson with him, both for work purpose but also because he enjoyed his company very much. He looked at Jaxson with a worried expression, before saying just right out of the bag. " Too much?. Just say if im crossing the line ". He didnt like making Jaxson feel so hungry for him, it wasnt to tease him in that way, but he just didnt know how fucking hot he looked himself or how much he could actually frustrate people with his words and touches. He had never seen Jaxson actually taking a liking in him, so the words he had spoke before, was also something that surprised him very much indeed.

He nodded at Jaxson´s words, about catching his drift, he already knew that he would. He loved his work and gladly paid him extra, but hearing him not having a lot of free time lately, and also looking a little distance to him. He tilted his head a little, before walking over to him, looking into his eyes, gently touching his cheek. " Hey.. look at me. What do you say?, want to come with me to a party later tonight?, the suit can wait ". He smiled a litte, before removing his hand, if Jaxson hadnt already done it. " You know i dont see you as just.. someone working for me from time to time.. right Jax? ". He looked at him with a serious expression, as to letting him know, that he actually meant his words. " We have known each other for like?, some years now almost.. havent we? ". He didnt keep track on just how long, but Jax had always seemed to be a part of his life, in the later famous years.
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IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptyFre Okt 18, 2019 4:49 pm

Jaxson really hadn't meant for James to become concerned or worried at all, so when he noticed his friend's expression and his question, he immediately shook his head, gesturing that he was absolutely fine and that James didn't need to worry. "Oh.. Uh, no, no, it's fine," fine. That's what most people said when it was in fact not fine and Jaxson swore he could have facepalmed right there and then. Only he didn't. He just left it at that and continued thinking about patterns, dance moves, and James and himself in a bed. Or a closet? Or just up against a wall. It frustrated him again, but as always he kept it wrapped and under complete control, merely looking like he was in deep ponder.

A party instead? So he could hit town with James instead of just going out and getting laid by himself? But wouldn't that stop him from getting laid all together? He kind of wanted to say no, but at the same time, James' gentle touching of his cheek made his strength of will wane into oblivion. He could never say no to this man. Ever.
"I... I know.. And I'd like to hit town with you.. Uh, I think?" James really stopped his brain from working properly with that gentle touch. But this time it wasn't frustrating, it was just nice. And a bit confusing. In the end they went out. Jaxson had a quick change of attire of course, changing over to a t-shirt, leather jacket, and tight jeans.


Hours after they were back home in Jaxson's apartment again, Jaxson extremely drunk. Drunk enough to actually lean on James. Drunk enough to even miss the keyhole with his key, until James helped him get it in. James couldn't help but laugh at it, because all sorts of slightly perverse jokes had entered his drunken mind. As they got inside he almost fell over, but got caught by James' strong arms. He could practically feel the muscles. It was.. Exhilerating! Jaxson touched his arm, tenderly, before gripping it.

"You know... There are no mirrors out here, right? Buuut.. I still wanna fuck you," the young man exclaimed drunkenly, openly. There were no more secrets. Jaxson had NEVER been this drunk while in James' company. Never. He grabbed a better hold of James, then leaned in, mouth very close to his ear. "Don't fucking tell me you haven't thought about it. I know you have. I've felt it," he whispered, then bit gently down on the ear lobe. He really had no shame in his life right now, but to his own defense, he'd been trying to keep up with James. And appearently James could drink a LOT. Like a lot a lot!
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IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptyFre Okt 18, 2019 5:12 pm

He looked at Jaxson with a smile, before saying. " I need to change before we are hitting town, but i will come to pick you up. Oh and Jax, wear something easy to take off ". He had been drunk with Jaxson before but not where both of them was getting ready to really hammer the town and apparently that day had finally arrived, because before he knew of it, he had picket him up, gotten to the party, filled a few drinks on him, and everytime he had told Jaxson to stop, he had just kept going, saying something about trying to keep up with him. He had tried to keep it at a minimum playing drunk, but he always forgot to actually do it, from seeing Jaxson so gone from drinking. When it was over midnat, he finally thought that it was time go get Jaxson home and in bed, since he had been sailing like hell from one side to another. " Okay Jax, up we go ". He took his arm around his waist, and one over his shoulder, before grabbing a bottle of water on the way, while trying to get Jaxson out and into a cap.

He looked at Jaxson as they sat next to each other and with a little smile, he took an arm around him, letting him rest against him, if he felt like it, before they were finally home at Jaxson´s home. He got him carefully out, almost tripping on him, when walking up to the steps, making him burst into laugher. " For fuck sake Jax, you are so fucking wasted dude ". He smiled, before helping him put the key into the keyhole, hearing Jaxson laugh, made him roll his eyes almost to the back of his head, because he already had an ide about what Jaxson was thinking with the whole keyhole and sticking it in.

He closed the door after them and then grabbing Jaxson with a firm grib, before feeling his hands over his stretch out arm, and how his muscle had tensed up a bit, from working on holding him. He pulled him towards him, before gribbing tightly around his waist. " Jax ". He laughed a little, trying to look serious, before hearing his words. " Oh so you want to fuck me now. While you are drunk beyond your years ". He shok his head a little before moving Jax near hallway to the bedroom, but stopping when he felt his mouth very close to his ear, hearing his words. He could feel how Jaxson was teasing him, biting down on his ear lobe, before slowly looking at him.

He pushed him gently down onto the floor in the living room, before slowly leaning over him, looking into his eyes. " Dont tease me Jax, you know i´m gonna fuck you, if you continue ". He said it in such a serious tone of voice, while slowly starting to pull his blaizer off, following him unbuttoning his black shirt. " You want me so fucking bad. Then beg for it Jax, beg for your life ". He could feel how his primal desire took over, how he wanted to take him.. no more than that.. he wanted to fucking TURN HIM.
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IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptyFre Okt 18, 2019 5:26 pm

It had been nice to be taken care of in the cab and up the stairs to his cab. It felt safe. But now he didn't want safety. Jax wanted something else entirely. He wanted to do really bad (but good) stuff to James.
He'd also told his friend that he was definitely NOT drunk at all. A blatant lie, but Jax was too drunk to care at all. They were moving as Jax had bitten into James' ear, and now they were in his living room. On the floor? How on earth had he ended up there? And with James on top of him, looking very fucking serious! Jax' expression changed as he could feel the lust in James' mood. How James was almost primal. He looked deeply into the other man's eyes.

"Fuck. Me. To. Hell. And. Back," with each word pronounced, Jax' eyes became darker and darker. More lustful, while he reached out and touched James' chest, almost gingerly, before clawing with his fingernails. "Please," he added. He wanted him so bad!
"Fuck me like there's no goddamned tomorrow, James," even his voice had grown a little darker, almost husky, raw. Full of his desires.
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IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptyFre Okt 18, 2019 5:56 pm

" I thought you would never ask "

With those words, he almost ripped Jaxson´s shirt off his body, before taking his own off himself, revealing the goodlike sculptured body, almost as if he was made of the gods themself. How they pulsated and how they swelled under his skin, showing their glory, as he tensed in his muscles from taking the shirt off before throwing it away over his head. He carefully but raw ripped Jaxson´s trousers up, before growling low from the fingernails against his skin, how it was like claws, filling him with desire. He slowly leaned down over Jaxson, before kissing his neck, slowly unbuttoning his own pants, until he pulled down in them, revealing a most glorious manhood, big and long, he was over average that was for sure, but not in a monsterous way, but just perfect. He looked at Jaxson in front of him, under his body.. naked almost, before slowly moving down his body, kissing every inch of it, but his lips.. he never touched them.

When he tog down towards Jaxson´s hole, he spit on his hand, before moving it towards it, moving his fingers in cirkular movement over it, slowly prepping Jaxson for him. " Remember, you asked for it Jax ". He looked at him now, with almost red eyes, but it wasnt as clear as they layed in the light from the moonlight, that was traveling inside, from the curtains. He gently squeezed around Jaxson´s nipple, feeling it with his free hand, before kissing Jaxson´s manhood, slowly letting his tongue travel over its head and down it, before traveling up again and then giving it a wet lick, so he prepared him even more. He let a finger slip inside of Jaxson, moved it gently inside and outside some times, before his hand traveled down to Jaxson´s manhood, getting a firm grib around it, gently moving his hand up and down, stroking him, while fucking him with his fingers.

He listened closely to Jaxson´s heartbeat, making sure that he could follow him, so he didnt overwork his body, but when he put another finger inside of him, he started to move faster, while simulating fucking him, because he started to move his own hips a little, pressing with his own manhood against the skin between Jaxson´s hole and manhood. He smiled a little, before taking a hold of himself, slowly moving it down so he was right outside of Jaxson´s hole. He looked down before he spit down onto himself, covering himself in his own saliva, before gently pressing against Jaxson´s hole. " Say it. Say you want it ". He looked at him with a primal look to his eyes, almost like an animal ready to devour another animal.
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IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptyFre Okt 18, 2019 6:19 pm

Jaxson prepared himself for something hardcore when James ripped his shirt off his body, wild and roughly. It was absolutely delightful, and to begin with he just took in the sight that was James' upper body, muscles tensing and relaxing. But it wasn't as much the sights and sensations that were making Jaxson hard as hell itself. It was the raw emotion of lust, coursing through James. The wanting. The hunger. They were laying on a black carpet, and once they were both naked and Jaxson could feel James' fingers in him, his hands gripped the carpet hard, almost ripping holes in it as he looked hungrily upon the man's face, licking his lips in anticipation. He'd been waiting for this. And now it was finally happening.

The touches were gentle. As were his movements in a most sensitive place of Jaxson's body. But he was used to it. Of course sounds of pleasure ascaped him, but that was because it was good. And because he was drunk as all hell. He slowly moved his hands up on James' waists, fingernails gripping in hard, as his eyes practically shook lightning of desire.
"It want it. No need to be gentle, just... Do it," it was hard to control his emotions, eyes blinking rapidly as he dug his nails in a bit more. "James.. I want you to do it," there was probaly no need to say it again, but he did all the same. He fucking needed this, right now. Not tomorrow, not later. Right now. The fact that his manhood was rock-solid in James' hands was proof right there.
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An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptyLør Okt 19, 2019 1:22 am

A smile started to show on the Kings lips, as Jaxson grabbed the black carpet with such power, that he almost ripped holes in it. He slowly started to move, pushing himself inside of Jaxson. He didnt see this coming, him laying over Jaxson, guiding Jaxson´s legs to the side, so he had a better wiew but also better access to him. He slowly started to stroke Jaxson´s manhood, making it more pleasurable for him. He felt his fangs little by little, coming more and more out, before he leaned over Jaxson pounding harder into him, thrust after thrust into him, kissing his neck, before he felt it.. the kick inside of him. He didnt want to lose Jaxson, he was way to talented and he treasured him too much, to ever let him die from old age. He would have normally given Jaxson some kind og choice in this, but he didnt want to risk exposing himself and also ending up getting a no.

He made up his mind, when Jaxson climaxed, that was the time he would bite into his beautiful skin, sink the teeth into the flesh and drain him, but first.. he looked at Jaxson, before gently biting his own thumb, as descreetly as he could, before he placed it in front of Jaxson´s mouth, as for him to suck it, as he pushed it against the sweet lips. He knew that he would heal almost instantly, but he just needed to feed him some.. just to see how he would react from the strange taste. * Fuck.. if i´m going to do this, i need to feed him way more.. *. He had been learning this from his child years and up to his teenage years.. he knew exactly how much, but he was still afraid.. he didnt want to hurt Jaxson, but he knew how vampires made new vampires without giving birth, like purebloods could.

Slowly he gently stroke Jaxson´s cheek, before starting to pound into him even harder, making the tempo go faster, and getting deeper inside of him, feeling how he squeezed around him. He took a strong grib around Jaxson, before getting back on his feet, walking with Jaxson in his embrace, moving inside to the ballroom, before gently pushing him up against the mirror walls, turning around, so Jaxson could see his own lewd expressions. He started to moan a little, from the pure feeling of desire but also pleasure that he got from him, it was fucking great. " Jax.. i want you, forever with me.. say yes ". He looked into his eyes, waiting for an answer, before slowly getting down on his knees, laying him on the floor, looking at him, feeling for his climax. He slowly leaned over him, before biting down into the flesh, feeling the blood in hit mouth. If Jaxson would fight against the feeling, he would just keep drinking as quickly as he could, before stopping when he had enough, when he could hear Jaxson´s heart. Quickly he bit into his own wrist, tearing it almost with his teeth, so he could pour his blood quicker into the mouth of Jaxson, holding it open with force, before he looked at him, with an apologetic look. " I´m sorry Jax.. dont worry, you will wake up again. I wont lose you ". With those words he closed his eyes, still fucking him, before he turned his head so quick, so the neck broke on Jax. He slowly stopped moving his hips, before gently taking him op into his arms, looking at him.. before he pulled out of him.

He rose to his feet, holding Jaxson in such a gentle embrace, before moving into the bedroom, closing the curtains, and then placing his own sun ring onto Jaxson´s fingers, before binding his arms and legs, so he couldnt run away from the start. He then walked out of the house shortly after making himself clean. He came back not long after, with blood in blodbags, and a special suitcase that was made to keep the blood fresh. He looked at the house, before walking inside and then closing the door, locking it, and then sitting at Jaxson´s side, stroking his cheek a little.. waiting.
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An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptyLør Okt 19, 2019 4:22 am

The slow ease of James' manhood, getting inside of Jaxson made the much younger human tense with almost unbearable pleasure. He wanted it to be rough. Rough enough to make him walk funny tomorrow. That was really how Jax liked it. That's how he'd always liked it. Loved it!
It didn't take long before the slow ease turned into forceful pumping inside of him. There was some pain, but it was the exquisite kind of pain, the kind that made Jaxson close his eyes in delight. He was still completely tense, but that was from the good pain, and the ravaging hunger that he felt from King. A thumb was pressed against his mouth and without even thinking twice, Jaxson just opened his mouth, bit down around it - not that hard, but enough to show that he wasn't just some tame little innocent man. Enough so that James would actually feel it to. Metallic taste entered his mouth and Jaxson didn't know if it came from himself biting down on James' finger or if it was from something else. And he didn't care, what so ever.

As he felt strong arms grip him and carrying him away from the living room floor, he simply dug his fingers into James' shoulders, his own grip hard, to the point of getting cramps in his joints. They entered the room with mirrors and when he was turned around he could see his own face, strained with pleasure. He was vain enough to absolutely enjoy it, before he was again turned around, his stare facing James' eyes. He didn't know what James meant with his words. He really thought the man meant a relationship, which he couldn't deny that he was kind of interested in. That plus he was drunk on emotions AND alcohol. There was a slight "panic" in James, mixed in with his lust and hunger and in Jaxson it just became pure adrenaline. "Yes," he moaned, without hesitation.

Not long after, they were on the ground again, Jaxson's fingers stretching to touch the mirror next to them. He touched the surface and stared at his own reflection while teeth sunk into his neck, biting through the tender skin and flesh, filling Jaxson with something he really couldn't describe. He didn't want to fight against, but at some point his body convulsed before he felt the pure exhaustion of almost being drained. His eyes were drooping, almost closed when he heard the muffled voice of James... Making an apology? He never quite understood it, not even when blood was also forced into his mouth, down his throat. His brain was a jumbled mess and he could make sense of nothing at all.
He felt the strain on his neck before it popped. Everything went black.

When the young man awoke, there was only one thing filling him to the brim: Dread, fear, absolute terror. He didn't know why and when he moved he felt restricted. His eyes shut open, flashing a deep, bloody red and he yanked his hands and legs trying to break free. No success. That's when he felt the pain wracking his entire system and he convulsed once again, before lying still, his eyes still flashing red, almost out of control. He could hear things. Things he normally couldn't hear. And even in the dark, he could see everything. And the smells were overpowering making him groan in pain.
"No.. No no no no no...." his voice sounded scratchy, worn out. Then he felt it: The terrifying hunger. He needed something to sustain him. He'd never in his life felt this way, so hungry that he wanted to eat even his own bed had he been able to! When he saw James, he started into his eyes. "What.. Is happening to me!?" Everything was a blur in his mind, because not only his own feelings were in a complete overdrive, but at the same time he could not stop his empathic abilities from running amok. From James and his feelings of.. Something unexplainable. To both his neoighbours feeling well from having nice dreams. To the man living below him and his craving for alcohol. He understood fucking nothing!
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An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptyLør Okt 19, 2019 4:20 pm

He gently sat down besides him, looking at him and briefly petting his head, slowly and steady. When Jaxson finally came to himself, he looked at him with with such calmness, but inside of himself.. he feared that Jaxson would turn sour, and if he did.. he would have to kill him with his own hands, something that he deep inside hoped would never happen. Gently he grabbed the head of Jaxson´s looked into his eyes with his warm embracing gaze, slowly stroking his cheek with his thumb. " Jaxson, listen to my voice.. only me ". His voice was deep again, like a void sucking someone in, as sweet as a lullaby in the night. He reached for one of the blood packs before looking at Jaxson. He didnt have time to ask him to drink it, to actually wait to see if he wanted it, cause he knew that he needed it, he knew that he had to be quick also. " As your maker, i command you. Drink ". He held the blood bag in front of Jaxson now, waiting for the sire bond to kick through, if not Jaxson actually did as he said, all by himself. Slowly letting one of his hands lose from the bindings.

He grabbed the suitcase, before dragging it over the bed, opening it and finding the rest of the blood, there was exactly enough as a human had inside of its body. He had waited for this day, to make a vampire, one he actually enjoyed, because he had done it before, Jaxson was not his very first vampire creation, but he didnt have a very good luck with.. others, maybe because of the missing bond between them, the bond before the actual turn. He knew that Jaxson could to two ways, go rather insane from the smells the noise and the emotions or be lustful to a point where it would become dangerous to him and Jaxson himself.

He knew that vampires felt so much deeper feelings that human would ever understandn, which was why he was so gentle towards Jaxson, so he didnt end up angering him or making him sad. He looked at him, gave him bag after bag. " Drink all of it ". His voice still calm as the morning sea.. waiting for a storm that might not come or might. He looked up and down at Jaxson, having putten a blanket over him, since he had been rather rough with him before, and not wanting him to wake half naked and afraid. He slowly touch his neck, gently rubbing it, if he would let him. " How are you feeling Jax.. ". He looked at him with his now ruby red eyes, smelling the delicious blood in the air between them. " I turned you Jax. You are a vampire now. I dont see why dragging it out, would make it any better, but if you keep focusing on my voice, you will make it through the night, and the ring on your finger.. if you take it off, you will be dead within seconds. So as your maker, i command you. Keep the ring on at all times, until i take it off ". He had to be sure, that Jaxson wouldnt do something stupid.
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An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptyLør Okt 19, 2019 4:54 pm

Instinctly, Jaxson knew that James wasn't out to hurt him. It might be painful, his thumb on Jax' cheek, because his senses were on overdrive, but Jax knew deep inside that James didn't mean it to hurt. So even though it did hurt, the now very young vampire did not shy away from the gentle touch. He just looked into the eyes of the man who had done something to him. Something he didn't really know anything about. He couldn't really get a good grasp of the situation because he kind of felt trapped inside a very different body. A body that would feel right at some point, but right now felt very wrong. He felt like he was a danger to everything around him and he didn't know what to make of it at all.
The voice that came out of James' mouth sounded somewhat different. It was calm, but also louder than normal, even though the other man didn't mean to sound loud. It made little to no sense.

Instantly, when commanded, Jaxson stiffened like a dog looking at a treat and being commanded in the same way. It was as if his own thoughts dissappeared and were replaced with an urge to obey without question. As soon as his hands were freed, he grabbed the bag of blood and started feeding. He didn't think, didn't taste it, nothing. He just drank like he was told, emptying bag after bag, looking into nothing, his eyes void of all emotions. It was like he'd been switched off until his bed was full of empty blood bags and he somehow came back into the world again mentally. He felt a little more calm. The physical pain had subsided and now there was only the feeling of wrong and the dread left in his body. "I don't... I don't know," he covered his face with his hands, but instantly looked towards James when the explanation came from his now sire. Again the command-word came, he was shortly swtiched off again and nodded with an empty face before his feelings began to overwhelm him. He wanted to hurt something so he could stop hurting inside. He couldn't figure himself out anymore. He felt like an alien. Before he knew it, he looked down at himself, drying blood away from his face with his own hands that were covered in blood as well. He felt.. Dirty? Bloodied..
It was like back when he was constantly high on drugs, picked fights and came home with injuries that he could never remember. And with new enemies around every corner.

It took all his effort to remain somewhat calm. Every last own of his power of will. He felt emotionally drained. "James... Will it... Is it going to stop?" when he noticed that his question made no sense, he looked at his old friend, shaking his head slowly. "I can feel everything. I can feel what you feel.. I've always been able to do that, but.. Now it's tenfold.. The worry.. You're rubbing my neck, because you need to occupy your hands, so you don't seem too nervous.. But I can sense it. And it's too much," he wanted to shut it all out but he couldn't. He almost wished James would trigger him, so he could just sit and stare into nothing like a mindless thing. But what kind of life would that be? "What... What do I do now?" Jaxsons voice sounded strained and he was visibly shaking at this point.
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An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptySøn Okt 20, 2019 4:18 pm

James noticed how Jaxson tensed up by his commands, just as he remembered from the other times he had turned people, but then again, it never got any easier, especially not with Jaxson, since he cared so deeply for him, like family almost. When all the bag was emptied, he took them before putting them back into the suitcase, closing it and then placing it at the floor, next to the bed. No need for it anymore, it had served its purpose. He looked once again at Jaxson, before he began to losen the binds of Jaxson´s wrist and ankles, gently stroking the places where he had tied the knots. He looked at Jaxson with a concerned expression, for a second, before hearing him finally speak a word. " Dont worry i wont command you anymore tonight. Hopefully ".

When he heard his name, he couldnt stop feeling a sharp pain go through his heart, as if he had done an unspeakable thing to Jaxson. He had been healthy, in his best years, with a good career and such talent. He knew that his blood was strong in Jaxson´s veins and it would be hard to come back into the normal human world, but he would train and guide him until the last moment, where Jaxson would feel like he finally got it. He didnt know how it was for a person to transition to a vampire, but he knew the hunger and the urges, the emotions. " Yes. I will be right by your side all the way Jax ". His voice was calm this time and low, so Jaxson wouldnt feel such a burden by hearing and focusing on it. When he suddenly spoke about him feeling what he felt, he raised his brow i wonder, looking a little confused for a second, before hearing what he actually meant by it. " Oh really? ". He smiled a little, seeing as he had not exspected this at all. " What a lovely gift you got ". His smile disappeared when he heard the words ' too much '.

He slowly pulled himself over to Jaxson, before laying an arm around him, gently kissing his hair, before pulling him to lay at his side. " Syysh. It´s okay, just.. let yourself feel it, feel everything, like turning a glass to the side, let everything out, except for the important little drops at the bottom of the glass... visualise it ". When Jaxson said what he should do now, he looked at him with a gentle gaze, before laying his head against his, sweetly kissing his hair, before moving his arms around him, almost so Jaxson would sit between his arms, before gently taking Jaxson´s arm, embracing him, while gently stroking them. " You will be in my care from now on. I will guide you.. learn you everything you need, and then.. you will live for as long as you would like, always staying as beautiful as now, stronger.. polished.. finally the world will open up to you, and your gifts and talents will be a blessing in themself Jaxson. You will see, once the bad is over, the good will come, and you are in for a ride of your life ". Colors, sounds.. everything would be brighter, better, more vivid.. louder at some points, but he would see so many things, that he couldnt before.. maybe his art would flourish more, maybe his gift would become stronger and his ability to tackle it, be better.
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An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptySøn Okt 20, 2019 9:44 pm

It might've been that James tried to comfort Jax by saying that he probably wouldn't make other commands, but even though that was the case, it surprisingly didn't have the wanted effect on the younger vampire, because Jax didn't mind tonight. He honestly wanted the night to be over, and maybe wake up in the morning, only to figure out that it had just been an alcohol-induced nightmare. But it wasn't, and somehow Jax knew that in the deepest pits of his blurred mind. Be that as it may, he still din't mind the commands right now, because it was almost like a sedative, where he would just do what he was told without thinking twice about it. About anything really.

Jax kept lying still even when he was freed from his bindings. For now. He didn't want to move as that could end up with more potential pain. Instead he just allowed James to practically envelope him in a comforting hug, only he almost couldn't bear it at this moment. He needed to do something. Anything. Punch a wall, take a shower. Get the blood off his skin. He couldn't fucking take it!
"No.. James," his voice cracked again. He was having a serious meltdown, and it would either result in anger or extreme melancholy. The important bit was that he felt an overpowering urge to just isolate himself. "No.. I can't take it, I need it to... I need it to fuck off!" without any hesitation, he wriggled himself out of James' grasp, even though the man was just innocently hugging him and trying to explain what to do with all the emotions and all the powered up senses. He stood up from the bed, completely naked but he really didn't give a goddamned shit. He wanted the blood away, so he immediately walked towards the bathroom followed closely by his sire. He needed only glance in the mirror to be frightened by his own face and he quickly went to the shower, turning on the scalding hot water. As he stepped under it, it felt.. Weird. It wasn't too hot. And it didn't heat him up.

"God damnit, fuck, why!? Stupid fucking water!" by now he has almost yelling and suddenly he punched the wall, leaving dents and cracks. It didn't even hurt? Why the hell didn't it hurt!? That's when reality hit Jaxson for real. James was right. He was changed forever! Was it even possible to undo it? Would he be able to ever raise a family of his own? The young vampire stumbled slightly nefore he simply gave up, sat down up against the wall, burying his face in his own hands, crying silent tears of blood. He didn't see it, and thank god for that. He'd probably just freak out even more.
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An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptyMan Okt 21, 2019 1:11 am

He looked down to Jaxson, when he said no to him. He didnt quite understand what he said no to, before he heard his words, which only made his expression fall a little, showing a sorrowful face for a moment, before he gently let go of him, when he began to try and wiggle out of his grib. " Jaxson, calm down ". He knew that words wouldnt go through, but he still felt the need to try and say them, to see if there was any reaction from Jaxson. His gaze followed him, as he began to stand up in the bed, before walking over it, making James remove his legs, so he wasnt gonna be stepped on. He looked confused at him for some seconds, before following him in a fast pace. " Jaxson relax a little ". His voice still calm as always, but deep inside he knew that he couldnt hide the nervousness from Jaxson, that properly felt all of that and more.

James could instantly see on Jaxson´s face, how his own reflection didnt satisfy him as it had done before. He followed him over to the shower, before seeing him turn it on, on the highest setting. He didnt know why humans was so stupid, as to make a shower with so hot water, that it would immidiately damp the room and fog everything up, but he instantly stepped in, holding his arm over the head of Jaxson, feeling the scolding hot water, how it almost burned his skin, before turning it down as quickly as he could, cause even if Jaxson couldnt feel the heat, it would still be there, and it could definitely make some damage to his skin and James´s also. " Stop it Jax.. ". He looked at him with a more serious expression this time, before seeing him hit the wall with his fist.

He was about to take Jaxson´s hand, almost ready to force him down on the wet tiles, before he saw Jaxson slowly lower himself against the wall, all the way down to the ground. He felt a little insulted, that Jaxson couldnt see the gift he had given him, how wonderful it was, but then again.. he was JUST turned, so he just had to accept Jaxson´s feelings, even if it hurt him deeply.. making him feel, that he had taken something from him, and not giving him something instead. " Jaxson, im.. im so sorry ". He slowly got down on his knees, before looking at the blood running from Jaxson´s face.

He felt the water over his body, how his pants was hanging low and how his body started to gleam from the water. He didnt know what to say, so instead he just sat down opposite to Jaxson, with a leg bent to his chest and his arm hanging over the bent leg.. looking down at the bloody water, before feeling a tear flow from his eye, how it traveled down his cheek, with the water from above them. He gently let his hand stroke over his face, before letting it glide through his hair, making it sleek and sit in a most posh looking way. " I never meant for you to hurt.. i wanted to give you a gift.. a gift of eternal life, eternal youth.. where your talents could grow and i wanted.. i wanted to not lose you to death.. i´m selfish.. ". He looked up towards the water, feeling it whip his face, before closing his eyes.. feeling his head against the glass of the shower.
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An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptyMan Okt 21, 2019 4:36 am

Jaxson didn't even notice how much James did for him. How he quickly turned the heat down on the shower-head, how he had shielded Jaxson from the burning heat of the very hot water. Or how he would've stopped him from attempting to damage himself even more. He'd shut down his own ability to sense other people's emotions because he couldn't handle that and his own overpowering emotions that were spinning out of control. It wasn't before he sat there, crying silently, when he heard James apologize in a voice that almost didn't sound like the voice of powerful James King. This was James. Just James, not all the fancy antiques or anything like that. Immediately, Jax' power switched back on and even though it was overpowering he could feel a mixture of guilt and... Dissappointment? Did James feel insulted? However that specific feeling was quickly overruled by the before said guilt, and it occured to Jaxson: Maybe he himself wasn't the only one feeling different about this. Maybe... Maybe James was having a hard time too?

The words that came out of his friend made Jaxson look up, just in time to see the tear running down his face. Just a single one, but that was enough. He felt the selfishness, the love, and the guilt eminating from James and he could do nothing but be just slightly surprised at first. How could he not see that to begin with? Things were starting the clear up for Jax as he felt himself regaining control over himself, slowly, but steadily. "It's just... I don't know if you know but.. But this is... Different... Really different. I feel everything in my mind, like it's a hurricane just whipping it all up, like... Like as I'm on a really bad trip," there was no better explanation for it at all, because Jaxson didn't even have enough life-experience to take it from. He slowly reached out towards James and touched his hand. "And I.. I might live forever, but.. What if I ever grew to like someone who couldn't do that? Even if said person was a vampire.. I'll out-live everyone, then I'll just... Be all alone.." he couldn't bear to involve his thoughts about family in this. That was something he had to figure out by himself.

"My life has just made one big drastic change that should have been made over way, way more time, and it was terrifying. I've never tried anything like that.. But," he drew a shaky breath before actively grabbing James' hand. "I don't think you're selfish.. I think you were really just afraid of the same loss that I'm going to be afraid of from now on.. Yeah?" the way James looked, was something that set forth emotions of caring and loving someone a lot, and for Jax that was confusing. He'd always had a.. Thing for James. But was it really like this? That extreme? No matter what there was no stopping. "No matter how I feel about this, I will always care for you," he made the promise looking James dead in the eyes, serious in his own expression, but also with a warmth over his eyes. How that could come to be in a newly-changed vampire was a mystery. Maybe it was just because Jaxson had that strength of will that was needed to break free from his own strong emotions?
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IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptyTirs Okt 22, 2019 12:10 am

He looked a little up when feeling the gentle but also cold hand, how it wasnt warm as normal, and how wet it had become like his own, from the water rinsling down over them. He looked at Jaxson with his wet hair in front of his face. The golden eyes looked sorrowful at him, before gently stroking Jaxson´s hand that were in his firm grib, firmly but still softly. James looked away trying to look cool and above the feelings he felt inside, but he just gave a little nod, as to say that he felt like that.. that he felt alone and trapped sometimes, like he was going to choke on loneliness.

He looked at Jaxson, before saying with a low voice still filled up with guilt. " I will also always care about you.. but i maybe shouldnt have done.. what i did ". He looked down a little, before slowly standing up, walking over to Jaxson´s side, before sitting down, looking at him.

" You will never be alone Jaxson.. i promise you that. You have me.. you will always have me. I live forever like you.. and i wont let you be alone ". A thought suddenly came to him. When he had helped Jaxson regain control over everything.. maybe he should get him a dog or maybe a little cat?. He looked at Jaxson for a moment, like really looked at him, studying his face, before saying. " Are you a dog person or cat or both? ". He smiled a little, trying to make light of the situation, even if it wasnt something to make fun of.
He stretched over Jaxson for a moment, before turning the water off. It was getting rather sticky sitting out there. He looked at Jaxson for a little moment, before saying " Do you need help with washing that body of your ". He smiled a little, even if he knew that he shouldnt.. he couldnt help it.

// Sorry its short ^^" - går igennem intens tandsmerte pt //
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IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptyTirs Okt 22, 2019 3:49 pm

It was odd to feel such intense and raw emotions from James. Not only guilt, but when Jax mentioned the loneliness he felt as if a wave crushed him down and choked him. So that's how James felt. Honetly it was terrifying, because he'd never experienced that kind of emotion from James before. It had always been assertiveness, having fun, being an absolute badass when it came to James King, but this was all completely new. Like a new side of his friend. Well, probably a bit more than friend since they'd had really rough sex.

"Yeah... Yeah, let's talk about that anymore," because not talking about it would totally fix it! Or not. Jaxson didn't want to though. He wanted to try to forget about it, just for tonight. Tomorrow would be a new day, wouldn't it? Or would he have to stay away from the sun? From what he'd heard vampires could not handle daylight. He'd have to ask at some point, just not right now. Not while it was all still raw. "Thanks.. I think. I don't want you to be alone either," he quickly mentioned, feeling a bit awkward. It was extremely sweet of James, but at the same time, weird. Jaxson couldn't help but feel funky about it.
When James mentioned cats and dogs, it was as if all the negative things and emotions went out the window. Jax had always wanted a pet! He didn't really care if it was a dog or a cat, actually he wanted both. He wanted his apartment to be filled with cats and dogs, because those were the only soft things he really liked. He was a hard and tough man most of the time. Just not with animals.

"I adore both.. I still don't know why haven't gotten one of each, maybe I've been working too much?" surely he'd been working too much. As a human he'd pulled allnighters in rows, which meant he had a short temper and suffered from exhaustion almost all the time. But like this. Like a vampire. It wasn't there. He wasn't even drunk or hungover. That might've been the good part about being one, just being able to do what needed to be done, and not care about sleep.
"Uh.. Yeah.. If I see any of that blood from before, I think I'll freak out again," Jax nodded in agreement, took a stand and waited for James to help him. He closed his eyes to avoid any bloody sights at the same time.
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IndlægEmne: Sv: An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd)   An Offer You Can't Refuse (CW) (Fortidstråd) EmptyTors Okt 31, 2019 10:53 pm

He didnt like that Jaxson wouldnt talk that much about it, but he also understood that it was so much to take in at the moment. He couldnt help feeling guilty about his actions, normally he would have never turned somebody that didnt want it or had earned it, but then again.. he could see Jaxson become a good respected vampire, not someone out in the could unable to actually control its hunger, but he knew it would take work and lots of it, before they would even get to a point where he could go outside, and he knew that Jaxson had a job, but he could just support him, until he could go outside by himself, control it even. He looked away as Jaxson was trying to get under his skin with his comment about him not wanting to be alone. " maybe.. ". He didnt want to come out and say yes, as he felt he didnt need anyone but, he wanted Jaxson to be part of his world, of his life. He laughed inside, as he felt it was almost like a disney movie.. part of his world. He smiled a little at the very thought, before turning his attention to Jaxson, when he said yes to him cleaning him.

He got up, before taking some soap into his hands, gently started to rub them together to make some more foam, before he turned to Jaxson. He let his hands glide slowly over Jaxson´s shoulders, massaging him ever so gently, as to get the pain away from his body also.. before he moved his hands around him, over his chest.. op to his neck, before he moved his hands down Jaxson´s side, touching his crotch almost.. before he moved down his legs, one leg at a time, before moving up again, feeling himself get hard, as he stood so close to him, drenched in his clothing, or lack of clothing. He smiled a little, before taking the shower head and then gently spooled Jaxson, before hanging it back. " And i´m done... you just ned to clean your face a little ". He then walked past Jaxson in his wet clothes, before looking down himself. " So.. i think we should start training tomorrow morning.. but for now, i thing a good nights sleep would do, so i´m gonna go in and change.. and i´m staying with you ".

He removed the wet clothes before hanging it to dry, before he walked into the bedroom and started changing the sheet and everything, so there was no blood to see in sight. He looked at the bed for a moment, gently letting his hand glide over the soft fabric.. before he came with a little sigh, as he stood there naked and tense in all of his muscles, looking almost like he flexed.
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