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 School days [AU]

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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptySøn Sep 29, 2019 5:30 am

Buffy could feel him tremble, his body wanting to give in and cry, but it was clear he wouldn't let himself. His whisper made her swallow. That was a long time to promise love, but on the other hand she couldn't see why not. She pulled herself away from him, placing a hand on his cheek, her other arm still snuggly around him. "I can't promise you forever," she whispered truthfully. There were facts here in life and one of them her being a human. She knew she could always find a way to stay with him, but changing herself like that didn't seem to fit her well. "But I can promise you something else," she said, her eyes watering at the thought. She took his hand, placing it over her beating heart, and she felt herself ache as she knew what she was about to say wouldn't help comfort him, however she needed to be true with him. "Until my heart stops beating," she whispered, hoping he would look her in the eye, just to make it easier for her to know he understood. "It will be beating for you, and for the love I feel for you," she said softly, stroking his cheek softly. She loved him, and deep down she wanted to promise him forever, but that would be a false hope. She could give him her lifetime. She could promise away the limited amount of hours that a human body had on this planet, and she would give them gladly to him.
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptyMan Sep 30, 2019 1:00 am

Her whisper wasnt exactly what he had hoped for, he knew he had been asking much of her with such a request, but at the same time, the truth just seemed to make it bitter. He found it hard to keep looking her in the eye, not because he didnt want to but because it felt like it was hurting him, his heart. He felt her heart under his palm, his eyes avoiding hers though she still had his full attention beside the missing eye contact. He just kept blinking the wetness in his eyes away, knowing he would lose eventually. Then she whispered. He didnt really move his eyes in that moment nor after, like he was processing it for just a moment. He bit the inside of his lip, before he looked at his hand over her chest with eyes so filled with sorrow. "That's good enough for me," he just said in a low tone as he sat up from the bed, just by his slow movements it was easy to tell that whatever he was going to do, he clearly didnt have his whole heart in it. "I have to go home," he said as he rubbed his eyes to make sure they stayed dry, his elbows placed on his knees.
He looked up from his hands after a while and exhaled deeply, folding his hands. "It seems that whoever attacked me, chose someone else when I wasnt available," he explained as he looked down to his folded hands, clenching his jaw as he felt so guilty. He closed his eyes for a bit before he sighed. "My mom. The family doctor was the one who called. It's not to know if she'll make it through the night or not," he then said as he got up from bed, clenching his hands for a bit but then just to decide that anger wouldnt heal his mother. He stared at the floor. "It's my fault. And if she doesnt make it, it'll be something that I have to live with for the rest of my life," he then said in a tone ridden of emotion. He just stood there staring for a bit before he felt a tear roll down his cheek and onto the floor all of a sudden. He touched under his eye with a betrayed expression on his face before he felt his eyes well up.
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptyMan Sep 30, 2019 10:20 am

She felt a little heartbroken for some reason. She couldn't give him what he wanted, that was forever. As he moved to sit up, she didn't know what to do. Maybe it was that he had realized something, but as soon as he spoke about the phone call, she felt her eyes well op. "What are you still doing here," she whispered, moving up to her feet, trying to still catch his eye, but he was trying to hide this. She shook her head. No, this couldn't be his fault. This was not something he could blame himself for, she knew that deep down. She placed a hand over his cheek, wiping away the trail from the tear as she looked at him. "Go to her, go be with her, hold her hand - Tell her that you care, that you couldn't ask for a better mother," Buffy said in a broken voice. She hadn't been able to do that with her own mother. "Take this opportunity to tell her everything, tell her your dreams and thoughts about everything," she whispered, now crying herself. This was hitting her hard, harder than it would probably hit others around them. She leaned up, placing a last kiss against his lips. She needed to arrange things with Florence, and she needed to thank Nana for bringing Baal back to her. And she also needed to talk with Vanessa about everything. "I won't be alone, just go," she whispered, kissing him one more time before letting him go. She tried removing her tears, but it was like every time she did, they just came running once more. She let him go, let him run if he needed to, but as soon as he was gone she felt herself crawl on to the bed again, hugging the duvet close as she just cried silently.
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptyTirs Okt 01, 2019 2:00 am

He looked at her as she wiped his cheek, feeling like he wanted to swallow but couldnt, like the knot had gotten so big that all he could do was endure it's exsistence till it eventually grew big enough to make him feel choked. Her whisper made him frown so sorrowful as it seemed like it wasnt just about his mother anymore. He was torn between wanting to stay and comfort her or go to be with his mother for what seemed to be the last time. He returned her kiss, but it was like it was more about feeling her close than feeling the tenderness of her lips. It was like she could read his mind because sure enough, she assured him that she would be fine. He pressed her close as they kissed, "I'll call you... If something happens," he said in a broken tone. He a little reluctantly let go of his grip around her before he got out of her room to make a run for it. He felt thankful that he had a car, but he would have ran all the way if he had to. He just had to get home.

Lana sat in the cantina, leaning her shoulder against Florence as her eyes were pinned to her phone. She had a frown over her face as she still felt so angry. She looked up, looked around before looking down at her phone. "We could just kill him," he said rather casually with a shrug, "There isnt anything my parents wouldnt do to keep me out of prison. I doubt I would even get a painted record," she added, the way she casually spoke of it, was just her way of hiding the anger she was really feeling. She was only ever this way with people that had really gotten under her skin and peaked her levels of patience.
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptyTirs Okt 01, 2019 5:26 am

Buffy nodded at his words, wanting to get updated just as much, but she would respect he needed time. She felt like it was her fault, not that his mother got hurt, but that she had been keeping him from just going home to her. As she laid there in bed she placed a hand over her stomach, sighing as she shook her head. In her dreams that child would've never even be conceived. She would have gotten the courage to just get with Baal before Virgil ever had a chance to stomp on her heart. Maybe that was a bit childish to think of, but she didn't really know what else to think about, except worrying.

Florence sighed, kissing the top of Lana's dark hair. "I don't think Buffy would like that, love, though I do like the idea of that scum being deleted from existence," she said with a gentle smile on her lips. She felt her phone vibrate, looking a bit at the screen as she felt sad. "She won't keep it," Florence said, feeling a bit relieved but also that more frightened on the human's behalf. She wrapped an arm around Lana, pressing her closer. Both of them didn't really want kids, but they also knew that the future would demand it of them. "We could cut off his balls?" she said in a pondering tone.

Charles chuckled as he joined them. "Nah, that would be too messy," he said, sitting with his empty plate as always. "You need to hurt him like he hurt her, killing or maiming him won't leave a scar on his soul," he said thoughtfully.
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptyTirs Okt 01, 2019 3:33 pm

“She’d get over it. You cant be hung up on some asshole if you know he’s 5 feet under,” she said with a shrug like it was some sort of law that couldnt be overruled. She leaned in on Florence, reading the message as well as she spoke. “Good. Cant be friends with pregnant women,” Lana said in a indifferent tone, but she was clearly relieved. She didnt really mean her words either, as she may have been prepared to bend her own rule due to how cool she thought the human was. She entangled her fingers with the hand that was wrapped around her, giving Florence’s suggestion some thought. She was about to reply as Charles decided to join in on the conversation. Lana rolled her eyes at the mention of mess, “That’s what cleaners are for,” she said in a sassy tone as she grabbed a fry, looking at it before she placed it in her mouth. She liked her fries salted with no sauce - She had always been weird like that. “I dont want his soul scarred,” Lana said in a cold tone as she had finished chewing, swallowing before she continued, feeling her anger boil at what she was about to say. “What I want is... I want his soul crushed to dust, with such delicacy that you demons would think he was a french gourmet from the world’s finest cook!” She said rather fast without stumbling over a single word as if her tongue was as cruel as a whip, raising her voice a little when her anger was getting the best of her. She exhaled, cooling off in an instant as she squeezed Florence’s hand, clearing her throat. “Sorry,” she said despite the fact that she was always like this when her mind was troubled.
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptyTirs Okt 01, 2019 8:13 pm

Florence rolled her eyes at Lana's words, giving her a small shove with her elbow. She poked out her chin as to say to cut it out. "She didn't do it on purpose," Florence argued, sighing as even if she acted like this, she also knew the good sides of her. Both her and Charles seemed to listen, Charles nodding to her words. "And how are you planning on doing that?" she asked, raising her eyebrows at her girlfriend. "I mean, I am totally up for making him deaf for the rest of his life, but I can't just do something without having a plan," she said, smiling to Charles.

Buffy laid on her bed, crying a bit before regaining herself. She needed not to be alone. Biting her lip she sat up, drying off a couple of fallen tears as she looked at her phone. She had to reach out, but Vanessa had seemed to take this very hard.

[Messages between Buffy and Vane]
[Buffy: Hi ...]
[Buffy: I know you're probably busy]
[Buffy: But I really just need a friend right now]
[Buffy: I'll grab some popcorn from the vending machine down the hall?]
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptyTirs Okt 01, 2019 10:54 pm

"I know she didnt," Lana said as she crossed her arms. "But I have my reputation to watch. Cant be hanging around people who have little screamers that smell like shit most of the time," she said with a shrug. She sighed deeply at Florence's question, not really knowing how, just that she wanted it. "Let's start planning then. I dont care if we have to wait weeks, days or months. I just want this to end out with Buffy never having to even think of that bastard," she said, knowing she was quite demanding. She threw her hands up in the air as she gritted her teeth, "Fuck I'm sorry. I'm just one tantrum away from hunting him down to tear his face off," she admitted, shaking her head before wrapping her arms around Florence, placing her face in the nape of her neck to relax.

Vanessa had updated Ethan on all that had happened, but even though she had talked it through and through with him, it was like as long as she had no idea how Baal had handled it, she couldnt truly calm down and relax. She had gone out to get some fresh air and maybe a soul, having told Ethan that she would be nearby, but she really wasnt. Her phone buzzed and she pulled it out to look at the screen, biting her upper lip as she felt her eyes moisten again at the messages that popped up. She quickly replied.

[Messages between Buffy and Vane]
[Vane: Not too busy, not at all. I'll be there soon. I'll grab us some contraband from tesco's]

She placed her phone back into her pocket, dropping by the local tesco before returning to school. She sent Ethan a message, letting him know that she was back but on her way to see Buffy. She went to Buffy's room, knocking on the door as she held her breath for a second. She held a bag in her hand, knowing she had made it seem like she was getting something bad when she had said contraband, but it was really just a bag of sour patches and some other kinds of sweets.

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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptyTirs Okt 01, 2019 11:22 pm

"Yeah, like your reputation is ever going to be revoked," Florence said. She was just as frustrated as anyone else were, but she was just better at hiding it. Or so she guessed. She knew Lana better than most, hell they had known each other for as long as she could remember. As she admitted to her temper tantrum, she smiled, wrapping her arms around the siren and held her close. "I know hun, we'll make sure she won't have to worry about a thing," she promised. She knew her doctor wasn't cheap, but she could spend her money how she wished. She refused to let Buffy go to a public hospital to get it done, no that would be awful. "Let's go for a walk?" she suggested, kissing the side of her head gently. "Just the two of us?" she added.

Buffy smiled faintly at the message from Vanessa. What had she ever done to deserve a friend like this? It didn't take long before she heard the knock on her door, making her get up. "That was fast," she mumbled under her breath, but as she opened the door she froze. It was like tunnel vision hit her hard and she felt hard to breathe. "Hey babe, missed me?" Virgil said, smiling sweetly as if everything bad he had done was out the window. He pushed himself inside, frowning as he could smell a lot of people having come through here, but he decided not to comment on it. "I've decided to let you come back to me," he said in a considerate voice, looking at Buffy with almost hungry eyes. Buffy just stood still, like an animal trying not to get spotted, only bad thing was she had already been spotted. "Don't give me that look," he said, stepping closer, placing a finger under her chin. His other hand wrapping around her as she felt like she couldn't move. "Awe, don't worry I got you," he said, placing a hand over her stomach that made her flinch. He noticed, furrowing his brows before smiling. "What's wrong baby girl? You don't like me touching you all of a sudden? - How about I just remind you of the feelings my fingers can give you," he said in a low whisper, making Buffy look away. Why couldn't she just move? What about screaming, she hadn't tried screaming, but it was like her vocal chords were tied up.
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptyOns Okt 02, 2019 12:54 am

Lana felt relieved at Florence's words, her hard expression softening up at the suggestion of a walk. She nodded, getting up from her seat as she looked at Charles, "See ya Charlie," she said as she grabbed Florence's hand to begin their walk. She knew they could be walking for a while if it was to calm her down, and she would most probably be venting her worries and anger. But it was like when it was just her and Florence, she couldnt ever yell or scream, she would always speak calmly about the things that bothered her. She entangled their fingers, thankful that her bestfriend was also her girlfriend.

Vanessa found it a little weird as there wasnt a reply at the door, frowning as she banged once more, this time harder than before. A weird feeling spread in her as she looked at the door, grabbing the handle as she started pulling at it, gritting her teeth. She didnt care whatever it might be that she was disturbing, she clenched her fists hard as she started banging on the door.
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptyOns Okt 02, 2019 9:16 am

"Please, I - I don't want this," Buffy whispered, feeling drawn back to that night where Will had tried to take advantage of her. She knew Virgil was made of the same scum material that the other guy was made of, so why couldn't she just hit back? She felt his fingers wander down over her stomach where it reached her pants. "Stop," she pleaded, moving her shaking hand to his, grabbing his wrist. Virgil raised an eyebrow at her before chuckling. "You know I don't like being told what to do," he said in a low growl, grabbing her by the throat. He looked in to her eyes before tossing her on the bed. "Now be a good girl and bend over for me," he said in a hushed voice. Buffy felt herself out of breath, that was when she heard the banging on her door. Virgil sighed walking to the door and opening it. He stood in the doorway, leaned against the frame as he looked Vanessa up and down. "Prideux, nice of you to stop by, but I'm making sure she is getting the rest she needs," he said in a neutral voice. His lips curled up in to a smile as he saw how angry she seemed. "What's the matter? Me and Buffy have decided to get back together, give it a shot - you know, for the baby's sake," he said with a grin, hoping he had guessed right in his assumptions. Buffy heard it all and she moved to her feet, pulling at Virgil. "It's a lie Vanessa, I - I," she said, feeling light headed from it all. She wanted help, but she felt her tongue twist up. "Baby girl, you should be sleeping - I don't want you to stress over this, go on back to bed," Virgil said in a convincingly caring voice.

Sidst rettet af Boadicea Ons Okt 02, 2019 6:50 pm, rettet 1 gang
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptyOns Okt 02, 2019 1:14 pm

When she saw Virgil, her panic calmed in an instant as her anger turned ice cold. Her eyes had this odd icy feel to them, one she had inherited from her father that would have struck fear in most men. She couldnt bring herself to speak, because she wasnt sure how this even had happened. Where was Baal? Where was Nana? Or any of the others? She looked at Buffy and she felt her eyes wet a little. Then Virgil spoke, the coldness back in her eyes like it never left. Even if it was true, Vanessa couldnt believe it after having been there with Buffy under the examination, after seeing Buffy with Baal at the lake. “Virgil,” - “Get the fuck out of this room now before I report you to the teachers for staying in an unauthorized area,” she said in a cold tone, “I dont care what you and Buffy have concluded, she can tell me that after I’ve helped her get her rest. You got no business here,” she said, walking past him and into the room to grab Buffy. Will had almost gotten her back then - Virgil wasnt even going to get a chance. She had seen how happy she was with Baal, that couldnt have been fake. She clicked her ring subtly, that poked a hole in her hand, the black blood pooling slowly in her hand that wasnt on Buffy’s shoulder. She just stared at him like she was daring him to try anything..
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptyOns Okt 02, 2019 9:19 pm

Virgil chuckled, looking indifferent as Vanessa stepped in, but as soon as she grabbed Buffy he growled lightly. That was his property. That what not hers to touch and claim. He stepped closer before smelling blood, which made him stop. He didn't trust this, and he was sure as hell not going to risk his life. "Prideux, you're bleeding, maybe you should go to the infirmary? See if they got anything for that frown of yours as well," he said in a cold voice before looking to Buffy. "Tell her to leave," he demanded. Buffy felt her heart race. Felt like the world was spinning and she couldn't do anything but shake her head. She didn't want Vanessa to leave, she wanted her to stay and for Virgil to leave. The tall guy groaned, rolling his eyes at the human. "Use your words, baby girl," he said in an almost sweet voice, but knowing him, there was no good intentions behind his words. Buffy grabbed Vanessa's hand, feeling her body shake as she feared what would come next. She couldn't fight in this state of mind, so full of fear. She had tried working through it with her aunt, but in the end it all came down to fight, flight or freeze. "I ... I want Vanessa to stay," she said in a broken voice, still a little hoarse from when he had tossed her. Virgil frowned, looking from the human to the demon and back, clicking his tongue as he shook his head. "We can't have that, you little brat," he said in a cold voice. Buffy felt her spine freeze up, but before she knew it Virgil collapsed on the ground. Ethan stood behind him, holding a now broken crocket bat. "Nobody speaks like that to my girl," he said before stepping over Virgil's collapsed body. He looked at Vanessa, then Buffy and then to Buffy's stomach. He swallowed, knowing what was inside, and he was not really a fan. "I texted Lana, she should be coming soon," he said, placing the broken bat on the floor before pulling both of them into an embrace, kissing Vanessa on her silver hair.
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptyFre Okt 04, 2019 4:32 am

Vanessa would have attacked him, used her blood and just fought like her life depended on it. Watching his eyes turn wild when she touched Buffy struck fear in her. She just kept her hand on Buffy, frowning angrily at his words, trying to mask her fear. If only her father could see her now. "I'm not leaving her, you psycho," she hissed, gritting her teeth. She turned her eyes to Buffy, her eyes filled with the worry that she would actually comply to his wishes and make her leave. She felt relieved as Buffy said she wanted her to stay, but it didnt seem to make Virgil very happy. She widened her eyes at Virgil's cold tone, feeling the blood stiffen in her hand as she was ready to defend them. She closed her eyes for a second, just to hear the collision of wood and a thump as Virgil had been knocked out. She gasped as she looked up at Ethan, feeling her eyes well up as she took in a few deep breaths, "Oh my... fuck.... fuck," she whispered to herself, looking down at Virgil again before up at Ethan. She nodded at his words, mumbling a few incoherent words to herself as she was dragged into Ethan's embrace with Buffy. She closed her eyes to whimper softly, grabbing the back of his shirt as she clutched Buffy's hand as well.

Lana came into the room, her face filled with anger as she looked down at Virgil. "I'm already tired of seeing his face," she hissed to herself as she moved his face to the side with the tip of her shoe, looking up at the others, the confusion in a fleeting moment to just fuel her anger further. "Where the fuck is the goth prince?" she coldly demanded, but she had just had enough of this situation. It was a bit too much of the drama for her taste, first the abusive boyfrend, then the pregnancy and now Baal not having the balls to be here and protect the person he cared for. "When this shit is over, I'm taking us all to a full damned spa day!" she exclaimed, stomping her heel into the floor as she looked down at Virgil again. Couldnt he just fucking disappear and make their lives less annoying?
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptyFre Okt 04, 2019 10:48 am

Ethan just held on to the two, Buffy still feeling frozen didn't really lean in to the hug. She moved out of the embrace, wrapping her arms around herself instead. Ethan just held Vanessa close, whispering sweet words in to her hair to comfort her. Buffy couldn't even make herself look up as Lana entered, she was stuck staring at Virgil's face. As Lana asked for where Baal was she felt her eyes well up, clutching harder at her own shirt as if it was breaking her down just speaking of it. Florence came in, and as soon as she saw Virgil on the floor she had fire in her eyes. "This is is, Lana, I'm going to kill him," she said in an ice cold voice, diving down to strangle him. Ethan intervened, grabbing Florence before she could reach the guy's neck. "Hey, hey ! You can't do that," he said. He wasn't trying to defend what Virgil had done, but taking action like this was not going to solve anything. Florence stood up, leaning away from Ethan, giving him a cold glare. Instead of jumping on him, she took Lana's hand, giving it a squeeze as if it was going to give her the strength not to do anything rash. Buffy swallowed, feeling like this was her fault. She felt like she was standing on the edge of a cliff, and it wouldn't be long before she took that final step over the side of the rock. "His mom ..." was all she could mutter before tears fell down her cheeks. She couldn't keep pretending. She was hurting, hurting because she felt like she couldn't do anything right. "You're all out of it," Nana said, passing Lana and Florence. She leaned down, feeling Virgil's pulse before she sighed. Sadly, he was still alive, but then again, it would be harder to explain why he was dead. "While all of you were busy, I've been tracking down his family - It seems like the Summers family is quite well off, and his father is out side ready to pick him up and bring him home," Nana said in a monotone voice. Buffy went to Nana, embracing her and Nana slowly wrapped her arms around the human. She had never thought much of humans, much less any other race than her own, but Buffy had made her realize that it wasn't just about herself anymore. Nana had fallen in love with Buffy, but she knew the human would never choose her, so why even bother confessing such feelings? "Thank you," Buffy said in a weak voice before letting go. Ethan shrugged, grabbing Virgil's arms and shoulders gesturing for someone to grab his legs, before getting him out of the room.
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptyTirs Okt 08, 2019 11:21 pm

Lana frowned at Nana's words before she sighed with frustration, "Fucking hell, well thanks for making us completely useless," Lana hissed before she looked down at Virgil. She really wanted to just kick the hell out of him while he had the chance, but she also wasnt the type who would kick someone that was already lying down - Most of the time anyway. She grabbed his legs, wrinkling her nose in disgust as she looked up at Ethan. "Can we drop him down the stairs by accident?" she asked, like she had already made up her mind about dropping him as soon as she got the chance. Or at least she could imagine the sight of watching his head bounce at every step on the way down. She nodded at Florence to help her with the leg, at least to ease Ethan's mind if he believed that she would drop the guy down the stairs.

Vanessa watched Buffy hug Nana, still feeling shocked and overwhelmed by the whole situation, trying to make up her mind whether to freak out physically or continue to freak out inside. She closed her eyes, taking in a long deep breath as she pulled out a bandage from her pocket that she wrapped around her hand rather tightly. "Are you sure he wont be back?" she asked as she looked up at Nana with worried eyes. It was like she had calmed as soon as the bandage cut the blood supply in her hand, forcing the black blood to harden in her palm. She shook her head, having heard Buffy's mumble about Baal's mind made her worries that much worse, though she wasnt sure if voicing them would help.
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptySøn Okt 20, 2019 12:46 pm

Nana ignored Lana's comment, knowing the siren was only acting out because of feelings. Ethan chuckled a bit by the suggestion of throwing him down the stairs. "Well, he is quite heavy," he said, looking as Florence helped with the other leg and the three of them moved out and towards the entrance of the school. As Buffy let go of Nana she went to Vanessa, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, pressing her close. "If he returns, I have made it clear that I won't hesitate to end his life," Nana said in an almost cold voice. "And I'm sure you all would want a chance at flaying his skin off his muscles," she added. Buffy looked down, she didn't wish anymore hurt in this thing. She knew wherever Virgil had grabbed her she would soon have some severe bruises. She felt overwhelmed and a bit lightheaded. "At least, I know I'm safe with you," she mumbled, but it was almost in a slur as she felt her head spin. She let go of Vanessa, taking a step back, her eyes rolling in to her skull for a short while before she collapsed on the floor. Nana was so shocked she couldn't even move to grab the human, watching in slow motion at the woman fell towards the floor.

Buffy awoke to the smell of hospital, her eyes trying to adjust to the white color of the walls. She felt her body aching, her head pounding away as she tried looking for something that would give a clue as to what had happened or where she was. "You're awake, miss Marquardt," a nurse said, a calming smile on her lips as she stepped in to the room. "What happened?" she mumbled, feeling her stomach hurt immensely. "Please lay still, your body is still healing from it's miscarriage," the nurse said, walking over to her to help her adjust the pillow. Miscarriage. Buffy swallowed, her eyes fluttering as she couldn't understand. "My friends - where's my friends?" she pleaded, feeling dread take over. "Miss Marquardt, please rest, your body needs to heal - I will send some of them in if you feel ready," the nurse said. This seemed to make Buffy calm down somewhat, but she still felt her heart in her throat. "How long ... Have I been here?" she asked. "A couple of days, now please calm down or I will have to send your friends home," she warned her. Buffy laid back on the bed, sighing as the nurse went out to get whomever might be in the waiting room for her.
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptySøn Okt 20, 2019 6:47 pm

Vanessa had explained all that had happened and it had made his blood boil. His mom had turned out to pull through which had been a relief, but she had told him something that had disturbed him deeply and he couldnt just shake it out of his mind. He was sitting in the waiting room, not even bothered with trying to cover up his arms and body with the skin cream, his curly hair was a mess and frankly it was a wonder that he had managed to just take a little care of himself. It was hard to know that because he left this had happened, he hadnt wanted that for her, not at all.
When the nurse came out to greet him, he made a deep sigh, frowning a little as she seemed to apologize for his loss. He didnt bother to correct her, but just thanked her and let her guide him to the room. He stepped in and when he saw her, he had this pained look in his eyes. He just hurried to her side as he wrapped his arms around her tightly, but not too tight as he wasnt trying to squeeze her hard. He buried his face in her hair, holding her close as he was quiet. He looked back at the nurse, sending her a nod that let her know she could leave. His eyes moved back to Buffy’s, lifting a hand as he touched her cheek gently. “Hi,” he whispered in a soft yet sad tone.
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptySøn Okt 20, 2019 9:05 pm

Buffy felt a little surprised as she saw him come in, his hair a mess and his tattoos on full display, but she forgot it for a while as he wrapped his arms around her. She felt his warm breath against her scalp and she could have sworn she could have whimpered if she had energy to do it. The nurse left and Buffy felt herself looking at Baal, taking in how he looked, and she found how tired he looked. Feeling his hand on her cheek made her sigh, leaning her head against his palm, closing her eyes for a while as she felt safe now. "Hi," she whispered as she opened her eyes to look at him once more. She couldn't place her feelings right now, couldn't say what to feel, but hearing and seeing him sad pulled at her heartstrings. Her eyes widened a bit and she sat up rather fast, making her gasp in pain but she brushed it off by clenching her jaw tight. "Your mother - How is she, is she alright?" she asked in a pained voice, but she couldn't seem to care for her own hurt. She needed to know if everything was alright, she couldn't just think about herself in this, and by how Baal was looking she was fearing the worst.
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptySøn Okt 20, 2019 9:55 pm

Not having been allowed to see her before now had just seemed to take it’s toll on him, which he knew in a way, but just couldnt bring himself to care about. Feeling her in his arms again felt like he was finally given allowance to breathe again, relax and let down his guard. When she sat up he looked at her with worry at the pain she tried so desperately to hide. As a demon that feasted on souls, noticing weakness was a part of his nature and her physicality wasnt looking too good to him. He sighed at her question, swallowing as he pulled a chair to the bed to sit down. “She’s recovering. So dont worry about that,” he assured her as he grabbed her hand to kiss the skin on the back of it. He looked down for a bit as he frowned. “She told me something out of belief that she wasnt going to make it. And it has shaken me to my core with bitterness and fright,” he admitted, not really looking at her as he drew in a short breath. “And I dont know how to feel about it. I fear that it may make everything worse,” he said, closing his eyes for a bit like he was gathering courage, to look at her, shifting shortly between her eyes. “Virgil is my brother, and actually is he not only that, but he’s my twinbrother,” he admitted, feeling a knot in his throat as he frowned deepy, looking away.
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptySøn Okt 20, 2019 10:29 pm

Feeling his lips against her skin seemed to heal her, even though it probably didn't, it just made her relax more. His mother was in recovery, that was a good thing, but he seemed so worried. It was strange seeing him like this. He had always seemed so calm and collected, and this looked like a guy falling apart at the seams. She took a deep breath before Baal started explaining again but as she said what she deemed impossible, it felt like she heard a ringing in her ears. Her vision felt to blur and one of her machines started beeping almost out of control. A nurse came busting through the door, walking to Buffy's side, feeling for her pulse, looking at Baal with a stern face as if she was thinking he had done something to the poor young woman. Buffy grabbed Baal's hand, as she seemed to return, making the nurse mumble something incoherent before Buffy dismissed her, making her leave the room. She felt her breath out of sync, her body trembling as she looked at the demon she had found herself caring for. And now this angel in demon's clothing told her that the guy that had caused all of this, who had hurt her and taken advantage of her was almost a carbon copy of him. She felt her eyes get wet, felt her breath tremble as she whimpered, crying now just to get the feelings out. "Please ... Belial ... Please tell me this is a cruel joke," she whispered through her sobbing, feeling like this was too much. She was still healing from what that guy had done to her, still trying to figure out how she could ever let anyone close to her again, and here he was, telling her that he bore the same DNA as her perpetrator.
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptySøn Okt 20, 2019 10:48 pm

With his mother surviving the reason for his lack of self care had to be caused by something that had been as bad as his mother passing. And figuring out that the girl you wanted to be with’s ex was actually your twin brother? Crushing. The beeping from her accelerating heartbeat and the nurse’s barging in didt seem to faze him much, looking up at the woman with numbed eyes, till Buffy sent her away. Expecting her not to be affected by the discovery he brought her was just a false hope, a hope that she was right in her plea and his words had just been a cruel jest. But in reality, it was the truth and there was nothing to be done about it. He looked at her hand, sighing deeply as he looked at her. “It’s not, Boadicea. I’m sorry,” he said in a lowered tone, feeling his own eyes water a little.
The only question that rose in him was; What now? What were they supposed to do with what they had learned. He touched the back of her hand with his fingers, frowning a little to himself as he couldnt believe someone of his own blood would be this cruel to someone. He looked up at her. “I understand if you’d need some time... away from me,” he said, his tone pained as he didnt want to be away from her. But he shared blood with the person that had tormented her, invaded her body like it was his to claim - He felt sick to his stomach to just think about it.
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptySøn Okt 20, 2019 11:16 pm

As he said it wasn't a joke she just sobbed harder, but she didn't let go of his hand. It was like all the forces of the world couldn't make her let go as she wept, her heart out. This was a different cry than those she had shown before. This was the girl who had been through it all, who had faced so many things in such a short time, just needing to let her heart out. But it was like she couldn't do this alone. Her body was aching, something had been forced upon her, but she felt so guilty. Looking back she should've waited. Waited for Baal to come around. They could've had their first kiss in secret on a late night walk in the gardens. They could've fooled around in each other's dorm rooms, just exploring and feeling the connection they felt. But it had all been ruined. He had taken that away, but she felt like she was just as much to blame. She had fallen for his deceit, had followed him so blindly, and now she felt like she needed to tear her own heart out to stop herself from crying. She felt herself getting a bit of control, gaining some breathing in, deep and slow as she tried calming herself. His suggestion made her sniffle, looking down at her hands. She was almost clutching on to him for dear life. Deep down she didn't want to be separated from him, because he had been the only thing to heal her from what Virgil had done. They said twins could be almost identical or completely different in their behavior. And when she looked at Baal she didn't see a guy that could do what Virgil had done, but how would he feel? How would he react to touching her now that he knew what he knew about Virgil? "Are you ... Disgusted by me?" she whispered. She couldn't answer if she wanted time away from him, before she knew where he stood.
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptySøn Okt 20, 2019 11:49 pm

He wanted to comfort her and tell her that everything was going to be fine, but was it? He didnt want to lie to her, but he didnt know what to say. He felt her clutching his hand, closing his eyes as he let out a trembling breath. His suggestion had been as serious as it sounded, what he only wasnt sure about was whether it was a suggestion of something tempoary or permanent. He looked at her at her question, furrowing his brows with sadness as he shook his head. “No. I couldnt ever be,” he said as he blinked the wetness in his eyes away, looking at their hands. “It took me a long time to settle on my feelings, but I know that I ultimately just want to be with you,” he said as he looked into her eyes. “Just... tell me what I can do,” he pleaded.
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: School days [AU]   School days [AU] - Page 5 EmptyMan Okt 21, 2019 12:07 am

He wanted to be with her, he had just said that, but she felt like it was so hard to believe. She took a few trembling breaths, feeling her body shake a little. She couldn't stand the thought of being alone, not right now at least. Maybe she would need some time to think, but the state she was in right now made her crave any sort of comfort. She scooted over on the bed, patting the side to gesture for him to lay down with her. If he did she would move a little, making sure she was face to face with him. She was young, she was dumb, but she couldn't deny that what Baal made her feel was something out of this world. Her stomach hurt again, making her frown as she closed her eyes, placing a hand over where there now was nothing behind. In a way she felt relieved, and maybe there was someone looking out for her above. She didn't have blood on her hands, she was not the one who had made that innocent conceived child disappear. "I don't think I've cared for anyone this strongly before," she admitted, opening her eyes. There was still some pain to be spotted in her green pupils, but as she looked at him she just felt like some of that pain relieving itself. "I want you to stay with me, please," she begged, placing a hand over his cheek as she looked at him. Right now she couldn't bear the thought of what Virgil and Baal being related might entail for the future, but perhaps that was another thing to worry about later. She wanted to kiss him, to not feel the pain that her body was in, but on the other hand she would need a little bit of adjusting. Leaning in closer, her nose now touched his, and she could hear her machine going a little crazy from the way her heart was beating. "I want to be with you," she said, feeling her eyes water as the machine went crazy once more.
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School days [AU] - Page 5 Empty
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School days [AU]
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