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 Supposed to be - Zechariah

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Supposed to be - Zechariah Empty
IndlægEmne: Supposed to be - Zechariah   Supposed to be - Zechariah EmptyFre Jul 26, 2019 8:04 pm

outfit + sorte leggins der går til lige under knæet.

Poppy was walking around at southside. She knew it was not the safest place to wander around during the night. Especially not for a young girl like herself - the only problem was she wasn't that young. She had been around for over 8.000 years now. She was not a young girl, just trapped in the body of one. A swift wind arrived and made her aware blood was spilled near her. She followed it, wanting to see if someone was in trouble. She was no saint, but she was still raised to think of others first. She turned down a more shy street, nearly none people walking through the late night. She saw two men beating up another. How unfair were they? She walked closer but decided to not use her speed yet. She wanted to keep some secrets. The best thing about looking young was that people had a tendency to underestimate her. "Leave me alone," she said with a calm voice. One of the men turned to her while the other continued to beat up the blonde man. "This is none of you concern," he stated and pushed her back. She allowed him to. "I think it is," she grabbed his arm and turned him around, pulling the hand towards his shoulders, close to popping the shoulder out of it's socket. "Tell your buddy to back up." He didn't and she twisted the hand threathing to break the wrist. "Stop!" He yelled. The other man took a step away from the blonde man. She took him closer to the other man and smacked their heads together causing them both to pass out. She turned to the injured man. "Are you okay?" The blood didn't bother her. She had learned to control the bloodlust long ago. If she was starved, she would not be able to resist him, but she made sure of drinking blood regularly.
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Humør : " I changed my song to match each story, I've changes side."
Fag : ingen
Antal indlæg : 80

Supposed to be - Zechariah Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Supposed to be - Zechariah   Supposed to be - Zechariah EmptyFre Jul 26, 2019 11:58 pm

This guys had decide to team up on him, and since i was not a person who would use his magic always, they kind of had the drop on him, even when his body got kicked and he got beaten up he refused to use his magic, why would people ask, he had never been a fan of magic so he used it sometimes, and to stay alive and get some work out of it, in other words only when he earned money, that and they had waited for him, and then jumped him, when he came out from the bar.  He was throwing up blood after he, had pissed them enough up they keepet beating him, for cheating and for, denying anything and calling them liars.

He was about to give in to the beating and just pass out, as he heard a woman he felt, how her, being near him got him going crazy in his head. He looked up when he finally looked up, he saw her as she bashed there, skulls. He starting to get himself up, as he then heard her voice, "are you okay ?" Just the words coming into his ears was music for him, he decide to leaned up even though he was shacking, he he was holding himself up.

"I am okay i guss,"  he wanted to be certian who she was, but then agian he had a felling he knew it, his shirt was soacked by blood after the beatings, and on top of that it was a white shirt. His jeans was soacked in blood too as he moved over to her and keept himself up,  "thanks" as soon as he said that he felt forward.
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Supposed to be - Zechariah Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Supposed to be - Zechariah   Supposed to be - Zechariah EmptyLør Jul 27, 2019 12:28 am

Poppy usually didn’t care much if people got beat up. Often they were for a reason. But once in a while she made an exception and stopped it. Usually if it was unfair of if she knew the person didn’t deserve it. She didn’t know why this man was in this situation, but two against one seemed unfair. Although she could smell a mile away that he was a witch, so why he didn’t use his magic on them was as puzzle to her.

She saw the injures he had gathered from the fight. He was not okay even if he said he was. She could see he wasn’t doing well when he walked closer to her. He just got to thanking her before he felt forward. She was quick and grabbed him before he reached the ground. She sighed while holding him up. She couldn’t just leave him here. Using her speed she moved away from the south side and to her apartment. She helped him to the couch and looked at him with a slightly worried smile. ”I can heal you, if you’ll let me.” Her blood had healing properties and could help him get over the injuries.

Sidst rettet af Poppy Ons Jul 31, 2019 12:45 pm, rettet 1 gang
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Humør : " I changed my song to match each story, I've changes side."
Fag : ingen
Antal indlæg : 80

Supposed to be - Zechariah Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Supposed to be - Zechariah   Supposed to be - Zechariah EmptyLør Jul 27, 2019 1:21 pm

As he felt his legs give up he felt her hands grab him, where after he ended up on a coach at her place. His body was hammered he could try using some magic himself but since he not, had any powers, he was kind of destroyed. His eyes open up, as he looked at the pretty woman who, had saved him,  even though his body was destroy he did not know, if the blood idea was a good idea. since he already could fell, his lust for her since she was his soulmate, but he had to accept it, his eyes meet hers, as he decide to answer, her ." i proably should thanks, why are you helping me ?" He asked as she move towards him, so he could get healed.

He took his arm up to his hair, and let it go trough the hair, he was looking around trying to figure out, where they where located, " so where are we?" He asked not sure, if she was gonna answer, him. He looked at around the place trying to get an idea, it was to big to be a hotel room, and it where proably not a nightclub or a mansion, and it was not his own place, he had not done so much to his own place, he was still a bit unsure, but when she gave him an answer, it would all make sense. He leaned towards the wall as he try, to make his body relax.
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Supposed to be - Zechariah Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Supposed to be - Zechariah   Supposed to be - Zechariah EmptyOns Jul 31, 2019 12:52 pm

Poppy knew he would be better of if he was healed rather than just left alone. He might heal eventually, but there was a chance he would die from the injuries. She stood next to the couch, just looking at her. ”Do I need a reason?” She walked to the kitchen. ”Do you prefer orange juice or apple juice?” She had of course no problem drinking clean blood, but she understood why species who didn’t live of blood would dislike the taste. Of course he didn’t know where they were. She hadn’t asked where to take him, but just brought him here. It was not the biggest place, but she didn’t stay around that much. She sometimes travelled around the world to find magical items for her grandmother. Poppy had plenty of places around the cities where she could spend the night if she so desired. That was a perk of being part of the biggest family perhaps ever. She had so many aunts and uncles she couldn’t even keep track. Her mother couldn’t either. ”My place,” she said. She used a nail to cut a small hole on her finger letting a few drops of her blood fall into the glass she would soon fill with his preferred juice.
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Humør : " I changed my song to match each story, I've changes side."
Fag : ingen
Antal indlæg : 80

Supposed to be - Zechariah Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Supposed to be - Zechariah   Supposed to be - Zechariah EmptyFre Aug 09, 2019 5:20 pm

Zechariah was a bit confused, when she said he she, need a reason to help him, he bit himself in hislip, "no i guss not." He said looking at her as she went out to give him something to drink, as he listen to her from the Kitchen, he could not figure out, why he fell so close to her, maybe she was his mate.

He had not looked at his mark for a long time so this in it self, was a bit wierd for him.
As she asked him what he prefer he looked out towards her, "idk just apple juice i guss." He said before he took himself in sending a slight smile out towards her, he should proably starte using a bit more magic but for now he was not well enough to do it, he try placing her as he study her, she was proably from a wealthy familiy, but then agian most people he meet, was some how wealthy or from a powerfull familiy.

"So i dont think i got your name, since you saved me, do you mind me asking what your name is ?" He asked as, she was coming in to him, with the drink.  "I Mean i wold kind of like to know who, woman in shinning armor is, " he added sending her a charming smile.
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Supposed to be - Zechariah Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Supposed to be - Zechariah   Supposed to be - Zechariah EmptySøn Aug 18, 2019 4:31 pm

Poppy didn’t see helping as something you did with a motive. If you needed a motive, it was not really helping. She poured him the juice, mixing it with the blood. It would maybe have a slight metallic taste, but it was mostly the sweetness of the juice you could taste.

She walked back to him and gave him the glass. She was not sure why she had chosen to save him. Something in her just seemed to know it was important that she did. Poppy sat down on the table across from him. ”How are you feeling?” She hoped he was okay, or at least was going to be.

”I am no angel,” she claimed and smiled slightly at him. ”It was just a matter of being at the right time and the right place and having a decent parent teach you right from wrong.” She put forward her hand, inviting him to take it. ”My name is Poppy,” she said, her smile growing in size.
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Humør : " I changed my song to match each story, I've changes side."
Fag : ingen
Antal indlæg : 80

Supposed to be - Zechariah Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Supposed to be - Zechariah   Supposed to be - Zechariah EmptyTors Aug 22, 2019 9:24 pm

Zech felt like a waste as he was sat in the couch, it was not easy for him to fell like he was a piece of waste, but this time he thought less of himself why, had he not use any bloody magic, he felt stupid, as Poppy came down to him and gave him the glass, he took it into his hand and took a big mouthfull of it, he still felt the taste of metal. It was blood even if she was not human, he send her a slight smile when she asked him how he was, doing before he answered her, " a bit better, thanks "

He added before he looked at his body, this was a bit wierd not that his body looked bad, but she was his soulmate. He looked at her when she gave him her name, he then took his own hand from before he pressent himself, "Zechariah, just call me Zech." He said sending Poppy a big smile, before he gave a little chukle out, when she said she was no angel, that was true, but she still had saved him. "So how long have you, been in the city ?" He asked, just trying to fill in some room, as he felt the blood take its healing effect, he turned his neck towards her before he noticed it, but as soon as he did it, he turned back hoping for her to not have looked at it on his collarbone.
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Supposed to be - Zechariah Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Supposed to be - Zechariah   Supposed to be - Zechariah Empty

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Supposed to be - Zechariah
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