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 In peace you may leave the shore

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Humør : 'While being in darkness I didn’t search for the light, I became one.'
Antal indlæg : 1007

In peace you may leave the shore Empty
IndlægEmne: In peace you may leave the shore   In peace you may leave the shore EmptyMan Jun 03, 2019 9:28 pm


She had stayed close by first when Reginald had went to Vanya. Just making sure that he got it under control, but it was a few of her words that made her realize something. Mariella had to find Lion. So Mariella took off in quite the rush, she pinched her arm rather hard - just to make sure Lion would feel the twin pain - she hoped he would. Mariella jumped on her bike and drove to the beach. She parked quickly before looking around, pulling off her pants and shirt so she had that for later. She had spend quite few hours a day in the ocean lately - so she was always wearing a bikini top under her shirt. Mariella jumped quickly in the water and went to the rock. She hoped he would meet up with her. Mariella slowly climbed the rock and looked around. Mariella pushed her own mental state away, when she saw him. There was a lot of thoughts, but Jamie had also been playing therapist with her along with her talking to Reginald about it. So she felt a tiny bit better. She didn't have to say anything when she saw him, and neither did he. She moved over to him and just wrapped her arms around him.
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In peace you may leave the shore Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: In peace you may leave the shore   In peace you may leave the shore EmptyFre Jun 07, 2019 8:12 pm

Lion didn’t know if he was ready. He had felt her pinch, but he debated if he should even go. She should hate him. He wouldn’t blame her. But still, he wanted to see her. He wanted a chance to apologize. He was walking by the beach, still deciding what to do. He took in a sharp breath and undressed before jumping into the water. He had dressed in the proper outfit under his clothes, so it wouldn’t look weird that he went into the water. He placed his clothes long enough on the beach, to avoid the waves reaching them. He jumped into the water and felt him change instantly. He would never grow tired of that feeling, feeling at home in his own body again. He began swimming to the rock where they had previously met up. When he saw her, he wasn’t worried anymore. He knew she didn’t hate him. Lion put his arms around and held her close for a moment, before moving out of the hug. ”I fucked up,” he said quietly. ”I’m so fucking sorry,” he said, but didn’t look at her. He was not good at admitting his mistake. Not even to Mariella, even though it was easier when her than just about anyone.
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Humør : 'While being in darkness I didn’t search for the light, I became one.'
Antal indlæg : 1007

In peace you may leave the shore Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: In peace you may leave the shore   In peace you may leave the shore EmptyLør Jun 08, 2019 7:46 am

She couldn’t hate him. Hate Lion for longer than a day maximum was impossible, their bond was simply to strong for that. Mariella needed the closeness more than she realised, but now was the time to push your needs down and get things sorted. He moved out of the hug to talk, Mariella kept her eyes on him.
”Don’t we all fuck up time to time?” she asked not exactly knowing how to respond to his apology. He didn’t look at her, but she kept her hazel eyes against him. ”I kept pushing you.. and.. I’m sorry for that.” she admitted and exhaled. She shook her head.
”I don’t know what Amaryllis has told you. But you can’t trust anything she is saying really.. she is on stoner tea”
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In peace you may leave the shore Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: In peace you may leave the shore   In peace you may leave the shore EmptyTirs Jun 11, 2019 2:09 pm

Lion didn’t believe in soul mates, he never had. Not until he went back in time to save Marie. His life wasn’t complete until she was in it and imagining a life without him was just full of so much darkness. She was his soulmate. He nodded when she talked. ”It must be genetic,” he said and finally looked at her. ”We pushed each other. When neither of us are good at handling confrontations, stuff like that happens. But what I did, that was too far. I’m surprised Reggie didn’t kill me.” He would have killed anyone who put a hand on Mariella. He frowned when she said he shouldn’t trust Amaryllis’ words. He felt so relived. It wasn’t because he didn’t want a child, but not like this, and Vanya had taken care of it, apparently. Or maybe not. ”So Vanya didn’t…?” He couldn’t use the word. It made him uncomfortable to even think about. ”I don’t regret saving you. My life is better because of you.” He sighed and leaned his head against the rock. ”It’s just because everyone loves you. No matter how much you screw up, they will be there for you in a heartbeat. I know people love me too, I’m lucky to be loved the amount I am, but with you it’s different. Reginald would scorch the earth to make sure you are safe, Jamie would kill anyone who even put a finger on you, Tiana adores you. Melania literally died for you. Dad likes you the best.” As he said the word ‘dad’ memories shifted in his mind. It was like when he first saw Marie after saving her. Something had changed. A new face linked to the word ‘dad’. He had seen that face when he first got here. ”What the fuck? We have a new dad now?” He looked at Mariella. ”Mum or Mom must have done something,” he theorized.
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Humør : 'While being in darkness I didn’t search for the light, I became one.'
Antal indlæg : 1007

In peace you may leave the shore Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: In peace you may leave the shore   In peace you may leave the shore EmptyTirs Jun 11, 2019 3:53 pm

She shook her head. "He is your friend too. Everything got a bit out of controle that day," she sighed and looked a little around before looking at Lion again. Mariella wasn't sure what was going on with Amaryllis, but she knew that tea had some effect on her. There was a reason Mariella no longer drank it, she was scared of the side effects of this tea. Everything that calmed your nerves that unnatural shouldn't be trusted, no matter how much you could be in need.
"The only thing happening to Vanya is that she got her memories back.. and its the only thing. I don't know what she has told you, but I could feel.. that knot in your chest.. " she knew that, maybe it wasn't the best news that Vanya was angry at him. But Lion was aware of that being ideal by his choice of action.  Mariella looked shortly more intense at him, when he said he didn't regret saving her. Mariella listened to his words and gave him a little nod.
"Fox opened a door to hell, do go in and find you. Jamie, Sophie and Theo followed her down there to find you. You have a core four that needs its glue to keep it together, and you four has something so special. Being here in this time.. messes things up, and I don't know if it my fault.. but then I'm making it up to me to help fix it..." - "And Theo loves you.. aren't you, Reg and Theo the Jonas brothers.. come on bro.. no one can take that from you. Tiana also adores you and you know it. We are a team Lion. The two of us will always be a team," she pointed out as she tilted her head a little to the side.  
"Look at it this way.. as long as you draw breath, you can turn it around. That includes everything. You have to be willing to fight for it.. and believe in it. Your biggest fight is with yourself, not those around you.. it is just easier to fight others."

Then he mentioned their father and Mariella frowned her brows for a seconds. She felt it like a smaller headache. Memories flashed through her mind, only few at the time. But it was a warm feeling in her chest. Happy memories.
"Clearly," she mumbled and turned her eyes to Lion. "But that is so them, isn't i?" She added.
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In peace you may leave the shore Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: In peace you may leave the shore   In peace you may leave the shore Empty

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In peace you may leave the shore
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