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 Date night - Percy

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Date night - Percy Empty
IndlægEmne: Date night - Percy   Date night - Percy EmptyTors Maj 23, 2019 11:36 pm

Date night

Date night - Percy 8b3aff4b45f9b4235fbab6a3ba22dc68

Date 23-02-2019
Time 8 O'clock
Place Parking lot, Athena Akademiet
Weather Winter-is, cold, sun is down, moon is out
Clothes Link + Leather Jacket and helmet  
Tag @Percy

He was pulling up in front of the school, right there on time, as he looked around to find Percy. He was driving the bike forward, as he got a sight of Percy and pulled up in front of him, turning the bike of, as he pulled of the helmet too, to send the boy a big warm smile, "hey beautiful!" he said, as he parked the bike, and jumped off, just so he could walk around it and give Percy a big tight hug.

"Missed me?" he said in a teasing tone, as he gav his cheek a little kiss, "wanna go on a ride with me?" he asked him, as a few people probably would feel a bit unsafe getting on a motorcycle, but he hoped Percy wasn't one of them, this was all Cody had, not a car just the bike, and he loved the hell out of it!

"I got a helmet for you too!" he insured him, as he walked around to the bikes back, and opened a little box, so he could get the extra helmet out and gave it to Percy.. if he wanted it of cause.. "just.. hold on tight, and I promise you'll be safe with me.." he said smiling back to Percy.
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Date night - Percy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Date night - Percy   Date night - Percy EmptyFre Maj 24, 2019 11:49 am


Percy stood in front of his mirror making sure his hair looked nice, it wasn’t that he was a vain person…but he wanted to look good! It was his first date ever! Well in this life, and he wanted it to be good and he had to…what did the girls in his class say…make Cody come back wanting more? How did that work! How did make Cody want more but at the same time not seem desperate! God this date stuff sounded so hard! He gave himself one last once over before running outside to meet Cody.

A small gasp left his lips when he saw Cody pulling up in front of the school…god he looked hot! Percy felt himself get hard oh god why does this happen every time I see him! hey he said blushing and giving Cody a warm hug, loving being near the other boy, fuck he had missed him. It felt nice and safe being in his arms…god he never wanted to leave.

Yea I didhe blushed at the little kiss I would love to ride you…with you he said innocently giving Cody a teasing smile. He looked at the helmet smiling as he put it on, jumping on the back of the bike, warping his arms around Cody’s waist I trust you he said breathing in Cody.
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Date night - Percy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Date night - Percy   Date night - Percy EmptySøn Maj 26, 2019 12:33 pm

Cody couldn't stop laughing at what the boy said, how he messed up the words, and of cause Cody noticed the he was getting hard too, dear lord..
"Me too.." he whispered back to him, as he had missed the Percy just as much. He jumped on the bike again, and let Percy get up behind him, waiting for him to hold on tight before he drove the bike out of the parking lot and into the roads. He could feel Percy's hard cock pushing against his ass, as he had to bite his own teeth to stop himself from getting just as hard, damn boy! Always so horny!

He drove them through the landscape and into the city centrum, where the movie theatre was located. He parked the bike just a few meters from the entrance and helped Percy get off, before jumping off himself. "You look incredible by the way.." he whispered back to Percy, getting there helmets off and packed away, before turning to Percy again.. because wow he did.. his outfit was really fancy, maybe a bit over the top for just a movie, but Cody liked it.. it was sweet that he was trying so hard.. and with his windblown red face, good he looked cute! Cute and perfect!

"Come on, let's get inside before we both turn to ice!" he laughed, grabbing Percy's hand and leading them inside the movie theatre, where they first had to go get their ticket, and after they got in line for candy and popcorn! Before a few minutes later finding their seats at the back row. "Are you comfortable?" he asked as they sat down, and he leant over to look Percy in the eyes, god those eyes.. "Are you.. still hard?" he then whispered a little bit more teasingly, as he put his hand on Percy's thigh and slowly started to slide it up between his legs, just to tease him, as he smirked back at him.
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Date night - Percy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Date night - Percy   Date night - Percy EmptySøn Maj 26, 2019 11:52 pm

Percy blushed looking away but he couldn't stop giggling a bit himself shut up Cody..if i remember correctly you did most of the riding he said with a bit of cockiness in his voice. Good he muttered he was glad that Cody missed him too.
Percy tried not to push his hips against Cody's ass he desperately wanted to rub himself against the other boy...fuck it was hard!
Cody drove them through the landscape and into the city center, where the movie theatre was located. Percy got of the bike ironing out his suit not wanting it to wrinkle, he coughed as heat raised to to his cheeks look...beautiful he whispered back to Cody, he slowly took of his helmet helping Cody pack it away.
He hoped he hadn't gone to over the top...the girls in his class told him he had to look good! he let them take him shopping...and it was fun...not something he would ever say...because some of the guys in school were dicks and made fun of him...he really didn't want to give them more they could use against him.

Percy ran in after Cody letting him take the lead as he grabbed Percy's hand and leading them inside the movie theatre, where they first had to go get their ticket, and after they got in line for candy and something called popcorn? Percy sat down sighing he was on a date! this was amazing! yeah...this is amazing thanks... he said smiling happily at Cody. Percy blushed moving back in his seat gasping as Cody whispered in his ear and he put his hand on Percy's thigh and slowly started to slide it up between his legs. The young boy moaned biting down hard on his lips drawing blood yeess he hissed out looking around before sliding Cody's hand into his pants.
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Date night - Percy Empty
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Date night - Percy
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