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 Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)

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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyTirs Nov 27, 2018 11:47 pm

Tidligt om morgnen, omkring vinterferien.
Et fly på vej mod Japan.
Det sneer og blæser. Det er koldt.
En masse mennesker ombord på et fly.
En stor sweater og et par varme bukser, så han kan holde varmen.


They were finally going to Japan! He was going to visit his mom and dad, he hadn't seen them for so long. Of course, they knew about them coming, and they were very excited. They were a bit curious about Eric, of course, they didn't know him at all, but Yuri tried to explain as good as he could, that Eric was his guardian angel and a very good friend.
He wasn't ready to say that he was in a relationship with him, not to his parents. They didn't even know that he was gay and he was their only child, they would be devastated and so disappointed, he didn't want them to hate him, so they would keep it a secret for now.
They had boarded the flight with first class tickets, just to make it more comfortable for such a long trip. Besides, Yuri hated flying in the first place, it would be worse if he had to sit uncomfortably. Maybe he was kinda spoiled on that point, at least he was Eric's spoiled boy.
He looked at Eric as they had found their spot and sat down. He smiled brightly and laid his head on Eric's shoulder.
I'm so excited! he squealed. It was nice having someone with him this time. He hated travelling alone, he hated being alone, so with Eric beside him, he felt much safer and content.
So you are still in on keeping it a secret right? No telling, right? he said, just to make sure. He wasn't too sure how Eric felt about all that, he hoped he understood, that he couldn't tell his parents. It was both the age thing, but certainly, also the gender, that he knew would set his parents off. It was best if they just hang out as friends when they were with his parents. They also had to sleep separately, since they were going to be staying with his parents, but they could figure that out when they came to the house. He just hoped everything would go smooth, so they could enjoy their trip to Japan. Their first trip as a couple, to his home. He could speak Japanese again to the people around him, it would be so great, he just couldn't wait till they landed!

Sidst rettet af Yuri Tirs Dec 04, 2018 1:14 am, rettet 1 gang
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyOns Nov 28, 2018 10:34 pm

Eric sighed in relief the second his body collapsed into his seat. 10 hours, in 10 hours the would land in Tokyo, it was like 15 o’clock now so they would land around 8 in the morning. It may only be one week, from the he looked down at his phone the 20th to the 28th. Eric closed his eyes, he was far inside his head thinking of every scenario that could go oh so fucking wrong. Why didn’t he just give Yuri one plane ticket for only himself! But no! he had to be a good boyfriend! He had never met anyone’s parents! Ever! He didn’t do the whole met the family thing! And worst of all…he couldn’t touch or even sleep in the same bed! And to be fait Eric was a very…very…very loving guy, he loved holding Yuri in his arms as they slept and kissing his cute little nose, oh fuck this was going to be so hard, but Yuri’s happy face and smile made it worth it.

He looked over at Yuri smiling yea I know…not gonna lie…it won’t be easy for me…im too used to waking up with you in my arms…but I love you and respect that you aren’t ready to tell them yet he said giving the young boy’s hand a kiss but just so you know I plan on marring you one day soo tell them before, so it won’t be awkward he said with a joking tone.

Eric leaned over giving Yuri a sweet kiss on the lips, but pulled away in anger when he heard an old man muttering fags under his breath. Eric felt his blood boil, it was bad enough that he was being blackmailed by some reporter and just listening to this asshole was the reason he gave in and paid the money not wanting to put Yuri though that sort of treatment.

Eric looked over at Yuri smiling hoping in some way he didn’t hear what the old fart said, so here is a funny thing…and don’t laugh or think less of me but…im kinda terrified of flying on a plane…. he said looking out the window as they made their way down the runway.
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyOns Nov 28, 2018 11:07 pm

Yuri knew it wouldn't be easy. They would basically have to sneak around kissing each other, holding each other's hands. Something they could do so freely in England. But they really had to try, Yuri didn't want to lose his family, they meant a lot to him, just like Eric became someone that meant a lot to him. Thank you, I don't think my parents would accept it at all he mumbled softly and looked at Eric with a forced smile. It would be a lie if he said he hadn't thought of different outcomes from his parents if he told them that he was gay. It was scary to him, that because of someone he loved, he could lose someone else he loved.
His cheeks flushed red and a small laugh escaped him.
Or... We could just not invite them to the wedding. he joked. How could he hold his own family away from his wedding, it was stupid. But at the same time, it would be the best option if he wanted his relationship with his family to stay the same. Small bright eyes looked at Eric with a happy smile. Do you really mean it though? You wanna marry me? he asked softly. It would be a dream come true if he married Eric someday, so that Eric mentioned it himself, made Yuri's body tingle with excitement.
Yuri kissed him lovingly back. He was happily oblivious to the old man calling them names. It was a good thing, Yuri wasn't good with being called names. He never really understood the need for others to hurt someone like that. Maybe it was because he was still young, that he was rather sensitive to words like that.
Yuri smiled with a loving twinkle in his eyes. It's okay, I hate flying too he said and took a hold of Eric's hand giving it a squeeze.
You would think a guy like Yuri, travelling pretty much all the time because of his job, would be used to flying, but he still hated it.
You can just distract yourself, that's what I usually do he told Eric, as Yuri tried to look for a movie he could watch. He didn't know if Eric wanted to watch it with him or he wanted to do something else.
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyTors Nov 29, 2018 9:35 pm

Eric laid his hand on Yuri’s knee giving it a squeeze it’s okay, I get it…and you don’t have to say thank you…I still haven’t introduced you to my friends yet…given that I work with them, so I really do get where you are coming from he said smiling at Yuri, really trying to be the supportive boyfriend….even if it fucking sucked right now.

He dramatically put his hand on his chest think of the children!! It would be a scandal not to invite their grandparents!! he said laughing before looking at Yuri with more a serious expression. day…I would love to marry you…but this ain’t no proposal sista, cuz I need to cheesy and romantic as hell! he said trying to sound American but failing because he was laughing to hard and his German accent was a bit to thick.

Eric looked down at their hands sighing oh thank god…I hate plans….i prefer doing my own flying…and umm thanks for not making fun of me he said looking down the ail locking eyes with the guy from earlier. He gripped Yuri’s hand tightly the second the plane left the ground oh god we are going to die… he whined…in a cool way…. if you want to distract me I have a few ideas he muttered winking at Yuri.
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyTors Nov 29, 2018 10:59 pm

Eric's large hand on Yuri's leg, made him shiver. He really didn't want to think in those kinds of ways, but there was just something about it. We will... just take it slow, together he said and smiled at Eric. They would take it at their own pace, as long as they had each other they would be fine.

This child can manage that he said and pointed at himself with a laugh. Yuri was only 20, he still saw himself as a child, even though he was legally an adult. But he wasn't an adult adult, he was still trying it out.
He smiled brightly as Eric said he would love to marry him. It was all Yuri wanted to hear. He couldn't help but laugh though when he tried speaking with an American accent. I would look forward to that... And stay with the German accent, it's hot he said and winked at him.

He grinned and just shook his head. I wouldn't make fun of you. You would just punish me if I did he joked at pushed Eric in a lightly, jokingly way.
As the plane took off, Yuri just tried to remain calm, he just swallowed so his ears wouldn't be blocked. He just held Eric's hand tightly. He couldn't help but laugh a little at Eric's whine. You are my guardian angel, we can't die when you are here he said softly. He found out he leaned much more on Eric now that he was his guardian angel. He thought that Eric would always be there to save him, so he wasn't so afraid of things anymore.
Yuri flushed red and bit his lip. What do you want me to do, we are on a plane he complained and looked at Eric. What was he supposed to do, there were people around! It wasn't even legal to have sex on a plane, they couldn't do anything.
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyLør Dec 01, 2018 10:31 pm

Well thats good to know... he said smirking at Yuri leaning in closer to him so he could whisper in his ear don't worry Yuri i would make sure the punishment was well deserved...and who knows...i might fuck you after if you were a good boy he gave the young boy's ear a nip before leaning back in his seat closing his eyes.

As the plane took off, Eric just tried to remain calm, really he did...he just swallowed so his ears wouldn't pop, and tried not to look like he was on his way to hell...if Yuri hated this as much as him, Eric had to stay strong. He smiled and gave Yuri's hand what he hoped was a reassuring squeeze, he felt his face light up when he heard Yuri whine "You are my guardian angel, we can't die when you are here" Yuri said softly. Eric gave his hand a tiny kiss and i will always save you and keep you safe my love he said smiling. Eric felt himself calm down a smidge when the plan levelled that the seatbelt sign turned off.

Yuri flushed red and bit his lip. "What do you want me to do, we are on a plane" he complained and looked at Eric. Eric just raised an eyebrow at him smirking you could go to the bathroom pretend to be sick and call for me...i go in...and fuck that tight little ass of your until i cum and maybe if you are a very good boy...i might let you cum to...or perhaps not...i still need to train you he whispered in the young boys ear and slowly letting his hand rest on Yuri's upper thigh.
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyLør Dec 01, 2018 11:42 pm

A complaining whine escaped Yuri, as Eric whispered in his ear. The sound of Eric saying his name in that sentence made it tingle in his body and he started clenching his thighs together, as he looked around making sure no one heard anything. It was so not fair! They were on a plane, they couldn't do it there! They would have to wait for so many hours!
Eric! Stop teasing me he whispered with a stern tone, it didn't really go as planned, it came out more cute than stern.

Eric was such a sweetheart when he wanted to be. When he wasn't a horny bastard. It melted Yuri's heart when he was so sweet. It was everything Yuri wished for in a relationship. Thank you he said lovingly. He would try to protect Eric too, even though Yuri wasn't much of use when it came to that. He couldn't really hit anyone and he wasn't that intimidating, but he would do anything for Eric, maybe that was scary enough.

Yuri just looked at him with a surprised expression. He couldn't deny that it turned him on. Hearing what Eric said, what they could do on the plane. He knew it was illegal though... Why did Eric get him in these situations? He never expected his sex life to be like this, so many weird places he would have sex.
A small whimper left him as Eric's hand rested on his thigh. O.. Okay he stuttered and took his seatbelt off. He swallowed hard before going to the toilet, that wasn't very far away from their seat. How long should he wait before calling Eric? This was so weird, he was so nervous, but he was so turned on and he couldn't wait till they were in Japan!
Maybe a minute went by, before Yuri opened the door a bit, with flushed cheeks. He looked over at where Eric was and just silently stared at him, motioning for him to come over. He wasn't sure if he was doing it right, he had of course never done something like that before in his life.
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyMan Dec 03, 2018 10:38 pm

A small whimper left him as Eric's hand rested on his thigh. The cute little stutter that left his lips before he took his seatbelt off, made Eric suck in an air full into his lungs, oh god is really was a joke...oh god...i didn't think he wanted...shit...what have i done to this poor shy little boy!. Eric looked around the first class cabin, trying to calm down his nerves... was he really gonna do this? one look down at his hard cock said yes in big capital letters.

Maybe a minute went by, before Yuri opened the door a bit, with flushed cheeks. He looked over at where Eric was and just silently stared at him, motioning for him to come over. Eric chuckled under his breath waving the stewardess over hey my boyfriend is very sick and needs to take his insulin...would it be okay if i went in and helped him? he isn't feeling that well...and im very worried about him? he said smiling up at the lady, who just nodded her head telling him that if he needed it there was a doctor on board. Eric just gave her a smile and hurried into the bathroom.

As the door locked behind him he smiled at Yuri remember baby can't make a sound...if you do you can't cum before we land...and that's in 10 hours and i will make sure that it will be hell for you he said smirking evilly at his cute little boyfriend, before pulling his pants down and bending him over the sink. Eric ever so slowly got down on his knees behind Yuri not a sound that was all the warning he gave the young boy before he let his hot, wet tongue, lick over Yuri's pink little hole.

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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyTirs Dec 04, 2018 1:14 am

Yuri watched as Eric spoke quickly to the stewardess. This was embarrassing enough, did he have to stretch the time?
Although as he wanted Eric to be quicker, when he came to the bathroom he felt himself getting nervous. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. It was too public, there weren't any when they did it in the car, but on the plane, they were surrounded by people.
Yuri stepped back as Eric came into the bathroom and locked the door behind him. Yuri swallowed thickly as he felt himself panicking slightly.
He couldn't make a sound, that was given, he didn't want anyone to know what happened, but him being able to cum was also being targeted.
It was hard not to make a sound, especially when Eric was so intimidating, it made Yuri whimper slightly before he nodded his head and let himself be bend over the sink, with his pants pulled down.
Not a sound, gosh it was gonna be impossible, maybe this wasn't a good idea, maybe they should just wait for Japan? Or to when they got home again?
Before he could change his mind, Eric's tongue met his hole and he was swallowed up in the pleasure. He quickly stopped himself from making sounds, but his body was shaking like crazy and he was already painfully hard.
He wanted to moan out his name, he wanted to beg him to just do it, but he couldn't make any sounds, he had no choice but to let Eric tease him as he wanted.
This was so weird, they were in such a small space, up in the air, so many people around. He never thought he would be in such a situation. They shouldn't be doing this, but he couldn't get himself to stop Eric.

Sidst rettet af Yuri Tirs Dec 04, 2018 4:04 pm, rettet 1 gang
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyTirs Dec 04, 2018 1:29 pm

Eric ran his hands soothingly down Yuri's back while emitting a blanket of calmness, love and want into Yuri's very skin. Shhh it's okay we can stop if you want don't have to say yes every time...i won't mind he whispered kissing Yuri's slender hips. He very gently ran his tongue over and lips over Yuri's hole, every touch of his hands and swipe of his tongue he made sure to show his little baby boy how much he loved him.

Eric slowly turned Yuri around, looking up at him from his position on the dirty floor. He slowly leaned in, letting his tongue lick over the young boy's sack before he started giving his cock a loving open-mouthed kiss. He started out slow, running his tongue up the length of Yuri's cock, before finally engulfing him in his warm mouth. He slowly started to bob his head while one hand made it's way into his own pants and the other gently eased it's way into his sweet baby boy's tight hole. The rhythm was slow and teasing never giving Yuri what he wanted, making sure to tease the head of his cock and never taking him deeper, just pressing in slightly and not brushing over that one spot that would make Yuri cry out. He removed his mouth speeding up the hand around his own cock smirking up at Yuri be a good boy and tell daddy what you want
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyTirs Dec 04, 2018 4:04 pm

The way Eric’s hands ran down his back, made him relax. He wanted to beg Eric to just do it, and not waste time, but as he said it would be okay to stop, Yuri stopped a bit. He wanted Eric so much, he was lusting like crazy, but he didn’t like where it was going to happen. They couldn’t do it in Japan, because they were staying at his parents. They would have to wait to getting home again, Yuri didn’t know if he could wait that long?
He shook his head no and pushed his ass a bit back, showing how much he wanted this.

He looked down at Eric, as he was turned around. His heart was speeding and a tiny almost soundless whimper escaped him, when Eric licked his sack before teasing his cock. His breathing hitched and he couldn’t handle it. The way he teased him was not fair! And that he couldn’t make a sound made it pure torture. A gasped sounded as Eric pushed a finger inside him. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, as he tried to stop any sounds. But it couldn’t be helped as he let out a moan, not loud but it was a sound. It made him switch back to reality, there were people outside, they couldn’t do this here! It wasn’t right. Yuri tangled his hand in Eric’s hair and stopped him. Eric... I can’t He whimpered. He didnt want this, it didn’t feel right. He felt so guilty doing stuff like this, even though it turned him on. Maybe He just wasn't ready for stuff like that, it wasn’t a long time ago that they started their relationship, it hadn’t been long since he lost his innocence, maybe they should sometimes press pause?
He pulled at Eric’s shirt to get him up again. As he stood tall again, Yuri wrapped his arms around him and buried his face in his chest.
I’m sorry he whispered and looked up at Eric, from under his thick lashes.
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyTirs Dec 04, 2018 11:32 pm

Eric looked up at Yuri when he heard him whimper, feeling guity when Yuri guided his head away and help him stand up. He sighed and felt Yuri hide his head in Eric’s chest. “You need to say stop...or make it clear if you don't want something...just because i want it you don’t have to say have a please use it...i don’t want to force you into something you aren’t ready for...i know what i like...and it makes me very happy when you try...but I have said it before...i can live without it means i can have you” he said and kissed Yuri on the top of his head. He took Yuri’s hand in his and led him out the bathroom and back to their seats, and placed a gentle hand in his hair.

He leaned back in his comfy seat closed his eyes and let his hand drift down and find Yuri’s so he could ground himself I love you…and I want to spend the rest of…everything with you…so please trust me, and trust I won’t get mad or disappointed if you don’t like the same things I do…I need you to trust in me. He knew that they hadn’t even been together for two months yet, it was only a little over a month ago this thing between them started, but he had hoped Yuri would trust that Eric won’t blame him if he wasn’t into the same stuff as him, all he needed was Yuri everything else didn’t matter. He let his loving and warm emotions wash over the boy next to him showing him that he meant every word he said…that all he needed in his life was Yuri by his side
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyOns Dec 05, 2018 12:13 pm

Eric was so sweet and understanding. Yuri wanted to make him happy, he wanted to give him everything. I know... It's just hard... when you turn me on and I know you want it. I wanna give you everything I can he mumbled and just followed when Eric took his hand and walked out of the bathroom.
You could say Yuri actually looked like a sick person, he was flushed like a lobster and at the same time, he was a bit pale. He showed slight discomfort since he was still hard and there were so many people around him. Ugh.
As they sat down, Yuri just wanted to be closer to Eric. He needed his embrace more than anything, but was that even allowed? Wasn't it dangerous? Although, they didn't have to have seatbelts on for 10 hours.
Yuri looked up at Eric who had his eyes closed. I do trust you he whined and pouted. Of course, he trusted Eric, he trusted him with everything really.
He sighed and without a word, he crawled over to straddle Eric's lap, before cuddling into him with a soft sound. I love you, Eric, really much he whispered and hid his face in his shirt, before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

- I Japan -

They were here!! Finally, they were in Japan! Yuri could finally speak normally, he didn't have to speak English!
He looked around, they had gotten their baggage and Yuri was now looking after his parents. they said they would pick them up.
I can't believe I'm home! he said excitedly before reaching for Eric's hand. He stopped himself though, as he remembered he was not alone anymore, his parents were going to be there and they couldn't know. Yuri looked at Eric with a pouty face, before continuing to look for his parents.
He heard a familiar squeak and he saw his mom and dad, standing not far away.
Yuri's face lit up as he ran to them, before embracing his mom in a hug and after his dad.
I missed you so much! he said in Japanese, before turning to Eric.
This is Eric, my guardian angel, Eric, these are my parents, Akari and Iwao introducing first his mom and then his dad.
Both the mom and dad smiled at Eric, before giving him a bow and a handshake. We are so happy you two are here. Let's go home, we have prepared the guest room for you his mom said and walked out to the car.

- The house -

As they got to the house it was more comfortable and relaxed. Yuri's parents gave them some space, so they could settle in.
They were in the guest room, there were two single beds for them, at least they didn't have to sleep in two separate rooms. This is going to be perfect he said, still in Japanese, but he knew Eric would understand it.
He looked up at Eric with a bright smile and hugged him tight, before whispering that he loved him.
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyOns Dec 05, 2018 10:25 pm

Eric smiled and warped his arms around the young boy on his lap, I know you do, i just get worried sometimes my love he whispered kissing Yuri's temple. The rest of the flight was nice and relaxing, the warmth from Yuri's tiny body lulled Eric into a dreamless sleep.

In Japan

Eric couldn't help smiling down at his happy little boyfriend, he sighed knowing that he soon couldn't hold Yuri's hand, but he wanted to make this the best trip ever, and if that meant keeping his hands to hard as that was, all Eric had to was look at him and every cell in his body screamed at him, telling him to hold and protect Yuri. Im glad you like it...i hope you will like your Christmas present just as it to him that...and i need to find something to give him that i don't mind his folks seeing..if they see me give him that...yea....not that subtle. Eric stopped in his tracks when he saw Yuri run over to his mom and Dad, a sad smile crossed his face seeing Yuri hug his mom and dad...his min and dad dies when he Wad 18..he was made and put on earth for Yuri, and the time he spent in heaven was lost to him. He looked up and walked over smiling at Yuri's family It's pleasure to meet you, you must be very proud of your son, he has a lot of talent he said with a bow.

At the house

Eric leaned against the wall as the door to there room shut giving Yuri a happy but tired smile, seeing you smile is more than perfect... he gave a small laugh and gently kissed Yuri's forehead love you too he whispered back before sitting down on his bed. Anything you want to do now that we are here? because if you want...i mean you can say would you feel about seeing my old home?...if you don't feel up to it i can go by my self....

Sidst rettet af Eric Ons Dec 05, 2018 11:39 pm, rettet 1 gang
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyOns Dec 05, 2018 11:26 pm

Eric was tired, it was clear. Yuri was a bit too, it was the jetlag because he did get a lot of sleep on the plane since he was in Eric's arms. Maybe they should take a nap, before doing anything else?
So cheesy and sweet he laughed. He was such a sweetheart to Yuri, it made him so happy and filled him with so much energy. Especially when he told him he loved him, every time he was over the moon by hearing it.
Yuri looked at Eric as he sat down. He was surprised when Eric suggested that they went to see his old home. Yuri was pretty excited that Eric actually wanted to show him where he used to live. It was a big step in their relationship, to experience stuff like that together. So of course, he wanted to see where Eric used to live.
He walked over to where Eric was sitting and just stood in front of him.
I would love to see where you used to live. But is it even still there? Aren't you like, really old? he asked with a teasing laugh.
He did want to see his friends too though, it had been a long time since he saw them last, and it would be nice to hang out with people his age, that actually talked his language. Of course, Eric couldn't come with him, his friends would just think it was weird and ask too many questions.
I think I want to visit my friends at some point, but you can't really come me he mumbled.
But maybe before we do anything, you should take a nap? You seem tired old man he laughed teasingly.
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyTors Dec 06, 2018 9:53 pm

Yuri walked over to where Eric was sitting and just stood in front of him. Eric smiled brightly up at him, a tiny laugh falling from his lips not that old....little shit...i very young for an angel...140...but i don't know...i haven't been back since i was 15...thats when my dad sent me and my mom to Germany with him...5 years later they died....i stayed...and 16 years later the first war started..and i joined stayed in berlin...but by 1937 i left for London...and well i havn't been here in almost 100 years... his voice died out and a faraway look overtook his face.

Eric looked at Yuri and smiled there is no way in hell im letting you go alone... But he understood the boy wanted to see his friends and not have an old man that could be his dad hanging around... Eric look at Yuri and raised an eyebrow as an evil smirk crossed his face I will give you old man!!! he laughed and tackled Yuri down on to the bed and started to tickle him. He grabbed both of Yuri's hands with one hand as the other started tickling his soft stomach, still think im an old man huh! remember who you are talking to you bad little boy
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyFre Dec 07, 2018 3:08 am

Did he... did he just call him a little shit? Yuri couldn't stop laughing until Eric started telling him about his childhood. It seemed like Eric really needed to go and see where he used to live. It would be good for him. Yuri was a bit sceptical though because Japan was constantly renovating, it was possible that his old home had been torn down or made new. He just hoped for Eric, that it was still there.I hope it's there for your sake he said softly and smiled at him.

A laugh escaped him as Eric suddenly attacked him and started tickling him like crazy. He was squirming under Eric with small whines coming from him as he tried to get Eric to stop, even though it was funny. It got harder when Eric gathered Yuri's hands in his and tickled him with the other. It was not fair that he had so large hands! Stooop he giggled struggling around under Eric, trying to get away or at least get him to stop. He couldn't stop laughing, but at the same time, he tried to keep it low, so his parents wouldn't come in and see it. It would look really weird to them, that Eric was being so intimate with him. It was hard keeping quiet though, as Eric tickled his tummy. It so wasn't fair!
Okay, okay! You are not old! he gasped and breathed heavily, looking at Eric over him. He smiled sweetly and kissed him lovingly. He liked having Eric close to him, it seemed like the room would be the only space they could be real close, so he wanted to exploit it as much as he could until they had to go out. You are not old... You are really old he laughed again and couldn't stop teasing just a bit. He was allowed to tease his boyfriend.
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyLør Dec 08, 2018 8:33 pm

Me too...but who knows....would just be nice to see what has become of it...sorry to dampen the mood his voice was quiet and he looked at Yuri smiling at him what would i do without you he said, his smile finally reaching his eyes.

A laugh escaped Yuri as Eric suddenly attacked him and started tickling him like crazy. He was squirming under Eric with small whines coming from him as he tried to get Eric to stop, a rush of arousal flooded Eric as he looked down at Yuri, how helpless he was to Eric at that moment. you started this you shit he laughed as he kept on tickling Yuri. Eric smirked down at Yuri and straddled his hips so he could get better access to Yuri's little tummy. Oh think so! listen here you loveable shit...I.AM.NOT.THAT.OLD! he chuckle out.

Eric leaned forward and was just about to give Yuri a kiss, his lips were so close to Yuri's his breath gosed over Yuri's lips, Eric pulled back smirking down at the young boy now now none of that...hmmm i think it best if i just left you here...i mean you did call me old and that did oh so hurt my feelings he sighed dramatically
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptySøn Dec 09, 2018 11:28 pm

He loved when they talked like that. They were honest and personal with each other, it meant a lot for him that they could talk like that. He smiled sweetly at Eric. Don’t have to be sorry, I like it when you share stuff with me he said. He laughed and just shrugged. Sit at home and cry, because you missed out on this he said and gestured to himself before cracking up.

His giggles filled the room, as Eric continued. It was kind of torture, even though it didn’t hurt at all of course. He found it funny that Eric kept on calling him a shit, somehow it was just funny to him.
He whimpered slightly as Eric straddled him, it wasn’t fair!
He cracked up when he said he wasn’t that old. Only to a human he was very old. But maybe to his kind, he was a youngster. You are old to me, since I’m human he giggled and just looked up at him with his innocent eyes.

He whined when Eric didn’t kiss him, he wanted to kiss Eric! It wasn’t fair! He couldn’t do that! A pouty Yuri looked up at Eric with pleading dog eyes. You are such a mean old man he said before cracking a smile.


It was later that day and he had already set up a meeting with his friends. They were all excited and they diverse to go to a club. Of course Eric wasn’t allowed, Yuri felt kinda bad about it, but he didn’t want to explain to his friends. He had already said goodbye to his parents and Eric, and he met his friends at the bar in a local club. He had on black skinny jeans and a shirt with kittens on it, typical Yuri wear.
His friends was excited to see him, squeals was exchanged and a lot of hugs. He hadn’t seen them for a long time, so it was great to finally see them.
As they started drinking, Yuri just got soda, he didn’t want to get drunk that night, he was at his mom and dads house and the last time he was drunk with Eric didn’t really go well, so he stayed sober.
Yuri! Come and dance! his friend yelled over the music, pulling Yuri with him as they started dancing on the dance floor.
It didn’t take long before he lost sight of his friend but he just continued dancing, thinking he would get back.
A yelp escaped him as he felt someone gripping his waist from behind. First he thought it was his friend coming back, so he just danced with him, smiling. That was until he saw the guys face. It wasn’t his friend, it was a stranger!!
Please let go! he yelled trying to get the guys hands off him.
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyMan Dec 10, 2018 10:02 pm

Eric laughed at Yuri's antics "you love this mean old man" he chuckled and gave Yuri a kiss on his nose before leaving the room and going downstairs.
He sighed when he saw Yuri lead with his friends *time to go to work* He gave Yuri's mom and dad a polite goodbye and spread his wings so he could keep an eye on the little human.


Eric took a long drink when he saw Yuri on the dance floor the way he moved his entire outfit...dear God....he looked fuckable....Eric had to grit his teeth when he saw the way he was dancing with some guy Eric could feel his anger rising and his blood boil . Before Eric really knew what he was doing he was on his feet flinging the guy across the room "he said fuck off! And if I were you I would listen, or I will do far more than throw you!!" he shouted.

He took a deep calming breath before turning to Yuri, every cell in his body screaming at him to protect and hold the boy in his arms, but he was here with Eric had to be the guardian...not the boyfriend..." are you.....did he....ahh fuck" he said frustrated and kicked a cup on the floor...why couldn't he just hold him and kiss him.... "I...I'm going to get some air...please...come with can go back to them after..." he mumbled looking at Yuri with pleading eyes.
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyMan Dec 10, 2018 10:17 pm

Before the guy got to do anything else, he was off Yuri and there stood Eric. Yuri was surprised, he thought Eric was at home? Had he followed Yuri all the way to the club? But if his friends saw? He didn't know what to feel about it, he liked that Eric looked out for him, but he didn't want to risk anything. He just wanted a normal night with the friends. He looked around to see if his friends were there. They, of course, was since Eric had made such a disturbance.
He was happy that Eric saved him though, a bit scared since Eric looked so angry that he could explode.
Yuri was breathing heavily as Eric turned around to face him. He looked good when he was like this, angry and protective of Yuri. He couldn't really act on anything, he couldn't hug Eric like he wanted, to seek the safety he needed.
He swallowed nervously as Eric talked and his friends were looking. This wasn't a good situation! He nodded though when Eric asked him to come out with him, to get some air. He needed that.
Okay he whispered and walked out with him, not looking at his friends.

When they were out, he embraced Eric and nuzzled his face into his shirt, breathing in his scent. Thank you he whimpered and looked up at him. He just wanted to go home with Eric right then and there, but his friends were inside and it would be difficult to explain why he went home with him. Maybe he could just say that it was it for that night, that he didn't feel so good. They could hang out another day, they were going to be there for some time anyway, right'?
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyTirs Dec 11, 2018 7:35 pm

Eric took a deep calming breath and looked down at Yuri and gave him a nod before he rushed outside, he closed his eyes and leaned his body up against the wall, he looked up at Yuri smiling a bit, when he felt him close his arms around Eric's waist, and embraced him and nuzzled his face into his shirt, breathing in his scent. The small whimper that left his lips made Eric shudder it's okay...and im sorry...i know you don't want me here...but i do have a job...if you think i was going to just... his hands closed into a fist at the thought of what could have happened...if Eric hadn't been there.

You can go back to your friends...just let me hold you for a bit...that bastard had his hands all over you he muttered pulling Yuri in closer, burying his head in Yuri's hair, sniffing in his sent. He took one more breath before tilting Yuri's head up and kissing him. The kiss was sweet and loving with so many of Eric's emotions bleeding into Yuri's body. God i love this boy...and i have no clue what to do with myself when he isn't around...and god i just want to fuck him and make him forget that som guy had his filthy hands on my Yuri. Do you...umm...i didn't think this you want to go back to them and explain...i can go...just call my name when you need me...or...we could go home...and i can hold you in my arms...just...tell me what to do...because i am not really in the right mind at the moment...that bastard... Eric looked at Yuri pleadingly
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyTors Dec 13, 2018 12:31 am

He understood why Eric was there, he was his guardian angel, he had to protect Yuri. He couldn't really blame him, he saved him from that guy doing something more. It was quickly done when Eric was there, it would have been a mess if it was only Yuri that tried to protect himself.
You don't have to say sorry, you saved me, thank you he said and smiled at Eric.
He didn't really want to go back to his friends, he just wanted to go home, he had enough of the city for that night, he wanted to go home and sleep. He was tired and he needed Eric closer than he was able to be at that very minute.
He shook his head and just hugged him tight as he was pulled in. I just wanna go home and sleep he mumbled.
He smiled sweetly as his head was tilted up and Eric's lips met his in a loving and sweet kiss. All Eric's emotions were visible, making Yuri feel so loved.
I'm gonna talk to my friends, then we will go home he said and kissed Eric's cheek, before going back inside to tell his friends that he would go back.

As he walked out again, he had his jacket and scarf on. He looked over at Eric with a small smile. Let's go home he said. He still couldn't take Eric's hand, even if he wanted to. They were going home to his parents, he couldn't let them see it and if he met someone on the way home... It was too risky, in this stupid town that was so small. Everyone knew everyone... and they talked.
He waited for Eric to walk with him, he wanted him right beside him, no other place.
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyLør Dec 15, 2018 6:58 pm

Eric gave yuri's head a small kiss okay...i will wait here for you he said and let himself relax into the loving kiss, that is probably for the best...again...sorry for the trouble... but he quickly shut up when he felt Yuri's soft lips against his cheek

As he walked out again, he had his jacket and scarf on. He looked over at Eric with a small smile. Eric couldn't help but smirk at his tiny boyfriend let's take the scenic route.... he whispered and looked down at Yuri's hand and sighed a bit before looking around to see if anyone was looking before he spread open his wings and picked up Yuri and flew off. The higher they got the more relaxed Eric got don't worry nobody saw us... he said kissing Yuri, as the night sky and fresh air surrounded them. After a while, Eric slowly set them down in a clearing in the woods, and carefully sat Yuri down, before walking over to a bush taking out a bag with blankets, candles, tea, a small fold up table and deck chairs in it. Was gonna do this tomorrow...but i thought after tonight a bit of romance might do you some good Eric said as he set up the small camp for them.

Eric turned to Yuri smiling and warped him in his arms they said that if we are lucky...umm we might see the meteor shower...if umm you are interested in...if not....we can just umm leave...oh shit...why did i do this...ahhg...this is so embarrassing he muttered and hid his face in his hands.[/color]

Sidst rettet af Eric Man Dec 17, 2018 11:47 pm, rettet 1 gang
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)   Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx) EmptyMan Dec 17, 2018 11:07 pm

A surprised whine came from him, when Eric spread out his wings, before embracing Yuri and lifting off, into the air. He wasn't much for flying, even though he trusted Eric, it was still a bit nerve-racking. But all that was soon forgotten when he looked up at Eric. As he felt Eric's lips on his, he melted with a humming sound. He kissed him back lovingly as they were in the air. He tried not to think about it, it was kinda scary to him, that they were so high up, but they could at least show their love to each other, without the whole town knew he was gay. I love you so much he whispered against Eric, as they landed again, in the woods. It was dark but the moonlight gave some light to them.
Yuri was surprised when Eric started taking things out from the bush, forming a little place for them to sit and enjoy tea. It was so romantic! Yuri looked up at Eric with such wonder in his eyes. No one had ever done that for him and he found it so nice and sweet.
As he got wrapped in Eric's arms, he just cuddled himself into him. They could see the meteor shower? That was so cool!! It seemed like Eric was doubting though.
As he hid his face in his hands, Yuri couldn't help but laugh a bit. Don't be embarrassed! I love it so much, you are so sweet. No one has ever done something so nice for me he said and took Eric's hands away from his face, before giving him a gentle kiss.
You are the best boyfriend ever he laughed and hugged him tightly.
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Finally home - Eric (Fremtidsemne + xxx)
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