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 Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei

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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptyLør Dec 02, 2017 11:47 pm

Tid: 13.36
Sted: Cafe midt på torvet.
Omgivelser: CAFE
Påklædning: Påklædning Jakke

Med selvsikre faste skridt trådte hun ind på cafeen. Hun trængte til at komme lidt væk fra akademiet, ikke fordi hun ikke fandt det interessant og gå på skolen, men fordi hun aldrig rigtig følte hun kunne være alene. Hun gik direkte op til disken hvor der stod en ung kvinde og betjente folk. Det tog ikke længe før det var hendes tur, og hun bestilte en kop kaffe før hun gik ned og fandt en af de grønne lænestole. Det her var et af de steder hvor man ikke behøvede betale med det samme. Hun stillede sin skulder taske ved siden af stolen, og smed sin jakke henover ryglænet.

Der gik ikke længe fra hun havde sat sig, til den unge kvinde kom ned med hendes kaffe. Hun sendte hende et venligt smil, og begyndte at finde sin blok og tegneredskaber frem. Hendes taske havde været halv stor, men der var også plads til hendes a3 blok, og pladen hun brugte under når hun sad og tegnede uden et bord. Hun tog en tår af sin kaffe før hun lænede sig tilbage med et afslappet suk. Det var længe siden hun havde kunne koble ordenligt af. Hun kiggede rundt i lokalet, og brugte lidt tid, før hun fik øje på en smuk ung kvinde der sad ved et vindue. Hun smilede lidt, skubbede håret bag det ene øre, og begyndte og skitse op med sin blyant.

Sidst rettet af Nahirii Tirs Dec 19, 2017 2:33 am, rettet 1 gang
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptySøn Dec 03, 2017 2:08 am

Aah. Endnu en stille og rolig dag, hvor han ikke havde det store at tage sig til, udover at skrive videre på hans næste bog. Det kunne godt være det måske var lidt cliché, men han elskede altså at være ude blandt folk mens han sad og skrev. Han havde endnu ikke helt fundet ud af det med tekst programmet på computeren derhjemme (den blev næsten aldrig brugt), så han havde bare store hæfte rmed linierede sider i, som han skrev i istedet. Det var så meget nemmere, og så kunne han også sådan... Føle ordene, som han skrev dem. Han kunne slet ikke forestille sig følelsen ville være det samme på en computer.

Så Andrei havde bevæget sig ind mod torvet i byen, for at finde en af de små hyggelige caféer han kunne sidde på. Alle der arbejde i caféerne kendt eham så godt efterhånden, at de aldrig gik hen for at prikke til ham og få ham til at købe noget, da de udmærket godt vidste han ikke havde brug for noget af det de solgte. Idag ville have været som enhver anden dag da han trådte ind på caféen - han ville have gået direkte hen til sit sædvanlige hjørne, sættesig ned og skrive, og gå igen nogle timer senere. Men... Idag var der en der fanged ehans opmærksomhed med det samme.

Hun sad i en af de grønne lænestole. Ved første øjekast var han næsten ved at tabe sin taske af rent chok. Mihaela...? Nej, nej det kunne ikke være... Men kan blev nødt til at gå tætter epå for at blive sikker. Han havde set mange der havde lignet hende før, men ingen på den måde som den unge dame her gjorde. Han sank en lille klump i halsen som hanforsigtigtbevægede sig overmod hende, lagdemærke til en stol ved siden af der ikke var optaget... Og her var trods alt rimelig godt fyldt op herinde idag. Da han var kommet helt tæt på, kunne han mere lugte end se at det selvfølgelig ikke var hende, men... Det virkede godt nok som noget af et tilfælde at der skulle være en nærmest dobeltgænger af hans første kone der gik rundt nu, i samme by som ham selv. Han rømmede sig så let, for at fåkvindens opmærksomhed, og sendtehende et lille, charmerende smil. "Is this seat taken? There's full pretty much anywhere else."

// Outfit <3
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptySøn Dec 03, 2017 2:29 am

Hun var dybt begravet i sin skitse, det skulle gå stærkt. Hun kunne altid rette detaljerne til med tiden, det vigtigste var og fange essense af det først, følelsen. Blyanten lavede en let kradse lyd, som hun hurtigt og gansk let førte den over papiret. Hendes mørke øjne kiggede endnu en gang på kvinden, og hun nåede og få et sidste glimt inden hun rejste sig.

Hun havde lige nået og lave den sidste streg af skitsen som hun hørte en dyb herre stemme der henvendte sig til hende. Hendes brune øjne kiggede op, og hun ik øje på en høj og utrolig velklædt mand. Hun gengældte det charmerende smil han havde sendt hende, og rystede ganske let på hovedet. "Ohh no.. Here have a seat." Hun fjernede sin jakke der lå over stolens ryglæn og smed det ned på sin taske der stod ved siden af hendes stol. Hun rakte over efter sin oversized kop med kaffe, som hun tog en tår af, før hun igen stillede den på bordet. Hendes fokus blev så igen vendt imod hendes tegning, og hun begyndte og tegne ansigtsformen op. Men uanset hvor meget hun prøvede så var det som om hendes fokus var forsvundet.

Hun smed sine sko, hvilket var let da det var stiletter, og trak sine fødder op under sig. Blyanten blev placeret på hendes blok som lå i hendes skød, og hun greb igen efter sin kaffe. Hun tog en dyb indånding og forsøgte og finde sin ro igen, men uanset hvor meget hun prøvede så kunne hun ikke. Det var som om der var noget som hele tiden trak i hende, og hun endte med at lystre sine instinkter. Hun drejede blikket over på manden som havde sat sig ved siden af hende. Han sad og skrev, men ikke på en bæbar, hun kunne ikke lade være og smile lidt over det. Hvornår havde hun sidst set nogen skrive på gammeldags manér?  "Sorry for asking, but what are you writing? its not normal to see someone write the old fashioned way." Hun sendte ham det samme charmerende smil, som hun lagde hovedet en smule på skrå.
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptySøn Dec 03, 2017 2:44 am

Andrei smiled and nodded, before placing his messenger bag om the floor, and taking off his long coat before he sat down, now in the kinda tight, long-sleeved turtleneck. He then opened his bag, rummaging around for a bit before he found the notebook he was currently filling out. Then he got out an ink pen, and flipped to the page he'd gotten to, before he began writing. His eyes wavered from the page once in a while though, to rest on her for just a split-second. The resemblance really was uncanny... But the smell and the voice was so different. No, this woman was definitely not human as his wife had been, and he was already fairly sure what she was. After all, there'd been witches all around them back when he'd grown up. Yes, it was several millenia ago, but he still remembered that almost electrical smell of magic running through their veins.

He looked down at the page again as he kept writing, while he listened to her question, smiling just a little. Of course, he knew there weren't many left who wrote like he did... But he'd just never really gotten the hang of that computer. "Oh, this? I guess you could say it's a manuscript for my next book." he told her, sending her another smile as he looked at her again.
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptySøn Dec 03, 2017 3:00 am

The sound of his ink pen on the paper, made memories pop in for a short hello. It really had been ages, sometimes she found herself missing the old ways. As he answerd her question, it was as if her hear skipped a beat *What the fuck is wrong with me?* She hurried and took another zip of her coffee. Her eyes felt to his hand, and she silently watched as he continued to write. She gently shook her head, before placing the cup on the table.

"Ahh your an author. Explains the old school style." She said with a cheerfull tone to her voice, before she once more took a hold of her pencil. She looked down at her sketch *Now Nahirii, focus! Do what your here to do.* She continued tracing ou the outlines. She finished the outline of the face, before she once more took a break. She grabbed her hair and pulled it all to one side, making her naked exposed on the side that was facing him. "Any chance to get a hint of what its gonna be about?" She casually asked asked as she started on the eyes. *Nothing wrong in casual talk right? If he dont want to chat, he can just say so anyway* she was the type of girl to just go with the flow. And right now, that flow told her to find out more about the stranger sitting next to her. What was it about him that keept luring her to him.
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptySøn Dec 03, 2017 3:16 am

His brows furrowed for just a short moment when he caught the sound of her heartbeat. It wasn't supposed to be so fast... Oh, well, probably not anything serious. She seemed to be doing fine, anyway. His smile widened a bit, hearing how cheerful she was about it all. It was usually fifty-fifty when he told people of his profession... Some people thought it was fascinating, others found it to be very boring. At least she seemed to appreciate it.

Andrei looked over at her drawing for a few seconds, still smiling. She definitely had talent, that much he could tell without a doubt. His eyes wandered to her bared shoulder, then, his eyes automatically noticing the veins running just underneath her skin, but he paid them no heed. He wasn't hungry at all right now, anyway. Then he heard her question, and realized he'd probably been looking at her just a little too long. He tried his best to mask it with a small grin. "Oh. I'm not sure you'd find it interesting, though. Not many people do." he explained, leaning back in his seat. "The book's going to cover the more important rebellions that happened in what we'd call Romania today. All the way back to, oh, I'd say around 1400 years BC."
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptySøn Dec 03, 2017 3:43 am

She stopped drawing to look at him again, and this time he was looking at her at the same time. Her dark eyes met his lightbrown eyes, wait was that a hint of green in them? And there it was again, that one fast heartbeat taking her by surprise. She bit her cheek in a desperate hope to try and control her body that seemed to be having it own mind.

She didnt find his answer borring, in fact she was a big fan of learning more about history, but why wouldnt she be? She already knew a lot, due to her long life, but she was still hungry for more. "Im not like other people" she just answerd him with just a hint of a flirty tone to her voice. "Romania. One of the few contries I havent visited." she then continued before taking yet another sip of her hot coffee. She plaed her drawing on the table as she slowly rose from her seet. "Will you look after my things? I will just be a minute." she asked, and walked away before he got a chance to answer her.

Brefood she found her way to the ladies room. With both hands on the zink she leaned a little over it. She looked at herself in the mirror *What the fuck it going on?* She mumbled a few words, and moved her hand, as she made a spell to check if she had gotten sick.. *Nothing... Then why the fuck?* She would have splashed some water in her face, if it wasnt for the fact she would end up looking like a racoon. In stead she took a deep breath before walking back into the room.

As she walked back to her chair she realised she had just started talking to the man next to her, without knowing his name. She desided it was time to change it. She placed herself in the chair and sent him a charming smile "Thank you. Im Nahirii by the way." Being away from him for that few minutes made her think a bit more clear, and she now noticed that pale skin. She also noticed the old fashioned ring on his hand, and she couldnt help but wonder. She offerd him her hand to shake as she had introduced herself. *If Im not mistaken hes a vampire, and a very old one.* she had been around long enough to know what to look for, how had she missed it up until now?
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptySøn Dec 03, 2017 3:58 am

Andrei's smile widened just a bit as they looked into each other's eyes, though... She did have really pretty eyes, after all. "I guess you aren't," he said with just a small grin,before he looked back down on the latest page he'd written. "You should try going there, someday. It really is a marvelous country." of course, he still had the love for what he considered his own homeland intact. He might've been born and raised in Scandinavia, but his parents had been from what would now be considered Romania, and he'd spent a good millenia there, and a couple hundred years again, later on.

He nodded when she asked him to look after her stuff, and just leant back in his chair as he kept right on writing again. Writing these books was very simple to him- after all, he'd lived through the era he was talking about, and having been a noble, he got a front seat to everything that'd happened. Quite perfect for writing a book about it, after all. Who better to tell you about these things, than a person who'd been in the midst of it?

He looked up when she sat down again, presenting herself and sticking out her hand. A soft smile spread across his lips again, as he shook her hand. Obviously, being what he was, his hand was rather cold. "Nahirii? Special name. I like it." he said, grinning softly as he let go of her hand again. "I'm Andrei." he then introduced himself.
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptySøn Dec 03, 2017 12:09 pm

As her he shook her hand, she felt that cold hand on her warm skin. *Vampire indeed* She was not the type to judge people on their race, but it was still nice to know who you were talking to. But beside the cold hand, she felt something different when they exchanged a handshake, something she couldn’t put words on.
She couldn’t stop the smile that showed on her lips, as he complimented her on her name. As she heard his name, she paused for a minute, just blinking as she tried to stop herself from showing any crazy reaction. ”Well look who is talking. Your name is pretty special too” In her whole life, she had never meet anyone with that name before, but despite that it was still a big part of her life. She leaned back as the image of her tattoo crossed her mind. That was the name, the name that had been on her skin always. *He cant be… 1400 years and not one had that name. And now I meet someone in a café in moonlight falls of all places. It cant be..* Her eyes turned to him as she silently watched him while he was writing.

She realized it could come off as rude to just sit there and watch him, so she grabbed her drawing, and continued to sketch as her thoughts kept hunting her mind. *Is that what’s going on? Is that why my body is acting on its own, why I feel drawn to him?* She tried to focus on the drawing but it was getting harder by every minute. She had never been the girl to look for her mage, but she was also not one of those witches who hate that part of herself. She had always been clarified with the fact that one time it would happened. But now, that she might have found him, she didn’t really know how to handle it. ”Something tells me, that your book is based on your own experiences, and not what you can find in history books?” she casually asked while keeping her eyes on the paper. She tried not to act on that magnetic attractive she felt. It was as if her body screamed at her, tried to make her get closer to him. But she was a stubborn girl, and she didn’t feel like throwing herself directly at someone she had only just met. No matter how good looking and charming he was, because damn he was. Was fate just taunting her, or was he indeed her mage?
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptySøn Dec 03, 2017 12:39 pm

Andrei gave her a soft smile in return - that smile of hers was really pretty... Well, she was, in general. It was probably not the best idea to have started talking to someone just because they reminded you of your long-since dead wife, but here he was... She was just as beautiful as Mihaela had been.

"Ah, right. Maybe it is. My parents were from Romania, after all. It's a pretty common name there." he told her, returning to his writing, eyes darting over the lines as he wrote them, making sure he got in the details needed, and left other out. Like, how he actually knew all of this. His editor was good at adding those things, while he himself wasn't. And then he heard her questions... And chuckled a little to himself.

"Maybe that's because it's exactly what it is. My editor makes sure to put in proper references, but... Mainly, I dictate what I saw myself, back then, yes." he smiled, looking over at her again. "After all, who better to write about this than one who's been there at the time it was happening?" he said with a slight grin. In his own opinion, no-one better, after all, but some people might think it needed to be the 'proper' scholars, and not someone like him, that had to do it.
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptySøn Dec 03, 2017 1:04 pm

Well she could make him laugh, that was a good sign wasn’t it?  She sent him a soft smile, as she nodded as a response to his question. ”I have to agree with you on that. I’ve read some of the history books and educational ones about the whole Geisha concept, but to be honest, they have no fucking idea what they’re talking about.” she casually told him.

When she was a young woman, she had been told all about the ‘mage bond’. She had learned what it meant, what would happen if she was turned down, and she was told how she would feel. But yet what she experienced right now was nothing like she had ever imagined. How could she already feel so strongly towards him? She had only just meet him, but still she had this burning urge to please him, to make him love her. She bit her lip, as she tried to control what was going on in her mind. Once more she turned her attention to her drawing. But it was as if that last amount of focus had disappeared. Her mind was clouded with thoughts and feelings, and she was honestly starting to feel a bit annoyed about it.

She sighed with a bit of annoyance to it, and placed her drawing things on the table one more. For a little while, she just sad there, looking out the window, trying to grasp what was happening. But no matter how much she tried, she couldn’t make sense of it. It started to really piss her off. She turned her face, and looked at the man sitting next to him. Once more that bobbling feeling started to wake inside her. Maybe she could just walk out of here? Pretend she had never meet him. But her body didn’t listen, she knew she couldn’t. ”Andrei?” her voice was almost a whisper as she said his name to make him turn his attention to her. She was a stubborn woman, but most of all she had a will of a lion. And as soon as their eyes met she made a quick decision. One of her hands was lifted, and placed softly on his neck, as she leaned in, closing that small gasp between them, and before he had a chance to reaction she placed her lips on his slowly closing her eyes. Her heartbeat turned uneven, and she felt the same feeling as before, just stronger. *FUCK… its him..*

A bit unwilling, she broke of the kiss, and looked into his eyes, waited for a reaction from him. It might have been a bit to bold a move, but that was just how she was. And now she knew It was him, she couldn’t really help herself. She slowly pulled her hand back, and bit her lips. *say something! You can’t just kiss a stranger and then look at him* but the words wouldn’t leave her lips, she just sat there trying to fully understand that after 1400 years, she had found the man she was destined to be with, if he would have her.
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptySøn Dec 03, 2017 5:51 pm

Andrei smiled, even chuckling a little when he heard her say that. But yes, she was right, he'd been irritated at most books trying to explain what'd happened in Romania in the years before 'christ' was born - he didn't care about that crap, but he did care about them saying things all wrong based on archeological findings, when he knew how things had really been. "Sounds like what I think every time I read books others have written about Romania and the surrounding countries in the years BC. They really have no clue what they're talking about. They should just ask me instead." he chuckled, and then got back into his writing, not noticing how she was basically staring at him.

But her voice ripped him right out of his writing mind again, and he turned his head to look at her - he did have manners, after all, unlike a lot of the young people in this day and age. "Yes?" he said, looking into her eyes, a questioning look on his face. Before he knew it, her warm hand was on his neck as she pulled him into a kiss. And... To be honest, he didn't mind. He probably would've kissed her sooner or later anyway, just because he wouldn't have been able to refrain from it. But this... Her just taking what she wanted... He smiled against her lips and leant into the soft kiss. Most of his previous wives had been women who just took what they wanted, too, so he really didn't mind. At all.

And just as suddenly as she'd started it, Nahirii pulled back, and as she looked him in the eye again, he smiled. When she went to pull he rhand back, his free hand was instantly on hers, preventing her from pulling it away. "... Don't." he said, barely a whisper, as he looked deep into her eyes for a moment... Then leant back in for another kiss.
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptySøn Dec 03, 2017 7:04 pm

She had felt his smile on her lips, while they were still kissing, and the way he smiled now their eyes met. That was a good sign right? She hoped. Right now she didn’t care about anything else, all she wanted was him. She had never had that feeling towards anyone before, and if he didn’t want her. Well then she might as well die. She started to remove her hand, but before she could she felt his hand on hers and she looked at him a bit surprised. The feeling of his hand on hers, and his voice almost whispering made a chill go down her spine. She was about to say something, but before she got the chance he leaned in for yet another kiss. Her eyes slowly closed again, as her whole body reacted to the feeling of his lips on hers. She pushed herself a little further into the kiss, making it that more intense and passionate. In her thought’s she asked herself how a kiss with someone she only just met could be so intense? Was this the true power of the mage bond?

Once more she broke the bond, as she pulled her hand to herself. ”Sorry I..” she had to tell him, she couldn’t just let this go on without him knowing what was at stake for her. He had to know what he was getting himself into. She was not the type of person to string people along. She noticed how people were looking at them, normally she wouldn’t care, but this was a bit too personal for her. ”What do you say about finding a place more.. well suited for talking?” The café was starting to get really crowded, and she really wanted to talk to him, alone. She had to tell him. She had to know, it was better to know.

If he agreed she would quickly pack her things, step into her shoes and throw on her jacket. She would go to the counter to pay for her coffee and then follow him to whatever place he thought would be better than this bar that had gotten a bit too noisy.
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptySøn Dec 03, 2017 7:36 pm

Well, Andrei, of course, smiled again into the kiss when he felt her lean into the kiss as it grew so much more intense... Passionate... When they broke apart again, he swallowed the lump that'd suddenly appeared in his throat. Because this... This was spookily similar to how he'd been with Mihaela when he'd met her. He hadn't been able to keep his eyes off of her, and he really couldn't keep his eyes off of Nahirii either. Perhaps this was destined to be? He'd always been certain he would see her again, but in what shape or form, he hadn't known... Until now, until this witch with looks so spookily reminiscent of her had appeared right in front of him, seeming to want him, too.

He listened to what she said, and cast a quick glance around - yes, this café was indeed too crowded now for this... Whatever 'this' was... To continue. "Sure. Let's just go outside for a start." he said, and began to pack his stuff, before he stood back up and put his coat on again. He waited for her to get her own stuff, and then went to hold the door open for her, stepping out into the December chillness after her. Not that he really noticed how chilly it was outside, and even if he did, it'd been much colder where he'd grown up those... Four millenia ago, or something like that. He didn't keep too close a count on it.
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptySøn Dec 03, 2017 8:02 pm

She felt, well it was happiness, as he agreed to go with her to a more private location. If he had said no, she would just had told him right there, without any hesitation. But she did prefer it to be somewhere else. Maybe it was something like young girls and their first time. To be honest that was not how she felt, she had been a Geisha, and if there was one thing that was true in the books, it was that her virginity was sold to the highest bidder. Something that for her had been a great pride at that time. But it was a different time, and a different culture, she would never dream of selling her body now. Dancing, stripping…. well that was an entirely different thing.  

She sent him a smile as he held the door for her, and pulled the jacket a little bit closer up around her. She could still get cold, and walking from inside that warmth, and outside, it was notable to her. ”Lets go to the park.” she said with her soft voice, as they started to walk side by side. She wanted to say something, more. Ask him, she wanted to know anything about him. But she just kept her lips closed, while she thought out of to tell it to him.

As they reached the park she noticed that there was indeed fever people here. It was too cold, so people preferred to go inside areas. She let them to a white gazebo that was somewhat hidden amongst some trees. That meant the wind wouldn’t be so hard on her delicate skin, and she wouldn’t freeze as much. Besides that, it was easier to stay out of nosy eyes, if she was going to get rejected she didn’t need for the entire world to see it. She placed her back on the floor and sat stopped to turn towards him. *He’s even more handsome outside. Shit..* Normally she was not the type to get nervous, but right now she felt it.

”I don’t know how much you know about witches. About.. our traditions.” She started with a soft tone to her voice. She didn’t wait for him to answer before she continued to talk as she turned around and walked to the side of gazebo, only to gaze out into the trees. ”every witch is born with one person destined to be their soulmate, there mate so to speak. The only way to know this is by a tattoo that forms at our neck, right where the neck meet the shoulder.” She turned around and looked at him as she started to slowly open her jacket. ”No witch will know when or if they meet this person, all they know is a name. And once they meet them, they are told they won’t have a doubt in their mind.” She let her jacket fall to the ground, and felt the winters cold on her soft skin, but she ignored it. She bit her lip as she moved her hair to the opposite side than she did before, letting him see that tattoo she had just talked about, a tattoo of a name, his name. ”Today I met my mate.” she said with a soft voice, her eyes never leaving him. She had no idea how he would react, or if he knew about this. Some people did, some didn’t, she just had to wait and see what he had to say about it.

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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptySøn Dec 03, 2017 9:53 pm

Andrei stood there for a couple seconds, once they were inside, appreciating the fresh air - even if he really didn't need to breathe. He nodded at her suggestion, and, smiling softly, began to walk with her that way. It really was a nice day out - or, well, he thought so, since he could just ignore the cold. But it was dry, and still pretty light out, which, after all, didn't annoy him. That ring was pretty nice to have. Nifty way of avoiding those headaches.

He raised an eyebrow when she picked the gazebo, but once they were inside it, he did see why - not many people would see them, or be able to overhear them out here. And most of the wind was shut out. He put down his own bag next to himself, and leant on the fence at the side, watching her as she began speaking. He probably knew a lot more about witches than most people did - after all, he knew he was one of the ten results of a with ritual, and the witches had stuck around while they all grew up and showed the signs of the ritual having been a success. He'd seen his fair share of witches back then, and more throughout the millenias.

He was about to answer, but she was quicker, and kept talking. The mate bond? Yeah, he knew about that. Had seen what it did to some people, too... Mainly a witch who hadn't wanted it at all and tried to fight it every step, to no avail. So now, he just nodded, all of his attention on her as she... Started taking off her jacket. Wait. Wait, wait, wait... Was this why he'd been hearing her heartbeat go faster, a little irregular, whenever they'd looked each other in the eyes?

His eyes widened a little as his suspicion was confirmed, upon seeing his own name on her fair skin, heard what she said. He looked at it for a bit, then looked into her eyes again, his expression unreadable. This... He was her mate? He'd never expected to become the mate of a witch, but who ever did? He knew what would happen if he rejected her, too. That was a rather nasty way to go. He looked off to the side, then, thinking. Neither this life, nor the next shall ever keep us apart. That's what they'd used to say, him and Mihaela. That they'd see each other again, in some form or another. With Nahirii being the spitting image of her... Maybe this was indeed fate?

He took a deep breath, and then he looked at her again, pushing off from the side of the gazebo to walk over to her, lift a hand for a finger to trace his own name, right there... And then the hand slipped around to the back of her neck, as he looked into her eyes again, finally smiling softly once more. "Maybe this really is fate, then." he muttered. "I... Felt pretty much drawn to you since I laid my eyes on you." not telling her why, yet... That had to wait for another time.
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptySøn Dec 03, 2017 10:23 pm

She didn’t really know what to expect of him. How he would react, but who would? It was not because it was something had tried before, and she knew that neither had he. He could have had wife’s, lovers, whatever, but a mate not possible. Once one person was destined for a witch, they could not be destined for another witch at the same time. But as his eyes widened, and he just stood there, looking to the side, it was like torture. It felt like it took ages, maybe also due to the fact that it was a bit cold standing without her jacket on. *Why don’t I know a mind reading spell? This is killing me…*

Her eyes were turned down as he took a deep breath and walked over to her. In fact, she didn’t really notice him before he walked into her line of sight. She lifted her head, watching him as he traced a finger over her tattoo. A touch so simple, made her entire body scream and that feeling to do anything he asked once more overwhelmed her. Ohh how she both hated and loved that feeling, she hated how it made her feel like she wasn’t in control over herself, but then again, it was also a good feeling because it was because of him.

Their eyes met, as he turned his gaze back to her, and that smile was finally showing on his lips. His words were kind, but something about them was off, or that’s how she saw it. She bit her lip and she looked to the side, trying to control all of the emotions that was overwhelming her. But being that drama queen she was, and with her temper it wasn’t possible. She turned her gaze to him, and with frustration painted over her face, she removed herself from him. She walked a few steps and stopped at the fence, once more looking out at it. ”Don’t give me that shit! I know very well how this doesn’t effect you like it affects me.” she started off with a harsh tone in her voice. She placed her hands on the fence, grabbing on to it as she continued in a more calm but stern voice. ”clearly you know what the mate bond means. And you probably also know exactly what happens if you turn me down.” She turned around and looked at him with her arms crossed over her chest ”But let me tell you something Andrei. I'm not someones pity cause. I would rather die than that, no matter how horrible a death it would be.” It was clear it wasn’t easy for her to say, but not because she didn’t mean it, because the bond was conflicting with her. The purple magic started to spark a bit around her fingers, as the will in her eyes was clear as day. Mate or not, she would never settle, for her it had always been all or nothing, and that was how she still felt.
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptyMan Dec 04, 2017 12:45 am

He stood there, looking into her eyes for that one moment, which felt so long... She really was like seeing a ghost from his past, the one ghost he'd been wishing to see over and over again. A lot of people said time heals all wounds, but Andrei knew that to be false. He'd lost Mihaela about 3200 years ago, and still... He wasn't really over her. He'd loved his other wives, yes, but none quite like her.

His brows knit together in slight confusion as Nahirii pulled away from him, to go over and look out at the park surrounding them. He almost walked those few steps after her, but then she turned, and he just stood there, looking at her again as she began talking. "I know it doesn't." he quietly said, listening to the rest of what she had to say. Yes, he did know what would happen. And he knew it wasn't pretty, watching someone go like that. Draining someone dry was so much more humane than the painful death of a rejected witch.

"I'm not pitying you." he told her, honestly, and took a single step closer to her. "How could I? You're... A rather brave woman, to be honest. Most people wouldn't be open so soon about something like this. Something as serious as this." and there was another smile. "And I wasn't lying before, Nahirii. I really did feel drawn to you. There's just... Another reason behind it for me. One that does make me certain it's not just your destiny, but mine, too."
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptyMan Dec 04, 2017 10:24 am

There was something honest to his voice as he spoke to her, and it made her listen to what he had to say. A crooked smile showed on her lips. ”I don’t feel like going in the bushes about things. I say things bluntly, no reason to sugarcoat it.” she said before he continued talking. She let go of herself, and placed her hands on the fence behind her, leaning slightly to it while keeping her eyes on him. He was a vampire, how could he be drawn to her, for anything else than her blood. But it was not that, he didn’t even make the slightest attempt to drink from her, so it was something else. But what?

The frustrated look on her face turned into a somewhat confused one. ”How can it be destiny for you? You’re not bound by a tattoo on your neck with someone’s name on it. You’re a vampire, you can do whatever you want, as long as you have one of those.” she nodded towards his hand, where that beautiful ring that allowed him to walk in the sun was. No she didn’t understand it, how could she? The purple magic that had started to show on her hands, was once more gone. She was feeling a lot calmer, and there for her magic was entirely under her control again.

As she stood there, she couldn’t help but to look at him. Yes, she was drawn to him because of the bond, but something told her there was something different about it. It actually bothered her a bit, even though she had felt frustrated he was still looking ever as handsome. She had seen witches bound to their mate, and well it was not exactly a handsome one. And here he was, the one fate had decided was to be her mate, and he looked... Well he was smoking hot, not doubt about it.
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptyMan Dec 04, 2017 4:20 pm

Andrei smiled a little at what she said... Well. He had always been attracted to that type of women, he guessed. He liked not having to guess what people said, that they just said exactly what they thought, not trying to hide anything. And then he listened to the next thing she said. He sighed and looked off to the side. "I might not be bound in the same way as you are, but I'm still bound. Just... I guess it's my past binding me. I've always believed in fate, and this is just too big a coincidence for me to not believe that it must indeed be fate bringing us together." he said, gently, playing a little with the ring she'd referred to, before looking her in the eye again, smiling a little.

"By the way, I could do just fine without this, too." he told her, pulling off the ring to show that the sun didn't really harm him. at least not just a little bit of it, as was with this daylight, before he put it back on. "Just a nasty headache." and that was a small, crooked version of those charming smiles he'd shown so far. Of course, this was basically also his way of telling her which type of vampire he was.
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptyMan Dec 04, 2017 5:31 pm

She was about to ask him more about what he ment when he said that he was bound due to the past. But before she could he told her he could do without the ring. She looked a bit worried at him, and as he started to pull of the ring she was overcome with panic. She pushed herself from the fence, but before she could reach his hand, the ring was off. She blinked a few times as nothing happened. Now she just stood there, with a hand on his wrist, looking at him. ”you’re one of the first 10.” she then said, a bit surprised. Her mate was a pureblood, but not just any, he was one of the very first.

She let go of his wrist, but she didn’t move away. She didn’t want to. Slowly her gaze rose to meet his. She raised a hand and softly placed it on his cheek. ”To be honest I actually don’t care. Or well I do.. But right now I don’t. I just need to know.. Now you know it. I need to know what you chose.” of course she wanted to know what it was that made him think it was fate. But if he accepted what she just told him, if he really became hers, they would have all the time in the world. They were both immortals after all, he just had to drink blood, and she had to bath it every 4th year. The thought made her smile a bit. And if he decided to reject her, well then she had no use for that information anyway.
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptyMan Dec 04, 2017 7:03 pm

Andrei noticed her worried look, but of course, had still just gone on right ahead with pulling it off, knowing he could handle things without it. he had for his first few decades before the witches figured out how to make these, after all. So he was softly smiling when the ring was back in place, and nodded his agreement. Yeah, he was indeed one of the first purebloods that ever were. Something with a ritual performed some months before he was born.

His gaze followed her as she removed her hand, catching her eyes again, smiling softly when she put her hand on his cheek, gently leaning into it. He closed his eyes for a second, before opening them again, looking at her as he listened to what she said. And then... His smile was there again, softer, gentler. "I thought it was pretty obvious." he muttered, but still chose to make it clear. He raised his hand to put a finger under Nahirii's chin, raising her head enough for him to bend down and place a soft kiss on those full lips, closing his eyes. This had been a no-brainer for him. Her having him as her mate, and looking the way she did? It really had to be fate, there was no question at all in his mind. So this was how they met again... He didn't mind at all. "... I choose you." he still whispered against her lips.
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptyMan Dec 04, 2017 8:43 pm

She couldnt stop the smile as he leaned into her hand, looking peacefull. She already knew in her heart she would do anything for him. Of course the mate bond had something to say, but there was something else about him. She couldnt put her finger on it right now, but in her long life, she had only felt something similar than this 2 one man. Beside the mate bond, she felt something else, something deeper, something that was not driven by a name on her neck.

Her eyes stayed on him as he proclaimed that he thought it was obvious. If it was, she wouldnt have asked, and she was just about to say that, when she felt his finger on her chin. Her head tilted back just enough for him to claim her lips in a soft kiss. Her eyes closed, and even as he broke the lips to whisper, she didnt open them. Her heart was speeding a bit to fast, and she knew there was no chance he wouldnt hear it. Slowly she finally opend her eyes, and gazed right into those beautiful eyes of his. "And I you." she whisperd against his lips. Yeah hes was her destined mate, but that didnt change the fact that she could chose to try and get out of it, but she didnt want to. Her wrapped her arms around his neck, and leaned in to claim his lips yet again. Feeling that rush through her entire body, as she made the kiss even more passionated than it had already been.

She didnt know how long they stood there, but she ended up breaking the kiss. Not because she wanted to, but because a shiver went through her body. She giggled a bit looking up at him "Maybe dropping my jacket wasnt the best idea." She removed her arms around his neck, but didnt really move away from him. She quietly spoke a few words, and the purple light showed shortly on the hand she helt out, and the jacket dissapeard just to reappear on her. She pulled it a bit closer to her as she tried to get a bit warmer again.
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptyTirs Dec 05, 2017 12:30 am

Andrei was still smiling as she answered him, and, out of reflex, he lifted a hand to gently place it on her chest, when he heard that rapid heartbeat. There... Was just something soothing about feeling it, too. He let his hand slide away again when she pulled him closer, though, and let his arms slip around her waist as they stood there, sharing their more intense, passionate kiss. This... Felt right. Oh, so right. It was almost like having her in his arms again... But no, no, don't think like that. This was just fate's sign for him to move on, wasn't it? He thought so, anyway, and so he tried to shut out all thoughts of Mihaela and just enjoy the moment.

A soft chuckle rumbled in his chest when he felt her shiver, and heard what she said. "Maybe not," he agreed, watching her summon her coat. With a soft smile, he decided to help her out further - removing his own long coat, and wrapping it tightly around her smaller frame. "There... Now you should be all covered," he told her with a wink and a smile. "Can't have you going around getting sick, now can we?"
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei   Is fate taunting me? (xXx)  - Andrei EmptyTirs Dec 05, 2017 2:25 pm

She looked up at him a bit surprised as he putted his coat around her. It smelled like him, and she didn’t mind at all. It was a nice smell, something masculine, alluring and sweet about it. Her brown eyes met his eyes ones more as she smiled softly ”I have no idea what I did to deserve a mate like yourself, but I don’t complain.” She then said as she pulled his coat a little more around herself ”I’ve seen a lot in my life, witches who got hurt by their mates. It was not because they were rejected, but their mate took advantage of them. Of the fact that they would do anything for their mate.” She smiled a little and placed a soft kiss on his lips ”something tells me you’re not that type of person. I can’t imagine them offering their coat up, being able to get cold or not.” The last part was added with a smirk on her lips.

She turned around as a sound of people walking caught here attention. She watched 2 young boys pass by, as they were heavily engaged in a conversation about some boring lesson they had to go to. ”do you have any plans today?” she casually asked, without removing her eyes from the 2 boys. Maybe it was a good idea to ask, she didn’t want to take all his time if had things to do. Maybe he had to finish the book, meet a deadline, or maybe he had to go meet someone? Just because she had a day off, it didn’t mean that he also had.
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Is fate taunting me? (xXx) - Andrei
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