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 Hello stranger, how long has it been?

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Humør : These voice in my head
Fag : Math, Astronomy, History, Literature, Martial arts
Antal indlæg : 74

Hello stranger, how long has it been? Empty
IndlægEmne: Hello stranger, how long has it been?   Hello stranger, how long has it been? EmptyLør Maj 08, 2021 10:19 pm

Dedicted to  @Uriel (Joel)
NOTES | Its been seven years since they last saw each other. Kasumi's hair is shorter, and she is a lot thinner than before, dealing under the constant pressure and stress of working way to much.

DATE | 23th May
TIME | Around 5 pm
PLACE | Bread Ahead
ATTIRE | outfit

You okay with closing down Kasumi?” Kasumi dropped down a giant bag of flour and dragged the back of her hand over her forehead “Yeah, just go” Kasumi said with a soft smile, even as her eyes told a story of how tired she was. But how was she about to deny this kid of going off spending Sunday night with her newfound boyfriend?

The banshee turned around placing her hands on her hips, there were so much to do before she could shut down Bread Ahead for the day. It had been insane how many people had been through this day. And after three nightshifts at the hospital this week, it was no wonder that she was about to fall over from exhaustion.

Instead of starting the cleaning and wiping down, Kasumi sat down on a small chair and pulled out her new acquired phone, it was a used older model iPhone. But it had helped her making sure that she knew just how much more she needed to do before the rent was covered. “Short almost fifty quid” she mumbled for herself and could feel the overwhelmed feeling of failing overcome her. Small tears started glide down her cheeks she quickly dried of. Things had been going okay, she had found her old childhood friend Lazarus, even though he had been very weird about everything in the start. She had made it clear that she needed to figure out what she wanted, before he could take his confession seriously.

Well, she hadn’t really told him off like that. But she had been so close to just run out of the coffee shop that day. And after everything else that had happened after, it was a little blurry all of it. Truth be told, she was just hanging on by the skin of her teeth.

The store bell rung, and she made a small curse, before she stood up putting her phone away and drying of her tears. But she stopped dead in her track as she felt the aura. That, it couldn’t be, could it? She forgot how to breath as she slowly walked towards the door that would lead her from the backroom out to the storefront. “Joel?” she whispered, and turned around the corner, there he stood. Seven years had gone by and he stood there is no time had gone by at all. “Oh my god, it’s really you, please tell me it's really you” she finally got out and put her hand in front of her mouth. Tears started streaming down her cheeks and even as she wanted to run towards him and pull him into a hug. She couldn’t move, so afraid that this was just her sleep deprived showing her something that wasn’t really there.
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Humør : I'll illuminate your mind
Antal indlæg : 52

Hello stranger, how long has it been? Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Hello stranger, how long has it been?   Hello stranger, how long has it been? EmptySøn Maj 09, 2021 1:56 am

His mind was a real murmur and from what he recalled Joel had been told that this was a minor part of his memories. It had made him stay at Jezebels place for a while, trying to find an order to the memories. When did what happen? He truly had no clue, and to be fair… He didn’t want to have whatever they felt they were gifting him with. He wanted control of his powers and he wanted to see Kasumi again. That was the only thing in the world he wished for – except for some good baker bread and a package of butter. He could use that right now, and therefore he had taken a bath and gotten dressed so he wouldn’t seem too much of a homeless person. He had pulled om a lightblue tanktop and some black pants, containing his phone, keys and wallet.
With his phone in his hand, he had googled bakers in the area and tried to find one that him and Jezebel hadn’t tried yet and this one Bread ahead, seemed like the perfect choice to buy bread!

The bell rung  and he started to look at whatever leftover there was left from the day. Maybe he should bring a cake home to Jezebel as a thanks for all of the help? Or a cake for Eos? Completely occupied in his thoughts he stared at the cakes, even though he was there to get bread.
The voice was way too familiar. Way too missed. Something he could recognize. His light brown eyes darted up from the cake in the direction of the voice.Kasumi.
His eyes widened. Was it really her, after all of this time? “Kasumi,” he said, almost out of breath. As if he was kicked back to reality he quickly and almost too flawlessly jumped over the counter, to land on his feet slightly unbalanced, before he rushed towards her to swing her arms around her. Embracing her skinny body. “I’m so sorry. I tried to find you. I really did,” he apologized not wanting to let go of her. Finally. After so many years. He had found her. The source to his will to live. Joel’s one and only.
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Humør : These voice in my head
Fag : Math, Astronomy, History, Literature, Martial arts
Antal indlæg : 74

Hello stranger, how long has it been? Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Hello stranger, how long has it been?   Hello stranger, how long has it been? EmptySøn Maj 09, 2021 10:57 am

It was first when he put her arms around her, she really dared believe that it was him. She sank into his embrace, but it took a while before she let her hand fall from her mouth and her arms gently found their way around his waist.
It’s really you” she sobbed and heard how he told her that he had tried to find her. How was he even here? It didn’t seem like he had come in knowing that she would be standing behind the counter ready to take his order. There were so many questions going through her mind, and she had no idea how to being or finish. She just wanted to hold him close and never let him go again. The voices the small buzzing in the back of the head quiet down and she let out a sigh of relief. She could just fall asleep in his arms and sleep for a hundred years. But there was no time for sleeping, she needed to ask her questions even if she didn’t know which on to start with.

Let, let me see you” she finally got out with a small laugh, and pulled out and took his face into her hands. Her brown eyes looked over his face, he looked like he was okay, and she breathed out a sigh of relief. He even looked shaved and clean, who would have thought! A couple of months in the Canadian forest had him looking like a good old caveman. But he looked, so nice.
And her on the other hand, with her giant dark circles under her eyes for not sleeping. Being in a city only brought more voices out, so many lost souls here in Gaia. She had later learned that a zombie outbreak had happened, and a lot of people had died back then.
There were so many lost souls that wanted her to find people and tell them that it was okay, and they could move on. One person in particular kept popping up, a girl named Maya, but she had yet to find her and tell her that her team didn’t blame her.
But that wasn’t important right now.
I’ve missed you so much, you just disappeared” she said with a voice filled with sorrow while she looked at him “I thought you were dead for so long, but then Selene wrote me and told me she had met you in Bulgaria, and I” she swallowed the big lump in her throat and her hands started shaking. “So, I came here, looking for you” and she finally found him, but seven years were such a long time and how should she react? Kiss him, could she do that? What if he had found someone else by know? So many questions and somehow, she was too afraid to actually ask them.
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Humør : I'll illuminate your mind
Antal indlæg : 52

Hello stranger, how long has it been? Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Hello stranger, how long has it been?   Hello stranger, how long has it been? EmptySøn Maj 09, 2021 3:50 pm

He could fell how she rested in his embrace and slowly put her arms around him. They had both been quite surprised to finally see each other. Even though he didn’t want to loosen his grip around her, he loosened his grip as she asked to see him. He didn’t look like a caveman like he did after some time in with Kasumi. He was newly shaven, washed and looked somewhat well rested, even though he hadn’t slept that well since he had retrieved a bit of his memories. It had been a lot.

As he looked at her, looking at him, he could see how she seemed to have been sleeping very badly for a long time. He was worried for her well being and wished to make sure she felt better; the sooner the better.
“I’m sorry, I-” he once again tried to apologize. He wanted to apologize for all of the years he had been gone. For all the years they had lost with each other. Kasumi had thought Joel was dead, and he really understood why. He hadn’t really been the most talented hunter and alone he wouldn’t survive a day in the woods. But Selene had written a letter. Joel had tried the same, but never really known where to send it to. It wasn’t like you could tell the Bulgarian post office to deliver a letter to a clan in North Rustico in Canada; specifically Kasumi He. At least, that was what he had believed. How had Selene managed?

Her hands started shaking, which made him grab her hands by the side of his face. “I’m glad you came,” he breathed out. “I just…” his gaze fell to the space between them, “Sometimes someone is calling me… and I reappear somewhere else, and…” he looked up at her again. “I’m just so happy that we’ve finally found each other,” he confessed and moved his hands behind her neck. “And I’ve missed you so much,” a slight frown appeared, clearly expressing how he had missed her before he gently pulled her closer to let his lips meet hers – not really thinking about the fact that it had been so long, and that thing could’ve changed.
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Humør : These voice in my head
Fag : Math, Astronomy, History, Literature, Martial arts
Antal indlæg : 74

Hello stranger, how long has it been? Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Hello stranger, how long has it been?   Hello stranger, how long has it been? EmptySøn Maj 09, 2021 4:33 pm

Me too” she whispered with a small smile, she had to stop her trembling lips by biting down on her lower lip. If she hadn’t come, she wouldn’t be here right now with him, and all the hardship she had to go through the last past months had been worth it. Just for this moment of being with the person she had loved for the first time. The person she had seen a future with and someone she had never really given up hope would come back to her. He had always been there to keep her truthful to herself even with her not even realising him doing it.
The way he had made her laugh and made her heart pound when she had looked up and seen he was already looking at her. The warm spring breeze telling them that summer would be around the corner. The plans they had made together about what they would see and do, all just to be gone from one day to the other.
Her brows furrowed as he tried to explain what had happened. Calling him? Like, then he teleported or? Because first she thought he meant like on the phone, before she quickly thought it could be like the voices in her head from all of the dead ghosts trying to get her to convey a message to the people left behind. And then there was occasionally mad ghost that wanted to live again, not that she could help them with that.
Again, there were so many questions she wanted to ask him, but before she could even get a word out, she felt how his hands moved behind her neck and a rush washed through her body. A familiar feeling grabbed her stomach, and it was almost hard to breath.
Seven years was such a long time.
But as he pulled her closer and their lips met, it was like the whole world around them dissolved and there were only them.
Her arms found their way around his neck and she pulled him closer. First it was very innocent as she hadn’t kissed anyone for so long, but with him it all came back so natural, and she just let her body melt into his and the same with her lips.
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Humør : I'll illuminate your mind
Antal indlæg : 52

Hello stranger, how long has it been? Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Hello stranger, how long has it been?   Hello stranger, how long has it been? EmptyLør Jun 19, 2021 5:15 pm

She got closer and leaned more into the kiss. Subtle, relaxed and in control. Slowly he let his arms wrap around her body instead to pull her even closer. He wanted to stay there forever, but he also knew that that would be a bad idea. After a little while, he loosened his grip so he could look at her again. “Can I help you shut down?” he wondered. He wanted to help her or even do everything for her, so she wouldn’t have to work too hard. She seemed way too tired to work anymore, and she certainly just needed some sleep; accompanied by him so she could sleep peacefully. He knew that somehow his angelic aura made the voices stay away. He looked away from her shortly and could almost guess to himself that glasses had to be whipped and they needed to brush away any crumble on the floor.

“What about you sit down and let me take care of this?” he mumbled and repositioned a loose strand of hair. “Sit,” he said before she could argue with him about it. He gave her a soft kiss on the forehead before he started to lead her towards where he had seen her coming from, hoping that there was some kind of place she could sit while he cleaned for her. Maybe she would even fall asleep while he cleaned, now that his aura would give her some peace  to relax.

Sidst rettet af Uriel Man Jul 12, 2021 3:39 pm, rettet 1 gang
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Humør : These voice in my head
Fag : Math, Astronomy, History, Literature, Martial arts
Antal indlæg : 74

Hello stranger, how long has it been? Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Hello stranger, how long has it been?   Hello stranger, how long has it been? EmptySøn Jul 11, 2021 1:49 am

It was that missing piece of her that fell into place as his arms wrapped around her and he pulled her closer. With everything that had happened over the last few months, none of them seemed very important. Because she had finally found him, and he was here; he was really, here.
An almost impatient hum left her as he pulled away. She wasn’t ready to go back to the real world where she had to close down the shop and go home. Was he coming with her? Maybe he had other places to be, seven years apart was a long time, and even though he was kissing her now. Who was to say what he had been up too, who he had met and how his life situation was right now?

A soft smile formed on her lips as he asked her if he could help her shut down. She wasn’t sure. Kasumi looked around to remember what needed to be done before she could close the shop. As he started to move her around to make her laugh and she shook her head a little. “It’s okay Joel, I’ll just do it really quick, and then we can catch up, how about that?” she turned him around and placed a quick peck on his lips. Then she found her little check list for what needed to be done. She quickly checked them off that had already been done, and faster than she would have done hadn’t her long lost love just walked through the doors.

So, what are you doing in Gaia?” she asked, as she started sweeping the floors and get the rest of the cakes into the fridge. Everything needed to be cleaned down, so the morning shift didn’t have any problems with starting up when getting in.
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Humør : I'll illuminate your mind
Antal indlæg : 52

Hello stranger, how long has it been? Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Hello stranger, how long has it been?   Hello stranger, how long has it been? EmptyMan Jul 12, 2021 4:02 pm

Joel looked back at Kasumi as she said it was okay and that she could do it quick and then catch up. She gave him a quick peck on the lips before he could reply. “Fine, but you’ve already overworked yourself,” he said quite serious. He didn’t want her to walk around like some kind of zombie doing her work – which was why he had suggested that he could help with the closing of the shop. His eyes rarely left her. He wanted to be sure that she didn’t get too tired or something halfhearted. He didn’t want her to loose her job, if she liked it here.

He looked at her as she asked what he was doing in Gaia. He smacked his lips once, thinking. “I, uh… Someone summoned me here by mistake and… Now my friend and I stay here for a while” he said and nodded a bit, “Someone not that far away might be able to give me some of my memory back,” he said pressing his lips together. “And I apparently got a big family,” he said and interlocked his fingers swaying a little back and forth. There was so much more that he knew about himself know, that it was almost chilling.
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Humør : These voice in my head
Fag : Math, Astronomy, History, Literature, Martial arts
Antal indlæg : 74

Hello stranger, how long has it been? Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Hello stranger, how long has it been?   Hello stranger, how long has it been? EmptyOns Jul 14, 2021 9:48 pm

She made a small snort that turned into a slight giggle as he told her that she was overworked. She was overworked, she had overworked herself she knew that. But she had too, there was no other choice really, since she didn’t have an agree or had worked before she wasn’t really qualified so she had to take whatever came her way.

Therefore, she just didn’t comment on it, mostly because she knew that he would be upset at her for pushing herself this much. She had just needed enough money to pay rent, get food and save money to travel. Travel so she could find Joel, but luckily, he had found her. Everything was falling into place.

Must be exhausting if you get summoned without warning” she spoke, looking at him with a slight frown. He was worried about her, but the same would go for her to him.
Oh, they can, you do?” the smile that appeared on her lips, was bright and cheerful. She didn’t even for one second think about the very fact that him getting his memory back would hinder them or do anything to tear them apart again. Him understanding who he was, where he came from and finding out that there were other people out there that had been looking for him, and loved him? Of course, he should have that.

She was finally ready and turned towards him as she had taken of her apron and put on her jacket. “Do you have time, to maybe walk around with me?” she asked, he had told her that he was staying here, so he had somewhere to be. But hopefully. Her eyes shimmered with hope as she looked at him, her hands almost ruining the lining on her jacket as she waited for his answer. “If you, I mean if you don’t have to get back to your friend right away?” she mumbled, giving him an awkward smile looking down on her feet. One would think seven years would make her more mature. But being around him? It brought it all back, and just how hopelessly in love she had been. But also the sadness and hurt when he had been gone, leaving her all alone in a tribe that didn’t want her.

No, she couldn’t think like that. It would get better, he was here, they could talk. Everything would be alright.
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Humør : I'll illuminate your mind
Antal indlæg : 52

Hello stranger, how long has it been? Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Hello stranger, how long has it been?   Hello stranger, how long has it been? EmptyTirs Jul 27, 2021 11:55 am

Joel sensed that she knew that she had overworked herself but didn’t want to discuss it. He probably wouldn’t understand it either way because she had her goals and how she wanted to achieve them was all up to her. He could only cheer on her and tell her what he would do in the same situation.

He shrugged a little. It could be very exhausting when you got summoned when you’re about to take a bath, about to pay for something or when you had finally fallen asleep. “I’ve gotten used to it,” the words spilled from his lips, even though it also showed that it sometimes happened a lot, so he had needed to get used to it.
He pulled on a little smile, “Well… Supposedly I got a very grand memory… And if I get all of my memory back at once, I might turn into a vegetable,” he raised his brows a little. He was still processing a whole lot of these things. “My siblings are archangels… And… I’m apparently an archangel myself” he said nodding a bit with pressed lips. “My name is originally Uriel,” he smacked his lips a little.

He watched her as she got her jacket on. She asked if he wanted to walk with her, which he was excited for. Yes, Jezebel might be waiting for him, but she usually had her own things to do, so it wouldn’t hurt to do something by himself, right? After all, Jezebel was helping him find Kasumi. He could see how she almost nervously picked at her jacket, “No, no – or… I mean, I would love to walk around with you, and I don’t have to get back to her right away,” he said and approached her, taking her hands in his, standing close to her, “Let’s go,” he said with a soft smile on his lips. It was time to catch up.
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Humør : These voice in my head
Fag : Math, Astronomy, History, Literature, Martial arts
Antal indlæg : 74

Hello stranger, how long has it been? Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Hello stranger, how long has it been?   Hello stranger, how long has it been? EmptyTirs Jul 27, 2021 12:49 pm

She gave him a small smile as he told her that he would love to walk around with you. She couldn’t help but take a breath in as he told her that he didn’t have to get back to the person right away. He had said friend, right? Her overworked and tired mind couldn’t really catch up with everything, seemed like a hell of a friend since they were living together. But he wouldn’t have kissed her if there was someone else, right? Oh how seven years were a long time being apart, especially when their relationship hadn’t been put in stone before he had went away. She knew that she loved him, and with each passing day after his disappearance, her heart had ached for finding him again. If that wasn’t love, then she wasn’t even sure what love was.

Let’s go” she finally spoke and led him out the back door, turned around and put in the alarm before locking it, checking twice that everything was in order before taking his hand and started walking towards one of the parks that was nearby. She was quiet for a while; she took in the information that he had told her. His name wasn’t Joel, but Uriel – the archangel for hope – she looked up at the sky and saw how the darkness was about to let them see the beautiful stars. She felt tears prick at her eyes as she took in a sharp breath, it felt like someone had sat down on her chest. She was in love with an archangel? How would that ever work, how could that work.

She didn’t even realize she was crying before the wet sensation of tears glided down her cheeks. A small laugh left her as she tried to cover up how helplessly it made her feel. Finding Joel, only to realize that in the end, he would have to leave her again. And she would never be selfish enough to ask him to stay with her. She was just, her.
Kasumi took her hand from him and tried to dry of her tears. “I’m sorry” she whispered “I can only imagine how it must feel like finding out just how much you have lost with your memories
She sank a lump in her throat and walked over to a bench to sit down and looked down on her shoes. She really needed a new pair. “Just, feels like I’ve lost you just as I found you again” she finally said as she looked up towards him, admitting defeat against the tears that kept on coming.
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Humør : I'll illuminate your mind
Antal indlæg : 52

Hello stranger, how long has it been? Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Hello stranger, how long has it been?   Hello stranger, how long has it been? EmptyTirs Jul 27, 2021 2:57 pm

Joel followed her outside and waited for her as she locked everything, watching how she did everything and checked it twice. She was such a smart and wise girl. He adored that. As she took his hand, he didn’t hesitate to interlock their fingers. Oh, how he had missed being with her.
He watched how the city was getting darker, and he wondered if he should follow her home, so she didn’t have to walk alone. After all, he knew that some women didn’t like to walk alone at night, and having watched television with Jezebel, he understood why. The world was a cruel place, and now that he had some of his memories, he didn’t really understand how he was going to be able to help people be hopeful and trustworthy, when people doubted themselves so much and kept on lying and keeping secrets from everyone.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed how something shiny glided down her cheek, making him look towards her as she gave a choked laugh. She tried to dry away her tears and apologized. He looked at her somewhat worried when she mentioned she could only imagine how it must feel for him to know he had lost so much of his memory. He followed her closely as she walked towards he bench, and he sat down in front of her, while she looked at her shoes.
Just, feels like I’ve lost you just as I found you again,
“What?” he almost whispered raising himself a little from the squatted position to place a hand on her right cheek. “Nooo…. No, Zu-zu, don’t say that,” he said looking sorrowful at her. He cupped her face with both of his hands. “I’m right here. Joel is right here,” he said shaking his head trying to tell her what she told herself wasn’t right. He was right here. With her. “Even if I get my memory back, it won’t change the memories I have with you and how much I love spending time with you,” he said with his eyes shifting from one of her eyes to another. “I have really been trying to find you, and now that you’re here I’m not going to give up on us”
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Humør : These voice in my head
Fag : Math, Astronomy, History, Literature, Martial arts
Antal indlæg : 74

Hello stranger, how long has it been? Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Hello stranger, how long has it been?   Hello stranger, how long has it been? EmptyOns Jul 28, 2021 8:24 am

Her brown eyes found his as he sat down in front of her, she really tried but couldn’t hide the pain away that was filling her tired eyes. Maybe if she had been able to sleep it would have been another question. For just a second Kasumi contemplated what she would be like if she could actually sleep through a night without the voices. She had been able to with Joel beside her, but even then, they had been sleeping in the woods where you couldn’t always rely on just sleeping through the night.
He got her back to reality as he placed a warm hand against her cheek, and without even thinking twice she leaned towards it and closed her eyes. When both of his hands cupped her face, she opened her eyes again. Joel was right there, he was, her Joel. But what if he wouldn’t be there when Joel became who he actually was. Uriel.

A smile filled with anguish formed on her lips as he promised her that it wouldn’t change what he felt for her. She wanted to tell him that he couldn’t do that. That it was to cruel to promise her something he wasn’t sure he could keep. But she wanted to believe so bad, that instead she just leaned forward and placed her lips towards his in a soft and brief kiss. “I’ve missed you so much” she whispered as she placed her forehead against his.
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Humør : I'll illuminate your mind
Antal indlæg : 52

Hello stranger, how long has it been? Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Hello stranger, how long has it been?   Hello stranger, how long has it been? EmptyOns Jul 28, 2021 8:40 am

It was clear that she was in pain, and Joel didn’t like one bit of it. He wanted her to feel happy, secure and loved, preferably all three at once. She put her lips on his in a brief kiss, which he didn’t hesitate to reciprocate. He brushed away some of her hair, as she announced that she had missed him a lot. “I’ve missed you too,” he whispered back to her, closing his eyes as their forehead met. For a moment, he just caressed her cheeks, giving them warmth and hopefully letting her feel loved.

“Zu?” he whispered quietly to her and took his forehead away from hers, kissing her left cheek gently, “What about we go to your place and relax for a bit?” he suggested and caressed her cheek gently. “We’ll figure things out, but I believe you need some rest, okay?” he said before he kissed her other cheek and calmly put his forehead on hers. “We’re here right now, and that is what matters,” he whispered.
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Humør : These voice in my head
Fag : Math, Astronomy, History, Literature, Martial arts
Antal indlæg : 74

Hello stranger, how long has it been? Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Hello stranger, how long has it been?   Hello stranger, how long has it been? EmptyMan Aug 23, 2021 5:31 pm

She could feel how her heart settled down as he told her that he had missed her too. It helped, it helped a lot knowing that she hadn’t been the only one looking or missing. But it still didn’t help with the fact of what he really was and how scared she were to lose him again. She took in a sharp breath as she felt how his fingers glided over her cheeks, a soft chuckle left him. He still had the same calming affect over her, as he had had back then.

“mmh?” she got out and opened her eyes as he said her nickname. Her cheeks became bigger as her smile went up when she felt his lips on her skin. Going back to her place and relax, that sounded like a really good idea. “Yes, I would like that” she whispered not getting up right away as he kissed her other cheek and then placed his forehead against hers again. It was all that mattered. Maybe he was right, they should just focus on the good things right now.

Okay, let’s go” she finally spoke and got up, letting her hand find his and interlocked their fingers. Her other arm placed in front of her chest before her hand found his upper arm so she could rest her head against his shoulder while they walked, her leading the way to her small apartment. Luckily, she had been grocery shopping the day before, so she didn’t need to do it today.

It took around a small fifteen minutes before they were at her place. A small apartment complex not far from the pedestrian street. She let go of Joel as she found her keys to opened. Then she walked through the door and kept it open for him. A small and nervous smile formed on her lips as she waited for him to come in so she could walk up to the first floor and open up to her small one-bedroom apartment. There was a small kitchen, that was connected to both an eating area and a small living room. There were some plants here and there, most of them dying at this point as she wasn’t really home enough to water them. But nothing more personal than that. “I haven’t, really had much time to make it personal” she almost apologized as she let him through the door and closed it behind him. She took off her jacket and placed it on her small hanger after that she took off her shoes. “Coffee, or tea?” she asked and walked towards the kitchen, fidgeting with her fingers as she opened her fridge and took out her milk and put on the kettle to boil some water. She placed her hands on the counter letting out a breath. He was really here. Who would have thought they would find each other like this?
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Humør : I'll illuminate your mind
Antal indlæg : 52

Hello stranger, how long has it been? Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Hello stranger, how long has it been?   Hello stranger, how long has it been? EmptyMan Aug 23, 2021 8:04 pm

Joel smiled kindly as she said that she would like to go back to her place and relax for a bit. He also felt like it was what they needed. It had been so many years, and for him at least so much longing to see her. His light brown eyes looked up at her as she got up and he was quick to follow and squeezed her hand a little as she interlocked their fingers. To assure her that Joel wouldn’t let go.
He couldn’t keep a smile from spreading on his lips as she rested her head against his shoulder and held onto him. There was something about it which just comforted him. Her being close, the physical touch, the no need for talking while walking – everything was just comforting.

It didn’t take long before they reached her apartment building hand she had to let go, even though he didn’t really feel like letting go of her, but it didn’t take long before he entered the apartment building with her and went upstairs to her place. He looked curiously around. It was quite simple, and he didn’t judge on that. He looked at her as she said she hadn’t had much time to make it personal, which made him shake his head. “It is personal, even though you’re not done,” he said and looked into the apartment room. Even though there wasn’t much in the apartment, everything still told a story about her, who she was and why she had that specific thing. Even how her plants looked. Everything in here was personal. “I like it,” he said. He had no jacket and therefore just started to push his shoes off to walk deeper into the apartment on his socks. He looked over his shoulder as she asked what he wanted to drink, “Uh, coffee please,” he said and smiled at her. He approached one of her halfdead plants watching it for a moment to determine how long she had been too busy to watch it before he looked back at her as she rested towards the counter. He then approached her quite silently and placed himself next to her with his front towards her, leaning up against the counter. “How are you?” he wondered speaking softly to her.
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Humør : These voice in my head
Fag : Math, Astronomy, History, Literature, Martial arts
Antal indlæg : 74

Hello stranger, how long has it been? Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Hello stranger, how long has it been?   Hello stranger, how long has it been? EmptyTirs Aug 31, 2021 9:04 pm

She made a small laugh as he commented it on being personal and then looked around while she put on the kettle. Maybe he was right, even though she didn’t really like what it told about her right now. The fact that she couldn’t even care for her plants said something now that she had the powers to actually heal them. Another thing, her not having enough energy left when the day was over to make her plants whole again.  

Thanks” she decided to say as she then nodded as he asked what he wanted to drink. “One coffee coming up” she said with a big smile on her lips as she took down two cups and then the instant coffee she had. Nothing fancy but it would made do, at least for now. As she had already took out the milk, she just waited for the water to boil, almost monitoring it without taking her eyes off it. Forgetting the famous saying that nothing would boil while looking at it. She turned the moment that Joel placed himself beside her and asked how she was doing. She looked away letting her hands hug around the counters edge and took in a deep breath. “Not good” she truthfully told and closed her eyes. “Big cities have a lot more dead people than I thought, it’s been a long time since I gotten a full-time sleep” she decided just to be honest, mostly because she knew that he could see how she was looking. The bags under her eyes. How thin she had gotten. There wasn’t really any reason to hide from it. She knew she looked terrible. The kettle finally made the well-known pop and she poured in the water in the cups with coffee in it. “Milk?” she asked as she poured in her own waiting for his answer, she then put away the milk after making the coffee ready and then gave him his. “There” she said with a smile looking at him breathing in. She still couldn’t believe that he was really here.
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Humør : I'll illuminate your mind
Antal indlæg : 52

Hello stranger, how long has it been? Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Hello stranger, how long has it been?   Hello stranger, how long has it been? EmptySøn Sep 19, 2021 8:08 pm

A room or home always showed something about the person who lived there, no matter how much the person had cared for the home or not. Joel wasn’t blind to the fact that she hadn’t had much time to do anything, and he kind of understood that. Just by looking at her, one could see that the city-life was draining her for all kinds of energy. She wasn’t sleeping well, she worked too hard and probably had more jobs than one should have and not to mention – he knew that things were just so much easier when he was around.

She answered him truthfully, and he kept his eyes on her, trying to look for any signs for what was making her feel bad. Dead people were haunting her, and she hadn’t gotten a full night’s sleep in a long time. “How long had you been here?” he wondered, looking at her, thought his eyes shortly traveled to the kettle as it was done boiling, he watched pour the clear water and how the instant coffee turned the water dark. “Yes please,” he said as she asked for milk. He watched her as she put the milk away. He took notes on how she moved, where things were and how everything worked in her home. “Thank you,” he said softly taking the cup, but put it down on the counter again. He reached his hand towards her arm, “Come here,” he said softly and wanted to pull her in for a hug. “You really have to rest,” he mumbled, “And if you’re okay with it, I can spend the night so you can get some peace and quite, hm?” he suggested. He had already predicted that she would soon collapse being so tired and worn out.
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Humør : These voice in my head
Fag : Math, Astronomy, History, Literature, Martial arts
Antal indlæg : 74

Hello stranger, how long has it been? Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Hello stranger, how long has it been?   Hello stranger, how long has it been? EmptyFre Okt 08, 2021 8:07 pm

I’ve been here since February?” she thought back, it had been quite some time she had spend in the big city Hoping she could scrape together enough money to get someone to help her find Joel. But now he was standing here in her kitchen. The smile formed on her lips, and she pushed away the thoughts about who Joel really was, out. She looked up as he asked her to come to him. Kasumi mimicked him and placed the cup on the counter and stepped into his arms. Exhaling as she let herself melt into his embrace. She chuckled; he was right. She was running on steams at this point.

Spend the night; “If I’m okay with it?” she leaned back and let her eyes find his, a soft smile formed on her lips. “The more time I can spend with you, is a bonus” she mused, letting a tired smile form on her lips. Her hand finding his cheek. And for a moment she couldn’t really do anything other than looking at him. Reminding herself, yet again, that this was real. And as she did, she leaned towards him placing her lips on his, in a soft kiss. How she had missed him.
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Hello stranger, how long has it been? Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Hello stranger, how long has it been?   Hello stranger, how long has it been? Empty

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Hello stranger, how long has it been?
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