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 A little to late

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Humør : Everything is crumbling right before me. But I know what to do.
Antal indlæg : 86

A little to late - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: A little to late   A little to late - Page 2 EmptyTirs Maj 04, 2021 3:38 pm

Elisabeth noticed how Selene looked up when Elisabeth appeared. She definitely felt how everything had been going downhill for Walter and Selene. The emotions were thick in the air.

As Elisabeth finally stood in front of Walter, Selene spoke up. Pleading. Walters red eyes stared at Elisabeth and was only interrupted by Selene stepping in between them. What was she planning? “Get out of my way,” he commanded Selene, staring at her. She had nothing more to do. He needed to figure out what the hell was going on, why Elisabeth hadn’t said a thing and just about how he was going to explain this to Tatia; and in general figure out how he felt.

As soon as Selene stepped in front of Elisabeth, Elisabeth’s eyes caught onto every scar on the tanned body. Though Elisabeth had not asked for permission, she reached her hand forward, to place a hand on Selene’s bare shoulder. She could feel how much Selene had been fighting to get back, and Elisabeth tried to decrease the emotion of submission; trying to empower Selene. Elisabeth could handle Walter easily, but making Selene feel better was also something on Elisabeths mind
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Humør : Well it's best described as a dumbsterfire
Fag : Matematik + Kampsport + Kemi + Biologi + Fysisk
Antal indlæg : 172

A little to late - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: A little to late   A little to late - Page 2 EmptyOns Maj 05, 2021 2:28 pm

No” she said with no hesitance in her words, even without Elisabeth’s powers there was no doubt in her mind that Walter was not in his right mind. He would never hurt Lizzie, but Selene didn’t want to take the change, not when she could she how upset he was. Understandable, and as Elisabeth’s hand found her shoulder, she breathed out closing her eyes. It was like the overwhelming feeling of it all left her, and she could think clearly again. See it from both sides, something she hadn’t been able to before.

You need distance Walter” she finally said and looked him square in the eyes. “This is not going to end well if you’re just going on instincts right now” she took in a deep breath and saw how he towered over both the smaller woman. Selene only being a little higher than the trybrid. She rolled her shoulders, making sure she was ready if he launched at her.
Her body tense, and she almost wanted to tell Elisabeth just to move back a little. Let them finish what they had started and then Selene would be able to move on. Out of the pack, and figuring out what she was going to do with her life now.
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A little to late
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