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 Angel on the wing - [past]

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Humør : Every next level of your life, will demand a different you
Antal indlæg : 159

Angel on the wing - [past] Empty
IndlægEmne: Angel on the wing - [past]   Angel on the wing - [past] EmptyOns Feb 24, 2021 9:22 pm

DATE Days before Operation Wellhit [September 17–22, 1944]
PLACE Boulogne France
TIME Night time, around eight pm
WEATHER Suns down, you can still feel the warmth from the summer.

Second world war, really just an extension of the first, one should think that after the years of fighting each other humans would eventually tire. Well, humans were maybe too much of a stretch given that so many dark powers had whispered alluring that with great power came success. And what else would have happen, when American’s giant wall street crash paralyzed not only the Americans but the world. Demanding Germany to pay their loan back, was just what a man like Adolf Hitler needed to step in, as the savior, some almost saw him as the new christian messiah. What a horrible day that had been, as his words waved so many on his side, sending dozens of people off to die, because of their religion.
God was merciful, god was one, god had many names and who was to deny an entire people their god? Of course, she had seen the vengeful god, bringing wrath over the Egyptians, making her and other angles slaughter the first-born sons of Egyptians. But from that they had learned, grown and seen their faults. All beings of god were perfect and nonperfect in its way, because they were made in his image. A fraction of it anyway.

I’m as ready as I’ll ever be” she said to herself with her strong Hebrew accent fiddling with her dark long hair that fell down her exposed shoulders, even as it was put up in a half bun updo, it reached her hips and slowly waved from side to side as she moved, her silken blue dress was fitted to frame her body in the best way possible. Eden took a deep breath and let it out as she took her silhouette in, you are good at what you do, there is more to you than just your looks, this was one of her first times where she had really been to a bigger event amongst humans.  She had been to ancient Greece, she had seen the Olympians, how science had bloomed in that time. But never had she been on such a mission as she was right now. Acting had never really been her strong suit, but would it be acting she thought quietly to herself, as she looked over her shoulder to the closed door. Acting to be in-love with a man, showing the people at this party that they were a married couple, as she already was in-love with him? Maybe that was why it would be heard, because she already did, and nothing would come of it.

Deep breaths Eden” she remembered herself, and moved away from mirror towards the door, and open it, a smile grew on her lips as she took him in, and with her hand on the door frame she leaned against it “Are you ready?” her normal accent got a little French twist, her brown eyes shining with warmth. Why did he always have to draw her in like that, his aura so overwhelming calm and, it reminded her of spring turning to summer. Those warm winds from the south and the smell of cheery blossoms, and childhood memories. The good kind.
you look ready” she said, as she pushed herself away from the door and slowly walked over to him, her delicate hands straightened you his jacket with small strokes before she looked into his eyes, as her heals made her the same height as him.
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Humør : To lead people, walk behind them.
Antal indlæg : 121

Angel on the wing - [past] Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Angel on the wing - [past]   Angel on the wing - [past] EmptyFre Feb 26, 2021 11:28 am

OUTFIT: Click, click .

It was many centuries since Earth had seen such havoc and destruction as it had these past 50-or so years; and that was no small feat considering how many wars and sieges the humans constantly seemed to inflict upon themselves in the hopes of gaining more land in their obsessiveness. Remiel hated it. This obsession with materialistic things instead of how they had used to look a bit more inwards or listened to Angelic forces. Not that they were always right, obviously, everyone were learning from their mistakes, but by God did the humans seem to do so many. He had genuinely thought that it had all been done and finished business after the first world war, and the bitterness of not being able to prevent a second lay heavy on his shoulders. People had just about started getting their hope back just to see it shattered on the floor in front of this Adolf Hitler.
Remy knew well that many world leaders always had a bit of what they referred to as a God-complex. The Pharaoh had had it when he had been shouting at the sky "The Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord," and they had been sent to free the slaves in Egypt and had been brutally forceful in their demeanours. As  had King Sennacherib in the old Assyria. This Adolf Hitler was the same except he despised everything Religious except that what he was trying to enforce himself. Remiel was still rather bitter that God had ever granted Hitler's parents permission to marry after his fathers two former marriages. Karla had been a devout Catholic which had helped them no doubt.
And now here they were, the world once again turning against each other allowing demonic forces to take over and darken everything and everyone. Bernard Montgomery had just sieged a bridgehead north of the Rhine, at Arnhem, hopefully allowing the Allies to join in pushing back the Reich, so for once he was starting to feel a little hopeful again. Boulogne was still heavily under German rule however and the tension of Arnhem didn't seem to bother anyone at this seemingly innocent party.

Are you ready?
Edens beautifully subtle french accent reached him and dragged him away from his whirlwind-thoughts. He instinctively straightened his back a little before spinning on his heal to face her. For a short second his entire body tensed and he nearly looked away as her beauty hit him like a physical punch in the stomach. The elegant blue dressed hugged around her like it was made for her and her wavy hair a little loosely tied, fell in perfection around her face. He drew a sharp breath. Was he ready? You look ready. He finally relaxed his body, smiling at her, as she fiddled with his jacket. He wasn't used to wearing formal clothes like this, and had gone to great lengths to avoid any ridiculous synthetics in the fabric - in turn making his suit very, very expensive.
"I'm ready," he replied with a firm nod, regarding her warmly as his own french accent took over. "How could I not be, with you next to me," he added with a light chuckle, comfortable that she would steal the show in her graceful dress, allowing him to stay a little less visible. He raised his right arm a little, allowing her to grab it, and placed his left arm behind his straightened back, looking rather important as he did so. They would not be a low-key couple tonight, he thought, with both their intense auras and light surrounding them.
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Humør : Every next level of your life, will demand a different you
Antal indlæg : 159

Angel on the wing - [past] Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Angel on the wing - [past]   Angel on the wing - [past] EmptySøn Feb 28, 2021 7:04 pm

She smiled sweetly as the words left his lips; How could I not be, with you next to me. Some part of her could feel that small pinch of sadness knowing it was just for this one evening that it would be so, at least in this extent, after the gala was over and they had gathered the information they were needed, she was heading for the battle in Poland.
Her arm snaked around is, as he offered “Very nice touch” she observed with his arm behind his back, her own free hand grabbed the dress so she would not fall in the fabric if it got caught in the dress hem.


So nice of you to join us Mr. and Mrs. Abel” Eden smiled warmly towards the small man, with plum cheeks and small piercing blue eyes, everything about him did not seem very nice though, and as it still was a man’s world, Eden just merely nodded and looked around the crowd of people standing in small groups, laughing and talking together. All had a glass with some sort of alcohol in it, something Eden hadn’t dabbled very much in, but as a waiter pashed her by in is white and black getup and a silver tray filled with champagne glasses, she couldn’t really deny this curtesy. “Thank you” she said with a low voice, keeping the French accent, her hold around Remiel’s arm tighten a little, as she with her glass in hand moved her lips towards his ear “I don’t see our host yet, but as dinner is about to be served, we should have greater look there” she whispered, as she took every face she laid her eyes in, and cross-referenced it with the list they had gotten before the mission had begone. Every time a new couple or person came over to say hallo, Eden whispered their name and profession, sometimes a photographic memory was very useful. Which also was why she often getting these jobs; besides it was thrilling to do something else than just, killing. Here it was more like a game of chess, as Remiel had tried to teach her.
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Humør : To lead people, walk behind them.
Antal indlæg : 121

Angel on the wing - [past] Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Angel on the wing - [past]   Angel on the wing - [past] EmptyMan Mar 01, 2021 9:46 pm

So nice of you to join us Mr. and Mrs. Abel.
Remiel turned sideways to greet the stuffy little man with a dazzling smile. "Honoured to be here, monsieur," he mused, sounding every bit as enthusiastic as his bright face showed with that little hint of inferiority. They were after all not posing as Germans and so had to be a little inferior and appreciative of being invited to this .. Gala. Remy never understood humans' need for parties during hardship but they seemed to provide them with hope and so that was enough for him to appreciate them. This gala however had a thick atmosphere as they approached. Few days earlier had seen the fall of the Reich in Le Havre, another fortified city that Hitler had held in high regards, and finally, finally, that meant the possibility of smuggling weapons into Bourgogne. It was a tricky time to not be German in this part of France but Eden and himself had managed a reasonably strong cover.

Merci," he said warmly and nodded politely to the waiter. Remy smiled expectantly, outing a low chuckle at her whisper, pretending she had flirted with him. "Oh, cherie!" He exclaimed joyously and let his glistening eyes adoringly rest on her before slowly nodding as an agreement to her statement. "Before dinner or after dinner?" He asked, his low voice cheekily hinting that she had suggested something entirely different than what she had, loosely covering if anyone had had their eyes on them as she had spoken in his ear. He loved this little game of missions. It wasn't unusual for him, getting sent down to Earth like this. His powers made him very valuable near any trouble; usually though he was a little less high-key in his 'roles' and he was staying back to have the general view of things. For once Eden couldn't be entirely in charge. Although he outranked her, he would prefer her leadership in battles any day and had done so many times in the past. He was after all a teacher and not a leader. In this age women were not seen as leaders either, and it was a little strange for him to pretend that he was her superior in front of all these people.
He nodded politely to every passerbyer, greeting them with the titles that Eden offered to him as if he had known them for years, happy that her bright brain always caught every little detail in case he, himself would forget.
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Humør : Every next level of your life, will demand a different you
Antal indlæg : 159

Angel on the wing - [past] Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Angel on the wing - [past]   Angel on the wing - [past] EmptyFre Mar 05, 2021 10:59 am

She couldn’t hide the fact that his exclamation surprised her, what did he mean? Her eyes became a little bigger as his low voice reached her ear sending goosebumps down her spine, for a minute she forgot how to breath or even exist in this room as her thoughts flooded somewhere else entirely. Imagination had always been a strong suit for Eden, which had been why she had rebelled in the first place – because she could see the world differently, always in awe on how it could change without God’s direct influence, but time away from her peers had also made her indifferent when it came to sarcasm or jokes that involved around her, so at first she didn’t understand why he would react in such a way, and first she was about to ask, but as her eyes glided over his facial expression she knew what he had meant, it was a ruse so if any had heard what she said, they wouldn’t think twice about it, funny thing about people showing affection in public, nobody really liked looking straight at it., very clever.
But still as it dawned on her what he had meant, her cheeks became hot, and a slight pink started to show on her beautiful light olive skin cheeks. Luckily, she had stopped her imagination before it had run off on its own, in a hole she would rather not dig herself into. They were professionals and therefore there were certain lines that shouldn’t be crossed now, or in the future, even how much Eden wished them to.

During” she whispered back and planted a swift kiss on his cheek right beside his ear “I’m thinking that we excuse ourself separately but quickly after one another, and then we play this little game you already planted in some of their ideas” her eyes narrowed flirtatious, and planted a kiss again this time closer to his lips, and gilded away from him as a new couple came to introduce themselves, how the man looked at Remy he clearly was impressed, as he shook his hand while discussion some matter very passionately, the wife as Eden didn’t say much, and just stood there waiting for the call to dinner would break this conversation up. While drinking from her glass, her fingers lightly circled around Remy’s palm, something she always had done to make herself feel more comfortable, she didn’t know how it had started, but now it was more a reflex than something she did intentionally.
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Humør : To lead people, walk behind them.
Antal indlæg : 121

Angel on the wing - [past] Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Angel on the wing - [past]   Angel on the wing - [past] EmptyMan Mar 08, 2021 9:09 pm

Out of politness and respect - and maybe a slight fear of the confrontation - Remiel never showed any reaction when her face did that. That thing it did now. The flushed cheeks and widened eyes and the way some light flicker of hope warmed up her body just to die down a short second after. It sent a little stab of sadness into his side, as he knew for a fact that he would never be good enough for her. She deserved so much better. So much more than some easily distracted, adventurous, unserious Archangel that was too busy to take properly care of her. Late nights and early mornings were regular occurrences. Eden needed someone who would put her first. Even perhaps before God himself, he thought. He hesitantly licked his lips before she seemed to fully understand what he had meant. He saw her glazed eyes come back from where-ever her heart had momentarily taken her and had to focus on not looking sad as she looked at him. The few seconds of confusion and lightly flushed cheeks did well in terms of the little game he had started; not to mention that it really did suit her with rosy cheeks. He was a little pleased to see that a few passerbyers looked at them; the men obviously admiring Eden's absolute beauty and the women glaring at either her or at their escorts, annoyed at them for so obviously staring.

Remiel's entire face lit up in a wide grin as she kissed his cheek, casually winking at a lady that passed them, making her put her hand over her mouth and giggle like a little girl. He laughed heartedly and leaned over to push a lock of hair behind her ear. The confidence in his look told her clearly that he was impressed with how she was handling this new role of hers - a role that she didn't usually have to play. "That sounds good to me, cherie," he replied warmly, trusting her instincts completely. He made sure to look surprised when someone approached them, seemingly having been completely absorbed in her words and flirtatious looks. With yet another warm laugh his face softened up and shook the hand of the man in front of him. He had gotten the habit of swirling his moustache between his thumb and index finger when he listened and thought it a good habit for someone as important as Mr. Abel. He continued the little con in front of the chatty man that clearly tried to impress him with whatever thing he had invented to help the German troops but every bit of his attention was on the room around him and he knew Eden's would be too. Picking up snarky looks, finding out who had affairs and who didn't like each other - all in case it could be useful. He hardly noticed her little swirls anymore. They calmed him down as much as they did her, and allowed warmth and light to bubble through his body.
Finally a large bell echoed through the room and Remy saw his moment to finally part ways with the overly eager man and his boring wife. "Alors! Amour de ma vie," he said with the same flamboyant voice as his entire persona shone with, excusing himself before straightening his back a little extra. "Let's eat!"
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Humør : Every next level of your life, will demand a different you
Antal indlæg : 159

Angel on the wing - [past] Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Angel on the wing - [past]   Angel on the wing - [past] EmptyTors Mar 18, 2021 9:57 pm

It was so incredibly boring whatever came out of the man’s mouth. Fortunately, that only made it so much easier to concentrate on the real object at hand. She had already pinpointed some of the guard’s routines which would make it so much easier when their real mission stated.
As the bell rang, she almost visibly became more relaxed, a small giggle left her nose as Remiel continued with her flamboyant persona that he had created. As they walked towards the dining hall, she leaned a little closer to him her lips just gracing his ear. “I already miss your normal self” she said with a clear smile in her voice, even as her own face didn’t show anything but adoring features for her man. But as they came by one of the higher-ranking guards, she stepped wrong on her foot, and accidently fell into him. “Oh non, J'ai tourné le dos, sorry I'm so clumsy” she said while her cheeks flared up with embarrassment. The guard was clearly infuriated with her beauty and just smiled and tried to help her up again. The embarrassment was gone as soon as she was back in Remy’s arms, and she slowly put a key away in between her breasts. It had almost been to easy.

As they sat down to eat, Eden almost felt worse. How could they eat such glorious meals while so many people were starving because of this war? She sank a lump in her throat, unbelieve cruel people. But it helped her with the excuse of why she needed to get up. “Pardon” she whispered, as she slowly got up from the table. “I’m not feeling so well, I’m just quickly going to powder my nose” added and nodded towards the persons that was sitting nearby her. Clearly, she sold it well as more of them were looking with pity and concern.
As she got away it was like she could breathe, finally. She moved into the shadows waiting for Remy to join her.
Her silhouette walked out from a pillar as she heard the sound of his shoes that came nearer. “Well husband, coming to make sure your wife is okay?” she teased, and looked over her shoulder “This way” she said, as she started walking towards the office, once again taking the lead which still was a little alien to her. She had been on missions like this before, not many as she always had been higher regarded as one of Michaels military angels. But this was still the first them she took the lead with Remy by her side.

They turned a corner, and she heard some guards coming their way. She turned around pushed Remy up against the wall “Sorry” she mumbled as she pressed her lips towards his.
She had seen it in a movie, so it should work right?
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Humør : To lead people, walk behind them.
Antal indlæg : 121

Angel on the wing - [past] Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Angel on the wing - [past]   Angel on the wing - [past] EmptyMan Mar 29, 2021 2:07 am

She was so incredibly close to his ear that her soft voice sent a shiver down his neck, making the fine hairs on his arm raise. He regarded her a little curiously, raising his eyebrows lightly at her comment, trying not to look too amused but for once failing miserably. It didn’t clash with their characters which was only lucky, but he did shake his head a little, suppressing a genuine laugh. “Bah, allez la,” he replied, speaking softly but keeping the French. “It can’t possibly be that bad.” He couldn’t help a soft chuckle, personally highly satisfied with the role he had been given. It was always fun to play extravagant, posh people. And the accent made it even the more fun. It made it a little difficult to focus on the task they had been given though, as Remiel would have preferred losing himself in his new persona, taking over the entire party. Alas they had work to do. Something Eden clearly hadn’t forgotten.
Remy burst out in a deep, hearty, warm laugh, giving the guard a friendly slap on his upper back as the guard fumbled with trying to help Eden back up after her clumsy fall. “Easy on the hands there, sir!” He warned with yet another thunderously joyful laugh, taking back whatever attention he could possibly get to allow Eden to go a little unseen for a few seconds. He gracefully swept her back into his arms and playfully winked at the baffled guard, who followed them as the continued to the table. His keen eyes had obviously noticed that she had succeeded in her little mission to get the key and he added a little bounce to his walk. Remy pulled out the chair to allow for her to sit down before he, himself took a seat and immediately conversed with the woman sitting on his left.

He feigned surprise as his ‘wife’ got up and gazed after her, his eyes filled with worry. The lady sitting next to him eyed him up with a motherly warmth, giving him a little nod to calm his concern. She then nodded again in understanding, as he got up to rush after her, excusing himself rather delicately as he did so; hopefully not overdoing the concern that was plastered to his face. As soon as he turned the corner his face softened up. Her aura was not one he could miss. Not after so many years of being around her. With a soft laugh he shrugged at her playfulness. “Darling, a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do,” he replied, clearly having a laugh at the southern American accent he shortly portrayed as he followed her graceful footsteps, more than happy to let her take the lead. He followed her closely, so when she stopped, he nearly stumbled into her, only managing a surprised raised eyebrow at her, before she pushed him into the wall. “That’s o-“
Then she kissed him.
Heat shot through his body, making his fingertips tingle slightly. Remy wasn’t often surprised, but it was safe to say that he had not seen this coming. He leaned in a little before it really dawned on him what was happening and guilt rushed through him, replacing the pleasant heat he had felt for a moment when her lips first touched his. He knew her feelings for him and he had always tried to redirect them or simply ignore them out of respect for her, so this felt a little like treason. He shouldn’t have felt that warmth; it wasn’t proper of him at all. Yet he didn’t pull away immediately, but took his time before putting a hand on her cheek; gently pushing her face away from his.
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Humør : Every next level of your life, will demand a different you
Antal indlæg : 159

Angel on the wing - [past] Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Angel on the wing - [past]   Angel on the wing - [past] EmptyOns Mar 31, 2021 3:14 am

She had always wondered what it would feel like to kiss him. What it would feel like to feel him that close to her. But she also knew that this wasn’t that kind of kiss, so even as her body started tingling and heat shot through her spine and left her wanting more, she couldn’t indulge in it. At least not know, but it also made it clear for the younger angel that she couldn’t pretend anymore, she couldn’t laugh it off and just nod in agreement when she heard people ask about their relationship and Remy just talked it off like a mentor student thing, or the pain she felt when he compared her with the feelings he had for his siblings.
Her eyes closed, she didn’t do much to make the kiss, a full-blown passion kiss. Just enough to divert the guards that walked past them, and as she felt Remy’s slender fingers touch her face and pull their face apart, she let her tongue lick her lips. Her brown innocent eyes found his, the snickering from the two men told her that her diversion had helped, and as their footsteps become but an echo in the giant halls, she pulled away from him. She didn’t say anything, as she started walking a little faster towards the office that they needed to break into. Her fingers glided over her lips, hoping he wouldn’t see. But the heat from him still lingered, and she so wanted to turn around to kiss him properly. She fought with her inner tumult of feelings that didn’t knew what it wanted, the only thing that was sure, was that they needed to talk about this after the mission.
She put on a brave face, and speeded up a little bit more, only to be annoyed with the clicks of her heals, and she stopped up pulling them off. Now barefoot she could walk without much sound. She turned the corner and was met with two guards stating in front of the door they needed to get through. She sighed, and quickly pushed her and Remy back against the wall before the men could see them. “Two men standing guard by the door” she mumbled and looked towards Remy “Hold my shoes, I’ll take care of them” she said, giving him a slight teasing smile. Then Eden took a deep breath closed her eyes to settle herself. It was like her entire being shifted and a sweet alluring smile formed on her lips before she turned to corner “Oh goodness me, it seems like I’ve lost my way” she said in a slurred and honeyed voice, the men quickly turned their attention to her “Walk away miss, you’re not allowed back here” – “Oh of course, but could you maybe –“ she had gotten close enough and she slowed down time just enough for her to knocking them both down. The two large men crumbled to the ground as she speed up time to the normal pace “Clear” she said in a louder voice, and stepped over one of the men, pulled out the key to open the door.
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Humør : To lead people, walk behind them.
Antal indlæg : 121

Angel on the wing - [past] Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Angel on the wing - [past]   Angel on the wing - [past] EmptyFre Apr 09, 2021 7:32 pm

Remy hardly heard the snickers behind them, as the guards giggled like little girls that had caught someone doing something naughty. He was too preoccupied following Eden's tongue on her lips, having to force his eyes away, catching the innocent flicker in her brown eyes. His own eyes widened slightly and he swallowed, still tasting her lips on his. He had truthfully never thought about kissing her. The mere mention of such a thing would have made him frown and when his brothers had occasionally teased him about it, he had been highly displeased with them.  
He was left, stunned, still leaning onto the wall she had pushed him up against, his heart racing too fast, betraying his emotions as he followed her graceful walk away from him. Was this what shock felt like? He had definitely not expected a kiss and was rather unsure of whether or not to address it. He knew for a fact that it would affect her a whole lot more than him, and wanted to make sure she understood that although it had been an enjoyable scene and that he hadn't been repulsed by it - like he had thought he would be - it didn't mean anything more than that. He could never commit to it. She deserved better than craving someone like him.  
As she kicked off her shoes he finally pushed himself off the wall, drawing in a sharp breath through his nose and running a hand through his hair. Good Lord. They had a mission. He had to push it aside. He would push it aside. Determined to see the mission through and to forget about what had just happened, he finally started walking with her, quickly catching up.
Just to be pushed up against the wall again.
Remy raised an eyebrow. Was she gonna kiss him again? Instead she was in full on 'mission mode', and he forced himself to listen. "You've got to stop doing that," he added in a whisper, matching her mischievous grin. He couldn't help but to shake his head at her, grabbing her shoes and watching her waltz away like that; physically rolling his eyes at her sweet, helpless voice. A snickering chuckle escaped him at the sound of bodies hitting the hard floor and he determinedly straightened his pretty jacket before following her voice, turning around the corner.
Remy raised another eyebrow at the two bodies on the floor and flashed her a genuinely proud smile. "Don't know what you need me here for, honestly," he muttered, following her lead to step over the passed-out guards.
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Humør : Every next level of your life, will demand a different you
Antal indlæg : 159

Angel on the wing - [past] Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Angel on the wing - [past]   Angel on the wing - [past] EmptyOns Apr 14, 2021 10:12 am

She had to put her mind into boxes when it came to Remy. Else she didn’t know how to survive this unrecited love, it tore her apart when she was alone. People always asking her why she didn’t just let go. If it was just that easy, she would have done it years ago. Mostly because every time she felt like she could go on, try something new he would be there and put his hand on her arm and do something that would get her hope flaring again.
She had briefly thought she could love someone else, when she had met Joseph in Paris. She had been there for months before her mentor came down to fetch her. Again, she had seen it as a gesture that he didn’t want her to be with someone else. Only to realize that he just didn’t think she should be with someone like Joseph.
Which had been the reason she had hid that she had been pregnant turning to Michael asking him for help. She shook of the many thoughts out of her head and open the door as the small clicking noise told her that the key had worked.
Well, I need someone to be the pretty one” she said and send him a little wink. But it was clear that the smile on her lips didn’t reach her eyes as she turned around after taking her shoes back.
She walked in and put them on. “Well, let’s see what we can find” she mumbled, and started pulling out transcripts that of course was in all kinds of codes. Something about a test center? Her eyes started growing bigger “Remy” she whispered and started pulling out the rest of the files and put them on the writing desk “Didn’t you talk about this woman, Ilene?” she remembered some of the horrible stories Remy had to injured. She remembered how weak he had been while recovering while the black plague had been raising havoc on earth.
She had a son, right? Edward Angelos?” she said and couldn’t breathe, with big red letters the name A.N.G.E.L.O.S was writing on the secret document, alt of the text was blacked out, but she could see some of it. “They, they are taking in species and testing on them” she felt a sour flavor in her mouth as she pushed the papers towards Remy. It was a report send in by a Leigh Duncan and Fenris Addington, how it would benefit in the Josef Mengele research. It was horrible reading and of all her years of seeing hideous things done by humans towards human, this had to be some of the worst. It was like they would never learn of their history.
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Angel on the wing - [past] Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Angel on the wing - [past]   Angel on the wing - [past] Empty

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Angel on the wing - [past]
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