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 Don't drink and drive, Don't drive and be high.

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Don't drink and drive, Don't drive and be high. Empty
IndlægEmne: Don't drink and drive, Don't drive and be high.   Don't drink and drive, Don't drive and be high. EmptySøn Jan 03, 2021 2:45 pm

Tid: omkring midnat
Dato: Maj 2014
Sted: et lille stykke uden for Gaia.
Omgivelser: En masse blå blink samt en smadret bil i grøften
Tøj : Sorte jogging bukser samt en alt for stor hættetrøje
Tag: @Ethan


Judas havde mødt nogle nye fyre for nogle uger siger, de var omkring hans alder alle sammen, egentligt var to af dem ikke helt nye bekendtskaber, det var to han havde siddet inde sammen med første gang han var inde og sidde.

De havde alle 3 vitterligt forsøgt at holde sig på måtten efter de var kommet ud, men det havde da også holdt et lille stykke tid, men de var faldet tilbage til deres gamle vaner og var blevet venner efter alle var løsladt.

alle 3 drenge havde det med at opildne hinanden, og selvom han havde snakket med Tidus om ikke at hænge ud sammen med dem, da det ville skade ham mere end det gavnede, så var det var virkelig svært for de forstod jo alle hinanden og vidste hvad de gik igennem.

Judas forsøgte virkelig at holde sig på måtten, men tidligere på dagen havde drengene hængt ud i parken og skabt lidt for meget ballade så folk havde ringet til politiet for at få dem til at falde ned eller forlade parken. De var da også stukket af som politiet ankom, desværre var Judas bare den eneste som blev løbet op af en betjent han udmærket godt kendte Ethan, der var vidst efterhånden ikke en eneste betjent der ikke kendte ham.

Eftersom de ikke havde lavet noget ulovligt men bare været højrystet og provokerende, var Judas blev hevet ud af parken i et godt fast tag, da han ikke mente det var nødvendigt at forlade parken da alle måtte være der.

Drengene var fundet sammen senere på dagen, for lige at falde lidt ned og slappe af de vidste alle at der blev holdt øje med dem resten af dagen. Dog havde Judas været forbi Tidus som han havde fået en besked på mobilen om at de kunne tjene en masse penge, ved at køre en sending stoffer fra Gaia til en af de andre byer uden for Gaia. Der var en bil til dem de kunne køre i, bil var stjålet vidste Judas men tog det ikke så tungt.

Tidus havde frarådet ham at gøre det, nok mest fordi dem han skulle køre med hverken havde kørekort eller var de klogeste for Judas at være sammen med. Men Judas lovede ham der ikke ville ske noget og han nok skulle lægge de venner lidt væk når de havde afleveret stofferne.

De nåede også at komme ind i bilen og køre afsted, som en patrulje ville stoppe dem et lille stykke før de nåede ud af Gaia, da de kørte alt for stærkt, men drengene nægtede at stoppe og endte med at snitte den ene betjent som de kørte forbi dem så han måtte springe for livet.

Judas sad på bagsædet med en joint i hånden og en 1½ L. flaske billig fanta med billig vodka blandet i. Deres lille tror endte med at blive en politijagt, da de ikke ville stoppe og havde påkørt en Politibetjent. Der gik derfor heller ikke længe før flere biler var efter dem indtil de nået et lille stykke ud af Gaia, hvor hans ven der kørte bilen var uopmærksom et split sekundt i et sving så de endte over i modsatte bane og kun lige nåede at undvige en politibil for der efter at lande ude i grøften med en lille rulle tur. "FUCK YOU Matt! See whats happend, i'm fucking gone!" Sagde han og med noget besvær formåede han at komme ud af bilen, mens hans to venner også kæmpede for at komme!

Han havde fået nogle skrammer i ansigtet og det blødte fra hans øjenbryn men han tog sig ikke videre af det, han skulle bare væk! Han kunne se betjente komme løbende mod dem, hvilket kun fik Judas til at sætte i spurt for at komme væk! Han skulle ikke nyde noget.

Judas kunne sagens løbe stærkt og langt, men hans krop var påvirket af stoffer og alkoholen samt deres ulykke med bilen og det at han løb på en mark var det ikke nemt! Han mærkede et tag i sin jakke af en betjent. "Fuck off!" brølede han og kæmpede ihærdigt imod at blive anholdt og for at komme fri.
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Antal indlæg : 182

Don't drink and drive, Don't drive and be high. Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Don't drink and drive, Don't drive and be high.   Don't drink and drive, Don't drive and be high. EmptyTors Jan 07, 2021 8:00 pm

It was still all new to him. This part of it anyways. Ethan had been hunting things, creatures since he was a young boy. It was what his family did. He wasn't alone in the car, and it was just a couple of young guys thinking they were cool. Still, the police cars drove after them all out of Gaia and on the paths of the woods - were they on their way towards Moonlight Falls? Even if they were, if they drove outside the border of Gaia - they would no longer be a problem for Gaia. However, Ethan was sat on not letting them go. So he drove, he was new in the uniform, but the hunt was his thing. However, they seemed to get in enough trouble themselves and had to leave the car. Ethan quickly stopped his car and almost jumped out of the car. He could see the other officers run towards the kid, but since Ethan had drove in from the other side - it made it perfect for him to catch the boy on his run.

Ethan ran up to him, it helped the human that is was the middle of the night. He wasn't just a normal human with these power, and the night empowered him with strength he still was scared of using, but as long as he didn't over use it - he was fine. Ethan grabbed the guy's jacket and moved him closer to get a better grab of his arms, so he could place them behind his back. Ethan was a tall guy, and he with his training he knew just how to handle this. "You have the right to remain silent, I suggest you use it," he replied on the next exhale. Ethan used his strength to pull the angel with him, "let's get you back to the station," he sighed and rolled his eyes slightly. It wasn't like he didn't understand the darkness and demons a person could face in the unknown - but he also knew lashing out like this, didn't solve anything. Ethan walked back to his police car and pushed the kid up against the car, so he could handcuff him - he didn't want him to hurt himself while they drove. Then he opened the backdoor and helped him inside the car. Of course there was locked and nowhere for him to go from here. "We have to stop meeting like this," Ethan said and looked in the front mirror so he could see Judas again. Ethan had thought about giving his mentor the Archangel Michael a call to hear what to do about the young angel, but for now it was up to his boss to make the final call instead.
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Don't drink and drive, Don't drive and be high. Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Don't drink and drive, Don't drive and be high.   Don't drink and drive, Don't drive and be high. EmptyLør Feb 06, 2021 8:28 pm

Judas really tried to run everything he could, but the uneven ground and the fact that his body was as affected as it was made it in no way easy for him! As the grip of his jacket came, he really fought back. He did not intend to be arrested, but the officer was strong and bigger than him.

He didn't recognize the guy and because it was as dark as it was, he couldn't see his face properly, although it wasn't easy to look backward to check on him either. His hands went on his back in a good roof and it could be heard on the wailing and whining, "Let me go! I'll smash your face if you don't let me go! " he cried angrily, and you could no doubt hear from him that he was under the influence of alcohol and drugs if you knew him.

On the ride back to the police car, he could see his friends laying on the ground with one or two cops above him because they fought back a lot more than Judas did, Judas would also have fought more against the problem was just that the cop who had to hold him was bigger and stronger than him and something quick to grab his arms. "ohhh Ethan, that's you my best friend. Your mother was naughty last weekend when I just fixed her" he spat out who now recognized his voice just before he was pushed up by the police car where he was wearing handcuffs.

Judas was placed in the back seat of the police car as the door was quickly closed to him, there was no way of now he couldn't help but get to the police station and had to sit there and be questioned. He leaned back and closed his eyes and sighed heavily. It was only now that he faintly felt a little pain at his eyebrows and something that ran quietly, he didn't do anything until he was spoken to. Eyes were opened and the eyes turned on the rearview mirror, there was no answer to a start but you could clearly see that he knew he was in trouble and he really felt bad about himself over it. "Come on Ethan, I just drove in the car I have no idea what to do, I don't even know them." He said, but by no means as hard as if he had been outside and his friends could hear him, he was lying.

"Can't you just drive me home? It was a mistake and stupid, I'm not going to do it again" He was leaning forward a little bit to sit a little bit better. A voiced sound over the radio "Ethan, there is found a large number of drugs in the car and a gun in the back seat where your passenger was sitting in the car. Have spoken to the station and he should be run for questioning and should say that the boss is busy so you have to take the questioning yourself and just go to him, he has known in the system and he knows where things are coming from". Judas couldn't help but get a smile on his lips about it, "I don't know anything" it just came from him before he looked at Ethan.
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Antal indlæg : 182

Don't drink and drive, Don't drive and be high. Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Don't drink and drive, Don't drive and be high.   Don't drink and drive, Don't drive and be high. EmptyFre Mar 05, 2021 3:07 pm

He didn't care much for the threats or empty words thrown at him. Judas was far by the first kid that has ever yelled and screamed at him. He most likely wouldn't be the last either. Ethan sighed a bit. "You know if you don't learn to just shut up, someone is gonna cut that tongue of yours out," he replied looking at Judas before he was pushed in the back of the car. Ethan wasn't one to let things like that get to him, it was just a stupid foolish kid who didn't know better. Who hadn't learned better. Ethan shook his head a little bit, just hoping Romeo had a night shift as well, perhaps he could complain a little bit about Judas, before Ethan lost his mind over how stupid some people were.

Ethan closed his eyes for a small second, as Judas began to try talking himself out of all this. As if he could talk himself out of this. "Take it as a lesson then. Don't go into cars with strangers.. haven't your mother ever taught you that?" Ethan replied looking at Judas in the front mirror - he knew she hadn't, and Ethan called it slight payback from the angel's stupid comment earlier. "You are right. You are stupid. You are beyond stupid," Ethan added and shook his head a little bit. Hopeless, foolish, idiotic was there more words to add? Ethan listened to the radio as he got a report and reported back that they would be there soon. "You have the right to remain silent, I suggest you do that unless you want anything you say to be used against you." Ethan reminded Judas before heading to the station.
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Don't drink and drive, Don't drive and be high. Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Don't drink and drive, Don't drive and be high.   Don't drink and drive, Don't drive and be high. EmptyFre Mar 05, 2021 8:08 pm

Judas knew very well where the drugs came from and the gun, but he had no intention of admitting it because it would hurt his case anymore! And you know I am going to mess up your fucking life! Believe me, you will end up wishing you never caught me this time" it came cold from Judas, who he tried to correct himself a little to be able to get his legs slightly out of the plate that was between Ethan and himself, a few good kicks on it would get Ethan to stop the car and pull over, probably also open the door and that way he had the chance to getaway! While Judas was trying to do this, he did it so slowly that it wasn't to discover just like that.

The words Ethan chose to spit out about his mother were not fair! In any way! "Shut the fuck up" was his comment to Ethan, one did not doubt that it hit hard on Judas, the commentary. "I have no parents!" it came from Judas and you could hear in his voice it hurt to say! Judas managed to get his legs up in a position that could not be seen from the rearview mirror of the car, he was pretty sure at it. There wasn't quite enough room in the backseat so he could get his hands under his butt and that way around his legs without it being too easy to detect for Ethan. "I kill your whole fucking family for the opinion of my mother" Judas said in angelic language, Ethan was not an angel so the chance he would know what he said was minimal. Judas didn't think that Ethan might have learned the angelic language, why would a measly human being.

Judas tried to kick hard a few times on the plate as they had started driving but gave it up reasonably quickly when he got too sore in his hands being squashed a part between the seat and his back and a few clicks could be heard from the handcuffs as they were tightened a bit more "fuck!" he muttered as he chose to straighten back into the right side position.
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Don't drink and drive, Don't drive and be high. Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Don't drink and drive, Don't drive and be high.   Don't drink and drive, Don't drive and be high. Empty

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