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 Even a monster can be romantic (Fortidsemne)

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Even a monster can be romantic (Fortidsemne)  Empty
IndlægEmne: Even a monster can be romantic (Fortidsemne)    Even a monster can be romantic (Fortidsemne)  EmptySøn Okt 20, 2019 8:23 pm

Location~ London, England.
Time~ Evening, around 7pm
Weather~ Cloudy, rather cold. But no rain.
Surroundings~ First at a fine Italian restaurant, then later in Dawn & Kostya's apartment.
Outfit~ All dressed in black!

Partner~ @Dawn


For once in a lifetime, both Dawn and Kostya had a night off, which was going to be a once in a lifetime thing. He was standing in the bathroom, shaving the bit of beard that must have grown out. He starred blankly into the mirror and sighed, trying to make himself get his shit together before he walked out looking for Dawn "Babe? Are you ready yet?" he yelled out in the apartment, while walking to the small welcoming hall, to get his shoes and jacket on. He waited at the door, tapping his foot a little humming to himself.

As she finally got ready, he'd open the door, holding it for her. As both of them was out, he'd close and lock the door, walking down the three step stairs and down to the street. He looked at Dawn and leaned in to gie her a peck on her cheek "You're beautiful" he said offering her a warm smile as he started walking towards the restaurant.

~ At the restaurant ~

After a ten minutes walk, they arrived at the restaurant. Kostya walked to the door, opening it so Dawn could enter. He walked to the counter with a slight smile on his lips " Table for two... Kostya Vlasenko" he said as the waitress showed him the way for the table they should be placed for the dinner. On the way to their table, Kostya would lay an arm around Dawn's waist, sending her a slight smile. He nodded at the waitress as she walked off. Quickly he'd walk over to pull out the chair for her "My lady" he said smirking at her.
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Even a monster can be romantic (Fortidsemne)
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