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 Revenge at it's finest ~ Vanya, Jayden & Amaryllis

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Revenge at it's finest ~ Vanya, Jayden & Amaryllis - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Revenge at it's finest ~ Vanya, Jayden & Amaryllis   Revenge at it's finest ~ Vanya, Jayden & Amaryllis - Page 2 EmptyMan Mar 18, 2019 11:37 am

Kyle didnt insist as Vanya said she’d walk herself. He just wanted to support her, and make sure she felt safe. He listened to Lion and exhaled deeply, “Do your parents now you’re here?” He then asked, it felt odd for Kyle to meet all these children that he would come to care for in the future - but it also made him happy. As soon as they got to the castle, he’d let them go to get cleaned up, but they werent going to get away without an explaination. He spent the time looking for Abigal to update her on the kids.

Karmena bit back a smirk at Lion’s comment, shrugging lightly, “I started having my doubts. I thought you’d get stuck in the stoneage, if I’m honest,” she then said rather doubtfully as a tease. But she agreed with Jayden, the chit chat could wait, and walked beside them as they moved for the castle. She was silent and expressionless most of the time which didnt seem like a good sign, she’d usually be angry or annoyed but this was different.

She just stood there in disbelief of what Amaryllis was implying. It took her a bit to figure out the puzzle and when she did, she firmly pressed a palm against her forehead as she shook her head. Something in her wanted to yell at them too, because how dared they do this to the friendship they all shared. But instead of saying anything, she just stared at them. Her face turned to Amary as she was on her way to transform, which was somewhat understandable. As Amary ran out, Karmena stood like a statue, just staring at Lion and Vanya, “You....” she mumbled, before she shook her emotions away and turned to the direction Amary had taken, “We’ll talk about this later, Vanya. I’ll go and make sure she doesnt do anything she’ll regret,” she said as Kyle came running from hearing the distress. He looked at Karmena, Lion and Vanya before he walked over to Vanya and embraced her tightly, especially if she was crying. “It’s alright. It’s okay to cry,” he comforted her in a calm tone as he gently stroke her back.

Karmena didnt care about her leg, she had to use all her speed to keep up with Amary’s scent. Her leg was crunching and sending sensations of raw pain through her leg, making her clench her teeth hard as she ran. She grabbed a tree and used the hard surface to kick herself in a lunge as she wrapped her arms around the beastly Amary, knocking them both on the ground with such force. She rolled a bit away, before she quickly pushed herself up to throw herself over Amary again, grabbing her wrists to pull them over her head and make her face her. She had a worried frown over her face as she bit her pain away, “You wanna take it out on someone? Take it out on me,” she said rather calm and collected, keeping a tight grip on Amary’s wrists. “You’re hurt, that’s alright. Hell I’d be furious too, but you havent seen me run off to do some dumb shit,” she then said rather angrily as she understood, she knew what it was like to see the one you loved go after another. She was just hoping that her heart could handle if Amary went off on her - Guess it was up to fate now. Her breath was shaking, as she let her go but still kept her weight on her, making sure she’d have to fight to get free.
Bark at me, bite me, I dont care. Just dont shut me out, not now. So come on, yell at me!” she then said in a rather vulnerable and shaking voice as she felt her eyes water. If only Amary knew how well she knew the feeling she had, how she herself had to shield her from the hurt she saw everytime Amary was reaching for Vanya. So she sat on her, waiting for Amary’s next move, which wouldnt be getting away that easily.
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Revenge at it's finest ~ Vanya, Jayden & Amaryllis - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Revenge at it's finest ~ Vanya, Jayden & Amaryllis   Revenge at it's finest ~ Vanya, Jayden & Amaryllis - Page 2 EmptyMan Mar 18, 2019 1:02 pm

Jayden didn’t normally take things personally, so it hadn’t bothered him that much. But he still appreciated her apology. ”Appreciate it,” he said with a little nod. ”Don’t worry about it. You could have seen worse things than that.” Jayden had luckily not experienced many bad things in his life, but there were still some things, some quite recent ones, that would have been worse for him to relive. He was about to put her down, when she just froze. He kept her in his arms a little while longer, until she seemed to be back from where he went. He didn’t know what she had seen, but it clearly made her angry. He stayed out of it, because he had no idea what went down, and quite frankly he wasn’t interested in getting involved in teenage drama. He had enough of his own. He watched Amaryllis run off and the other girl run after her. He stepped aside, not completely sure what to do.

Lion looked at Kyle. ”Not yet,” he said. He hadn’t had a chance to search out his mothers yet. And he didn’t know how to start that conversation. Perhaps some of the others could help him out. ”You are so funny,” he told Karmena ironically.
Lion hadn’t expected her to try and hit him. So he got a fist to the face before he took a step back. He knew very well what she was talking about. This was what he had tried to avoid. He felt like he had royally screwed up. He tried to avoid her punches, but admittedly let her hit him a few times. He thought he deserved it. ”I didn’t want to hurt you,” he said calmly. If he got upset, it would just be worse. But he was upset. He didn’t wanted this.
He didn’t know what to do. He felt so out of control right now. He felt a blow to the stomach when she insinuated, she didn’t care about them. He watched after Amaryllis as she ran away. ”Lissie!” He stepped towards her, but she was already to far away from him to reach her. ”Amaryllis!” He tried again. He sighed when Karmena promised to talk with them later, before going after her. He turned to Vanya and looked at her for a short while, before he turned the back to her and tried to get himself together, but he really did feel like he had just lost one of the most important people in his lives. He made his hands into fist. He needed to punch something.
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Revenge at it's finest ~ Vanya, Jayden & Amaryllis - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Revenge at it's finest ~ Vanya, Jayden & Amaryllis   Revenge at it's finest ~ Vanya, Jayden & Amaryllis - Page 2 EmptyMan Mar 18, 2019 2:19 pm

Vanya knew what was going on before Amary even spoke of it. It tore her heart to pieces knowing she caused this. The betray went on Lion first, swinging her first at him made Vanya bite her lip - not knowing what to think or feel. Vanya swallowed when Amary starred at her with that look, a look she have had nightmares about.
"I.." Vanya didn't have any words. Her heart was breaking, hers and Amarys. Then Amary left, and she felt like someone just had ripped her heart out. I didn’t want to hurt you, Lions voice felt like echoes in her head as he yelled after Amary. Vanya blinked a few times.  Karmena talked to her and she swallowed. She didn't say anything. She was just standing there in silence. Everyones emotions spoke loud enough.  Then Karmena left the room. Another thing felt like tearing her apart. The tears was like a rainstorm, coming on with disaster. She couldn't stop herself form crying. She wanted to scream. She didn't want any of this. All the emotions in this room was like a rollecoaster that kept taking unexpected turns.  It was first when she felt her father embracing her, she gasped a little - but more in a shock. It was only because of his tight grab on her she hadn't fallen to the ground.  She looked up, to look Lion in the eye, before he turned his back on her. It filled up the room for a second, all this feeling of everything at once - but it only lasted for a second. That was the final break. The next little tear ran down her cheek, but that was it. Vanya blinked once agian and stepped to steps in front of her.
"I can't," she dried her eyes feeling oddly weird. Her expression seemed more confused, and she looked at her father. "I can't feel.. I can't feel anything," she took a deep breath in. Feeling more and more empty each second. Even the wolf and the vampire was silent. She was so used to feeling everything, that this she felt instantly.  She hammered her hands on the closest table in frustration - but still nothing.  Her eyes turned more and more blank, as the last small emotions went away  -she couldn't let that happen. Vanya took a deep breath in, and tried to listen to herself - but there was nothing. No inner voice, no thoughts - it was like her soul was torn into pieces and spread across the room.
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