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 Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red

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Humør : Hannah Montana said nobody's perfect, but here I am.
Fag : Dance + Swimming & Shapeshifter history l Assisting in: Music + Drama
Antal indlæg : 652

Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red Empty
IndlægEmne: Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red   Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red EmptySøn Maj 02, 2021 11:03 am

Location: Dead Wood Cemetry, Southside
Date: 2nd of May 2021
Time: Late evening
Outfit: Link
Note: Currently playing an npc Margo -( a former character of mine)
Topic for: @Shin
"Thank you for coming," she breathed out with her arms wrapped around her body. It had been months ago since she had found his body. Lorenzo had been stupid enough to start a fight with another alpha. A lot of members had died because of this fight, even through the other pack had been small - Lorenzo had underestimated the members strength. Like Lorenzo always did. Margo took a deeper breath in, it was still hard to loose so many members, your alpha and the sense of having a pack. The remaining members had a choice to make, if they wanted to become lone wolves, form their own pack with the remains or join the pack of the alpha that had just won over theirs. Margo had found Lorenzo's body along with the others, with his heart ripped out from his body, others electrocuted and iced, some even buried. They had asked for it, but it didn't mean she didn't grief over her pack being gone. She was the luna she was meant to take care of them. "I know you aren't a part of the pack anymore, but I still thought you should know what went down. I can't even begin to think If I'm lucky or just stupid for not going with him to try stop it."
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Humør : "In the Marines... when you want to give up, they train you to focus on what you care about most. To hold onto it like your life depended on it, because at some point, it will."
Fag : Musik: Dans: Kampsport: Archery:
Antal indlæg : 196

Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red   Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red EmptySøn Maj 02, 2021 12:34 pm


The voice of Margo was clear as day, when he showed up, he had gotten a message from her telling him that she needed to talk. He also knew that Aisha was doing something with a friend so now, he could see to what, there had been in his past. When he stood there by her side, he closed his eyes slowly to make a sense of everything there had, happened they should have don something. It was weird standing here with Margo at the graveyard, the wound he had gotten had slowly started to heal and was not infected. He looked over at her when she turned her attention towards him. He let her speak out, when she commented on, that she did not know if she should feel stupid or lucky. He then embraces her, before letting go.

“You should feel lucky its not on you what, happened, it was bound to blow up in his face at some point, so dot beat yourself in the head with it.” He added clearly trying to make her understand, what they both knew whatever, there happened would have happened. He then felt a little sting in his side after the embrace, he should not be so reckless a thing Aisha probably would, tell him always.

He then kneeled to look at the places where they laid, it was always something that some had gotten a decent grave. His eyes then looked up at Margo, “how many are still alive, and how many was killed.?” He asked looking at her, he just wanted to know how many where alive.
He then took his jacket of when he got it up to lay around her shoulders, “what do you plan to do now?” He asked looking at her, since he knew what this could do to the mind of a person.
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Humør : Hannah Montana said nobody's perfect, but here I am.
Fag : Dance + Swimming & Shapeshifter history l Assisting in: Music + Drama
Antal indlæg : 652

Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red   Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red EmptySøn Maj 02, 2021 1:48 pm

He embraced her, giving her a short sensation of comfort upon what had happened. She felt alone. So alone and unable to figure out what really had happened. Most of all she was so angry that Lorenzo had put himself in a situation like this. Shin was right however, Lorenzo would have gotten himself into this situation sooner or later, he had gotten mad from the power. Margo knew that as well, she had watched and stood by him for far too long. But being the chosen luna for the pack, you couldn't really just pack your bags and leave everything behind. "All the ones back in Bath is still alive, the younger ones - but every fool that followed him out that night is either still recovering, dead or has chosen their new alpha," she informed in a smaller sigh. "Twelve dead, the rest barly alive, four with serval burn damages they are still recovering from. Seven electrocuted.. five with life threatening frost-bites.. Parker lost his arm and was electrocuted," she shook her head just imagining the scene made her sad, why would they have been so stupid.

He placed his jacket over her shoulders, giving her some warmth, she hadn't even realized it was still cold. The grief made her forget all sort of things. So the next question didn't even come as a surprise to her, and yet she didn't even know how to answer it. "I don't know. Honestly, the pack lost its way a long time ago. I'm not sure anyone would step up as a new alpha after this. Our ways are brutal and none of the elders would see it right unless the alpha that killed Lorenzo is dead as well," she sighed a bit looking at the graves. A grave in Southside, it was petty and small, but at least she had gotten a chance to bury her pack members. It was far too complicated transporting them to Bath. "Lorenzo's heart was ripped out from his body Shin.. I got to the woods, and it was just.. the smell of burned flesh, tress, and yet frosty air. I'm not sure I can ever forget seeing that."
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Humør : "In the Marines... when you want to give up, they train you to focus on what you care about most. To hold onto it like your life depended on it, because at some point, it will."
Fag : Musik: Dans: Kampsport: Archery:
Antal indlæg : 196

Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red   Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red EmptyMan Maj 03, 2021 1:39 pm

When Margo started to tell him everything there had happened, how the people who had followed him where dead or had vanished, he took a deep breath. This was not something he would say, there was worth the horror they had been dealt, but then again what could a person do about it. Lorenzo should have known better, when she turned her attention to him again, he listens to her.

She was not sure if she could ever forget the sight. Shin had seen a lot of horror even before he had come back, but she was right it was something she would never forget Shin had nightmares, normally twice a week for everything there had happened, and the corpses he had seen so he could only think he would see it at some point again. His eyes then matched Margo’s as he slowly started to talk.

“We are only mortals, if you had asked me what 3 years ago I would say attack back, but in my opinion that might be a bad idea, so either resolve the pack, or take over and become a leader, like we talked about, but blood is not the answer, not yet anyway there is, some times when you should know either to give up or, fight for it in a peaceful manner.” He said calmly as his eyes meet, hers. It was probably a big Reason he had Aisha, there made the choice for him, that war should not be used unless it was a tyrant.
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Mange titler

Humør : “Don't carry worries around," she always says. "They're heavy"
Antal indlæg : 175

Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red   Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red EmptyMan Maj 03, 2021 2:18 pm

It seemed like ages ago, when they had thought about her taking up the fight with Lorenzo, and become the alpha. She was still not sure their elders would respect her, and they could easily get her killed or something worse. Margo wasn't going to fight back, even through with the pack's trust in her she could most likely get them to fight, and fight even better and with more purpose than Lorenzo ever had been able to - but she wasn't going to do that. It was a waste of blood. "I was thinking about joining his pack. I'm no good as a lone wolf, and the elders will most likely put me down at least till they find a new alpha. Right now Dylan is barely holding everything together, and she is just the beta." It seemed to confusing and she wished there was a answer on what would be right to do. "Half of the pack as already joined his, and if there is a chance of holding the ties together a little bit. Perhaps, I can do some good there. But I don't know who I am anymore if I'm not the luna of the crescents Shin," she confessed and took a deeper breath in while shaking her head a little bit, feeling her eyes tearing up.
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Humør : "In the Marines... when you want to give up, they train you to focus on what you care about most. To hold onto it like your life depended on it, because at some point, it will."
Fag : Musik: Dans: Kampsport: Archery:
Antal indlæg : 196

Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red   Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red EmptyMan Maj 03, 2021 3:09 pm

When Margo came up with the idea of joining the man, who had killed Lorenzo and a lot of their own pack. He shakes his head, before he talked. “You cant be dead serious you want to befriend the people who, you just told me killed and maim our pack members, this grave you made for them, what are you thinking Margo.”

He then paused just to give her room, to say her words, if she wanted to comment, before he picked the subject up. “You are trading out one leader for another, I can back you up with that.” He said as he looked like he was hurt on her, this leader whoever he was had still killed or maim over half of there pack.

He had seen war and he knew that this was not the way to deal with it, to just roll over. “Did the pack not matter to you, you are legit going to destroy the thing you and Lorenzo build up, don’t be like me or worse.” He then said as he closed his eyes before he turned around to admire the skies.

For crying out loud, if you at least want a pack find another one, don’t do this, we are better than this I would follow you to the end of days, but this I can’t it, goes against everything I stand for.” It was like he did not know her anymore, thinking about that just made him sick even, if it was Lorenzo there had started it.

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Humør : “Don't carry worries around," she always says. "They're heavy"
Antal indlæg : 175

Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red   Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red EmptyMan Maj 03, 2021 3:40 pm

Margo took a deeper breath in. "Lorenzo marched in on them. If they had marched in on us, we would have taken their dead alpha's members in as well. Because that is what we do," she reminded him. It was a weird thing, going with the stronger alpha. It was their whole moral in the pack. Strength. "I don't want to befriend him. I want to be there for the remains of the pack Shin," she sighed a bit. That was what she was thinking. Margo never thought about herself, she never put herself first. Margo took an even deeper breath in. "It doesn't matter what I'm thinking, it matters what happens to the others," she was worried if they couldn't figure out communicating that they might be cut loose. Then there was no good choices.

"The pack is everything to me Shin," she raised her voice a little bit, shocked by his words for a second. How could he not see this would benefit them? "Half of the remains of the pack is living with this new alpha, they have chosen to support him - because he won the fight. It is our law to stand by the strongest alpha, so forgive me for thinking with my head and not my heart," she replied and took a deeper breath in. "I have stood by Lorenzo for ages.. we have stood by his tyranny for years. And you left, so how can I even trust you would stand by my choice now?" She asked softly while looking into his eyes.
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Humør : "In the Marines... when you want to give up, they train you to focus on what you care about most. To hold onto it like your life depended on it, because at some point, it will."
Fag : Musik: Dans: Kampsport: Archery:
Antal indlæg : 196

Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red   Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red EmptyMan Maj 03, 2021 4:41 pm

When she tried to get over to him, and said the words it was like he did not even know her anymore the woman who had his heart until he meet his soulmate. When she talked about it was what was better for the pack he sighed, he did not agree with this. It would have been the same as turning on your own men, when you where in the army, and he had seen enough blood to know where this could lead.

. “the law, that we both did not agree on that law, no matter what we do, is a threat for someone, how do you know the pack leader wont just, have it the same way are you going to keep standing in the mud and protected a packs leader, you know what I already know the answer, if you wanne make a change you need to be the leader there is no way around it.
He said he was still filled with rage, but he kept it down that, was until she said the next words. And you left so, how can I trust you to stand by my choice now. That was the push he needed to be honest for once.

“I was there long enough, to see what I came back for, and it was not to be a part of this bloody mess, I have seen bodies burned, of men even small children, so believe me I will support you, but if you wanne form a pack I will support you, but I will not follow you into a pack, with a man who killed not just the leader but a lot of the members.” He then closed his eyes, to get his rage under control.
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Mange titler

Humør : “Don't carry worries around," she always says. "They're heavy"
Antal indlæg : 175

Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red   Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red EmptyMan Maj 03, 2021 6:05 pm

It wasn't because she didn't understand him. Because she did. She understood. Margo knew it sounded absolutely mental that she was even thinking about, saying it out loud perhaps even more. But there was around twelve of her wolves. Her wolves in his pack now. She couldn't just leave them, could she? Margo took a deeper breath in before she took a step forward. She placed her hands on his cheeks, and looked into his eyes. "I'm not saying you need to follow me anywhere. We have come far from where we stood last time," she took a deeper breath in. The last time they had spoken, was what last year? Back when she had thought about taking the pack, back when he had confessed his love to her. Margo had always known she wasn't worthy of it. "You once told me that we were in all of this together, and that you believed in me," she took a slightly deeper breath in. "I've always been afraid of living my life outside his grab. Too afraid to make a wrong turn, because of that I let you go. It doesn't mean that I stopped caring for you, or anything like that. But I'm lost right now Shin," she confessed feeling the tears silently moving down her cheeks. "You are the only person who has ever managed to make me feel like I actually deserved to be loved. The only one who ever managed.. and I don't know what to do anymore. What if I am just worthless without my post as a luna for the pack?"
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Humør : "In the Marines... when you want to give up, they train you to focus on what you care about most. To hold onto it like your life depended on it, because at some point, it will."
Fag : Musik: Dans: Kampsport: Archery:
Antal indlæg : 196

Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red   Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red EmptyOns Maj 05, 2021 7:25 pm

The answer she gave him was, like throwing him on a fire, it was so long but he had admitted to himself the reason Margo had, been so dear to him was, because of what happened to the last girl he was with, the reason he could be with her without being afraid for her safety was, because of the pack and Lorenzo. They deserved more than they could give each other, and that had been enough for him to take a leap with Aisha a small one, but one anyway.

His eyes then looked at her when her hands where on his cheeks. “You are more than you give yourself credit for Margo, you have so much more to offer, don’t take a place with another pack leader again, and if you do. Then don’t do it in, a pack there has killed some of the your former pack, I know its easy to say but there are other options.”
He said as he took his own hand up to slowly take hers away and hold around them.

“You are more than your post as Luna, you just need to believe in yourself, whatever the world brings, you need to make a stand for your own ideals.”
What he said, had been what some people had told him before, people he had been with as they died soldiers to be more precise. As his eyes started to look around it ended on the graves again, he was never going to join a person who was a part of this much destruction, he knew what it took to lead, and he
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Mange titler

Humør : “Don't carry worries around," she always says. "They're heavy"
Antal indlæg : 175

Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red   Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red EmptyFre Jun 18, 2021 6:53 pm

You are more than you give yourself credit for Margo, Margo licked her lips a bit, clearing her throat listening to his words. Lorenzo never really talked about what he saw in Margo, it wasn't even their choice - they had just been put together. Nothing had ever been her choice either way. "Other options?" Margo asked while frowning a bit, while he gently removed her hands and held them in his.  Being more than a luna, it seemed unreal- and sounded so much easier than it was. How did you change your own view of yourself? "How do I find my own ideals?" She asked with a soft chuckle, she hated feeling this lost and confused. "If I leave the others with Rafael, with the new pack all by themselves, they wouldn't know how to deal with traditions that isn't ours. Who is going to help them not getting themselves killed if I'm not there to guide them?" Margo asked a little bit more reflective. "I don't ask you to understand what its like being a luna, but this is all I've ever known. Providing for all of you, guide and help, build - leaving someone behind feels like my heart is being ripped out of my chest."
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Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red   Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red Empty

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Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re opened, we’re red
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