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 I just wanna help, I already know alot.

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I just wanna help, I already know alot.  Empty
IndlægEmne: I just wanna help, I already know alot.    I just wanna help, I already know alot.  EmptyFre Jan 29, 2021 8:31 pm

Tid: 18/1/2021
Dag: Onsdag formiddag.
Sted: Himlen i deres store arkiv.
outfit : Sorte cowboy bukser og en hvid t shirt.
Tag :  @Michael

Kemuel havde sagt farvel til sin mor om morgen, for at tage i skole. Det var dog ikke skolen han tog hen til, nej derimod afsted til et afsidiget sted hvor han kunne komme op til himlen og på denne måde komme ind i deres kæmpe arkiv! Han havde i alt hemmelighed formået at komme ind på sin fars arbejdscomputer og tjekke hvad der lå der omkring dæmonen Asmodeus, Kemuel havde nemlig overhørt en samtale Cael havde haft omkring denne dæmon og denne sag!

Det var derfor at Kemuel nu ville gøre noget som man ikke ville forvente af en dreng som Kemuel og slet ikke af en engel, men der var vel en grund til at han var engel? Han ville bare hjælpe! Han havde opdaget noget han bare måtte undersøge, som måske kunne være med at give hans far nogle oplysninger, der måske ikke var tænkt så meget over.

Heldigvis vidste han hvor arkivet var, så da han endelig nåede op i himlen, var det bare at komme der hen og ind. Det ville nok være nemt, hvis ikke han lige skulle forbi nogle vagter først og når han ingen evner havde ville han jo ikke kunne bruge dem. ”arkiv, ingen adgang” der stod skiltet, som han gemte sig rundt om hjørnet på gangen der førte ned til arkivet efter at have brugt en lille time på at komme ind i bygningen uden at blive opdaget.

Den sorte taske der hang på ryggen af ham, ville normalt være fyldt med skolebøger og hans bærbare computer, men denne dag var den fyldt med ting han skulle bruge til at lokke vagterne væk fra døren til arkivet. Kemuel var nervøs, han havde aldrig gjort noget som dette før! Han havde et okay udsyn fra hvor han gemte sig, men hvis han lavede for meget støn ville han risikere at de opdagede ham. Kemuel skulle hele tiden holde øje overalt omkring sig for han ville risikere at blive opdaget.

Tasken blev vippet af skulderne og han to de første par heksehyl op af tasken og en lighter som han havde snuppet nede fra stuen, det var den hans mor normalt brugte til at tænde stearinlys med. Det handlede om at få de to vagter væk fra døren, så han kunne komme helt tæt på og stå rundt om hjørnet. For kunne Kemuel komme der hen og stå, ville han kunne høre og svagt kigge når der gik en ind eller ud og på den måde nå ind ad døren inden den lukkede efter personen.

” Shouldn't we just slip short and then get something to drink? There is still no one here and the archive is locked. No one has pointed out that they would enter the archive” Sagde den ene af vagterne og så over på den anden, der skævede mod ham og rystede på hovedet. ” I'm just staying here so you can pick something up for us” kom det roligt fra den anden vagt. Fodtrin hørtes ned af gangen mod det område hvor Kemuel stod og gemte sig, han måtte finde en måde at gemme sig på. Et kosteskab var det eneste han lige kunne komme på ville være hurtigst og nemmest, derfor satte Kemuel i spurt over til skabet og åbnede det, før han gemte sig inde i det inden han fik lukkede skabslågen til så meget som muligt mens han svagt ville kunne se ud af sprækken. Vagten gik forbi skabet og ned af gangen for at komme afsted, det var først lidt efter at Kemuel forlod skabet. Uden sin taske og uden sin sorte trøje, men derimod kun var iført hans cowboy bukser og en hvid t shirt, han måtte bare håbe at hans mobil kunne tage billeder her i himlen. Kemuels plan om at skulle tænde heksehyl og andet droppede han, for skulle han indrømme det? Så turde han ikke! For han var ikke ude på at lave ballade eller andet der kunne skade andre. Han stod lidt før han forsøgte at få sin vejrtrækning op i gear og ligne en der var i panik. Før han satte i løb ned til vagten der stod nede ved døren mens han havde åben til arkivet åben for at kigge ind Sorry sir but they really need to hurry you down to the second guard he has fallen and hit himself really ugly he said i should hurry and pick you up he can not get hold of others there is no one up the hall up there.” Kemuel lyd panisk og forpustet det var ikke lige frem fordi hans kondi var ret god. Mens han placerede sig op af dørkammen og formåede at holde vagtens blik mod gangen og hans egne øjne så han kunne presse en klump elefantsnot ind i dør låsen sådan at den ikke ville kunne låse men kun lukke. ” Thanks mate, see to get away from here then I'm taking care of the other guard.” Sagde manden og klappede ham på skulderen for at få ham væk fra døren. Kemuel nikkede og gik over mod det hjørne han først havde udset sig som han kunne høre vagtens skridt sætte i løb for at komme afsted.

Kemuel reagerede hurtigt og nåede tilbage til arkiv døren før den lukkede helt. Kemuel smuttede ind af døren og lukkede den efter sig før han kiggede rundt. ”WOW its big!” mumlede han og begyndte at gå rundt i arkivet for at finde den hylde han skulle bruge. Mobilen blev taget op af lommen og hans galleri blev åbnet for at finde de billeder han havde taget efter sit smugkig i sin fars mobil og den sagskasse han havde stående på sit kontor der hjemme, det var nemmere at finde den rette hylde sådan. Det lykkes også for Kemuel at finde det rette sted og den rette hylde før han tog den ene mappe ned efter den anden, for at derefter at lægge den i en bunke på gulvet hvis det ikke var den rette han fik fat i.

”Here it was!” mumlede han som han fandt en ret tyk mappe med det rigtige nummer på, han lagde mappen midt på gulvet i mellem de to reoler før han satte sig på hug og begyndte at kigge mappen igennem før han lagde det ud i forskellige bunker på gulvet.
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Antal indlæg : 652

I just wanna help, I already know alot.  Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: I just wanna help, I already know alot.    I just wanna help, I already know alot.  EmptyLør Jan 30, 2021 5:00 pm

Michael walked slowly down the hall of the archives, reading a document in his hand when a guard rushed past him. Michael halted as he raised his gaze from the written Enochian, arching a brow as he looked behind him after the guard. That was strange. Usually, they’d stop to acknowledge him, but it seemed that whatever he’d needed to get to, it was something urgent. For a moment he considered following him to see what it was about but figured he’d be notified later if it was important. So instead he continued his way towards the archives. He turned a page as he resumed his reading, first looking up the moment he reached the large doors at the end of the hallway and confirmed that it was the correct department. And once he'd gained access, he closed the folder shut. The room stretched in each direction with tall shelves, carrying records dating back to the creation of angels. He stood for a moment to identify the direction he needed to go when he heard the sound of pages flipping. There wasn't supposed to be anyone in here, so it immediately alarmed him. “Who's in here?” he called out as he headed in the direction of the sound.

He turned the corner of one of the shelves, discovering that the source of the sound had been none other than Kemuel Nelson. His great-nephew. Sitting right there on the floor surrounded by case files. Files that needed the utmost tendance. Not to mention secrecy. Much of the information in this particular part of the archives was highly confidential. It held cases of evil, murderous beings. It wasn't anything for a young angel such as him to get his hands on. Much less anyone without the permission of a superior officer. And how did he even... then he realized. He had been the one to cause the distraction that made the guards leave their post. “Kemuel.” His tone was striking, sounding its way through the corridor with a seriousness that only could mean that he was in big trouble. It didn't take him long to reach him, towering over him before he grabbed a fist of the t-shirt’s fabric to raise him to his feet. This was a serious offense, and to Michael, it didn’t make a difference if he was family or not. Besides, he was soon turning eighteen, he should know better than to break into the archives. He shifted between his eyes with a stern expression. Being eminently disappointed in him. “Explain yourself,” he demanded before he reluctantly let go of his hold of him as he'd only done so to get him to stand up and face him while he answered him.
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I just wanna help, I already know alot.  Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: I just wanna help, I already know alot.    I just wanna help, I already know alot.  EmptyLør Jan 30, 2021 8:26 pm

Kemuel burde være mere opmærksom omkring sig, men det var han ikke og derfor hørte han heller ikke at der gik en rundt inde i arkivet. ” The list says there must be a picture of the jewelry, but it is not here, so someone must have removed it, it is not on the list of things that dad has!” mumlede han halv højt for sig selv. Han tog hurtigt et billed af listen med sin mobil inden han begyndte at kigge videre i papirende, han var så fokuserede at han faktisk ikkehørte den velkendte stemme af Michael der spurgte hvem der var i rummet.

Han brummede irriteret som papirerne drillede ham og han virkelig ikke kunne finde det han skulle bruge, før han faktisk fandt en lille stak der var hæftet sammen. Ahh” jublede ham stille men ikke som en hvisken. Han tog papirerne op i hånden inden han begav sig til at sidde og læse dem lige indtil ham hørte hans navn, sagt med et toneleje der tydeligt indikerede ballade og en vred person, han stivnede og sad helt muse stille og virkelig gjorde alt for ikke at bevæge sig i håb om den person der havde set ham og sagt hans navn bare ville tro han havde set syner. Dog skete dette ikke, han mærkede grebet i hans t-shirt før han blev hevet op og stå.

Kemuel bed sig svagt i underlæben, som han så Michael og så hans blik. Åhhh ja Kemuel vidste han var i store problemer, ordene om at han skulle forklare sig fik ham til at se Michael i øjne og så derefter ned i gulvet og over på bunken af alle papirerne som lå spredt på gulvet i forskellige bunker. ” uhm it hard to explain but I have an explanation Michael, so I'm not out to make trouble or anything, I don’t want to steal anything from here” Sagde han og så på ham, han mærkede hvordan han virkelig begyndte at svede.

Han kiggede igen ned på papirerne, mens han prøvede at finde ud af hvordan han skulle forklare sig uden at Michael ville mistolke ham eller måske gøre ham til falden engel, det var jo det han frygtede mere end noget andet, at blive falden engel. ” That's because I heard Dad talking to someone in his office back home, not sure who it was, maybe someone from his work. I didn’t see the person because I was in the room when he came, it was completely coincidental that I heard them on their way down to the kitchen for an energy drink " Sagde han og så på ham. ” That Asmodeus, the one who was close to killing my father, his not? This is the case everyone is working on, both at the police station and you? I've heard Mom and Dad talk about it late at night, don’t tell them I'm sitting up at night playing” sagde han og talte hurtigt og var virkelig nervøs. ” I just want to help my father and all the other angels, that's why I'm an angel? We must help everyone, must we not?” spurgte han og så på ham. ” I have searched google thin for everything about Asmodeus, many of the things that lie there are just stories and rumors that people have created so people who do not know that he really exists and that there are actually angels like us. Just as there are rumors and stories with all sorts of demons and creatures one can summon in strange ways.” kom det fra ham, man skulle næsten tro at han ikke behøvede at trække vejret så hurtigt han snakkede og så meget han snakkede.

” I came to log in to my father's work PC from my own, it's not that hard if you know how to do it, but it does not matter, because I know how far you have come and how much you have, and still miss” Sagde han og så på Michael. ” Asmodeus is going to use his two pieces of jewelry, but you have no idea where they are. The picture you should have of them should be in this folder. But this is not here I've checked it all out. They were last seen when he lost them many years ago, right?” sagde han og så på ham og første nu forblev han faktisk stille og ville lade Michael svare, eller han skyndte sig at indskyde. ” Do you have a computer with internet? I know where you can find them, and I can show you how I found them. Otherwise I have my ipad in my bag which is ohm yes up in the hallway” sagde han og så på ham med stor usikkerhed i blikket
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Antal indlæg : 652

I just wanna help, I already know alot.  Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: I just wanna help, I already know alot.    I just wanna help, I already know alot.  EmptyFre Feb 05, 2021 5:56 pm

He sighed deeply once Kemuel told him that he wasn’t out to make trouble and that he seemingly believed to have a valid explanation. Even if he highly doubted that he did. But whatever explanation he had, it better be great, because he was mere inches from arresting him and letting the said explanation be saved for court. It already felt like a waste of his time to be standing there, dealing with this rule-breaking angel regardless of family relation. He waited patiently, glancing at the papers once he did, and in the same moment assuring that he hadn’t broken anything. And as he started to explain, he looked back at him. “That case is nothing for you to be concerned about,” he said as he mentioned the knowledge regarding Asmodeus. To his questions, he sighed yet again. It was clear to tell that he was beyond disappointed in him for his actions. “And you thought this was the right way to deal with it?” he asked in a louder voice than was necessary. He wanted to grab a hold of his shoulders and shake some sense into the young man, but instead, he just straightened his back and looked from him to the shelf where he’d taken the files. “If you wanted to help, you should have come straight to your father or anyone working on the case. Not breaking into the heavenly archives,” he pointed out as he returned his gaze to him. “Angels should be obedient and respectful to the rules. I must admit, I don't recognize this behavior in you, Kemuel.

The young angel then proceeded to explain that he’d searched the internet for knowledge about Asmodeus, which was an utmost peculiar approach. He doubted there was much useful information on there about the demon. But he seemed to be aware of this as he mentioned there being a lot of rumors. He crossed his arms, expecting him to tell him something specific that he’d found on the human-invented interspace. Both surprised and confused as to how and why he’d gained knowledge on their case. And possibly that he’d found something they hadn’t. “Correct. They were last seen in an archeological site in Egypt.” That was, to their knowledge, the pieces of jewelry had last been at that location. He furrowed his brows at his next question before he shook his head. “Of course not. There’s no internet in Heaven,” he said, wondering if his father hadn’t told him this. He then arched a brow as he mentioned an iPad that was down the hallway. “Hm? That’s one of those minicomputers?” He then shook his head. “Either way. I am taking you home.” He reverted his attention to the matter at hand. “I have to punish you for this heedless crime, but since this is your first violation and you’re age is beyond eighteen, I’ll take you home and banish you from Heaven for six months.” He let his hands down by his side before he gestured to the papers. “Clean this up,” he ordered. If he had to go around the heavenly justice system, it had to look like he hadn't been here at all.
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I just wanna help, I already know alot.  Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: I just wanna help, I already know alot.    I just wanna help, I already know alot.  EmptyFre Feb 05, 2021 8:09 pm

Kendte man Kemuel var man på ingen måde i tvivl om at han skammede sig og hans ellers kække forsøg på at komme med undskyldninger for at slippe for problemer eller ballade var pakket helt og aldeles væk, det lyste ud af ham at han var ked af at have gjort det og at han bestemt godt kunne se at dette ikke var det rigtige han havde gjort. Kemuel kiggede kort Michael i øjne og man kunne svagt ane de begyndte at blive fugtige som han sank en klump. ” I miss having my Dad home Sir, I miss having a normal family and I’m afraid of losing my family” Sagde han og så på ham med øjne der fortalte at det kom dybt ind fra hjertet. ”I know, because i’m too young and i’m not a police office right?” svarede han stille og så op på ham. ”I just thought someone will be proud of me, if I could do anything to help catch the demon. “ sagde han mens hans blik hvilede på Michael.

Ordene som kom fra ham om hvordan han skulle have gjort hvis han ønskede at hjælpe til, og hvordan en engel burde være. Han nikkede og vendte blikket ned i gulvet og over på papirerne. ” I should, but I didn’t use my brain enough to do that instead of doing this Sir” sagde han og kløede sig på den ene overarm. ”Normally I never would do this, I don’t like breaking rules or do anything that hurts other people, I just wanna help everyone and especially my family and other angels “ sagde han og trak vejret dybt ind som en lille tare fandt vej ned ad kinden, han drejede hurtigt blikket væk for at tørre den væk så Michael ikke så det.

”Yes thats right Sir, but I found them, right here in England” Sagde han og så på ham med et forsigtigt lille smil. ” And I know where they are, and I think you need to handle fast, because in around 4-5 days they will move it again to a museum in Russia” Sagde han og så på ham med et lidt usikkert men optimistic smil, selvom han godt vidste han var i problemmer. ”There is a little museum close to scotland, but! The owner of the museum is a Demon, an old one around same age as Asmodeus”Sagde han og så på ham. ”Yes an mini computer, and I have a picture of the museum, I first thought I might should go to the place alone and try to get them, but I’m not that stupid. I would tell you and Dad about this, but I was needed to be sure before I told your both anything, and there I was needed to check on something here. It was really wrong of me, and I will never do it again Sir” Sagde han og some Michael forklarede at han ville følge ham hjem og at han var nødt til at straffe ham, det fik ham til at vende blikket væk og ned i gulvet og svagt nikkede, lige indtil han forklarede ham sagens anliggende at han var under 18 og det var hans første forbrydelse. Men da han sagde han ville bandlyse ham fra himlen i 6 måneder, fik han store øjne og panikken ramte ham virkelig foralvor! ” 6 month ? thats alot Uncle I mean Sir Sorry” sagde han og vendte kort blikket mod ham, før ordene om at han skulle rydde op ramte ham, han tøvede på intet tidspunkt og derfor satte han sig ned på gulvet på knæ som før, han blev opdaget.

Kemuel ryddede papirerne op og man kunne se på ham at han virkelig var forsigtigt med papirerne og lagde dem alle i den rigtige rækkefølge, lige så pænt som da han tog mappen ud. Han skyndte sig at lægge papirerne han havde haft i hånden tilbage i bunken. Han fik lukket mappen forsvarligt i igen og stillede den tilbage på hylden som var der ikke kigget i den. ”Can we pick up my bag from the closet in the Hallway on out way home?” Spurgte han og trådte et par skridt væk fra Michael i håbet om han ikke ville gribe i hans arm for at føre ham afsted.
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Antal indlæg : 652

I just wanna help, I already know alot.  Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: I just wanna help, I already know alot.    I just wanna help, I already know alot.  EmptyOns Feb 10, 2021 4:11 pm

It wasn’t long before guilt and shame appeared in the expression of the young angel. Even sadness. Something that seemed to stem from the fact he’d done it for his family and that he was afraid to lose them. Afraid of the consequences of his father’s work. And this managed to soften Michael’s expression slightly. ”Kemuel, you’ll have many opportunities to fight for Heaven when you’re older. But this demon is one of the worst out there. It’s far too dangerous for you to be involved with. And even if your help comes from a good place, there is nothing right about breaking the rules.

He sighed as he could see that Kemuel really hadn’t thought there was a better way of approaching his issue. Perhaps his father had been too distant to make him feel like he could come to him with his worry. And his contrition did make him think that he’d not repeat his mistakes. This was, after all, the first step of receiving either Michael's or God's forgiveness. “I understand that, but you shouldn’t feel the need to do any of that on your own. And you really shouldn’t concern yourself with the safety of your family or this demon.” Even if he hadn’t seen the tear on his cheek, the quick hand movement told him that he was beyond sorry for his actions, and so from that, he'd granted his forgiveness. But it still didn't pardon him from punishment. Because if there was something he didn't tolerate, it was when angels broke the rules.

His eyes widened slightly as Kemuel revealed that he’d found the jewelry in England. His angels had searched high and low for those since Egypt, and now, Kemuel had figured out where they were? This baffled him. His surprise only became greater as he elaborated on the information he’d found, making him raise his brows. He hadn't expected that. He’d figured he’d just broken in here to find any information at all, not that he already knew so much. And not ever that he’d figured out the location of the jewelry. ”I will give you credit for that, Kemuel. Just… try to come to me or your father first, and not break any rules, next time.” He looked at him with seriousness, hoping he understood this. Because he wouldn’t be this merciful another time. He nodded to his promise to him not doing it again, taking this as an understanding of his words. Six months to not be allowed into Heaven was nothing in comparison to the alternative. To be in Heaven’s jail awaiting trial. No. This way he could go back to school immediately and presume his life. It was more of a warning than anything.

What’s the name of this museum?” he asked as Kemuel started to clean up the papers, having taken a small notepad out of his pocket to write down what he’d said. If they had four to five days before it was transferred again, it was probably best to either take them during shipment or before they made it into Russia. They were usually far stricter with their security there. As soon as Kemuel had cleaned up the papers, he put the notepad back inside his suit jacket and looked to the shelf where he’d put the box of folders. He then walked over to open a drawer that he placed his own folder in before he turned to Kemuel at his request to retrieve a bag. He’d left a bag in the closet in the hallway. He sighed silently before he gave him a nod and started to walk back to the entrance. ”All right, retrieve your bag and then we’ll get you home.” He let him lead the way as he couldn’t know the exact closet he’d hid his stuff inside. He followed him with slow steps and stopped at the closet.

After he'd gotten his stuff, he placed a hand on his shoulder and teleported them to his home address in Moonlight Falls where they arrived on his doorstep. ”Do you know if any of your parents are home?” he asked before he knocked on the door, just so he could be prepared to either ask for them or have a conversation with one of his siblings about the crime.
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I just wanna help, I already know alot.  Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: I just wanna help, I already know alot.    I just wanna help, I already know alot.  EmptyFre Feb 12, 2021 11:58 pm

Kemuel did not doubt that what he had done was the stupidest thing he had ever done! He had used many bad excuses to get rid of various things at home like cleaning and other things because he didn't want such a thing but would rather play computer. The words from Michael set something in motion inside Kemuel, mostly because he had disappointed Michael and probably his whole family when he got home and they found out what he had done, he had never violated rules besides bedtime of course but who didn't. "I just thought if I did this, the case could be solved sooner, and I could get my dad home" he said and looked at Michael with an almost praying look for help to get his father home. "I've never broken rules before, iodine my bedtime and maybe also forgot a few homework here and there, but nothing like this. I haven't even broken the law on earth ever" he said and tried not to show too many emotions, a man didn't, but it was hard for him. Kemuel just wasn't as hard-cooked as most he was quite sensitive and just wanted to help everything and everyone.

"It's not a museum most people know about, it's not a one you can come and visit as a human being or as an ordinary museum. But it's called "The Dark Chamber" really inventive, it's about 1,000 years old and contains a lot of demonic things, you should have a file on this place if an angel has ever been there. There's someone at my school who knows about it but he's a fallen angel and means to me" He said and looked up briefly at him before he got up and got ready to go.

When they reached the hallway, there was no sign of the guards from before, which he was happy about. When they reached the hallway, he saw the closet and rushed over to take his bag as he crept into him before letting Michael take them both home. As they stood in front of the door of their house, he was scared, and the tears began to tread down his cheeks in earnest. "Mom should be home, she said at least this morning that she'd be home all day. " Get it quiet and crying from him. He still held the bag to his body because he didn't want Michael to look at it or his mother for that matter. After all, there was no school thing in it, but his iPad and a lot of things to distract the guards.

When the front door was opened, Kemuel turned his gaze briefly to see that it was his mother who opened the door, you would no doubt be able to see the tears before he turned his eyes down the floor and walked past his mother to get in. Kemuel forgot all about taking his shoes off and discovered he had forgotten his jacket in the closet in heaven. "I go up the room" he tried to avoid further talk with Michael and his mother at the same time, even though he hardly believed it would work. For only what he came from school, he had to go through the homework book every day with his mother and his homework before he could do anything else, not that it made him anything because it was nice and easier to do things when he did it with his mother. He loved her and hated himself for making her sad.

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Humør : Every next level of your life, will demand a different you
Antal indlæg : 159

I just wanna help, I already know alot.  Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: I just wanna help, I already know alot.    I just wanna help, I already know alot.  EmptyLør Feb 13, 2021 10:49 am

What do you mean that Kemuel didn’t show up for school today?!” Eden were mere minutes from having a mental breakdown when she got a call from Athena Academy. She had been in contact with the multiple times because of Seraphina’s disappearance, not only to let them now that she wouldn’t be able to attend school for the time being, but also to have an understanding that if she showed up, they were to call Eden right away.
No I understand – I yes, please call if he shows up, and I’ll make sure to be home –“ quickly Eden packed her stuff together, even though she had said she was going to be home all day, work had called her in, with her gala coming up soon, she had some things she had to look over to make sure the data was all correct still. But it all just seemed like things was falling apart for Eden, the angel that for the most part always had her life put together, neatly in a box. So, for the woman also prone to obsessive-compulsive disorder, this were a whole new hell.

After everything was in order, she of course send of a message to Cael, letting him now that Kemuel had skipped school, and if he heard anything on his end that he needed to call her as soon as possible. Not really expecting a reply, as this was another of those days where he had been of so early in the morning, he hadn’t had time to even eat breakfast.


It felt like an eternity that Eden was just walking around in the big Victorian house, cleaning and hoping that her phone would ring, to tell her that Kemuel had been found. The first thing she had done, had been run up to his room, only to find it oddly quiet. This had to be some kind of curse, someone was out to get this family –
Eden was sitting with her cup of coffee, as she heard someone knock on the door, she was up so quickly she almost spilled coffee all over her, as she ran to the door an open it. And there he was! The first course of action was hugging Kemuel into her arms; “Where have you been! I’ve been worried sick, when they called from Athena!” she said and had to make sure not to cry; “With Seraphina missing, and – where were you!?” she looked up and saw Michael and her heart sank, so much for avoiding her past, now it was standing right in front of her. “Michael” she said, and looked over her son – oh no, what had he done? “Please don’t say he did something he wasn’t allowed to do?” she asked with a low voice like she always knew the answer. “Yes, that – we will talk about this later Kemuel” she whispered and pushed him towards the stairs. After she turned around to the archangel, she once had been on the battlefield with, same with Remy and Eos – a life she been running from for so long. Only to find herself right back.
Come in Michael – do you want some coffee, tea?” she asked, almost begging him to stay. She needed someone as levelheaded as him, to actually talk to – maybe knock some sense into her again. Because as it was right now, she was failing in all departments.
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Antal indlæg : 652

I just wanna help, I already know alot.  Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: I just wanna help, I already know alot.    I just wanna help, I already know alot.  EmptyTors Feb 18, 2021 2:53 pm

Michael somewhat understood his motive. But even if this case was brought to an end, his father would most likely just become occupied with a new one. He almost pulled into a smile as he confessed the rules he had broken prior to this, something as innocent as bedtime and homework, but he kept a straight face. Because this was far from those things. This was a very serious offense. One that could put him in jail. Besides, it was clear to tell that he was telling the truth. That he hadn’t broken the laws on Earth. And it all helped to make him go easier on him.
He noted the things he told him about the museum. The Dark Chamber. He couldn’t remember if he’d heard of that before. But surely, the archive should have a file on it somewhere. If it indeed carried demonic objects. “Who’s this fallen angel?” he asked before he walked backward, looking at the letter they were at. “Just give me a moment to retrieve the file.” He then walked down the aisle to see if he could find any file on a museum named ‘the dark chamber’. And when he did, he returned to Kemuel before they walked out of the archives.


Standing in front of his house, he glanced at Kemuel when he replied to his question. “All right.” He then lowered his gaze to the bag that he clutched tightly. He parted his lips, about to ask him what he had inside, but stopped himself, already knowing that the answer would disappoint him further. When the door opened, Michael stepped aside, giving the mother and son a moment to greet each other. And just as she asked him where he was, she looked up at the archangel. It had been a long time since they’d last talked. For some reason, ever since she’d settled down into this normalcy of life, it had almost seemed like she tried to avoid him whenever he was near. “Eden,” he said with a vague tilt of his head. She was quick to put two and two together - that something bad had happened for Michael to be the one to bring Kemuel to her doorstep. “I’m afraid so. Your son broke into the Heavenly Archives and deceived the guards,” he replied and moved his gaze into the hallway where Kemuel was. If any of the guards had found him, he’d been arrested on the spot. As was protocol. However, he certainly hoped that he wasn’t going to regret going around that. “He’s banished from Heaven for six months. But he won’t go to trial unless his behavior is repeated.” He looked at Eden, having no doubt that she’d try her best to make sure that it wouldn't be repeated.

At her invitation, he stepped inside and glanced around. “Yes, coffee.” He noticed some framed photographs, stopping by the one of Seraphina. “How long has Seraphina been missing?” he asked before he turned to face Eden. He knew that Cael had made sure to put people on the case, but nevertheless it was always concerning when angels went missing. And if she didn’t already have that problem, she was now faced with another from her son. It only helped to assure that he’d made the right decision by bringing him back here. Avoiding trial altogether.
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I just wanna help, I already know alot.  Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: I just wanna help, I already know alot.    I just wanna help, I already know alot.  Empty

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I just wanna help, I already know alot.
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