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 Matthew 6:15

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Humør : Every next level of your life, will demand a different you
Antal indlæg : 159

Matthew 6:15 Empty
IndlægEmne: Matthew 6:15   Matthew 6:15 EmptyTors Jun 09, 2022 8:01 pm

Dedicated to @Azrael
Date | 28th of May 2022
Time | Unimportant
Place | The heavenly archives
Attire | A beautiful silk toga

Being the archangel of forgiveness came with a lot of strings attached; for one, it was very unhealthy of her to hold onto grudges. But of all things, of all the things she had forgiven this was simply just one she found it extremely difficult to do; how could she? Her own friend killing Eos, how was she ever able to tell Azrael she forgave him for that? Eos had finally been given the opportunity to get her life back, to start a family, to try the things she had never gotten to do, and he was mad at her for doing her job? Just because she hadn’t budged when he wanted to get through and get his true love, sure, she could understand the predicament and how Azrael was entitled to be angry at everyone who had kept him from getting her out, but this. She angrily threw a book back in its place when she finally felt his aura. Her head snapped as she looked in the direction, the rest of the things she was archiving was thrown on a desk nearby as she, with hasty steps, walked toward the man that had done so much for her, and even though her heart should be happy to see him back, she felt nothing but anger and hatred.
You!” she roared, loud enough for the two angels walking around helping her with archiving to stop what they were doing; they quickly made scares to give the room to the two archangels. “How could you? I can’t believe you would do such a thing!” her Hebrew accent singing through far more significant than normal. “I know you were angry, but how, how could you? She was only about to enjoy the freedom she was given, and then you just took it away!” she hadn’t even noticed the hot tears spring from her eyes as she angrily looked at him; she just needed an answer, if he could just tell her why he had done it, maybe then she would be able to understand.
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Antal indlæg : 49

Matthew 6:15 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Matthew 6:15   Matthew 6:15 EmptyTors Jun 09, 2022 8:15 pm

As the archangel of death and grief, Azrael had for a long time known Eos was dead. Not just dead, but become one of the stars as it was said when an archangel died. There was no eternal rest in Heavens around family or punishment by ending up in Hell. It was a bitter secret to carry, but perhaps it was his own grief that kept him from telling the others. Maybe for the reason of the killer had been wearing his face. Azrael had punished the demon. Still, it didn't make sense, it would take more than a simple demon like that to kill Eos. Maybe he had gotten so used to doing things on his own that he had forgotten when to tell and not to tell, so everything was a private investigation really. You! Azrael snapped out of the spiral of his own thoughts as Eden roared at him, making him blink a little bit. "Excuse me?" He barely got to say before she was in his face. It took him seconds to figure out what she was talking about, then he realized, she knew now. She knew Eos was dead. If all the angels had looked more clear at how the sun didn't shine just as much as it used to by the break of dawn the past weeks, they too would have known. "First of all, ouch, second of all I did no such thing - third, stop yelling at me, it doesn't suit you," Azrael let out a half annoyed sigh looking at Eden. "Someone else killed her, I'm trying to find out who - I was angry at her but I would never kill her," Azrael pointed out with a rather stern expression then taking a step beside Eden to look at some of the books, he needed to find something that could help him put a deeper understanding to this.
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Humør : Every next level of your life, will demand a different you
Antal indlæg : 159

Matthew 6:15 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Matthew 6:15   Matthew 6:15 EmptySøn Jun 19, 2022 7:10 pm

An expression of shock glided over Eden’s face. If it was the fact that he dared to speak to her like that, or if she hadn’t expected that, he would tell her off like that. She wasn’t sure herself. But something of what he said silenced the older angel, standing there looking into his piercing blue eyes, the slight stubble of his beard and how it moved as he told her that someone else had killed Eos. But when he moved around her to take a book, her hand flew up, faster than any normal person or angel should be able to move, grabbed his wrist and pushed him back in front of her. He might not have been the one, and there might have been a sense in him telling her that she should calm down. But how could she, when she had found out her very good friend and sister were dead? Was she just supposed to act normal, and with everything else she had gone through these couple of months, just the last many years? Hadn’t she done enough? Weren’t she and those around her that she loved entitled to some peace? Now she knew better than to question her father’s will or even think of trying off on her own, but that didn’t mean she would continue to let things lie as she had before.
What, now you’re going to try things on your own, fat chance Azrael, you owe me an explanation, at least you owe me that much,” she said in a low and warning growl. Maybe she had done him wrong in the past, but nothing that should make him think that he could keep it from her, or any of their brothers and sisters, as he so keenly tried to do.
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Antal indlæg : 49

Matthew 6:15 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Matthew 6:15   Matthew 6:15 EmptyMan Jul 04, 2022 4:58 am

"I owe you an explanation?" He raised his brows a little bit keeping his eyes on Eden. "I don't owe you anything, okay?" He pointed out. Because he didn't. Azrael had taken care of Sariel, protected her to his best ability - when was the last thing Eden had done something for him? He couldn't remember the last time any of his siblings or friends had done something for him, but he couldn't say he was surprised they always wanted something from him. "So, it's unfair? Sure is, but this is my thing to handle, not yours, so get out of my way - thank you," he added the last with a somewhat fake smile, knowing very well it wasn't going to set good with her. "I will tell the others myself, I just want to figure out what happened before they blame me all together, you see how easy it was for you to go for my head, imagine Michael - or Remy," oh Remy and Eos had been almost closer than Remy and Uriel back when they lived in Heaven, almost looked like today's twins if you hadn't known better. "Or maybe you can take it with your demi-god ask if he can figure out some big lost secret to her death, because we don't have anything on it," he cursed a little bit annoyed.
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Humør : Every next level of your life, will demand a different you
Antal indlæg : 159

Matthew 6:15 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Matthew 6:15   Matthew 6:15 EmptyMan Jul 04, 2022 11:47 am

Her eyes narrowed, she could feel the resentment oozing from him, filling his heart with darkness, and there was a part of her that wanted to ease his troubled thoughts—but she knew better than to start doing anything to Azrael; he was and had always been stubborn to the core. He wondered why no one helped him, maybe because whenever someone reached out their hand, he battered it away, telling them he could do it on his own, but she didn’t say anything; instead, she pressed her lips together in a fine line. Well, that was until he mentioned that Michael and Ramiel would come at him. “You don’t even know, do you?” she didn’t budge, standing in front of him with her arms crossed, staring him straight into his eyes.
Ramiel is out searching for Michael as we speak, something has infected him, and he has run off because he doesn’t want to get cured” she took a deep breath through her nose, feeling how the fabric of the toga tightened around her torso.
I know we don’t” she narrowed her eyes, watching him intently. “I could of course, ask Ash, but I would rather not involve him in the heavenly affairs, much like you wouldn’t bring Sariel to the scene and see if she could pick something up, now, would you?” both Eden and Azrael knew that Sariel’s power could be much greater if someone just unlocked that of her, making her see both past, present and future.
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Antal indlæg : 49

Matthew 6:15 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Matthew 6:15   Matthew 6:15 EmptyMan Jul 18, 2022 7:41 am

"I know that, I've been in contact," he mumbled a little bit and took a sharper breath in. He also know the last time Michael and Eos had spoken, Michael had been affected by it. It was just a whole series of things Eos hadn't deserved, thinking her oldest brother was just out to attack her, her youngest had killed and hated her. It was cruel. And made him even more bitter. He was mad, mad at everyone and the world, their father. His father who should protect them had chosen to let this happen, it wasn't fair. "Oh please," he snarled a little bit. Then taking a sharper breath in and clenched his fists tight together. "I was there when her body vanished into the break of down along with her soul, just vanishing. You know what feels like, to have someone you've known all of your existence just vanish before your eyes, living with the regret of having spent life times blaming and hating that person for something that wasn't even on them? Because I do, and its awful - so let me figure this out okay? Just let me do it," he looked away from Eden, feeling his emotions rise up in him, and he hated that. "Just let me do it," he exhaled in an almost whisper starting to look at some of the books while compressing his emotions, at least trying to.
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Humør : Every next level of your life, will demand a different you
Antal indlæg : 159

Matthew 6:15 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Matthew 6:15   Matthew 6:15 EmptyTirs Jul 19, 2022 11:17 am

Eden gritted her teeth as he turned it into a pissing contest on who deserved to be mourning Eos the most; her eyes narrowed as her jaw set, forcing herself to take a few deep breaths before she flew off the hinges and gave Azrael a piece of her mind; “you got to stop this” she said in a low and warning tone—“don’t you dare talk to me about sacrifices, we might agree on how I’ve done some things, but don’t ever state that I have no idea how it is to lose someone” she had lost, she had stood by the border of hell crying and begging to get to see Jeremiah one last time. But even she had been denied, not that she had ever gotten angry at Eos for turning her away. She had sacrificed herself for her children; she had experienced mourning on both sides. She had, in her panic to get back to her family, said yes to something that now seemed to pull her further away from them than closer; now, she had to come to terms with the fact that she might never be able to be with Ash or her children. All they could get was a few days of her presence, and then she was gone again, sometimes for months without being able to contact her.
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Matthew 6:15 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Matthew 6:15   Matthew 6:15 Empty

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Matthew 6:15
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