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 Nothing can compare to a mother's love

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Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyTirs Sep 14, 2021 6:36 am

LOCATION The Jones Corporation
DATE 5th of October 2021
TIME noon
TOPIC FOR  @Eris Clarke
I found her, or she found me, what ever works for you, I know where she is, those words had echoed in his ears since Cassian had called him. So, of course Charles had got in the car and started driving towards the given location. The family firm, which he wasn't really apart of - hell he had never even met his father despite stories hadn't given him reasons not to seek him out. But you didn't just walk up to a stranger and told them you were their son, no, he had always waited to a point where his mother and him could do it together. However, plans had changed and they never really got to it, and suddenly she had disappeared without a trace.

The demon was restless, just a bit, eight years was a long time. Other than he assumed she looked well because of how Cassian had announced it, but you couldn't really be sure till you saw it yourself. He was in such a rush the guards out front barely would let him pass at first, till they were called upon to let him in. Again, he thanked Cassian for the less trouble. Charles didn't need magical abilities or some sort of powers to go with his gut to know where to go. It did take him a few minutes to find his way around this building, but he was also so desperate that asking for help wasn't a thing he would agree to.

Charlie got the feeling he finally had reached his destination as he saw Cassian, and could almost feel how his feet started speed up, making him start running down the hall. The closer he came he saw her, standing there with her long blonde hair. That smile forming on her lips, and then her eyes as they for a second got to lock with his. "Mom," he breathed out almost finding it unbelievable that she was there. But he didn't waste a second before walking over to wrap his arms around her, holding her close.

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Humør : Well, this is some serious shit. What the hell happened?
Antal indlæg : 335

Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyTirs Sep 14, 2021 9:56 am

She didn’t really understand why she kept coming back. Of all people she should know how dangerous it was to play around the fire. A fire that still burned very strong between the two people, no matter how much they tried to drench it in water it still managed to keep burning. But today she was there to talk about their daughter, of course she had forgotten just how busy a man that Killian was, and she had been standing by his secretary that sadly had to tell her that Mister Jones wasn’t even in the building a slight defeated sigh had left her. It wasn’t because Eris had much time of her own these days, but a smile quickly found its way on her lips as Killian’s older son came walking towards her with his phone pressed towards his ear.

Paisley“ – “Eris” she corrected him and Cassian gave her a soft smile “Eris” Cassian softly spoke and looked towards the beautiful secretary, was this the second or third this year already? He quickly pushed that thought out of his head “I have a person that really wants to meet you, mind coming with me and wait in my office?” Eris lifted a brow and found her own phone. Didn’t seem like she was needed anywhere “Of course, who?” Cassian gave her a knowing smile “Why ruin the surprise” Eris couldn’t help but laugh as she followed the warlock to his beautiful office where she placed herself in the chair and gladly took the cup of coffee that Cassian placed in front of her.

It took around twenty minutes as Cassian looked up and asked her to come with him. Still not knowing why he was so cryptic about everything Eris did as he asked and walked out of the room. “There we go” Cassian said with a bright smile, and Eris turned around watching how her son came walking down the hall. Her smile became bigger and started walking towards Charles. Her arms quickly found their way around his neck and pulled her close into her embrace. “Charlie” she laughed but quickly turned into a choking sound as she had to fight the tears threatening to glide down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry” she whispered pulling him even closer to her.
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Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyTirs Sep 14, 2021 1:22 pm

He didn’t care much for the reasons why she hadn’t been seeking him out yet, or he did, but he didn’t blame her. There was no sign of blame in his entire being, there had been many emotions into play over the years regarding this manner. How he should feel about it and how he should act, if she ever returned home. Because it was a matter of if she returned home, where she had gone and why she had left. It was a lot of whys. It was all forgotten in the second her arms were closed around him, he held her close, with a slight fear of her going away if he let go too quickly. Charles smiled, looking over at Cassian for a short second mouthing: ‘Thank you’. Then his full attention returned to his mother. God, he had missed her, chuckling a bit as she whispered that she was sorry. “It’s okay, it’s okay,” he breathed out, still holding his mother close.  “I was just worried about you,” he confessed with a lower voice, he could feel the tears that had built-up form the anxiety that had filled him up over the years, the pressure of it having been hanging over his head for too long. But finally, he could let go of his anxious thoughts of where she had been.

Charles pulled her a bit out, placing his hands on each side of her head, smiling so brightly that light shined out his eyes, almost sparkling from the tears that threatened to leave. Whatever he had felt before had been replaced with this overwhelming gratitude. He let his thumbs gently caress her cheeks, before pulling her into his embrace again, in a rather big bear hug, placing his head on top of hers and closed his eyes for the moment taking it in. Allowing himself to just take it all in.
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Humør : Well, this is some serious shit. What the hell happened?
Antal indlæg : 335

Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyTors Sep 16, 2021 2:25 pm

Cassian simple just nodded with a soft smile on his lips. It had always been weird for him having more influence in Charles life than his and Charles’s father had. He wasn’t even sure that Killian new that he had another boy with Eris. Having so many kids could be a burden not only for the children, but also the father.

Eris on the other hand just pulled her son closer “I know, good reason too, but we can talk about that another time, I just want to savour the moment of actually seeing you” one of the many reasons she hadn’t called, had been the very fact that she hadn’t had time to breathe since coming back to Gaia. The memories that came flooding back with experiments and horrible things that had been done to her. To being helped and set free. Being shoot. Being kidnapped by archangels. The list was ongoing, and it had just been a very long year. Now she just wanted to bathe in the love of being a mother and finally having all her kids close to her again.  

She was just about let her fingers glide over his cheek because his eyes looked like tears were threatening to leave his eyes. But never got the chance as he pulled her back into a hug and a laugh left her. “You’re crushing me Chas
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Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyTors Sep 16, 2021 4:53 pm

He took a deeper breath in, and it wasn't till the laughter left he and she commented on him crushing her, that he released his hold on her. "I'm sorry," he breathed out taking a little step back to let her breath as well. Charlie moved his hands through the dark brown curls as he breathed out, it was quite a lot, but in the best way possible. Who would have imagined that a trip here, arranged by Cassian's girlfriend's daughter to help some orphans, would end up with him meeting his mother again? At first he had thought to stay a month perhaps, just to catch up with a few of his brothers, his uncle perhaps - he had avoided to meet his father for so many years now, he was scared to actually face him. Which possibly was a waste of his time, worrying about that, but once you had lived so long and avoided to meet one person - it was hard to not stay worried. Then again, he had always wanted for him and his mother to meet up Killian together. "But, uhm - Should we go get a cup of coffee or something -  dinner maybe, you can join too if you want and have time," he suggested rather fast, not knowing how Cassian's working hours were today. "Or I don't know if you have any plans - or, anything like that really," he scratched the back of his head a little bit as he pressed his brows together. He wanted to both chat, catch up and just be with everyone at once - which wasn't really easy.
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Humør : Well, this is some serious shit. What the hell happened?
Antal indlæg : 335

Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyTors Sep 16, 2021 9:10 pm

Don’t be sorry” Eris said with a big smile as her hand found her sons cheek and gently caressed it. She then looked towards Cassian that still stood watching them with a serene smile on his face. What a wild month it had been. Even though Eris knew that Killian was back and lived here in Gaia. She hadn’t gone to see him a month ago, she had tried to catch up with Oliver and ask him if he had heard from Hanna, or Norah as she called herself now. It was still like an old wound that was ripped open, and she didn’t know how to stop the feelings that was swimming to the surface when it came to her and Killian’s story. Which also meant that it was about time that she would let Charles meet his father. But not today.

Going out and get dinner sounds absolutely perfect” she turned once again towards Cassian as Charles invited him. Would be rather rude when he was standing right there, to not at least include him. Besides Eris had always liked the warlock. “You know what? I think I would very much like to join you guys for dinner” he pulled his hands out of the pants pocket and gave them both a big smile “Give me a moment I just need to close down and then I’ll be ready” Eris nodded she then turned towards Charles again “It’s really nice to see you again” she mumbled, feeling how her body ached from the knowledge that she had just disappeared like that. Not even knowing how to explain to him what had happened. Just the last couple of months had been insane. But dinner would be a great opportunity to get back into each other’s life. “Alrighty I’m ready, there is a beautiful authentic Chinese restaurant just around the corner, how about going there?” Cassian suggested and started walking towards the exit quickly followed by Eris.
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Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyOns Sep 22, 2021 1:02 pm

Charles smiled softly as his mother caressed his cheek. Happy that she agreed to go out for dinner, both turning their eyes to Cassian to await and see if he wanted to join, knowing he perhaps was too busy with work or had other plans. It wasn’t that Charles was close to his siblings, but he did feel closer to Cassian and Oliver the most, even as time passed them, and they didn’t spend enormous time together - but closeness came in many shapes when you had lived the first hundred years of your life. But catching up, they all needed to catch up with one another. It was clear by the look in the youngest demon’s eyes that he was thrilled that Cassian could join them, even though he didn’t wish to occupy him if he had other plans. He nodded and let Cassian go in to close down, returning his eyes to his mother. “Like wise,” he replied with a tender smile. He was still worried; the worry just didn’t surface to his eyes. What had happened that was enough to keep her out of his life for eight whole years? Suddenly gone without a trace, it wasn’t because he was blind or hadn’t thought the worst scenarios possible. Charles knew some things had gone down rather brutal around ten years ago, but he never questioned much of it.

Cassian returned to them, making Charles turn his head once again to the side. Charles didn’t know any places around here, so he did take Cassian’s suggestion as the only valid one. Especially as it was the first suggested. “Chinese sounds good,” he took a step back and placed his hands on his hips for a moment, before they started walking towards the exit. Aston still had a lot of sights he hadn’t seen yet, but he had seen few photos, heard about a few areas from Laila when she had lived at his place. Then he had also used the last couple of days exploring the area around him, even though Tien had said it was better to get the hell out of here. “I need a list over all the good dining places in this town at some point,” Charles chuckled a little as they walked towards the restaurant.
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Humør : Well, this is some serious shit. What the hell happened?
Antal indlæg : 335

Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyFre Okt 08, 2021 11:57 pm

I’ll give you a list of all the best places around here” Cassian said with a soft smile as they walked down the street. His eyes fell on Eris and her unusual quiet self. Not that he had seen her that often over the last eighty years or so. But because of him helping when his father had gone missing, and presumed dead in action. He had always felt closer to the petite demon, than her own mother. If he had ever wished for someone to stay with his father, it had been her. Always feeling like she had been the best influence on the hectic and dominating personality his father possessed.

Quickly shook the thoughts out of his head, as he opened the door letting both Eris and Charles walk in first. As they came to the small counter where a waiter would take them to a table. The woman quickly recognized Cassian “Ah, Mr. Jones! This way” she said with a big smile and walked with three menus under her arm. “Here we are” as the gentleman that Cassian always was, he pulled the chair out for Eris, that chuckle and sighed a little dramatically as she sat down. “You and your father, you will break your back trying to keep the old costumes alive” she laughed and looked at Charles, knowing that he still hadn’t met his father. “We’ll find a day, to introduce the both of you” she licked her lips “if that something you still want” she assured him, as there would be no pressure “oh and I ran into Oliver as well, so after so many years it would seem that the majority of the family is all gathered at one place” she laughed, taken a menu and looking it over. So many dishes, and she had no idea where to being.
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Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyMan Okt 11, 2021 11:22 am

Charles smiled politely to the waitress as she gestured them to a free table, chucking a bit. It reminded him of what he had said to the angel he had met a few days before when she had called him such a good guy: they were a rare species. He was just glad to know it was in the family, not that he ever had thought anything else about Cassian. Charles sat down grabbing a menu to see what they had off options. He looked up by the mention of if Charles would still want to meet his father, he swallowed a little bit. "Of course - I've just been waiting for the right moment," he replied honestly with a warmer yet slight nervous smile. Yes, how else to not overthink when you had skipped meeting your father for your entire life. It wasn't just a normal count of twenty or less years, it was over hundreds of years. Then she mentioned that she had been running into Oliver, Charles had been in and out of contact with his older brother over many years. "Yeah I talked to him a few months ago too, he helped me picking out the place for the kids I got shipped over here," he told before moving his eyes shortly to the map. The majority of the family. How many were there in the family? Like, Charles knew there was some before him  -but he had no idea of the ones after. "There is so much stuff, holy guacamole," he chuckled before figuring out what to get so they could order.[/color]
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Humør : Well, this is some serious shit. What the hell happened?
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Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyMan Okt 11, 2021 12:05 pm

Eris gave her son an understanding smile. There was something about a mother’s intuition, but also being the race that she was. Things rarely went unnoticed. Cassian shifted his eyes from mother to son, before he gave a small chuckle but kept somewhat out of the conversation until Charles made a comment on how much food there was on the menu. “You know what, how about I order us some dishes, it is Chinese after all, sharing is almost implied” he waved the waiter down that came over immediately. He ordered for the whole table and Eris just rolled her eyes and gave him a soft smile.


The food was almost eaten, another bottle of wine had been opened and Eris was sitting laughing while Cassian was sharing some horrendous story that she had forgotten all about how they had needed to pull Hanna and Oliver out of a festive party going horribly wrong as the witches there had thought to call upon a demon they couldn’t control. It really wasn’t funny at the time but thinking back she couldn’t help but chuckle and shake her head. She knew that her and Charles also needed to talk about why she had been gone for such a long time. But right now, it was nice to just – be in the moment and laugh together.

Cassian chanced his gaze and looked outside the window. He widened his eyes as he saw his half-sister. “Iris?” he breathed and got up from his chair and ran out the restaurant. Eris looked and saw how Cassian called for the blond girl, and as she turned around it was clear she was crying. At first, she seemed reluctant to even let Cassian come near, but after some seconds she ran and let herself be pulled into a hug. Cassian looked up and into the restaurant getting eye contact with Eris. He shrugged clearly not knowing what was going on. After some back and forth, it seemed that she agreed to walk with him. Coming over to the table, Eris stood up looking at the crying shapeshifter. “My god, what happened?” she asked, looking towards Cassian that still looked like he had no idea. Iris quickly dried of her tears and gave a big smile to the table “I’m sorry, I just, didn’t mean to interrupt but Cassian is so good at convincing people” she said looking at the blond demon. She was the one that her father had talked to, when he had picked her and MJ up. Why was she here? She looked towards the other demon and knitted her brows then at Cassian. Either this was Cassian’s son, or she had yet another sibling she had no idea about. Her smile quickly crumbled as she realized that it had to be a brother. “Great, just great, another sibling I knew nothing about?” Cassian widened his eyes and looked at Iris “What are you talking about?” Iris lip started shaking as trying very hard not to start crying again. “My god, you are shaking honey, come here” she placed har arms around the slight taller shapeshifter, but it was like the younger woman almost shrank in size as she let her arms fold around Eris small waist. “Maybe we should get out of here?” Cassian nodded and walked towards the waiter wanting to settle the bill. “This is my son Charles, you must be Iris?” she asked, Iris nodded against her chest moving her head to look at the other demon that was presented.
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Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyMan Okt 11, 2021 12:44 pm

Charles pressed his brows a little bit together, rather confused by Cassian mentioning a name as he looked outside and then quickly got up from his chair.   The demon followed his brother's movements, pressing his brothers a little bit further together as he found himself holding his breath not understanding the situation. But he let them to and talk about whatever they needed to outside, taking the final sip of his soda. Cassian returned with the shapeshifter, and Charles took a deeper breath in seeing the crying girl standing there. "Its alright," Charles assured her with a comforting smile, when she apologized for interrupting. However, as the shapeshifter reacted to the fact that she had another siblings she knew nothing about, Charles did hold his breath for a moment, knowing that him talking perhaps would be very unwanted. He didn't know the shapeshifter despite wanting to do something, there were two people here who knew how to handle the situationen better - at least the person, and the last thing the girl needed was a third person trying to overwhelm her. He watched the shapeshifter getting embraced by his mother. Charles wondered what caused this to happen, why she was upset - but he also didn't know her.

He nodded to confirm getting out of here would be ideal, lifting his case as Cassian walked over to take care of the payment. When Charles' mother presented Iris to him, he turned his deep brown eyes back to the shapeshifter, giving her an uplifting smile and turned his eyes to Iris. "Hey Iris," he breathed out. "Where would you like to go?" He asked, because she didn't look like someone who wanted to go home.
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Humør : Well, this is some serious shit. What the hell happened?
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Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyMan Okt 11, 2021 1:38 pm

Hello” She whispered and couldn’t help but give him a small smile. For a soul demon he had such a relaxing aura, it was clear both her fox and cougar were very content with being near both the woman and the man. If not, she wouldn’t be holding on to Eris as she did. Not that it mattered to Eris, a woman that had always wanted to be a mother, and even though she had decided giving two of the children she had born to other people. But those children had been a product of a poor life choice, and she didn’t feel like bringing them up knowing she couldn’t give them the love they deserved, not like she had done for Oliver, Hanna and Charles. Especially Charles. She looked over her shoulder towards her son giving him a soft smile, almost thanking him for being as he were.

Anywhere but home” Iris whispered, Eris nodded slowly. She didn’t really have a place she could bring the poor girl. Looking back at Cassian as he came back “I called for a car to come pick us up” he mumbled, looking at Iris, he knew that look. “I live next door to our father, I don’t think my place is the right choice to go to right now” he mumbled, looking at Eris that shook her head “Sorry, I’ve been quite picky with where I want to stay, so I, I don’t really have a place to take her” she then looked at Charles letting out a breath. It didn’t really seem fair to ask this of Charles, but hopefully he had somewhere they could go. Just until the poor girl seemed more collected.
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Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyMan Okt 11, 2021 1:55 pm

Anywhere but home.
Like he expected. He listened to Cassian saying he lived too close to their father, that wouldn't be an ideal choice, no, and his mother saying she didn't have a place either. Charles nodded a bit, thinking as he scratched his chin a little bit. "I do have somewhere, it's a bit of a work in progress - but we can go there," he nodded a bit. Since he had known so many from his family was here - Laila had traveled here too, he had made the choice to stay for a while. Embracing the world of the supernatural. It was so weird walking around the street where almost everyone knew what you were. "It's just about a few blocks away, come on," he nodded in the direction before starting to walk. It wasn't glamorous, there was nothing about spending much money on a fancy location or place, but he took them to an apartment and locked the front door open, leading them to the top floor the studio.

There was much space, he needed space. It was a big simple space, one master bedroom and two guest rooms, kitchen combined with the living room. He had a lot of paintings on his walls, a handful of them his own from way back in time when he had become quite the famous painter - even if he hadn't used his own name - he was his mother's son after all. There was a small dinner table and a few chairs, clearly not having had time to find too much furniture. "Like I said, work in progress but yeah," he scratched the back of his head inviting them in. "I just needed a painting space and a bed to sleep in, so - but come on in."
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Humør : Well, this is some serious shit. What the hell happened?
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Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyMan Okt 11, 2021 2:48 pm

So, no car?” Cassian laughed as he nodded and followed along. Eris had placed har arm around Iris shoulder and walked with her like that all the way to the apartment that Charles was leading them too. She could feel how the warlock was looking at them, as if he didn’t really believe what it was that he was seeing. Eris didn’t understand it herself, why Iris seemed so keen on not letting her go. But she wasn’t about to think any less of a girl that clearly was very upset about what ever had happened making her wander the streets so late. Not wearing proper clothes at that! Eris rolled her eyes at herself, all it took was seeing her children, and she reverted into being an overbearing mother. She probably needed to go see Killian after this, telling him that his daughter was alright. But not right now.

Stepping into the studio Iris finally let go, Eris couldn’t help but smile as she looked around. Charles really was her son, but then again, they shared a bond being the same race. Not like Oliver and Hanna that was born the same as their father. “Oh my god” Eris and Cassian looked towards the shapeshifter as her eyes was glued to some of the paintings “These” she pointed at them and turned towards Charles “These are painted by Noel Silver, but I've never seen these before, that cant be - don’t tell me” she put a hand in front of her mouth and made a squeal, for a moment forgetting how heartbroken she was. Fangirling over the fact that not only had she met one of her all-time favorite artists “I love your work! I’ve studied it, I, ever since I found out my father had original art from Paisley Priest, I’ve been hooked on – oh wow, amazing” she trotted around looking at the paintings in the room and Cassian let out a soft chuckle “Do you have some coffee perhaps? While our sister gets down from her little fangirl moment” Eris smiled big “Well, I take credit for being the one that made her even look at Noel Silvers direction” she winked at her son as she turned towards the kitchen, coffee did sound good.
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Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyMan Okt 11, 2021 3:29 pm

It wasn't rare but it wasn't often either that he met people who still were passionate about his work, he hadn't painted for ages - at least not as Noel Silver, now he just painted for himself, but had thought about going down that path again - especially after seeing Iris reacting the way she did, it made him smile warmly. The demon watched the shapeshifter looking around, "I'm glad you like it," he turned his head towards Cassian asking for coffee. "If I have coffee, I have coffee in my veins," he chuckled a little making his way to the kitchen. There was few things in life Charles did spend his money on, art supplies, a good living space, everything that involved creating art from paintings till sculptures - and coffee, so of course he had bought a more fancy coffee machine, and only the best coffee money could buy. Charles took out a few cups, "coffee for everyone?" He took cups out for the amount that wanted a cup, and put the coffee on. "And I appreciate it mum -" Charles took a deeper breath in still with a warm smile on his lips. "Actually, Iris - come with me, I want to show you something," he clapped his hands a little, before waving her along with him, towards one of the guest rooms, there wasn't really anything in there other than a bed, and a lot more canvas just waiting to be painted. One of them however was a work in progress. Almost done just needing the final touch, "this is my latest piece, what do you think? Still need a little retouch, but I've found myself stuck," he waked over to the large canvas. It was a painting that captured the view from the window of the busy city over the sunset - the first time his creativity had inspired him to paint had been when he got to town. "Do you paint yourself?" He then asked looking over at her with a softer gaze.
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Humør : Well, this is some serious shit. What the hell happened?
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Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyMan Okt 11, 2021 4:34 pm

Yes please” Iris half shouted from another corner of the apartment as she were still looking at all the art hanging around. Eris winked at her son, as he told her that he appreciated it. Eris watched how Charles moved towards Iris after he had put over the coffee, and while it seemed that Cassian wanted to follow, she placed a hand on his upper arm and pulled him back. Almost as if telling him to let them confide in each other.

Iris quickly followed towards where Charles wanted her to be, so she could see his painting. A smile blossomed on her lips as she stepped closer, inspecting it. “It’s beautiful” she breathed, almost wanting to touch it, but knew better than to do so. She understood the retouch idea, there was still something that needed to be looked at. But the technique was so, different from other paintings. She couldn’t really explain it, as if he put a part of his soul into each one, he painted. “No” she shook her head as he asked if she painted herself “I always wanted to, but between piano and violin lessons, martial arts, and school, there wasn’t much time to add another new thing to the schedule” she looked towards him, giving him a small smile. A small breath left her; it was still so weird looking at yet another sibling of hers. At least he, seemed nice. A lot nicer than this Jolene. Another lump threatened to make her sob again, blinking away a few tears she turned her attention back to the painting in front of her.
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Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyMan Okt 11, 2021 5:20 pm

Charles loved the way she admired the painting, memorized by the colors, it was how he felt looking at art - at least the art he felt connected to. This was starting over, something he clearly had felt while letting the brush trace the canvas. Her answer to his question made him slightly sad, never having the chance to paint because life made you too busy, it was sad. Painting was his escape, it was where he truly could let anything out that troubled him, he could have fun and experiment with the fundation of life. There was something that tore her apart, it was clear, giving her a warm smile, but it was the way she blinked that made him alert. For a second he thought about getting them back to the common room, perhaps she would be more comfortable with Cassian. Charles knew that from himself, he always felt comfortable around Cassian. Charles chose to let her stay here, taking a few steps closer to her, now standing next to her. "You want to try?" He looked over at her, letting his lips curl up in a little smile. "I have bought so many free canvases, and the good thing is, you don't have to think." He licked his lips a little bit walking over to a free canvas, and moved closer to the free wall behind them, putting the big canvas up against the wall. There was a few cans of different colors, most of the colors he had been using on his own. "You look like you could use an outlet," he bended over to pick up one of his brushes and handed it to her.
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Humør : I came out here to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now.
Fag : Art | Literature | Philosophy | Chemistry | Math | Swimming
Antal indlæg : 135

Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyMan Okt 11, 2021 8:03 pm

She widened her eyes as he asked if she wanted to try. Just like that? But wasn’t painting, expensive? She licked her lips as she watched how he picked a canvas and placed it up against the wall. Swallowing hard she took the brush that he was handing her. “Just, paint?” she whispered, but what about thinking about what kind of brush work you used? What if it didn’t look good and she had just waisted one of his canvases? Maybe it was that voice in her head, telling her that she always needed to be perfect. The perfect daughter, the perfect sister. And every now and then she couldn’t take it an acted out in the most extreme ways. Always ending with self-loathing and her hiding in her room for two days or so. She took a deep breath in licking her lips. “Okay” she gave him a scared smile, and let the brush run over some of the pain and made the first stroke over the painting. She liked how it felt, but. An idea popped up in her head, and she put the brush down and let her fingers dip into the paint instead. Her fingers started working over the rough white surface.

After a few strokes of green, yellow, and orange. She placed a whole hand and let some of her powers glide through her fingertips making the current of electricity spread it out in lightning wave patterned she took a step back “Wow, didn’t know I could do that” she whispered smiling widely.
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Antal indlæg : 88

Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyMan Okt 11, 2021 8:58 pm

"Yes, just paint however and whatever you feel like," he gave her a comforting nod. It was hard letting go, he remembered how frustrated he sometimes had gotten when he was younger, wanting to paint something good, but so consumed about wanting it to be better than the last one - took the haters comments to heart and it had almost crushed him, he was lucky to have had his mother in his life, and the trouble had only made him a better artist. He pressed his brows a little bit together as she put the brush down, Charles didn't interrupt her. A smile beamed warmer on his lips as she dipped her fingers in the paint instead of using the brush. He liked painting with his hands time to time as well, fun how it was something you taught your kids, but then you just one day stopped - but it was with your hands the power was held, and there was something powerfully confident in letting your fingers trace over the canvas. He didn't know what she did, but he observed her, there was some sort of power to play. He could feel it from the vibrations in the room. "Its beautiful," he breathed out looking at the strikes the lighting had created.
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Humør : I came out here to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now.
Fag : Art | Literature | Philosophy | Chemistry | Math | Swimming
Antal indlæg : 135

Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyFre Okt 15, 2021 11:53 pm

It’s a mess” she laughed, looking at how the color was blended together. Now, as a person with quite the IQ, she understood the techniques of painting. The golden ratio, how perspective and proportion could make or break a painting, making it always a choice from the painter to make something obscure in how one would see the painting. She understood the math, but without soul and a creative mind it was very hard for anyone to actually make art. It meant getting out of one’s head and just do, not think about eh strokes of a pain brush, or what colors were used. It wasn’t something someone could teach you. You were born with it, and she didn’t always have the courage to do something she might fail in. Every now an again she did, failed miserably in doing so. Making the strong and smiling girl broken behind the surface, and not even in a way where she felt like it was okay to tell her father that she wasn’t alright. That she had days where getting out of bed could feel suffocating, times where she was looking into the mirror thinking about who would actually miss her if she wasn’t there anymore. Would they mourn her, and if they did how long would it take before they would return to their normal routine?

She had no idea that at this point she was just standing there looking at the painting without doing anything. Her hand with the painting on was hanging loosely down her side, breathing casually, and staring as if she wasn’t really looking at anything.
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Antal indlæg : 88

Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyLør Okt 16, 2021 11:43 pm

"Maybe, but a mess is part of the process too," he breathed out looking at how the colors blended. There was a lot about techniques that people often studied now days. Back then it had just been about painting, moving the brush across the canvas - it still was, but some people tend to overthink every stroke they made, he theorized that Iris was no different. She seemed stift in the movements. Charles just let her stand there for a moment, now he didn't know her, he didn't know what kind of weight she had on her shoulders.  Charles finally breathed out and walked up next to her, gently taking the painting brush out of her hand, before placing his hands a bit on her shoulders while looking at her. "You know, if you don't want to go home, you can stay here a night or two, just till things clear a little bit up - I'm sure Cassian wouldn't mind giving the information to your - our father," it still felt weird saying that or speaking about his father, but perhaps with Iris that was alright. Because he didn't know much. "Can I give you a hug?" He then asked, Charles wanted to embrace her, but he didn't want to overstep - but he also saw her, he saw her struggle and he wasn't just going to let her stand there alone and take it.[/color]
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Humør : I came out here to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now.
Fag : Art | Literature | Philosophy | Chemistry | Math | Swimming
Antal indlæg : 135

Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyFre Okt 22, 2021 12:46 am

Iris nodded a little as Charles told her she could stay there, and Cassian probably wouldn’t mind passing the information on. Somehow, she didn’t think that Eris would mind using it as an excuse to see her father either. The worst part of it all? Was that she was already missing home, her own bed. Mary-Jane, her father, Starla and Bruce. She missed all of them, but the thought about going back right away. It was just too much. “I would like that” she breathed giving him a small smile, staying here felt, almost natural to be the next choice. Even though she didn’t even know her half-brother. But she already felt so at home standing here with him. Iris nodded again, feeling how tears sprang from her eyes “Yes please” she whispered almost like a small girl, not really understanding what the feelings she was feeling where. Her arms glided around his waist, and she almost buried her head in his shoulder breathing him in. The scent of family as she closed her eyes and just let herself be embraced.
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Antal indlæg : 88

Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyTors Nov 11, 2021 6:09 am

Family had always been the most important thing to Charles, blood or not. It was one of the reasons he did the job he did, making sure that everyone he met had some chance or at least had one shot of getting the family they deserved. "Then you are more than welcome," he assured her. Also, it was a good opportunity for him to actually get to know some more family, even if it already felt natural for him to stand here and speak to the young shapeshifter. Asking if he could give her a hug, he watched how the tears almost screamed for an escape, and it was like having thousands of swords stabbing him in the heart, making him almost relieved that she sad yes to his request. Charles didn't waste his second before wrapping his arms around her, pulling her closer as he felt her arms around his waist. Charles closed his eyes for the moment, just taking in the embrace. Because despite him having been around people almost every single day in his life, there was just something else about being close to family. And he was able to just stand there embracing her for as long as she needed. Right now he just let them stay here, and let his mother and Cassian drink coffee in the living room - they could rejoin them whenever Eris was ready, there was no rush at all to be anywhere or anything other than just here in this moment.
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Humør : I came out here to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now.
Fag : Art | Literature | Philosophy | Chemistry | Math | Swimming
Antal indlæg : 135

Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love EmptyLør Nov 20, 2021 11:54 am

After some time, she opened her eyes, not that she pulled away. She had never felt this safe with anyone before, the same went for his mother Eris. There was just something about them that felt like a breath of fresh air. Like she knew that they wouldn’t hurt her, not even when they hadn’t meant to. It meant the world to her, that without even extra thought they had taken her in. Found her a place to stay, without second guessing it. Or asking her if she was sure she didn’t want to go home to her father. Because at this point, she wasn’t sure she could ever come home. And that thought tore her apart completely. Because she knew she had too, if not for her father. Then for her younger sister, and her grandmother that Mary-Jane still insisted should stay with them in the house and nurse. Which wasn’t fair, not for Jane as she didn’t live a life a twenty-year old should. Not fair for Starla that would be so much happier being tended around people that was feeling the same way as her. And constant caretakes that could look out for her every need. But every time that Iris had tried to talk about it, she had been shut down.

Eris walked towards them and gave them a smile “The coffee is ready if anyone of you want some” she said caringly “Do you want me to go by your father later, and tell him that you are here?” Iris repositioned her head and looked towards the blond demon. “Yes please” the young kid said and then turned her face towards Charles chest once again. Closing her eyes and not letting go. Eris looked towards her son and gave him a proud smile, before she turned around and walked into the kitchen to drink some coffee and talk with Cassian.
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Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Nothing can compare to a mother's love   Nothing can compare to a mother's love Empty

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Nothing can compare to a mother's love
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