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 Big news - Maxence

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Big news - Maxence Empty
IndlægEmne: Big news - Maxence   Big news - Maxence EmptyTors Dec 19, 2019 9:14 pm

Place: The Voclain home in France.
Time: 12.12.
Weather: Cold, windy.
Surroundings: It's quiet in the home
Dedicated to: @Maxence <3

Noelle had swum from England to France with her clothes in a big so she could easily change when he got there. What she hadn't expected was the cold. She was walking into the house close to the beach. The door slammed behind her. "Miss Voclain!" A servant exclaimed when they saw her wet hair and slight shiver from the cold. "I need a new set of clothes and a bath," She nodded. "Right away. Your brother is around here if you wish to talk with him." Noelle nodded and started walking away. She turned around. "Thank you," she said before going to find her brother. She had some news to share, and last she had seen him, he was back here. She walked to various room, checking the kitchen first before moving on to the living room. "I think you were in the same position last I saw you," she said with a grin. "Do you ever move?" She said with teasing look in her eyes. She had some news to share, but for now she just wanted to spend time with her brother.
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Big news - Maxence Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Big news - Maxence   Big news - Maxence EmptyTors Dec 19, 2019 9:30 pm

It had just been one of those days, like all the other. Laying on the couch in the living room, switching from channel to channel. Nothing to see, nothing to do. Since his injury, he hadn´t really been himself, in the sense of spirit or even in personality. he could still smile from time to time, but it was hardly a genuine smile that came forward on the sculptured face of his. When the door slammed to the house, the first thing he heard and only thing, was the exclaim of their servant, probably meant that Noelle was home. He looked shortly up from behind the couch, as he noticed her walking towards him, as he sighed, before answering " Maybe. Please remind me when last time was " the tone of his voice was teasing, as he winked at her, with a little smile playing over his lips, as he stretched a little, before he looked back at her.

" So what brings you back Abeille. Didn´t you have something important to go to? ". He looked down at his leg, before he looked up towards her again, as he changed channel for the seventh time. His hand glided up to his beard, as he rubbed it while having a thoughtful look over his face with him starring into the nothingness, before he turned his attention towards her once more. The thoughtful expression soon disappeared, as he made room for her to sit next to him. " Did you know, that it´s actually quite boring around here ". He chuckled, as he looked over towards the tv screen once again.
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Big news - Maxence Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Big news - Maxence   Big news - Maxence EmptyTors Dec 19, 2019 10:29 pm

Noelle looked at him with furrowed brows. ”What am I? Your calendar?” She had always gotten along with Maxence better than Estelle. They were just more alike. It also helped that their age was not that far apart. They had been able to grow up together in a way she hadn’t with Estelle. She crossed her arm with that nickname. ”Not before tonight,” she said and winked. She noticed how his eyes turned blanked when he stared at nothing. She went over to sit down with him, and mad it possible for him to rest his leg on her if he needed to. ”Why do you think I always leave?” She looked at him and her smile dropped. ”So you know that I had to go with England after Estelle ran away.” Estelle had been prepped to get engaged to Ellery and when he died, she had run away because she couldn’t deal. It was so very selfish of her, because everything just rested on her now.

”Apparently our dear parents just thought it was proper to ship their other daughter off to marry Ellery’s brother.” She sighed. It was not so bad, but just the thought of having to marry out of allegiance instead of love seemed wrong. She didn’t want it like that. ”I’m going to be marry the 31st of December,” she said and looked at him. ”Estelle really screwed me over,” she added. Noelle was curious what his reaction would be. She had never been one for relationships, and now she was going to pose as a wife. Not only that, she would practically be queen. She was not cut out for that. She knew it, but what other option did she have? If she didn't accept, her parents would be cast out of the Circle, they would be punished.
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Big news - Maxence Empty
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