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 How Wonderful A Night

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How Wonderful A Night Empty
IndlægEmne: How Wonderful A Night   How Wonderful A Night EmptySøn Okt 20, 2019 10:32 pm

How Wonderful A Night Tumblr_pvu3a6gE4y1y368ako1_540
TIME | 19:32
PLACE | The Park
SURROUNDINGS | No other people around, except for the ones near James
OUTFIT | FemaleVersion

Topic For - @Kostya

It had been such a hard and trying day for James, first waking up to find out that he had turned in his sleep, and then finding out that he couldnt get himself to turn back, no matter how many times he had tried to do it. He knew that he had stuff to do that day, even a party to attend, so instead he sent a message that someone else would come in his place, someone called Jaice, which was his female side, a side he was not yet totally familiar with, but he had, had some help from Jaxson in how to wear a dress and how to walk in heels like a proper fucking lady. She looked at herself in the mirror, in the tailor made dress Jaxson had made for him, his female form. It really had its perks to be sire to a designer and dance teacher, that knew also how to act like a lady, which he actually were now?. It was so surreal, to think she could just switch like that, but the most freaky was definitely that he had the same eyes, and hair color and also some similarities in the bone structure, like he was a female versions of himself, which he also was.

She decided to walk to the party, since it wasnt that long from where she lived, but one way was quicker than the way she was already walking and that was through the park. She knew it could be dangerous for some woman to go through at night, but she still saw herself as a strong man, or.. well strong woman in this instance, so of course she would not take the long way, when she finally came to the park. She stopped ud and looked at it for a moment, how the leaf´s of the autumn season, that matches her golden eyes so well, was laying like a big blanket all over the parks path. Slowly she turned and started to walk down the dark park´s path. She looked around a little paranoid, before smelling a strong alcoholic smell. Before she could do anything she felt a grab around her arm and then a hit to the stomach, sending her directly down into the ground, bleeding from her mouth. There were two men, trying to hold her down, before another took a hold of her dress, trying to rip atr it, but got a kick right in the crotch, which only made the men angrier. She felt the hits getting in her body, how they tried to undress her. " Get the fuck off me! ". She could feel how the anger took over and how it was hard not to let her power take over, but she also knew how dangerous it were. " Shut the fuck up whore ". She looked at them with anger, before biting ones hand, revealing the red eyes with black veins around.
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How Wonderful A Night
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