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 Guide: How to survive hell

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Humør : 'While being in darkness I didn’t search for the light, I became one.'
Antal indlæg : 1007

Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Guide: How to survive hell    Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 EmptyTors Maj 02, 2019 11:38 am

"You are such a nerd," she reminded him. Her keeping them in a moment where they could try to remain a little themselves. This was hard on them, but she couldn't effort to let herself sink into that type of darkness. Mariella listened to her aunt talk about the rules. Mariella hated rules. Everyone knew that. Mariella looked at Kit and Melania before returning her eyes to Reginald. "We got this. You got this okay," she said to Reginald, "If you doubt anything.. just remember you have a sister up there who is counting on you. And I'm counting on kissing you without almost draining you," she gave him a little smile. Mariella walked out on the request of Melania - not happy about it, but she did it. Melania talked to her sister- and she wondered what they would be talking about - her gut said it wasn't anything good. "What ever happens in this game, remember I love you. Okay? And don't doubt that by any chance," she took a deep breath in. Mariella knew she could stay strong if she just kept feeding herself the need to be it. Melania and her aunt returned to them.
"Can't wait," she sighed a bit before looking at the man who showed up. "I hope you are right Lion.." she mumbled to herself stepping forward. Of course she was a nervous about this. She had never asked Calla about these games, but she knew it was going to be hard. But she had to have fate in har own words, they could get through this.
"See you on the other side. Don't make me come back here to safe your ass," she took a deep breath in walking toward the man. "I guess its time to face our demons," she mumbled to herself before letting the man put her in her head.

Mariella gasped looking around. Where was she? She narrowed her eyes a little before realizing she was home. She wrapped her arms around her body looking around. Why was she here?
"What are you doing here?" a voice made her turn around. The voice of her mother. Veronica looked so angry at her that it felt like a frost bite down her spine.
"What are you talking about?" She whispered as Jess walked beside Veronica. They looked to disappointed, why did they look at her like that? Tiana came running into the room and started hitting her, clearly she was upset about something.
"What is going on? Tell me. What is going on?" She almost hit the panic bottom. "You killed him. You killed him," Tiana yelled before Jessalyn pulled her crying sister back. "Killed who? Who died?" Mariella felt her heart skip a beat. They all three turned their heads into the sitting room where Lions body was placed on the sofa. Mariella widened her eyes and froze for a second.
"Who did this?" She asked feeling the tears in her eyes. "You did, ripped out his throat in lack of control," Veronica answered. Mariella shook her head. "No. No I wouldn't," she took a deep breath in and walked to him.
"This can't be," she touched his hand, but it felt like nothing. Which made her narrow her eyes. "It's not real.." she breathed out and dried her eyes. Mariella was quick on her feed as it seemed like the scene blurred and everything went dark.

There was just darkness. That was all you. ...Your fucked up life. I'ts on you voices echoed around her.
"Stop it," she whispered spinning around herself.  You are the problem Marie. You are always the problem. Mariella moved her hands to her head. "Stop it.. its getting in your head.." she whispered to herself. Mariella opened her eyes and Jeremy was there again: "Look at yourself. Without me, you are nothing. You have no value. You are just an shallow sad girl. A useless waste of space, time and energy," he just started at her and she stared right back at him. Mariella took a deep breath in as she felt to her knees. It wasn't just the words from the voices, but it was because the voices belonged to people who had told her this before. But Jeremy was the only one showing up.

Mariella opened her eyes again, and she was in the mansion. But so was Jeremy. She looked around they were all there, sitting in the living room watching something on the screen and for a second it almost felt like home. But she couldn't get in there. Mariella hammered her fist at the barrier that kept her away from them.
"Eilish.. Karmena.. I'm right here.. Lion," she yelled at them, but no one seemed to be able to hear her. And of course not, it wasn't real. What ever this mind prision did.. it wanted her to forget that, and she had to remind herself of it. "They can't hear you," Jeremy spoke and she felt his cold hand down her lower back. "This is not real," she reminded herself. "How do you know? It could easily be, no one is there to keep them save right now," he said and in a blink everyone in the room was on the floor dead. Mariella gasped and stepped back.
"You forget one thing," Mariella said before showing her fangs and ripping Jeremys throat out. "We are in my head, and I know whats real and what isn't." she spite out his throat.
"Still that was very satisfying.." she looked around herself. She took a deep breath in and sat down. She focused on her darkness and just kept herself calm in it.
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Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Guide: How to survive hell    Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 EmptyTors Maj 02, 2019 12:40 pm

Keaton smiled at her words but he didn’t know if she would keep that promise. If she got out of here he would be happy for her, just having known her for such a small time. ”It’s fine, I don’t want to be the one keeping you here,” he said with a faint smile. Holding her hand was nice too. Something in him craved just to be close to her, but hell had made him wish for more than pain. Maybe she was simply just giving him a little light so that he could suffer more when she had left. It would be alright, he told himself, she would be with her friends and he would stay here like everything was back to normal. Samaira seemed a bit more spiteful than usual, so he was keeping his distance. Whatever her father had put him through, he knew that Samaira could do maybe ten times worse. At the mention of him joining the game he let go of Melania’s hand and held them up in front of him. ”I’m not that deranged, Sam,” he said, clearly not wanting to join whatever twisted game she had.

”Just because I don’t show worry, it doesn’t mean that I don’t worry – don’t confuse focus for neglect,” he said in a sharp yet calm tone. He wasn’t going to let her get to him, that would be what she wanted. Reginald joined Mariella as they left the room, looking back over his shoulders to give a glace at Melania. He still loved her, but it wasn’t the same love as he felt towards Mariella. She was like family at this point, and loosing her would take a hit on him, greater than he would like to admit. Keaton joined them in silence. As the siblings got out Mariella chose to go first and Reginald couldn’t hold back a smile. ”I’m counting on you,” he said looking at her. How he longed to keep her close, but that would take away his energy for the trials. When he himself was ready he stepped forward and let himself be put into his own mind.

Darkness at first, then a short flash of light. Reginald opened his eyes and got to his feet, looking around as the scenerie was blurry. He stumbled a bit forward before he stumbled into Anastasia. ”Ana,” he breathed out and put his hands around her. ”You left me,” her cold voice rang and he let go of her, stepping back to get a good look at his sister. ”What?” he said and looked around as they all seemed to appear. ”I was just a kid!” Sophie yelled at him, not stepping close to him. Reginald looked around confused as he walked over to Jamie. ”Jams? What’s going on?” he asked and Jamie pushed him back, showing his vampyric side as a warning. ”Couldn’t you just fucking disappear?” he heard Jamie’s voice yell. Reginald looked to his best friend Lion, standing next to Theo. ”Come on guys, this isn’t funny,” he said a bit in fear. ”You forgave her for shooting me! What kind of friend does that!” Theo yelled in anger. Reginald stumbled backwards as more of his friends kept yelling at him. ”You’ll never be good enough for my sister,” Lion yelled full of anger in his face.

”I’m disappointed, Reg, you didn’t go after me – didn’t even try,” Jasmine said stepping forward, Vanya next to her. ”We were like siblings, but you never once asked me how I was holding up,” Vanya snared showing her fangs. ”To think we are related is vomit inducing,” Jake said, appearing next to Vanya. ”Hey, come on now, I have always tried doing my best to get to you all,” he begged. ”Ha! Biggest lie of the century,” Valeria said crossing her arms. ”You’re a fucking douche,” Lucia chimed in. It was like the room was spinning, as he tried to focus. So many people were yelling at him, and he could barely make out half of it. ”You told me you loved me and hated lies, but clearly that love was a lie,” Melania said in a harsh tone walking closer threathening. Amaryllis stood forward with Karmena by her side. ”Look at the mess we’re in because of you,” the trybrid said. Karmena nodded. ”You can’t protect anyone even if you tried,” she said harshly.

Reginald tried running now, he needed to get away. He couldn’t stand this. All of his friends and family just turning on him. Blaming him for the things he knew he had failed at. He ran into the tall demon Baal who just looked to the vampire with a blank expression. ”I can keep Anastasia safer than you ever could,” he said coldly. Reginald turned around and saw Tiana and walked to her, kneeling down to look her in the eye. ”Please, Tia, not you too,” he begged. ”You killed my sister!” she yelled in anger, tears running down her cheeks. Eilish stood next to Tiana, placing a hand on the witch’s shoulder. ”And my best friend,” she said in a harsh and cold tone, fire burning behind her eyes. He got up from his knees and that’s when he saw her. His light and future. He ran to, embraced her and held her close, breathing in her scent. ”Ella,” he whispered, feeling his voice break. He pulled away and looked her in the eyes with a hopeful smile. ”I never loved you,” she said in a monotone voice. Reginald froze like everything in his world didn’t make sense anymore. Tears started falling as he clenched his fists. ”You’re lying,” he said. He turned to the others. He now saw the truth, the truth that these were not his friends. ”You’re all lying to me!” he yelled and with that everything disappeared.
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Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Guide: How to survive hell    Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 EmptyTors Maj 02, 2019 3:20 pm

Melania understood why Keaton took distance to her. If he had no intention to go through the game, it would be better to not fraternize with Samaira’s enemies. But it still bugged her a little. But now was not the time to think about that.

She walked to the man and looked to her friends, then to Samaira and Keaton. She was about to go through the worst thing she could imagine, and she was scared beyond belief. But whatever her sister could throw at her, could hardly be worse than what their mother had put her through. She could handle a lot more than she knew. The worst thing was that she knew how it would end. Samaira gave her a slight nod, as the man walked to her and put her in the game.

It was dark. She couldn’t see anything. She moved around and heard the echo. It was somewhere big. She fell over something. She put her hand forward to feel for it. The light turned on. Around her was piles of dead bodies. She could recognize some of the faces. Victor had killed these people right in front of her. She stumbled back and backed into another pile. She turned around to see all of them there. Valeria, Lucia, Mariella, Eilish, Lion, Jamie, Karmena, Jasmine. All of her friends were laying dead in a pile. ”No,” she cried. She knew it wasn’t real, but it felt so real, it was hard not to believe. She heard steps behind her and turned to see Victor walk towards her with a gun pointed at her. He then moved his hand to someone behind her. A shot was fired, and she quickly turned her head to see Reginald fall to the ground. She hurried to his side and held his hand against his wound. ”You’re okay,” she begged. Reginald pushed her hands away. ”You did this. You brought him into our lives. You killed us all.” She shook her head violently. ”No, no. I didn’t. I would never.” She looked to her dead friends. ”You killed us all,” they all said. She hid her face, and the setting changed. She was no longer in the empty dark space, she was back in the warehouse where she had grown up. She was around 10. Her mother was trying to force forward her powers. It was not a nightmare it was a memory. Or so she thought. She wasn’t scared, the younger version of her. She wanted to please her mother. She wanted to help her take over the world, she didn’t care what happened to the people she cared for. Fast forward a few years, she was not the girl Zitora and her family had helped her become. She was evil. In front of the young Melania, was her whole friend group, chained to a wall like wild animal. ”I should’ve known the devil’s daughter could never do or be good. You will always be evil.”

Samaira stayed back as they all went into the game. She had the man broadcast each of their minds. It looked as if a screen appeared in thin air. Three of them. She had some demons make a place for her to sit and make her some tea. She sat quietly and watched each of them go through their worst fear. Who was these people? Why were all their fears so similar? Boring. She looked at Melania’s first nightmare and saw the pile of bodies. She looked to Keaton. ”What a pity, your girlfriend doesn’t care enough about you to see you dead in her worst fear. You have to work on making a first impression that lasts,” she said and turned her head to Mariella’s screen. She was cheating! Samaira stood up and walked to the man. ”Get her out,” she ordered. The man looked into Mariella’s eyes. Soon she would wake from this state and join her back in hell. Just in time for tea.
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Humør : 'While being in darkness I didn’t search for the light, I became one.'
Antal indlæg : 1007

Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Guide: How to survive hell    Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 EmptyTors Maj 02, 2019 3:31 pm

Mariella just closed herself into her darkness, but gasped as she returned to hell. She blinked looking around. She was back.
"Hey, I was getting pretty good at that game auntie," she complained turning her head to Reginald and Melania.
"You two got this," she whispered before turning her eyes to Samira. She walked to her aunt, seeing this was the time to listen and not ask way to many questions. Mariella narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms. She turned around looking at the screens in the air then looked at Kit. She shook her head. "You are so powerful and could do everything you want with your life.. why this?" She asked looking back at Samira. She sat down on a chair, letting her eyes follow her aunt. This could be tricky, and she didn't want to do anything that could stop Melania and Reginald from getting back. Mariella looked at the screens like air again, and took a deep breath in. Mariella could feel the cold creep up on her. She hated seeing what they were going through. She breathed out as Reginald seemed to catch the lie, but she looked at Melania.. and all she wanted to do was to help her - but she couldn't.
"So I guess this was round one? Whats next?" She asked turning her eyes to her aunt. Mariella tried to be calm, but she was everything but calm. But she slowly realized the second round already was started. And all she could do was watch from a freaking screen.
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Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Guide: How to survive hell    Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 EmptyTors Maj 02, 2019 4:19 pm

Keaton wasn’t saying he wasn’t strong, but he had seen more than enough of people who had failed the trials. He was clearly not motivated enough to join them in their games, and stood back as the three constestants went one by one to their first trial. He watched the screen, sitting down on the desk under the screens and looking at Samaira shortly. Her comment didn’t bother him much, and he just grinned at her. ”Do you think she and I are already a couple? How sweet and romantic of you,” he said a bit of sarcasm in his voice. He turned his head around to look at the three, pratical kids, playing this game. He liked seeing that siren go off of script, it showed a lot of power, and that earned serious respect in a rascal heart like Keaton’s. ”Besides, don’t you think you would miss me too much if I actually got through those games of yours?” he said in teasing, sending Samaira a small faint smile. He was not affected in hell like most people were, which had frustrated the spirits around him immensely.

The darkness around him shifted once more and he now saw Anastasia once more. However her scream echoed his head as her sister was in pain. He couldn’t do anything in this moment but freeze up and look at his sister screaming and squirming to get away from whatever was torturing her. ”Anastasia!” Reginald yelled as he hammered against the glass. Seeing her dried tears of blood on her face and her body mawled beyond recognizion. He looked around, trying to find a way to get to her. She needed to be safe. He could not allow anything else. However many times he screamed, he couldn’t reach her and he felt so powerless. He had tried everything at this point; smashing the glass window, trying to get to her; yelling and screaming, just so she could hear him. His body shook as he watched his sister getting torn apart infront of him. ”Please, Ana, listen to me; it’s going to be alright,” he begged and closed his eyes, reaching his hands out and leaning against the glass. He tried catching her gaze and when he thought he had it he smiled to her. ”I love you 3000, right? I love you 3000!” he yelled and suddenly the glass disappeared. His first instinct was to run to his sister and hold her close. Looking into her eyes he realized something. She wasn’t his sister, because his sister had a beating heart now. This one had none. He let go of the pretend sister and got to his feet as the surroundings again went dark.

Keaton sighed as he watched the screen. How Samaira found this entertainment, he would never understand. In stead he walked over to the siren sitting not far from them. ”They are doing great,” he just said, not really knowing what to say besides that. He sat down on the ground next to Melania and looked at the angel for a bit, removing a few strands of hair from her face. ”I couldn’t do what you guys are doing, that’s just the truth of it,” he said with a faint smile as he looked up at Mariella, a small grin appearing as he did. Then his gaze turned to Samaira once more. ”You mad, Sam?” he said with a cocky grin.
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Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Guide: How to survive hell    Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 EmptyTors Maj 02, 2019 7:46 pm

It changed again. She was now in front of a glass wall, watching her in pain. Jasmine was screaming loudly. She put her hand on the glass. It wasn’t real. She just had to convince herself of that. She closed her eyes and shut everything else out. She focused on the real Jasmine, on the memories they shared together. Melania hadn’t been that close with Jasmine when she first became a part of the group. But at some point, it was only few people left. Reginald had gone back in time, and she felt alone. Jasmine had been a support to her. Melania saw the memories. She saw them sitting on a bed together. Melania had learned about Jasmine’s involvement with Ramsay.

”I didn’t want to hurt anyone,” Jasmine said. Melania sat by her side. ”I know,” she took her hand between hers and gave them a little squeeze. ”You’re not alone anymore. I’m here for you,” she embraced her friend and held her close.

Another memory came to her.

They were walking down a street together. They almost looked like normal teenagers. ”Do you know what to wear on your date?” Melania shook her head. ”Jamie would have come in handy right now,” she said and looked a little sad. ”We should go back to them. We can find a way, don’t you think?” Melania suggested. ”What about your date?” Melania shrugged. ”There will always be people for me to date. I will never find another like you,” she said and put an arm around the neck of her best friend.

The last one was maybe the most important of all.

Melania was sitting back in the warehouse. Her mother had found her, taken her. She was tied up, blindfolded. Suddenly she just heard struggle, chaos. The blindfold was removed, and she stared straight into Jasmine’s eyes. ”Jas?” Melania was confused. ”Come on, let’s go,” she said. Together they ran back to the house. They both packed a bag with their things and met in front of the house. ”Are we really doing this?” Melania asked. Jasmine held forward her hand. Melania put her hand in hers. ”Together,” Jasmine added. ”Always,” Melania added as they left the house behind and ran away together.

The glass disappeared under her fingers. She ran to her best friend. ”I know you’re not real, but I love you.” She caressed her cheek, before she disappeared like smoke. Onto the last part. She furrowed her brows, when she felt something stroke her forehead. Almost like a small breeze. She needed to focus.

Samaira titled her head at his comment. ”I think we can both agree I’m not that.” She didn’t want to admit it, but it bothered her to see Keaton so cuddly with her sister. She didn’t have romantic feelings for Keaton, but she didn’t have many close relations down here. He was one of the closets. The thought of being here without him was not something she enjoyed imagining. ”I don’t miss people,” she lied. She would miss him more than she cared to admit. ”I would enjoy to watch you go through the games,” she lied again. She tried to keep people at an arm’s length. It was just easier. She was expected to be evil, horrible and a torturer. She had been raised to be that. She sometimes wondered what her life had been like, if she had been raised under different settings. Would she had ended up like her sister? Would she be someone worthy of love?

”You’re not supposed to be good at it,” she told her niece and rolled her eyes when she went to talk to her friends. She took a sip of tea and watched the screens. She looked at Mariella from the corner of her eyes. ”Not anyone has free choice in life. I was born for this.” She had accepted her fate long ago. ”It’s no fun if I tell you,” she said and looked at Keaton as he walked to her niece with words of encouragement. She narrowed her eyes when he walked to her sister. ”I’m always a little mad,” she said and turned her head to the screen showing Reginald’s game. Mariella’s screen had disappeared the moment she was disqualified. ”Tea?” She offered both Mariella and Keaton.
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Humør : 'While being in darkness I didn’t search for the light, I became one.'
Antal indlæg : 1007

Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Guide: How to survive hell    Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 EmptyTors Maj 02, 2019 8:58 pm

Mariella looked shortly at her aunt in confusion before getting up. She was about to say something when she heard Reginalds screaming after Anastasia. Her eyes turned to the screen, and she held her breath. Knowing it was in his head, but it still pained her to see him like this. She moved her eyes to Melanias screen and slowly wrapped her arms around herself. Mariella looked at Kit and breathed out. "I think you could. Here is some advice I once got from my aunt Clarissa; Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness," she breathed out and looked back at the screen when she saw they both past the second test.

"Sometimes we think we have controle over the things that are forced on us, because we are scared of what will happen if we stop," she turned around looking at her aunt. "Listen.. I might not be raised in hell. I can't hardly imagine what it - but I do know one thing. I know what its like to being put in a role you don't belong to, just because you aren't obeying," she took a deep breath in. Only Eilish knew about that story, but she wasn't going to tell it now. Then there was Jeremy. "You weren't born evil.. being raised here.. made you this way..  being put up to handle this like its childsplay - but I know one thing we do in our family - and its fighting for each other. You are still an Emerson, just like me," she took a deep breath in and kept her voice calm. She meant what she said. "I have heard enough stories in my life to know, that there are no such things as good guys and bad guys - there is a reason for everything," the last sentence was said in a small whisperer. "Tea could be nice," she mumbled. Nice wasn't the word, but what else should she do? Stand there and watch like an idiot?
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Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Guide: How to survive hell    Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 EmptyTors Maj 02, 2019 9:37 pm

As the scenerie changed, Reginald let out a sigh of relief. How many trials were there? He wondered as a new scenerie appeared around him. His dark eyes darted around the place, but he was more careful this time. He breathed out as he recognized the place for once. His home back in his own time. He walked through the halls, looking at the paintings as he got to his father’s room. Out of habit he knocked. ”Dad?” he yelled as he opened the door. The room looked fine until he stepped into it. He saw Mariella and moved towards her slowly. ”You don’t have to do it Reg,” her voice pleaded. He shook his head, knowing what it meant. He couldn’t. ”No,” he said with a shivering lip. He moved to her, putting his arms around Mariella, even though it wasn’t her. ”I can’t hurt you, please,” he begged. Mariella stood still, calm and waiting. ”Then don’t – stay with me here forever,” she whispered, stroking his head. He closed his eyes, feeling the closeness of this Mariella. It was tempting, oh so tempting to just stay here. He moved his embrace from her and grabbed the siren’s chin, pulling her face up so he could look her in the face. ”I wish I could stay, I really wish – but there’s this amazing girl out there waiting for me,” he whispered with sad eyes. ”You are leaving me?” Mariella pleaded, tears streaming down her face. ”I need to break up with the fake you to be with the real you; the real you is so much better than what my own mind can imagine,” he said with a pained expression. This was pure torture. Mariella cried and Reginald felt himself walking away from her. ”REGGIE STAY!” Mariella pleaded, screaming and crying. Reginald felt his body shake, and he wanted to run straight back to her, but he kept walking away from her into the nothingness. Then the room got dark once more and he felt himself slowly waking up in his body.

Keaton smiled at Samaira and winked at her. ”You know I love it when you talk dirty to me,” he said with a teasing grin. She might fool others, but he could see through that facade. Maybe she hadn’t noticed how far under her skin he had gotten, but he would never disclose anything to others about that. He liked Samaira, even though she was meant to be the one tormenting his soul for eternity. It was a friendship-ish. ”I’m not saying it’s a weakness to recognize my limitations, would you?” he asked Mariella. He fell silent as he watched the screen of Reginald and Melania. He believed in them somehow, but he wasn’t going to show obvious cheering. ”Never liked that british stuff, I’ll have some coffee though,” he said with a sly grin, and then looked to Melania on the ground. He could hear the vampire behind him waking up and he moved away, sitting closer to Samaira.
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Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Guide: How to survive hell    Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 EmptyTors Maj 02, 2019 10:20 pm

Melania reached the last part of the test. In front of her sat Valeria and Reginald. What was she supposed to do? She looked to her hand and saw a gun. No, she couldn’t, she couldn’t shoot them. She just couldn’t. She laid the gun down on the floor and looked around. She needed to find a way out, but she didn’t know this place. It was dark again. She tried to open a door, but it was locked. She kept trying, yanking it hard hoping it would open. Instead the handle came off. She threw it on the floor and tried to find another way. She knew another attack was around the corner if she didn’t find a way out. She tried everything twice before she gave up. She sat down in a corner, folding her arms around her legs. Her breathing was unsteady, her heart beating fast and hard against her chest. She was a mess. How was she supposed to help her friends, if she couldn’t even get out of her own head?

Samaira felt a smile twitch on her lips. She tried to fight it, but it eventually took over, and for a split second she looked less like the ruler of hell, and more like the girl she had once been when she was happy, before she had her heart broken. ”No coffee,” she simply told him and turned her attention away from him. Samaira looked at Mariella as she talked about her other aunt. It wasn’t meant for her, but she heard it, nonetheless. She kept her gaze locked on the vampire’s screen. ”Family. Right.” She simply said. She could have used her family a long time ago, but nobody came for her. So what good was family, if they couldn’t be there for her? She didn’t want to hear about this anymore, about what could have been done. ”God’s will? Are you seriously praising that crap to me right now? There is not a reason for everything. People do shitty things to get ahead in live. It has nothing to do with fate or reason. It’s just about people and their choices.” She got upset, and she didn’t like it. She stood up and moved to the man to tell him something indistinctly. She had to change her plans because of these teenagers, again. ”You’re done here,” she said and walked to Mariella again. She grabbed her hand and transported her back to her body. She didn’t say anything, before she returned to hell, just as the vampire was about to wake up. ”Welcome back,” she said and looked at him. ”I’m sorry, your girlfriend was not as strong as you thought she was. She didn’t make it through. I put her away somewhere save.” She looked at her sister as she didn’t wake up. She was supposed to wake up now. It usually didn’t vary much how long they were in there. ”Wake her up,” she ordered the man. He went her and tried to get her out of it. He shook his head and moved away. Melania’s breathing changed. Almost like she was hyperventilating. Samaira looked at Reginald. ”You need to get her out. She will experience something far worse than death if you don’t.” She walked to her sister. ”Talk to her. You’re the only one who can get her out.”
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Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Guide: How to survive hell    Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 EmptyTors Maj 02, 2019 10:30 pm

He must have been sleep walking or something, not sure if he made it to where he wanted or not. It felt like he finally came to his senses when he was already walking in the direction of his sister. His body wasnt burning and the mark felt completely normal. He exhaled and put a hand shortly to his chest as he made a shortly pained expression at the memory of the pain. He got to where Samaira was having her games and it seemed like most of his joy had been drained out of him, but he wasnt empty, he looked awfully the same, just somewhat different. He looked at the tea pot and grabbed a cup as he poured himself some tea. He looked at Sam and took a sip, "Whenever you are done with your games, I'd like to take them back to the real world, if you dont mind," he then said as he blew away from steam from the tea. He didnt even really like tea, but he could never refuse a cup from his sister. He didnt look at either Reginald or Melania, only his sister. He barely noticed that Mariella was already out of the picture. It seemed that he had gotten here just in time for the games to end.
He moved over to a wall and started painting his portal sign, here in hell he didnt really need to use his blood, he could just draw it in the air and it would appear. He turned his eyes to his sister. "You can just let them through this, it'll take them where they need to be." he said as he finished his cup and placed a hand on Samaira's shoulder as he looked into her eyes, "I'll come visit you soon, Sam" he assured her. Normally he would have used a sweet word, but he knew that it would make her seem weaker in the others eyes, and he didnt want that. They didnt have to know that Samaira and he was on good terms, would should they? He gave her shouler a short squeeze and walked over to the portal, stopping right before he walked through it, "The tea was lovely as always. Till then, sister." he said as his eyes shortly went to Keaton to give him a nod. He turned back to the portal and stepped through it, with the words he was going to say on the other side, it would open as soon as one of the future kids walked near it.

// Baal out <3
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Humør : 'While being in darkness I didn’t search for the light, I became one.'
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Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Guide: How to survive hell    Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 EmptyTors Maj 02, 2019 11:08 pm

Mariella got on her feed as she watched what was going on. If she wasn't dead her heart would have skipped a beat. The version of herself talking to Reginald, betting him to stay - it was wrong. She knew she would never ask him of that. Mariella slightly started biting her nails in frustration, just staring at the screen. "Come on baby you got this," she mumbled to herself. Suddenly her aunt replied to her. Of course Mariella was lucky with her family her grandfather was the first created angel - she couldn't really say anything that wouldn't sound a bit deep in this topic. Mariella breathed out as Reginald passed the last test and she looked to Melanias. You're done here, these words made Mariella turn around. But before she could say anything, her aunt had grabbed her hand and she felt herself vanish.

//Marie is out <3
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Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Guide: How to survive hell    Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 EmptyLør Maj 04, 2019 7:10 pm

”No coffee? Now that’s pure torture,” said Keaton with a small grin, and let the two family members bicker. He really didn’t care either way, but he kept watching the screen of Melania, looking over to her body from time to time. He swallowed, actually scared of what might happen if the poor girl didn’t snap out of it. He heard as Samaira sent Mariella back and just in time for the vampire to wake up. Maybe it was best to just stay quiet and let the queen of hell play her mind games. They were being sent home soon, however he still wondered if this meant that Melania was going to fail or win this round. The games weren’t always black and white, but rather up to interpretation.

Reginald moved his body slowly up to a sitting position as he looked around a bit disoriented. Samaira’s greeting he ignored, but he looked to her as she said Mariella had failed. He looked her in the eye, and a faint smile showed on his lips. ”You’re lying,” he said silently and breathed out. At least Mariella was safe. That was more than he could have hoped for, until it dawned on him that Melania hadn’t woken up yet. He turned his eyes to the angel, watching her as she looked so peaceful. He looked to the screen and saw his friend hurting, and that just made the whole ordeal worse. He got up to his knees and turned towards Melania. He was afraid to touch her down here, so he simply watched her. Samaira spewed an order at one of her men, and he watched as the man failed to follow her orders. Melania was getting unstable and Samaira now looked to Reginald, demanding that he would get her out. He swallowed, trying to find his voice. ”Lania?” he said carefully, getting a little closer. ”Lania, it’s Reggie – can you please hear me?” he said looking at his friend. He looked to Samaira, unsure if it was working, but he knew he had to keep on trying. ”Can you remember the night I told you I liked you?” he said with a faint smile on his lips. ”You of all people know I can’t stop loving people that get close to me like you did,” he said. ”I need my favorite angel to come back home with me,” Reginald said and carefully brushed his fingers over her hand, trying his best not to absorb any of her energy. She needed that for her battle. ”I need the ones I love to be with me always – we promised we would be there for each other,” he said in a serious tone. ”It’s about time you hold on to that promise,” he said in a begging tone.
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Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Guide: How to survive hell    Guide: How to survive hell  - Page 2 EmptyLør Maj 04, 2019 7:42 pm

Melania closed herself off from the scenario. She couldn’t deal with it. She looked up when she heard his voice. It didn’t come from the Reginald in the scenario. It was the real one. She stood up and listened to his words. She did remember, of course she did. It was one of her most precious memories. Melania would always have love for Reginald. He was her first love. When he called her his favorite angel, she felt the need to escape grow. She tried the doors again. They didn’t work. She needed to do something she rarely did. She didn’t like to do it, because it reminded her of what she was, and what she could become. She let her wings grow from her back. They were not white, but a pitch-black color. His words sounded as an echo as she flew above, leaving the game behind.
She woke up. She took a minute before she opened her eyes and looked at Reginald. ”My hero,” she said with a smile. She stood up. Now came the hard part. He had talked about sticking together. She felt in a way that she betrayed him, but she just had to convince herself she did it for them, for Reginald and Mariella and all of their friends. She didn’t think that her friends cared more about Reginald and Mariella than they did about her, but Melania wasn’t depended on like they were. She couldn’t imagine how Lion and Anastasia’s lives would be without them. ”You should go back first,” she told Reginald. ”I can manage alone down here for a short while,” she said with an encouraging nod. She tried so hard not to show anything other than happiness.

Samaira stood back and watched the vampire, as he tried to get her sister out. It worked, and she felt a sense of relief. She didn’t need to show the others though. She let them have their talk. She was so over this. She didn’t want any more drama. As if Hell wasn’t dramatic not in itself. As Melania had said to take Reginald back first, Samaira walked to him and put a hand on his shoulder, to take him back to his body. She looked at her sister for a short while, before going back to hell. ”A deal is a deal. Enjoy your stay, dear sister,” she said and left the two souls.

Melania let out a deep breath as Samaira took Reginald back. She didn’t want this, but she didn’t see any alternative. She turned to Keaton. ”Perhaps a tour is in order now,” she said with a sad smile.

//Samaira is out.
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