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 When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia

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When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia Empty
IndlægEmne: When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia   When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia EmptyLør Apr 20, 2019 10:35 pm

@Anastasia <333

He sat by the water fountain as he waited for her. It felt a bit odd for him to have asked her out, especially seeing that he knew that he in some way liked her, and didnt really know if she liked him back. As old as he was, he had been too focused on his missions and his goal to actually think about the possibility of love. So in that way he was crippled, because he had never bothered to actually find someone that he had liked. And yet here she stumbled into his life by coincidence, a girl from the future that had to leave again at some point. Maybe that was the reason he had held back, because of the certainty of her departure. Would they meet again in the future? Would she meet someone better? Those thoughts kept his feelings at bay.
And still he had asked her to meet him out here, without really telling her why. She probably knew that it was a date, and he felt stupid for not telling her straightforward. He had his leg up on the stones and rested his arm across his knee till he saw her. His heart skipped a few beats as he pushed himself to his feet, not able to hold back a smile as he approached her. "Heyyy," he greeted her with a charming smile as he nervously rubbed his neck a bit. "I'm glad you had the time. You know, with all the 'saving my family and friends'-stuff," he then said in a small chuckle as he then got to look at her beautiful face a little closer, "You look.... amazing," he blurted out to his surprise but he played it cool and smiled at her. God she was beautiful. Had she done this on purpose?
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Humør : Let’s raise children who won’t have to recover from their childhoods.
Antal indlæg : 216

When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia   When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia EmptyLør Apr 20, 2019 11:52 pm

Outfit <3

Maybe it was watching her brothers love for Mariella that made her believe. Believe that a broken heart could love again. She had thought Jasper was her one shot of happiness, and she had watched him being ripped into pieces. So much pain, death and torture came with her past - and she had barely lived. But she had met Baal and there was a weird feeling she couldn't describe. she just knew she liked how she felt when she was around him. He was kind and gentle. He had asked her to meet up with him, what it simply meant was a bit unclear - but Anastasia had always loved an excuse to dress a little up. She had only told Jamie where she was going, because she needed his eyes on her look. Anastasia had on purpose not told Reggie, that she was going out to meet Baal. One thing was she didn't know how she hundred procent what this was anyways. So explaining it to him would mean he knew how she was feeling about it before she did - and she wasn't up for that. So Jamie had given her an excuse - one he might get his ass kicked for later. She showed up and looked around till her big doe eyes spotted him at the water fountain, a smile went on her face by the second. He got up and walked to her. "Hey," she greeted him.
"Of course -" she tilted her head a little to the side, "I can always make time," she added with a soft little giggle. He complimented her looks and she shortly looked down at her dress.
"Thank you," she smiled at him looking back into his eyes. Appearance had always been an important thing in her family, Mikaelsons for that matter always looked good - and it was a standard she had grown up with.
"So tell me, why have you summoned me here today Baal," she asked in a cute half dramatic tone and with a loving spark in her eyes.
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When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia   When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia EmptySøn Apr 21, 2019 12:23 am

His smile grew as she said she could always make time. He liked the sound of that, even though he knew that if something important was up, it would be fine that she didnt have time. Guess they were just lucky that everything had been so quiet since Lion didnt die. He raised an eyebrow at her question, as it was a funny choice of words since he could summon beasts from hell, yet he hadnt really told her that. He bit the inside of his lip before he answered, "I've heard that there's some pretty good movies in the cinema right now. But I didnt pick one since I dont know what type of movie you'd like," he then said with a wondering look in his eyes.
He moved his eyes to the cinema as he then grabbed her hand gently and moved his eyes back to her, "It's gonna be a while before the movie though, so I thought we could grab a mild snack before?" he then suggested with a charming smile on his lips. The options for what they could do was limitless, but Baal honestly had no idea what they could do. Had this been a few thousand years back, he'd have a better chance, as he knew that he'd have to ask her father for her hand. But these newer times? Everything was so complicated, and what was the purpose of a date even? "I would call this a date, but if I have to be honest, I've never really been on one," he then admitted before he laughed a bit at himself, he felt quite silly for not knowing.
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Humør : Let’s raise children who won’t have to recover from their childhoods.
Antal indlæg : 216

When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia   When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia EmptySøn Apr 21, 2019 12:17 pm

"Oh I watch almost everything, so we will find something we both think will be good," she smiled and nodded at her decision to find something they both would enjoy. Movie night with the Mikaelsons were always fun, and it was a thing she enjoyed - movies where always nice. He grabbed her hand gently and it made her smile. Anastasia gave him a soft nod as he said they could go grab some snacks. She had always heard stories about the old dating styles, for her generation this was old. People tend to often focus way to much on their electronics even in her time. But lucky she was grown up with old romantics and she was a sucker for the old fashioned love stories. If she could get her parents back then to tell stories about how they met. Abigal and Kyles story. She loved listening to these sorta things. She softly lifted an eyebrow when he confirmed it was a date.
"Well then I'll make it my mission for you to have the perfect first date then," she smiled proudly. Anastasia had been on some dates in her life, but it wasn't about what you did in these hours. It was about who you spend your hours with, you could basically just sit and talk if it was the right person. And she just wanted to be with him, even if they were just going to throw popcorn at each other.
"Lets grab some popcorn then," she suggested and entangled her fingers with his in the hand he was holding. She needed this more than he knew. Ana needed to get out and live a little with everything that was going on. "I'm very happy you asked me here," she admitted. Anastasia always told the truth, mostly anyways - but it was what she had grown up with.
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When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia   When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia EmptySøn Apr 21, 2019 3:57 pm

He chuckled a bit more relaxed as she said she watched anything. Made it a little more easier to find anything, and if they didnt like the movie anyway, they could just talk about how bad it was afterwards. Baal wasnt exactly the big movie watcher himself, so he didnt mind whatever they found, "I dont really watch movies. Does that make me seem old?" he then asked with a grin as he shook his head at himself. He really didnt fit the age he looked.
The grin couldnt really seem to leave as she kept saying things that made him so happy. A perfect first date? That sounded like a promise, but in the company of her, he'd doubt that it actually required much effort. He knew that people now a days just used tinder or some other electronic dating site, but he wasnt really much for all the social media. Another trait from the old times that had followed him into this new media era. He nodded as she suggseted popcorn, he mostly ate souls, but he could eat popcorn easily. There wasnt really much to taste in them anyway, beside the salt, and the fact that his body didnt grab any nutrition from it, he could eat as much as he wanted, "But are we actually going to eat them?" he asked in a voice full of suspense as he watched her entangle her fingers with his. He liked it, feeling the closeness of her hand, he squeezed her hand shortly as they walked on.
He turned his eyes to her as she spoke, and smiled softly before he shook his head, "I'm happy I asked," he replied in a tone with hint of charm as he moved his eyes ahead, stopping as they reached the cinema. He looked up at the sign and whistled in impression, "So people go here and just watch movies on a huge screen?" he then asked quite old fashioned before he laughed. He knew what cinemas were, so he was just joking, as he showed her with a glimpse in his eyes. But he had never really been in one. He had tried those super old ones that where held outside in a car lot. That the new hip thing back in the day, but even then it had only been once or twice.
He looked up at the movies that were on for now and made a wondering expression as he then turned his eyes to her, "The options are limitless. What are you up for? Horror? Romance? Superheroes? Or just a slice of life kind of movie?" he then asked as his fingers on the entangled hand gently stroke the back of her hand.
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Humør : Let’s raise children who won’t have to recover from their childhoods.
Antal indlæg : 216

When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia   When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia EmptyMan Apr 22, 2019 9:05 pm

"No it doesn't," she answered as she tilted her head a little to the side. His question about the popcorn made her giggle softly.
"Well.. to me its just like eating salty air.. but I enjoy it, weirdly enough," she shortly made a thoughtful expression. Reggie didn't like eating, and it wasn't like she enjoyed eating all foods. If it didn't had enough blood in it, she wouldn't eat it. That was the reason she liked cooking her own meals, then she could make the dish just like she wanted it. "Sometimes if I was out with my friends, me and Jake would have this fight about who could eat a bowl of popcorn first. At times we could even just put them on the top of our noses to see who could balance it best," she laughed at the memories. Simpler times. They walked to the cinema, when he ask if people just went here to watch movies on a bigger screen.
"Normal people do," she said it sounded a bit snobbish but it wasn't her intentions, "my aunt Abigal.. she basically had her own cinema made in the mansion in the future.. so we had these movie night ever weekend," she told him with extreme excitement. "But my favorite cinemas are in summer when they put a screen up outside and you get to watch movies under the stars," she gave him a big smile. She looked at the options and searched for one she hadn't watched, she did often just watch what ever was on when the squad picked. Nothing could come between Vanya and Amary when they had a fight over which movie that should be seen. Reggie who had taken her to every movie night and sometimes regretted it because horrormovies had scared her so much when she was younger, so he would always cover her eyes when he  saw something she shouldn't have stuck on her mind.
"Pet Sematary - a little spook might not hurt a soul," she chuckled softly by her own comment. She had never watched a horror movie without her big brother - but one time had to be the first.
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When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia   When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia EmptyTirs Apr 23, 2019 9:51 pm

"Salty air... I feel it's like chewing styrofarm... I dont even taste the salt," he then said in a chuckle and shook his head. Maybe a popcorn fight would be more appealing. But leave such a mess. He felt wicked for even considering it.
He watched her with big eyes as she flaunted her royalty. He listened to her as he then laughed and shook his head, "You royals. You have everything good," he then said as he imagined the outdoor cinema. He sighed and smiled, "I love those too. They can be... quite romantic," he then said and scratched his neck at the mention of romance. He didnt really mind romance, but it seemed a bit odd for him to mention, seeing that they were going in that direction. He shook it off and looked for a movie, squeezing her hand lightly with a smile.
"Hmmm, spooks are alright," he then said in a shrug. Doubtfully a movie could scare him much, maybe neither of them as they had seen a lot of things in this world. Only that he couldnt know how it would be to actually watch a scary movie. Who knew? Maybe they'd both be clinging to each other in pure horror. He ordered the tickets and grabbed them to hand them to her, "Alright, popcorn time," he then said as he hadnt let go of her hand and walked over to the snack shop. He let go of her hand and looked at her with a daring look. "Mix a bag of candy for each other? I'd love to see if you could figure out what I like," he then suggested with a little smirk on his lip. Before she could even answer, he darted into the candy section and grabbed a bag as he started mixing different sorts of candy that he thought she would like. It was mostly just the kind of candy with a strong taste, thinking that she probably didnt like the natural flavours a lot.
As he finished up the bag, he walked over to her with a full bag, that was most probably quite expensive. But he didnt mind. "You done?" he asked with a smile.
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Humør : Let’s raise children who won’t have to recover from their childhoods.
Antal indlæg : 216

When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia   When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia EmptyFre Apr 26, 2019 12:59 am

"I know, we are so spoiled," she said in a more teasing voice. Anastasia smiled when he said outdoor cinemas could be quite romantic.
"Well perhaps we will have to do that sometime," she answered with a warm almost innocent smile. She narrowed her eyes at the movie list when she shortly after saw Dumbo was on air. She had seen the movie before, but she loved it. "Or we can do dumbo.. Dumbo is good, we might like some good vibes," she said knowing dumbo had some sad traits as well. They got tickets and she put them in her back. She narrowed her eyes in a teasing manner as he gave her a daring look.
"Oh, its on," she said and took the challenge. She grabbed a bag to go begin the quest. Anastasia mixed a bit of everything, mostly she focused on having stronger flavors, some more sour, some more salty and then some chocolate - because even if he didn't like it, she would just grab it. She was sneaky like that. "Yup," she answered closing the bag. She hadn't mixed candy in ages it seemed like.

//wow im sorry det blev lidt shitty.. næste svar bliver bedre <33
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When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia   When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia EmptySøn Apr 28, 2019 10:19 pm

He chuckled at her answer followed by the innocent smile. "How could I refuse you?" he then said with a big smile. He was happy that the mention of romance hadnt seemed to faze her in a negative way. Actually it made him think that there could be more than just a friendship. Not that it wasnt obvious with the way he looked at her and the way they held hands. But none of them seemed to be taking it a step further, the needed step that could really define what they had.
He made a contemplating expression at the mention of Dumbo and narrowed his eyes for a bit, "I'm not sure I'd be ready to let you see me cry. Mind you, I'm an ugly cry'er," he then said and couldnt hold back a laugh - He didnt really know if he was an ugly cry'er, actually he wasnt but he wanted to see how she handled her horrormovies. "We'll do the spooks. And I promise, we'll watch whatever movie you want. You could even give me the worst heart wrenching romance, I'd watch it with you. And that's a promise." he then said, and he meant it.
As they were done mixing their bags, he looked at the one she had made for him. He couldnt see wht was in the bag, but he was excited to see what she had picked out. He held her bag and grabbed a large popcorn that he had also bought. "Alright, the movie begins soon. Wanna get up there?" he then asked before he walked over to the ticket man.
As they were looking for their seats, he made a confused expression. "They placed us..... in the back rowwww.... hmmm" he then said with a suspicious tone. Did the ticket lady think that they'd want the row that had the rumor of being the one for couples? He walked up there and looked at the screen with squinted eyes, "We'll never see a thing from here. Screw these seats, we're here for the spooky stuff," he then said as he walked down to the middle row and sat down on some free seats. There wasnt really a lot of people in there, so they could sit where ever they wanted. He looked at her and then handed her the bag, "No peeking. I want you to immerse into it with full surprise," he then said and smiled softly. He grabbed her hand gently and wrapped his fingers between hers, the touch made his insides tingle a bit, a warm fuzzy feeling. It was nice. He looked at her for a bit as they waited for the movie to begin. "Dont tell me you've already seen this," he then said with a teasing tone and suspicious look in his eyes as he realized she came from the future.
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When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia   When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia Empty

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When you awkwardly forget to mention that it's a date - Anastasia
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