| | Surprise - Eric(xxx) | |
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| Emne: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Man Mar 11, 2019 2:16 pm | |
| TidAften tiden. Solen er gået ned. StedHos Eric VejrKoldt og stormfuldt. OmgivelserSkovomgivelser, ikke nogen mennesker. PåklædningEn sort sweater med et par sorte bukser til. @Eric_____________________________________ Hvad skulle han ellers havde gjort? Der var ingen andre veje udenom døden. Og han ville ikke kunne være sammen med Eric for evigt, som menneske. Han ville blive gammel og grå, mens Eric aldrig ville ældes. Ingen af dem kunne lide tanken om det. Så Yuri havde taget den hurtige beslutning om at finde en som kunne give ham det han ønskede. En der hed Jason. Yuri havde været væk i næsten en uge nu, Eric måtte være så bekymret, det gjorde helt ondt på Yuri at tænke over. Men det var endelig overstået, han var en vampyr nu. Han havde godt nok ikke lært at beherske sig helt endnu, Jason fortalte kun en smule og prøvede at lærer ham lidt op, men Yuri var utålmodig. Hans hus var et stort mørke, siden han ikke kunne være i sollys. Det var mærkeligt, før var han en der altid var ude, nu var han bundet til mørket. Men Jason havde lovet ham en løsning på det, det var ikke noget der ville vare ved. Han skulle jo også stadig kunne skøjte. Han havde ventet til at mørket havde lagt sig og han kunne komme ud af huset. Først der kørte han hen til Eric. Han var klar på at blive spurgt om en masse ting, siden at han ligesom bare var forsvundet uden så meget at give en lyd fra sig. Det var ikke fair for Eric, men Yuri håbede på at han en dag ville blive glad for det Yuri havde gjort for dem begge. Han kom endelig til huset og kunne se at der stadig var noget lys derinde. Han var hjemme og stadig oppe, det var altid noget. Han gik langsomt ud af bilen, en smule nervøs for hvad der skulle til at ske. Hvad ville han egentlig sige? Bare det ikke endte som det gjorde da de var i Japan. Det ville han ikke opleve igen. Han gik op til døren med tunge og skridt og med en rystende hånd bankede han på. Han havde slet ikke lagt mærke til at det egentlig var ret koldt og han ikke han nogen jakke på og egentlig bare var i en sweater. Han frøs slet ikke.
Sidst rettet af Yuri Lør Apr 13, 2019 12:19 am, rettet 1 gang |
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Man Mar 11, 2019 8:17 pm | |
| Påklædning: sorte underbukser og en grå hættetrøje Eric lå i sin seng, han kunne næsten ikke få sig selv til at løfte sin krop det eneste han kunne gøre var at ligge der og mærke der varme tår trille ned ad sine kinder, han havde liggede her i en fucking uge nu og den smerte han følte i hele sin krop hver gang han bevægede sig havde ikke dulmede sig endnu. Han lignede lort...hans hår var fedtet og usoigneret, hans skæg havde fået sit eget liv og han var ret sikker på han lignede en zombie med den blege lugtene hud og de sorte og røde rander under sine øjne. Han vente sit hoved til siden og lod sin hånd langsomt og blidt stryge sine vinger...hvis man kunne kalde dem det...de var så grimme og ødelagte...han kunne jo ikke mere kalde sig selv en engel...Yuri var død...og det var alt sammen fordi Eric ikke havde passede beder på ham...men det som gjort mest ondt var tanken om at han aldrig mere ville vågne op ved siden af den person han elskede mest i denne her nytteløse verden. Eric sukkede højlydt da han hørte banket på sin hoveddør det var sikket Laura eller en af hans andre kollegaer som var ha' for hvad at sige det nok skulle gå og at han skulle komme tilbage på arbejde! han rejste sig langsomt og knugede sine hænder sammen i smerte da han mærkede sine vinger langsomt forsvinde ind i ham...måske skulle han bare lade hver med at have dem ude, de kunne jo ikke bruges alligevel... han gik langsomt over til døren og åbnede den listen Laura i am not in mo... stoppede op og mærkede tåre i sine øjne da han så Yuri stå der, men den glæde han burde føle forsvandt lige så hurtigt som den kom, han tog fat i Yuri og hev ham ind ad døren. Where the hell have you been!! do you have any idea what i have been though! i thought that you...that you...why didn't you call...i have been so woried about you...how can you be here! you...aren't dead?....how is that... Eric tog et langsomt skidt tilbage og faldt næsten over sine egne ben no...Yuri...you didn't... hviskede han stille |
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Tors Mar 21, 2019 2:01 pm | |
| Laura? Hvem? Det gad Yuri ikke at tænke over lige nu, det kunne han tage senere, hvis det var noget. Yuri's åndedrag stoppede nærmest, da han så Eric. Hans øjne var fyldt med tåre, som han åbnede døren og kiggede på Yuri. Yuri forstod ham, han havde været væk så længe, uden at give nogen form for lyd fra sig. Han kunne være død i Eric's øjne. Der formede sig et smil hos Yuri, men det forsvandt hurtigt igen da han blev hevet ind i huset. Han kom med et gisp og så skræmt op på Eric. Yuri lod ham bare komme ud med alt hvad han havde behov for. Han havde været forberedt på at blive råbt af, skældt ud. Lige pludselig slog det bare klik for Eric og han vidste hvad Yuri var, det kunne Yuri se på ham, som han trådte et skridt tilbage og tav lidt. Yuri kiggede ned i gulvet og bed sig i læben, begge to vidste hans nervøsitet og usikkerhed. Han nikkede langsomt, bange for at kigge op på Eric igen. I... Couldn't bear the thought of getting older, and you still staying the same age. sagde han trist. I want to be with you forever, just like you want to be with me forever, right? I did this for us, please understand bedte han og kiggede op på Eric. Yuri havde slet ikke lyst til at forklare det hele, han ville meget hellere bare kramme sig ind til Eric, han havde ikke set ham i så lang tid, han havde brug for at mærke hans varme igen. Den varme som nu var noget helt andet, mod hans kolde krop. |
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Fre Mar 22, 2019 10:29 pm | |
| Eric sukkede dybt og kiggede Yuri i øjnene, hvordan kunne han gøre det her mod sig selv! imod Eric viste han ikke hvad det her betød! Eric gispede hans hånd landede på hans mund i chok...Yuri havde ingen ide om hvad hans død betød for Eric...ellers ville han ikke havde gjort det...oh god...Yuri...den ældre engle kunne næsten mærke sit hjerte knække i tu, han viste godt drengen elskede ham, men at han ville være villig til at gøre det her mod sig selv...Eric kunne næsten ikke tage det.
Han hev Yuri ind til sit bryst og græd i mens duften a drengens hår fylde hans lunger i know...im sorry...i want to spend the rest of everything with you...i want you by my side forever Yuri sagde han stille og lage kys efter kys på hans fine sorte hår but we are in a relationship...you can make decisions like this on your own...we make the together..as one...okay? sagde han og vente Yuri's ansigt op ad så han kunne se Eric i øjnene. Eric tog en dyb ind ånding...han ville ikke lyve overfor Yuri, men han ville ikke se Yuri skyde skylden på sigselv...han var ikke klar over hvad han gjord...Så Eric lod alle tanker og føelser om sine vinger og hvad han nu var blevet til forsvinde ud af hoved...på den måde kunne han beskytte Yuri.
Han førte dem ind på sit soveværelse sorry about the mess...haven't really been sleeping much..or been to work...my boss is not the happiest...same goes for Laura...she hates that i up and left all the work for her....but...you....i thought you were dead...i was so terrified that if i went to work...i would finde out that you were dead somewhere and i wasn't there to help you... sagde han med en grædende stemme, han kunne næsten ikke holde sig oprejst mere, hele hans krop faldt næsten sammen…den eneste grund til han stod op var fordi Yuri var i hans arme. |
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Fre Mar 22, 2019 11:10 pm | |
| Yuri started to cry too when he heard Eric. He had never seen Eric cry like this, it hurt him to see him sad, and at the same time, he had missed him so much. It was so overwhelming, that he couldn't hold his own sobs and tears back. He didn't want to really, he just wanted to cry with Eric. He wrapped his arms around him tightly, when he was pulled in. The warmth reaching him, making him smile through the tears. It felt so good, even though it couldn't heat up his body. He was a bit nervous about how Eric would react to his body temperature, but he just hoped he would accept it as it was. Yuri nodded, it made sense, he should have spoken with Eric about it first. So many things could have gone wrong, but they were both alive and well, so everything was fine. Okay, I'm sorry.
He walked with Eric into the bedroom. It had been long since he had been there, it felt nice to be back, even though it was pretty messy. He nodded and smiled. So Laura was a colleague, so nothing to worry about right? Eric only loved Yuri. Yuri looked up at Eric with a saddened face. The things he had put Eric through, it wasn't fair and he hated himself for it. I'm sorry... But I'm here, we can be together now. I love you so much he said and tiptoed so he could kiss Eric. Maybe you should sleep now, I promise to stay he said and looked at the bed. Yuri wouldn't be able to sleep with him anymore, that was one thing that came with being a vampire. Never needing to sleep. It was weird and somewhat sad. He liked sleeping together with Eric, but it was something he was willing to sacrifice if it meant being with Eric forever. |
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Lør Mar 23, 2019 12:08 am | |
| Eric laughed quietly trying his best not to show how much pain he was in, i know my love... he whispered against the young boys lips, feeling his whole body relax at the contact, fuck he had missed this...yeah...just let me send Laura a text...she was going to come over and try and kick me out of bed...again he laughed out before looking at Yuri you never meet my sister did you...she was the one who asked me to take her shift that night we met... he said trying to distract himself and maybe also Yuri... he had never been afraid of anything, but the thought of Yuri seeing the scars on his back or even what his wings looked like made his stomach turn itself inside out, he was so ashamed...he wasn't an angel...and he had no clue how he was going to tell Yuri.
i umm...need to... he mumbled rubbing his hands up and down his arms nervously clean shirt he said lowly before giving Yuri a long hungry kiss i love you....but never do that to me ever again...i don't think my heart could take it he said against his lips as he gave him one more kiss slowly letting his tongue slide over his boyfriends cold lips, before stepping back taking a clean shirt and walking into the bathroom and closing the door as he gently pulled his shirt off. |
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Lør Mar 23, 2019 12:18 am | |
| Laura was his sister? Why hadn't he said that? They had been together for some time now, why did that never come up. He looked up at him with a questioning look and shook his head no. No, I didn't meet your sister. I didn't know you had one the last thing he mumbled. He wanted Eric to tell him everything, they were a couple now right, he wanted to learn everything about Eric, his family too.
Yuri raised a brow. There was something different about Eric. He seemed more nervous. The Eric he remembered was much more confident. He just nodded when Eric said he needed a new shirt. There wasn't much to it, it wasn't like Yuri hadn't seen Eric naked before. So it was weird that he had to say it. He melted into the hungry kiss with a small whimper and just nodded to what Eric said. He wouldn't do it ever again, he wouldn't put Eric through that again. Yuri looked after him with a surprised look, as he went into the bathroom to change. That was... new? He slowly walked over to the door, he was about to go in but decided not to. If Eric closed the door, it meant that he wanted to have it closed, and Yuri respected that. Instead, he knocked on it gently. Eric? Are you okay? You seem... Different? he asked softly and leaned against the door. |
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Lør Mar 23, 2019 12:46 am | |
| Eric gave Yuri an apologetic smile sorry i know we have been together for well four months he said feeling his face start to light up a bit but she and i...we...it took her a long time to come to terms with...me and that i am never getting a wife ever...unless its you he said finally smiling and i didn't want her to judge you...you are a lot younger than me and...im scared of what she would say...sorry he said touching Yuri's face truýing to commit every detail to memory.
Eric felt Yuri melt into the kiss and he couldn't help but smirk at the small whimper that left his lips, he looked himself in the mirror sighing he looked like shit...there was a bit of dried blood on the back of his shirt, and looking at the scars on his back...uhg they were ugly...he felt tears well up in his eyes...as he shook. He looked up and cleared his throat before speaking not wanting Yuri to hear just how broken he was by all this, Im fine...just give me second...just in shock Yuri that's all...im going to be fine at the end of the sentence he didn't know who he was trying to convince...himself...or Yuri...Fuck! he shouted and punched the mirror, he looked down at his bloody fist and felt himself sink to the floor. |
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Lør Mar 23, 2019 12:57 am | |
| Yuri understood his explanation. It kinda was the same situation with his mom and dad, although they didn't really have an explanation for his sister as they did for his parents. He nodded and smiled softly at Eric. I understand, we will just wait. he said and kissed Eric's cheek. He was so happy that he was back with Eric. He couldn't be away from Eric that long, ever again.
Something was wrong, he could feel it. Not that he had a special ability, but he just knew Eric and this was not how he was at all. It couldn't just be the shock like he said. And he definitely wasn't fine. It was all a lie, but why did he lie? Yuri knew Eric didn't like lies. He jumped back a little when Eric suddenly shouted and Yuri heard glass shattering. Suddenly he didn't really care that Eric might want his privacy. He opened the door quickly, looking down at Eric who was on the floor with a bloody fist. He didn't know what was happening, but it was scary to see. Not only scary, but the blood made him so thirsty, that it was hard to concentrate for a new vampire like him. He tried to pull himself together still though, he wanted to be there for Eric. What are you doing, what's going on? Please tell me, no lies he whispered sadly, sitting down in front of him with a sorrowful expression, trying to keep his eyes away from the blood. |
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Lør Mar 23, 2019 1:54 am | |
| Eric let out a small sigh of relief when he heard Yuri's answer, it was one thing being gay and not having your sister be 100% okay with it and thinking he was some freak who liked young boys...guys...and he was...but he knew that if she ever found out that Yuri was his charge...and the reason Eric lost his wings...fuck...she would...he couldn't even think about what she might do to Yuri. As he sat on the bathroom floor, he looked up in fear when Yuri entered and sat down beside him, Eric saw the way the young boy's eyes drifted to ho bloody hand, fine....but Yuri....i love you and i really do want to spend the rest of time with you and I still want all that domestic shit like marriage and kids all of it with you and only you he said as he gently caressed the vampires face so please...don't blame yourself...you didn't know this would happen...i never told you...and im so sorry...please know that i don't and never will blame you...because you are here...and so alive and that is all i will ever want...so please promise...don't blame yourself he said reassuringly before letting out a pained whimper as his wings emerged...they were so black, broken and ugly...more bone than wing. Im a guardian angel Yuri...or i was one...it my job to protect you...make sure you don't...die before its you time....and if you do... he said looking at the man he loved more than anything in this world i...i stop being one...i fall...and i lose...my wings... he cried out |
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Lør Mar 23, 2019 2:14 am | |
| Yuri waited patiently for Eric to tell him what was wrong. He didn't like the sight of him sitting there, all broken and Yuri knew nothing about what bothered him. Was he gone for too long, had he lost him? He was getting scared, even though Eric used time to reassure him, to tell him that he still wanted him, with each passing minute, he grew anxious and he just wanted Eric to tell him right away. What was going on, why was he saying these things. Yuri could feel his chest tightening as Eric told him not to blame himself. As Eric's wings started to emerge Yuri began to scoot back a little. The beautiful majestic white wings that once were, was now black and withered away. But Yuri didn't understand what was going on, why did they look like that? He looked terrified at Eric as he began to explain and it all became clear. Yuri was killed, he died to become a vampire, that made Eric fall. That was the cause of his wings. It was like a nightmare, seeing Eric so broken and he knew that if he would just have talked with him, he would have been able to explain and nothing would have happened. Eric told him not to blame himself, but how could he not, when it was his fault. 'I'm... I'm sorry he whispered. He didn't know what else to say, it was all so much. He got up from the floor and aimlessly started to walk out of the bathroom. He turned around to look at Eric, he wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know how and he was afraid to cause him any more pain. There... There must be something we can do he said softly looking down at Eric.
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Lør Mar 23, 2019 5:34 pm | |
| Eric smiled at his Yuri sadly when he saw the boy back away, it's not your fault...i don't blame you...how could I, you are alive...and you did it...because you love me...i could never blame you for that he said gently looking down at the floor, a cold wave of fear hit him when he saw Yuri get up...was he going to leave Eric?...without even thinking Eric reached out grabbing Yuri's hand you can't change it...and i....please don't go...don't leave me...i know its a lot to take in, and im not...myself right now...but i will be...just give me time...but i need you...so i need you to tell me if you can't...if you don't want...me he said looking deep into the young vampire's eyes.
Eric was so terrified that he would Lose Yuri, and this time it would be of his own free will and that thought was not something he knew how to deal with, he had never loved before...and he didn't know what he was going to do with himself if the young vampire let go of his hand and left. He gently let go of the cold hand feeling a bit sad that the boy wasn't warm anymore, but again...he was here and that was really all that mattered in the end. He stood up hissing in pain as his black wings retracted back into his body painfully. He grabbed onto the side of the sink as he slowly started to lose balance fuck...could you maybe help me into bed....i feel a bit dizzy he slurred out, oh and it might not be my god given job to look after you...but the only blood you are drinking is mine...like hell im going to let you put your lips anywhere near another person he muttered a bit possessively. |
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Lør Mar 23, 2019 5:53 pm | |
| How could he tell him it wasn’t his fault. Yuri wouldn’t be able to forgive himself for this. He was so stupid and selfish. He should have thought about it more. How can you say that, how can you forgive me so easily? he whimpered. If he could take everything back, he would. He wished he could do something so Eric got his wings back. Yuri needed him as much as Eric needed him. He loved the way Eric looked after him as his guardian angel. But he broke Eric, he broke his boyfriend. He looked down at Eric gripping his wrist. Like hell, he was going to leave Eric. Not even if it depended on his life. He shook his head and let the tears fall. Seeing Eric like this. I’m not gonna leave you, I would never leave you. You are everything to me, keeping me alive, even if that’s not your job anymore he mumbled the last part caressing Eric’s hand I need you to look after me he said with a light chuckle.
Yuri watched him as he stood up. He watched the wings go back in, retracting his face in empathy. He was at Eric’s side in no time, supporting him. He was stronger now, so it wasn’t a problem. He nodded as he helped Eric into the bed. He could help a chuckle run over his lips, but this his body tingling at the possessive order from Eric. Is it really the time to discuss this old man he said and got him to the bed, making him sit down. |
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Tors Mar 28, 2019 7:22 am | |
| Eric smiled softly up at Yuri because i love you...forgiving you is as easy as breathing...how could i ever hate you...you are the first person i ever loved he said gently caressing the young vampire's cheek. As hard as it was living without his wings, he was just happy to see Yuri alive, and yeah...he wanted Yuri to be immortal...but not like this...but what's done is done...he still had a job to do...and it was even more important than ever that he look after the newborn vampire...and well love makes people blind and easy to forgive...he let out a shaky breath feeling this huge weight get lifted off his chest...Yuri was gonna stay. I will always look after you...how can i not...you are hopeless without me he said leaning into to Yuri's touch as the tears ran freely.
He sighed and smiled at Yuri hating how week he suddenly was...it didn't feel right, he looked at his boyfriend and raised an eyebrow keep calling me old and you will soon find out what this old man will do to little brats like you he muttered under his breath, it is very much the time! like hell im going to let you and those lips anywhere near anyone but me...you are mine and i am yours...so you don't feed on other people...only me...and not just because im an old possessive bastard...but also because i don't want o lose you...and if you hurt someone i will he said giving Yuri a kiss on the top of his head, as Eric slowly breathed in the vampire's scent. |
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Tors Mar 28, 2019 10:29 pm | |
| How did Yuri deserve Eric? He was too kind while Yuri was so selfish. It wasn't fair what he put Eric through, he felt so bad, even though Eric said he shouldn't, but like that would ever help. I wish I could take it all back, you are a good person, you shouldn't be fallen He mumbled sadly as he looked into Eric's eyes, as he caressed Yuri's cheek. He felt like a horrible person, but he also knew that the world was magical, and they would be able to reverse it, they had to be able to, at least just to get Eric his wings back. A sad laugh escaped him as Eric said he was hopeless without him. It was the truth, he couldn't live without Eric's protection. My guardian angel he whispered with a small smile and kissed him lightly.
He looked at Eric with an amused stare, as he shot back at Yuri. So he was a little brat? Tsk, old man. Oooh, and what will the old man do huh? he asked daringly. He understood what Eric said, only wanting Yuri to drink from him, not wanting him to hurt someone or touch someone else. He didn't want to hurt anyone, that was never something he thought about when he became a vampire, the only thing he thought about was the lifetime he would have with Eric, the one he loved. But... I don't wanna hurt you he whimpered and laid down on the bed. He had already hurt him enough, now he had to drain blood from him, every time he was hungry? He didn't like the thought of that. A heavy sigh left him. You mean so much to me Eric, you have no idea. he said his voice shaking a bit as he looked up at his boyfriend. |
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Man Apr 01, 2019 10:57 pm | |
| Eric smiled and gave Yuri's hair a small kiss i know he said in a quiet tone as his fingers gently touched Yuri's pale cold cheek but it can't be undone...so...we both have to live with it...and as long as i have you by my side an eternity without my wings will be more than worth it he looked deep into Yuri's eyes hoping the boy would believe him and not blame himself...it was such a useless emotion...so why dwell on it anymore. Always my love he as he let himself get lost in the feel of Yuri's lips.
Wouldn't you like to know...keep on misbehaving and you will find out he said in a teasing tone, feeling a bit like himself now that he had Yuri back, it was almost like it never happened...he could almost forget the pain running down his back. Eric let his eyes drift over Yuri's body and his beautiful face i know you don't Yuri...but i can't lose you...and i think i will if you hurt someone...you aren't built for it he said pulling the boy closer oh my love i think i have a very clear picture of what mean to you...because you mean the same and so much more to me than i can put into words... he whispered into Yuri's skin and if it helps...i hear it does wonders in bed he said chuckling |
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Lør Apr 06, 2019 11:34 pm | |
| It would be hard to forgive himself, he would have to live with it for eternity or until he maybe just accepted what he did and tried to do it better. But he hated himself right now, no matter what Eric said to him, trying to make him feel better. It didn't work, it did the opposite because it just showed how much Eric loved him and it reminded Yuri what he did to a person that loved him so much. You are the nicest person in the world, you know that? He said with a short laugh. He didn't know anyone that forgave someone that easy. He was something else and Yuri was so happy that he was his.
He couldn't help laughing as Eric teased him. He just shook his head. Now I just want to misbehave he said with a pout. He had missed Eric so much and the guy he came home to was so different, so it felt good to see a bit of the teasing Eric. He sighed with a certain sadness as he was pulled towards Eric. He didn't want to hurt him, but he didn't want to hurt others either, so maybe it was better to do it with Eric, where he could be controlled? You need to be able to control me then he whispered and nuzzled into Eric. He smiled big and happy. He was so happy to have this kind of love with Eric, it was very special to him, something he would never ever give up. A small shiver went up to his spine at Eric's words and a fresh redness rose to his cheeks. Eric... you should sleep, I bet you haven't slept very well the past week he mumbled the last a bit sad, since that was his fault, that Eric might not have had the best sleep. |
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Man Apr 08, 2019 12:27 am | |
| Eric let out a small chuckle im really not...im just nice to you...im kinda a dickhead...if you hadn't notcied he said rather cocky, he looked at Yuri smirking running his hand down the boys' back. stop pouting and no i don't think you do want to misbehave...i might be old but have a very certain way of dealing with misbehaving boys' he said his tone turning more flirty and playful. Eric knew that Yuri would blame himself for a long time and even Eric knew that this was not going to be easy for them...with the blackmail because of some stupid video that could destroy both his and Yuri's career...Yuri's more...Eric would just get a slap on the wrist and be called a pervert...but for Yuri it would be so much more...but he hoped that they could work through it...and be stronger for it on the other side.
Im sure i can find a way to control you... i promise...i won't let you hurt me or yourself... he whispered into Yuri's black hair as he gently nuzzled into the boy in his arms, he let out a tiny chuckle when he saw the redness bloom on the vampires plane cheeks no i havn't slept at all really...i couldn't...i didn't know how to do anything...i had to call my sister just so she could make sure i ate or even drank... he looYuri's eyes as a few tears sprung out sorry...you don't need to feel worse than you do...and don't say you don't...im not wearing gloves...i know what's going on in that head of yours he turned the younger boy around so he could spoon him if im going to sleep...then let me hold you...and be hear when i wake up....
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Man Apr 08, 2019 1:47 am | |
| Well... Eric had been very mad a couple of times because Yuri did and said some stupid things, but he wouldn't say he was a dickhead. Well... At least you are nice to me he said with a smile. A small and happy sound came from him as Eric's fingers ran down his back. He had missed that so much. Those small shivers that went through him, every time Eric would touch him. What would you do if I misbehaved? he answered back with a smirk. They had never really talked about the things Eric liked, they always talked about taking it slow and let Yuri decide, but he had gotten a bit curious, not because he was sure he wanted to, he knew nothing about it, he just wanted to know a bit about it. But... it was the wrong time to talk about it.
He nodded and heaved a sigh. I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you any more than I already have. You don't deserve it he whispered and just relaxed against Eric for a moment of peace. Even drinking and eating? He made it hard for Eric to even do that. He was never going to leave him again, not without being sure to tell him, he loved Eric and he didn't want him to be so worried. It's just... Seeing you upset makes me upset he mumbled. He couldn't hide anything that he felt, as Eric said, he didn't have his gloves on. It was nice though, he didn't have to tell how exactly he felt, because Eric already knew. He hummed in content, as he was turned around and spooned. If he was able to sleep, he would have had the best sleep. Sadly it was only Eric that could, but Yuri would stay with him all night to protect him from anything. I will stay right here, I promise, just sleep he whispered and held onto Eric's arms around him. |
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Man Apr 08, 2019 10:57 pm | |
| Eric just let out a deep chuckle how can i not be nice to you...i got mad at you once and you started crying...im not good at tears...they are my weakness he said in a sarcastic tone, slowly letting his mind relax now that he had Yuri close to him once more...he could finally breathe, so all he wanted to do in this very moment was to touch the boy and feel him close and alive, fuck it felt good to have him back. Be careful Yuri, that mouth of yours will get you into a lot of trouble...and spanking you will be me going easy on you... he said smirking back this was not something they had talked about...but Eric couldn't deny that yes he wanted that kind of relationship with Yuri...when he was ready.
I know love...but i can look after myself...and i can control you...okay? he said gently touching the boys face smiling at him softly, he knew that for Yuri this would be hard, and yes forgiving Yuri was maybe something the boy didn't understand, but who really understands the actions of people in love. Do you want me to be mad at you?...because if you need to feel...i mean if punishing you or something like that...is something you need to feel better...then tell me...i won't mind playing that role if you need me to he said looking deep into Yuri's eyes smiling at him lovingly. He felt his body and mind relax as he warped his arms around his boyfriend good and you better be here when i wake up he said as he closed his eyes. |
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Man Apr 08, 2019 11:18 pm | |
| Yuri couldn't help but laugh. Of course, he cried when Eric was mad at him, he didn't want to do anything wrong against Eric, but he knew he did something wrong when he was mad. I just don't like it when you are mad at me, because I don't wanna wrong you he mumbled and kissed him gently. He shy smile spread upon his lips as he started to gently nipple on Eric's neck. This mouth? Can get me in trouble? he asked with a light teasing tone. Yuri wasn't good at something like trying to be charming and hot, he was more of the one blushing whenever someone did something like that to him. But he tried anyway, to see if it was someone that caught Eric's attention. Let me look after you too. You might be older than me, but I'm still an adult, I know how to take care of people. he said with a loving smile, as he kissed him softly. He didn't know what to say to Eric, he didn't want Eric to be mad at him, but he also felt wrong just being forgiven like that. But that was something they could talk about the next day, Eric needed his sleep. Let's... talk about it tomorrow. he mumbled and just relaxed against Eric's body behind him. I will, I promse Yuri whispered gently and let Eric sleep.
~ the next day ~
It was morning and Yuri was of course up. He didn't want to wake Eric up before he did it himself, he needed the sleep that he could get, so Yuri made sure of it. Although when he started to wake up, Yuri felt butterflies in his stomach. He turned around to face him with a sweet smile. Goodmorning. he whispered and cuddled into him. He smelled so good, just breathing in his scent. It was, of course, the blood, but also just the familiar scent of his boyfriend that he had missed so much. |
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Tirs Apr 09, 2019 10:01 am | |
| Eric smiled feeling the tightness in his chest losen, if it helps I hate being mad at you, it’s a waste of energy being mad and blaming peole…I could do so many other things instead he said returning the gentle kiss, gently moving his lips against the young vampire’s in slow teasing motions. He pulled Yuri in closer deeping the kiss just a bit letting out a content sigh.
Eric let out a deep warm chuckle, when he felt Yuri’s and teeth nip at his neck, feeling tiny shockwaves move down his spine at the thought of Yuri biting him. Fuuuuck why is this something I kinda like, he looked down at his boyfriend you have no idea what kind of problems a mouth like that can get you into… he growled out, it had only been four months but it still bewildered him how someone as innocent as Yuri could be so charming and enticing.
I will do my best, but let me look after you as well…I like it he said gently, letting himself get lost in the feeling of being with his boyfriend, he finally felt at peace and home. Eric nodded his head at Yuri’s answer alright…just think about it he said softly as sleep slowly overcame him, feeling content knowing that when he woke up the next day Yuri would still be right here, where he belonged, you better he said before falling into a deep sleep
~ the next day ~
Eric smiled softly pulling Yuri closer not ready to wake up or let go of him just yet, morning he muttered sleepily and gave Yuri a kiss on the top of his head still here…not a dream he said his eyes fluttering open. He warped his body around the boy groaning as he felt his stomach rumble nooo shut up….stupid food…I don’t wanna get up he muttered hiding his face in Yuri’s hair |
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Tirs Apr 09, 2019 7:39 pm | |
| Yuri smiled brightly at his boyfriend waking up slowly. It had been weird to be awake all night, he had gone into a slumber, but he was still awake. It was something he had to get used to, but he would miss sleeping with Eric very much. He chuckled softly at Eric, no this wasn't a dream. He was back with his boyfriend, his loving boyfriend. Someone he had missed so very much. No dream, I'm here, I will be here forever he whispered and kissed his nose softly. He smiled when he heard Eric's stomach grumble. Yuri wanted to stay in the bed to with Eric, but he couldn't just stay there and be hungry! You need to eat he laughed and softly stroke a hand across Eric's stomach. He had missed the feeling of his bare body, he wanted to see more though, it had been too long. Do you... maybe wanna take a bath with me first? he asked shyly. He really needed a shower and some new clothes, but he thought it might be nicer with Eric going to bath with him. |
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Tors Apr 11, 2019 11:14 am | |
| Eric smiled snuggling closer to Yuri really not in the mood to get out of the warm bed, he finally had a good nights sleep, why couldn't he just relax in bed all day with the young vampire, was it really to much to ask for! mmmm forever...i could get used to that...mmm having you here every day...mmmm oh yes i would be very open to that he said with a happy chuckle blowing air in Yuri's face and kissing him softly on the mouth. Eric groaned looking accusingly at his stomach work with me here! you want to stay in a warm bed with your hot boyfriend! come on! he scrunched up his face not happy with how this was turning out. He let out a tiny giggle when he felt Yuri softly stroke a hand across Eric's stomach.
Bath first...food later...i am not a fan of leaving this bed...but bath means naked boyfriend so how can i possibly say no to an offer like that my love he said before scooping the young boy up in his arms an carrying out into the bath room. |
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| Emne: Sv: Surprise - Eric(xxx) Tors Apr 11, 2019 12:23 pm | |
| You won't ever get rid of me now, you know that right? he asked with a teasing laugh. Not like Eric ever wanted to get rid of him of course, but still... he wouldn't be able to, Yuri would always come back. He liked just laying with Eric in the morning, it was so peaceful and Eric was so gentle. It made him so happy to have him by his side.
You can't ever say no to me he laughed and held himself into Eric when he was carried to the bathroom. When he was sat down he took off his clothes. It was dirty since he didn't really have the opportunity to wash up where he had been. He looked down at himself, he was so pale and there were no scars on his body, everything healed so quickly now. I smell he said with a laugh. Lose your clothes too! Or else you are not allowed to look at me! he said quickly and went into the bath, pulling the cover over, so Eric wasn't able to see. |
| | | | Surprise - Eric(xxx) | |
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