Full name: Benjamin Mortimer Beckett
Birthday: October 28, 1999
Supernatural species: Siren
Abilities: Seduction and mimicry
Special needs: None
Social rank: Popular and known to be a fuck boy - his popularity was taken down a notch when people found out he worked as a stripper though.
Relationships: Single...?
* Music
* Art
* Litterature
* Dance
Kollegium [Rubin] - [Safir] - [Diamant] - [Smaragd]
Able to attend classes: [Yes] [No] [Yes - but with help]
1: Observations: Ben tends to try and charm himself out of trouble and anything he doesn't want to do, and if it doesn't work, he often turns to anger. He's deemed a good kid though, and when something catches his interest, he will immerse himself in the subject 100% and often pulls home good grades when he wants to.
11. Health files: Suffers from ADHD and Bipolar personality disorder - none of which he's medicated for. When he's manic, he can be disruptive and jittery, and when he's depressive, he has a tendency to space out.