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 Sam's elev skema

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Sam's elev skema Empty
IndlægEmne: Sam's elev skema   Sam's elev skema EmptyFre Sep 28, 2018 3:13 pm

Full name: Sam Brandon Evans
Birthday: 2. August 1946
Supernatural species: Siren
Abilities: Telekinesis, Enhanced Agility
Special needs: None (he doesn't eat human meat)
Social rank: Pretty popular with the preppy girls for his fashion, hair and makeup advice
Relationships: Single

* Drama
* Languages (Russian, right now)
* Yoga
* Dance

Kollegium [Rubin] - [Safir] - [Diamant] - [Smaragd]

Able to attend classes: [Yes] [No] [Yes - but with help]

1: Observations: Sam gets by in classes but always seem to lack attention in one way or another. Correcting his makeup, nails and hair seems to be things he does all the time, or doodling outfits in his notebooks, scribbling down the lyrics of his favourite songs and the like. A pretty typical student, just with very particular interests.

11. Health files: No diagnoses.
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