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 You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)

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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptySøn Jan 14, 2018 3:46 am

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Tid 01:15
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Tag @Nicholas


Okay, det var officielt, Mike hadede vintre. Det var hans første fulde vinter som hjemløs og fuck, han havde glemt hvor koldt det egentlig var i længden. Ja, han var fra Canada og i forhold til det, var Englands vintre ingenting, men når man var ude konstant? Thanks, but no thanks! Dette var nok det eneste tidspunkt at han var taknemmelig for at hans mor havde knaldet en eller anden dæmon, for ellers havde han med sikkerhed reddet sig en god omgang influenza eller sådan noget.

Lige nu sad Mike under et halvtag  med benene trukket op til sig, pakket godt ind i sin parka, med armene trukket ud af ærmerne, så han havde dem i stedet rundt om sin krop. På hans højre side havde han sin sportstaske med en smule forskelligt tøj, stoffer og nogle enkelte hurtige madvarer til når han ikke havde penge til andet mad. Det var alt for koldt til at spille musik på gaden for tiden, så han havde ikke sin guitar på sig, den stod sikkert hjemme hos Ben. Hmm... Måske skulle han prøve at overnatte hos ham? Urgh, det var sikkert for sent, og han boede også på værelse med nogen nu, så han vidste at det var begrænset hvor meget han kunne crashe der! Og oven i det, så var det lørdag, så Ben og resten af hans venner var nok i byen for at feste, og ærligt talt, det havde Mike ikke overskud til. Han frøs, var gnaven og træt lige nu, og det eneste der måske kunne holde ham kørende var tanken om en seng. Men nope, som det så ud nu, havde han kun en våd bænk at se frem til, eller endnu en søvnløs nat. Skønt.

Lidt besværet stak han sine arme ud af ærmerne på sin jakke, og gøs over hvor kolde de var blevet, men kom ret hurtigt op og stå. Han smed sin taske over skulderen, og rodede i sine lommer indtil han fant en smøg og lighter. Efter et dybt gab, tog han smøgen i mellem sine læber, og efter et par mislykkede forsøg i at få sine frosne fingre til at tænde lighteren, lykkedes det ham at få gang i smøgen. Han tog et par indåndinger og så sig ellers rundt. Hvis han nu fandt et ensomt væsen, som han kunne komme i bukserne på, så kunne han måske få lov til at crashe i deres seng? Han var træt og ville gerne sove, men hvis det var sex der skulle til for at han nåede dertil, så var det fint med ham. Worst case scenario kunne han jo bare smutte ud på deres toilet og sniffe nogle baner for at kvikke sig op inden. Så var det bare med at finde en, som så ud til at have lave nok standarder, og ingen planer den aften! Det var vel nemt nok, var det ikke?

Sidst rettet af Mike Tors Apr 26, 2018 12:53 pm, rettet 1 gang
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptySøn Jan 14, 2018 9:14 pm

Nicholas havde haft en okay chill aften indtil videre. Han var kommet hjem dagen inden efter en uge i udlandet for at smugle stoffer for sin dealer, og havde som altid fået en procentdel af det han smuglede som sin betaling for det. Så han havde været ude i byen her i nat, og nydt tiden på dansegulvet, og den del han havde fået drukket med nogle af de andre. Han var rimelig godt skæv og høj på den gode blanding af stoffer der kørte i hans system lige nu, men igen, det va rhan vandt til - det var meget mærkeligt at se ham helt ædru, og han var i virkeligheden nok også meget nemmere at være i nærheden af når han netop var godt goped up ad både stoffer og alkohol, eller i al fald bare en af delene.

I al fald var han cirka halvvejs i sin joint som han stille og roligt slentrede ned af gaden. han havde dog ikke lige haft heldet med sig - i aften var det alle poptøserne der var ude, og han gad sku ikke nogen af dem, heller ikke selvom det virkelig var ved at være tid til at han skulle have sex med nogen - han kunne godt mærke at han langsomt blev svagere som dagene gik, så det var virkelig ved at være på høje tid han fik sig noget på den dumme. Og det var så her han fik øje på den tilsyneladende unge fyr der selv stod og røg. Han gav ham da lige hurtigt elevatorblikket, og et skævt smil trak så i hans læber... For ja, han kunne da vist godt bruges, hvis han også var med på den...

Så Nico tog endnu et hiv af sin joint, og ændrede så retning, så han stille og roligt gik hen mod den ensomme fyr. Da han var tæt nok på, sendte han ham et af sine flabede men godt charmerende smil, sammen med et løftet øjenbryn. "Soo... What's a fuckin' hottie like you doing outside on a motherfuckin' cold night like this?"

// Outfit + hår og makeup
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptySøn Jan 14, 2018 10:07 pm

Mike opdagede godt at der var en på vej imod ham, og var egentlig klar på lidt af hvert. Folk tog tit konflikter op med ham, fordi han bare var en eller anden knægt på gaden, og i deres øjne var han et let bytte. Men det viste sig at det ikke var det, som denne person var ude efter. Som han langsomt kom tættere på, kunne Mike sagtens se at han fik et elevatorblik, og kunne da heller ikke lade være med at gøre det samme. Manden var ikke en type man så til hverdag, og det var ingen hemmelighed, at Mike var meget into folk med alternativ stil. Enten det, eller folk som kunne være en mulig sugar daddy.

Kommentaren fik et fnys fra Mike, og han tog endnu et sug af sin smøg. "A hottie like me is looking for someone to fuck all night in exchange for crashing at their place." Man kunne ikke ligefrem sige at han var specielt romantisk eller flirtende... Men så igen, hvorfor ikke bare være ærlig fra start af "So, you want some, or should I keep looking?"
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptyMan Jan 15, 2018 1:36 pm

Selvfølgelig så Nico godt at han også fik et elevatorblik tilbage, og han havde absolut intet imod det. Altså, han var da lækker, så hvorfor ville man IKKE glo på ham? Måske var han også en del anderledes end de fleste, ja, men han vidste da godt at han stadig så godt ud. Og det gjorde fyren foran ham skam også, så han smilede blot skævt til hvad han sagde, og tog selv et hiv mere af sin joint, pustede langsomt røgen ud igen, før han svarede.

"Well, that sounds like my fuckin' kind of a deal. It's not much of a bloody place I got, but hey, it's a fuckin' roof over your head. Can't ask for a damn thing more, can you?" sagde han så og trak let på skuldrene. "So, I'm all up for that fuckin' deal. What d'you say?" han lod stille og roligt sine øjne glide over fyrens ansigtstræk, der jo nu var rimelig kønne, så det fik blot hans smil til at blive lidt bredere inden han så ham ind i øjnene, med sine egne, godt dækket af de farvede kontaktlinser.
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptyMan Jan 22, 2018 1:37 pm

Mike tog endnu et sug af sin smøg, og pustede langsomt ud, mens manden foran ham fortalte om hvor han levede, og at han var med på den, hvis Mike stadig var. Han så overvejende på manden, med tanken om hvorvidt han faktisk kunne stole på ham. Han lugtede lidt som Mike selv gjorde, men alligevel også anderledes, og han kunne ikke lade være med at undre sig over hvorfor.

"I'm in. You can call my Mike by the way." sagde han så og tog endnu et sug af sin smøg, og pustede røgen ud mod Nicholas' ansigt. "So, are you gonna lead the way or what? I'm freezing my ass off out here, so you better fuck the warmth back into my body when we get to your place," brummede han, og lod ellers blot Nicholas lede vejen. Mike var ikke typen der flirtede overhovedet, han kunne lige så godt lade folk vide hvad de havde med at gøre fra start af. Desuden, så virkede manden her til at kunne tage de, så Mike var ikke så bekymret. Og hvis ikke han kunne? Jamen så skulle Mike nok finde en anden.
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptyTors Jan 25, 2018 1:48 pm

Nicholas stod fortsat og betragtede fyren lidt, mens han bankede lidt af asken af sin joint. Han havde skam også godt lagt mærke til den lighed men samtidig forskel der var i deres lugte, og så mange dæmoner han havde været omkring - inklusive mange af hans halvsøskende - var han ikke et sekund i tvivl om at de havde det dæmoniske til fælles. Men det passede ham også fint, det var som regel sjovere at lege med nogen han havde dén del til fælles med. Det var mere kedeligt med den anden del, han havde haft flere fuckbuddies der som han måtte stoppe med at knalde med fordi de fandt deres mager. Han håbede sku virkelig han aldrig nogensinde fandt sin, hun kunne rende og hoppe kunne hun, hah!

"Mike. Roger, fuckin' got it. I'm Nicholas. Just call me Nico tho, the other thing's too fuckin' long to scream, anyway," han trak let på skuldrene, fuldstændig upåvirket af hvordan Mike pustede røgen ud i hans ansigt. Han nikkede til det næste halvdæmonen sagde, og tog et hiv til af sin joint inden han satte kursen hen mod den værre del af byen og dermed også sin egen lejlighed. Det kunen godt være der var en del kriminalitet og vold i den del af byen, men hvorfor fanden skulel det dog røre ham? Kunne godt være han var fuld og høj det meste af tiden, men han kunen stadig kaste besværgelser, og var samtidig stærkere end de fleste der gemte sig i det område, så fuck nu det.

Han fik i al fald ledt Mike hele vejen hen til sin lejlighed uden problemer, hvor de vandrede op til tredie sal i en, for at sige det mildt, ikke særlig pæn etage bolig. Han fik låst døren op og gik så ind, regnede helt åbenlyst med at Mike lukkede døren efter dem. Det var en lidt større etværelses med køkken og stue/soveværelse ud i et. Døren var åben ud til toilettet hvor man kunen se badekarret var helt fyldt op med de hashplanter han selv dyrkede, mens i stuen var der ingen sofa eller lignende, blot en stor topersoners madras der lå på gulvet med et lagen dovent smidt indover sammen med en stor dyne og to puder. Et mindre, ældre tv stod i det andet hjørne, og køkkenet flød med tomme takeout æsker. Ved siden af madrassen var det eneste der så ud til at være i lidt bedre stand end alt andet, nemlig et større klædeskab der så også så ud til at være fyldt til bristepunktet.
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptyFre Jan 26, 2018 3:40 pm

Mike followed along, occasionally whining about the weather or that his pants were soaked, but other than that, he was pretty quiet, and kept to smoking his cigarette. And luckily, it wasn't a long walk, until they arrived at Nicholas' place. It was small, but bigger than, his friend, Ben's dorm room, which honestly, Mike appreciated. It did get quite cramped, not to mention that Ben had roommates so they had to keep somewhat quiet. And apparently, one of them was asexual or something, and Ben thought he was too pure for their combined porno moans. Whatever.

"Neat. I'm gonna borrow your bathroom for a second- and I won't touch your little horticulture, don't worry," he grumbled, letting his bag fall to the floor so he could rid himself of his jacket and shoes, both of which were haphazardly thrown over in the nearest corner. He then grabbed his bag and went to the bathroom, locking the door behind him.

When Mike was alone for a second, he stubbed the cigarette with his fingers, before he quickly dug through his bag, until he found a small baggy with pills. Normally he would amphetamine to wake himself up, but he didn't feel like risking a nosebleed right now, so he popped one of the ecstasy pills, before shrugging and taking another. He couldn't overdose, so he figured he might as well make it interesting. He turned on the faucet and drank a few gulps of water, just to make sure the pills got down quickly.
After that, Mike went to take off some of the wet clothes, and that basically meant stripping down to his underwear. He took one short look in the mirror, quickly running his fingers through his hair, as to tame it, just the slightest bit, before gathering his stuff. Unlocking the door, Mike stepped back into the room, now a lot more naked than before, and let his stuff fall to the floor with the rest of his things in the corner.
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptyMan Jan 29, 2018 7:26 pm

Nicholas mainly kept to smoking his joint on the way back, and taking a few gulps from his water bottle - with Mike being part demon, too, he could probably clearly smell that the water was infused with weed as well, as most of the things Nicholas ate and drank were. He was very rarely ever sober, and quite a bit different when he was. A lot more serious and all, but he could barely even remember it himself, since he'd been almost continuously drunk and/or high for the last... Well, over a good hundred years, at least.

"Sure," he just said when Mike informed him he was going to use his bathroom, and he used the time to take off his own clothes, most of them pretty soaked from the rain, too. While Mike was busy in the bathroom, Nico picked up a loose floorboard under the mattress, taking two hits of acid from his stash, placing them under his tongue as her usual before he put the floorboard back in place and the mattress on top of it, before he sat down on the mattress, leaning up against the wall and closing his eyes, sitting like that in just his underwear as he calmly waited for the acid to take effect. He was still sitting there when Mike re-entered the room, and sent him a crooked smile. "I can see you chose to get fuckin' comfortable right away, too, eh?"
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptyTors Feb 01, 2018 1:42 pm

Mike shrugged when Nicholas commented on the fact that he took off his clothes. "They were wet," he simply replied, while walking over to him. He quite simply sat down on the other's lap, one leg on either side of him. His hands were on the other's waist, and he leaned down to place a few lazy kisses on his neck, waiting for the ecstasy to settle in. "You don't seem to mind though," he purred, while his left hand was travelling up to gently tug at and tease Nicholas' right nipple. He inhaled deeply through his nose, humming slightly as he then exhaled, before biting down on the skin of his neck. Not enough to break the skin, but enough to leave noticeable teeth marks, and as soon as the mark was there, he placed another kiss on top of it.

"So what do you want?" he mumbled as his kisses slowly traced up the side of his neck until his lips met the skin right below the other's ear. Then he moved up along his jaw, before finally pulling back so he could look into the other's eye, with a slight smirk tugging at his lips. "I can fuck you... you can fuck me... I can suck you off or hurt you... Whatever you like." While he spoke, the hand, that had laid pretty dormant on the other's waist, moved up to play with Nicholas' otherwise untouched nipple. Honestly, Mike was pretty versatile in bed, his only set rule was, that he didn't want anything to do with women. He didn't care about what he was doing, as he usually got off on seeing and hearing other people's pleasure.
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptyMan Feb 05, 2018 5:43 pm

Well, he was right after all, so Nicholas didn't say anything, just smiled and let his hands settle on the half-demon's hips when he seated himself in his lap, leaning his head a little to the side to give him more soft skin to work with as the kisses began. "Why the fuck would I? When you're got such a fuckin' nice bitch ass..." he softly growled, one broad hand moving to cup one ass cheek, kneading it firmly, insistently.

When he felt the fingers at his nipple, doing that gentle teasing, he sighed. "Harder. I'm not made out of bloody glass or sumthin'..." in all reality Nicholas was a sucker for pain, and he really didn't do gentle. Not just in bed, but overall. No time for slow, careful and gentle, everything was better when it was quicker and more intense, at least in his opinion. Which was why Mike earned himself a soft groan with the hard bite, and a happy smile from Nico. "Fuck yes, that's more like it..."

"Hurt me while I fuck your pretty bitch ass." was his answer to Mike's question, after a short while in which he left his own kisses and bites on his neck and collarbone. "Make me fuckin' bleed, it'll heal right up once I get the fuck around to it, anyway." After all, if he thought things healed too slow, he could always just use a healing spell to speed it all up.
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptyOns Feb 07, 2018 5:16 pm

A soft groan escaped Mike's lips when Nicholas gave his ass a firm squeeze. So maybe he was a little bit into man-handling, but honestly, could you blame him? But Nicholas own kink, which was soon revealed didn't mean Mike wasn't compatible with him. Quite opposite actually, it made it all the better. Mike was a biter and liked to fight for dominance no matter how much he liked being dominated. No reason to let someone top, who wouldn't do a good job.

When Nicholas finally told what he wanted, Mike grinned and that was the only warning he got before the half-demon leaned down and bit harder into Nicholas' skin on his neck. Enough to draw blood, but not hard enough to do too much damage. He licked at the wound, groaning softly at the odd taste. It wasn't bad though, not at all.

Mike tugged a little harder at the other hybrid's nipples, before they started wandering again. He kept licking and sucking on the wound, before he pulled back. Their eyes met for a few seconds before he pressed their lips together and at the same time he groped the bulge hiding in Nico's underwear. "If you want to fuck me, you better do it hard," he growled against the other's lips, before craving them again in a rough kiss.
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptyFre Feb 09, 2018 12:24 am

Mmhmm, that groan. It was so lovely... Well, each and every noise someone made during sex or foreplay was, to some degree, lovely to his ears. Maybe it was the demon part of him speaking, but it really was just perfect. And with such a pretty boy as Mike, it was just all the sweeter. Nico knew something good was coming as soon as he saw that grin on the half-demon's lips, and before he knew it, he felt that sweet, sweet pain of the bite, just hard enough to be as he liked it, making him groan as he leant back his head and closed his eyes, his erection growing just a bit more prominent.

When the kiss came, along with the tug at his nipples, he was moaning and slipping one hand up to the back of Mike's neck, taking a firm hold there, to keep their heads together as he returned the kiss eagerly, greedily, their tongues dancing as he deepened it.He let go of Mike's lips again with a soft gasp, though, thrusting into the hand, and grinning at his words. "Of fucking course... I never do anything halfway, you can bet your sweet bitch-ass on that..." and then they were back to kissing, while Nico shoved his free hand down into Mike's underwear, groping one firm buttock.
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptyLør Feb 17, 2018 7:58 pm

Mike groaned appreciatively when he felt Nicholas' hand on his ass, groping it as if it was his property. Oh hell yeah, this was what he was hoping for! He rubbed his hand against the bulge in the other hybrid's pants, feeling up his length to get a feel for what was going to happen later, and he wasn't disappointed. If anything he just got harder, knowing what path they were on right now.

"You want this bitch ass to be yours, hm?" he purred moving his hand away from Nico's bulge so he could grind down on him, effectively rubbing their erections together. "You sure seem like you want it." He had a smug grin on his lips, as he kept grinding down on him, placing his hands on the back of Nich's neck, toying with the small hairs there. He pressed their lips together harshly, growling as he bit the other's lower lip. Not hard enough to draw blood, but pretty close. If the hybrid wanted it rough, then Mike sure as hell wouldn't hold back.
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptyMan Feb 19, 2018 10:40 pm

Mmhmm, that groan... Now, that was something Nicholas liked. In general, he really just liked each and every sound he could get out of his partners, as long as it were the ones from sexual excitement, of course. And maybe a bit of pain, too. A little pain never really hurt anyone, right? At least that was his belief, and he was sticking by it. He moaned and thrust into Mike's hand when he started groping and feeling him up through his underwear, though, smiling at the other hybrid before pulling him in for another kiss, this one greedier, hungrier, deeper than the one that had preceded it.

"Why the fuck wouldn't I? It's bloody perfect, and you should fuckin' know that already." Nicholas half-growled in responce to Mike's question, moving his hips right back against his and groaning with the resulting friction. "Less talking, more fucking," he then growled, one hand behind Mike's neck to press their head even closer, returning the kiss with the same harshness, the same fervor as it was given to him.
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptyMan Mar 19, 2018 2:09 pm

Mike groaned when their lips met again, and continued grinding down against Nicholas' erection. But honestly, it was getting a little boring, wasn't it? So instead of just keeping at it, Mike let his kisses travel down to the other's neck again, licking at the wound he created earlier, which was already beginning to heal, before once again letting the kisses travel down further. He moved his body further away, so he could keep kissing him lower and lower until he reached a nipple, which he playfully played with, pinning the little nub between two of his tongue piercings, before sucking gently. He then moved over to give the other one the same treatment, before once again continuing to move further and further down.

When Mike reached Nicholas' stomach, he alternated between kissing, sucking and biting at he skin, sometimes leaving marks behind. And as he reached the other's lower stomach, he reached up with his hands and pulled down the edge of his underwear, so the elastic was just barely hiding what laid beneath. To some degree, Mike wanted to tease the hell out of the hybrid, because that was just the kind of asshole he was. But honestly, he was too high to have that kind of patience. So instead, he swiftly pulled the other's boxers down to his knees, and as soon as he had his arms on either side of the other's hips to support him, and was face to face with Nicholas' erection, he licked a stripe all the way from his balls to the tip, with a coy smile on his lips. And of course, he made sure that the hybrid could feel all three piercings on his tongue.

But as said before, Mike didn't really have the patience for too much teasing, so he promptly led the other's dick into his mouth just taking in the head at first. The saltiness was oh so familiar, and it didn't take long for him to take in more, his hand covering what he couldn't take just yet. But with Mike's stubbornness and the drugs he was on at the moment, it wouldn't take too long. He bobbed his head up and down taking more and more in each time, and it was obvious that he liked it a lot.
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptyTirs Mar 20, 2018 5:22 pm

Mike's groans were echoed by the other hybrid beneath him, a broad grin forming on Nicholas' lips when the kisses moved down his neck, readily leaning his head back to allow the other hybrid more room to work with, humming softly with the licking of the healing wound, one hand sliding down Mike's back before he dug his nails in slightly, just enough to create angry red lines when his hand moved back up as the mouth descended down his body, eventually making him moan when Mike found his nipples, writhing just a little beneath him, a soft growl rumbling in his chest and throat.

His hand was resting on Mike's shoulder when he began moving south again, and he used his other arm to prop himself up on that one elbow, giving himself a nicer view of what the other hybrid was doing, smirking when he decided it was time they got rid of Nicholas' briefs, and he happily assisted, lifting his ass so they slipped off more easily. That done, and seeing Mike settling in for just what he had expected was to come, he spread his legs a little more, again giving him additional room to work with.

Mike pulled a soft moan from him with that lick, another grin forming on his full lips with the exquisite feeling from those three tongue piercings. Himself he had only one, but then again, a more unconventional one... But he was really enjoying those three that Mike had, humming pleasantly when his length was steadily swallowed by that hungry mouth, his hand moving from Mike's shoulder up to grab a firm hold of his hair, his hips starting to move to meet every bob of Mike's head, soft growls and groans spilling from his throat all the while... Damn, but that guy really knew his shit.
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptyMan Apr 09, 2018 9:24 pm

Mike kept bobbing his head, happily using his tongue piercings to pleasure the hybrid - it was what they were for after all. Also for aesthetics of course, but most of the reason behind getting them was to give mind-blowing blowjobs. He pressed them against the shaft going down and when his mouth moved up, he used the tip of his tongue to play with Nicholas' own piercings. Then when he reached the tip, he used a combination to play with the head.

Needless to say, he took his sweet time pleasuring the man beneath him. But after some time, it became a little boring. So he pulled off the other's dick, grabbed his free hand and put it in his hair as well. "Fuck my face," he ordered, not really one to beg unless he was really desperate. Besides, he doubted that Nicholas would decline the gracious offer. "Don't be scared to hurt me, I'm not gonna break."
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptyTors Apr 12, 2018 2:34 am

Alright, but that guy was good at this. Like really, really good - he was definitely in the top ten of people he'd had sucking his dick in his centuries of living, and that sorta said a lot as much sex as he had. But that was, of course, only natural - when he began to feel weak if he hadn't had it for a while. So he was more than happy to let Mike know, and chose to do so simply by letting the noises slip past his lips, not keeping any back as he usually did when people were only decent at it - since Mike was fantastic at it, he deserved to hear it all. They had just gotten to the point where Nicholas was having trouble keeping his hips still when the other hybrid pulled back, making Nicholas lift his head just enough to look down at him as he moved his hand.

The order leaving his lips made Nicholas smirk, and instantly, both hands grabbed a harsh hold of Mike's hair as he barely even let him finish speaking before he did exactly what he wanted him to, and what he'd been refraining from the past minute or so. But Mike's words did make sure that he wasn't holding back, not in the least bit, probably quite a bit of the supernatural strength in there as he laid back his head, gasping slightly for breath with the sensations coursing through his body.
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptyTors Apr 26, 2018 12:52 pm

Nicholas obviously didn't hesitate to do as Mike told, and a slightly strained whimper was pulled out of the hybrid's throat as his mouth was used to the other's pleasure. It wasn't because Nicholas was too rough, but rather from the pleasure Mike got from this. As selfish a bastard he was, he was oddly into people taking what they wanted from him, and having his mouth fucked to the point that he almost gagged, was hot to him. He relaxed his throat fully, and helped Nicholas obtain whatever pleasure he wanted by still using his tongue and lips to whatever extent he could.

While it happened, Mike reached down and started rubbing his own erection, moaning at the relief. He could already feel the pre-cum that was starting to stain the front of his boxers, thoroughly enjoying to be used like this. He didn't slip his hand down into his underwear though, keeping all of it on the outside of the fabric to make sure he didn't bust a nut just from getting face fucked. He had never been fucked by anyone with that many piercings on their dick, and he wanted to know exactly what they could do to him, so as much as he loved orgasms, he couldn't do it just yet.
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptyOns Maj 02, 2018 10:36 pm

Now, this was what Nicholas loved. To find someone who likes things just as hard as himself, someone who knew what they wanted and weren't afraid of asking for it or just outright taking it - mainly because he was that way himself, which made the shy, timid, innocent ones some of the most boring people on this earth... In his opinion, at least.

And Mike was nothing like that, he was just the perfect type for a good tumble, especially with as good as it already was. Nicholas laid back his head, eyes closed as he kept right on fucking that delicious mouth and throat, sometimes stopping when he was all the way in there, and with his size, that actually meant it turned out to be just a slight bit of breathplay, too, almost entirely gagging the other hybrid. But just for a few seconds before he went back to the thrusts, and then back to the soft gagging once Mike had a chance to catch his breath again. He continued like that for a while, varying speed and force of the thrusts, before he pulled Mike off his dick again, smirking down at him. "As fuckin' nice as this is.... There's something else you want, too, isn't there?"
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptyMan Maj 14, 2018 11:58 pm

Mike could feel the tears well up in his eyes, when Nicholas made him unable to breathe for a few seconds, but the way he moaned made it obvious that it wasn't that he disliked it. In fact, it only served to make him harder every time the other hybrid gagged him. It continued like that for a few moments, before he was pulled off the other's dick - not without a whine though. In fact, it was obvious that he wasn't too pleased with the fact that he didn't have a dick in his mouth. At least until Nicholas pointed out that there was something more to be had, which granted, Mike had thought of, but the idea had been discarded when he had been gagged with a dick, and as he had the memory of a goldfish and attention span of a toddler, Mike found the idea of something more new and refreshing.

So with little to no grace, the hybrid got up on his knees and managed to just barely wrestle the last bit of pesky clothes off without falling on his face. And when he was sufficiently naked, he crawled onto Nicholas' lap, and pressed a hot kiss on his lips. "Got any lube?" he asked, not really able to keep his hands to himself, as he started jerking both of them off, dicks pressed maybe a tiny bit too tight against each other to be comfortable to a sane sober person. But since Mike was neither (and he assumed Nicholas wasn't much better off) it didn't really register as a problem.
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptyTors Maj 17, 2018 3:40 pm

A broad, pleased grin had been plastered on Nicholas' face almost all the time, as he kept fucking the other's mouth and throat, his grip in Mike's hair nice and firm to help keep him close as he almost gagged him. He took the moans for what they were, that the other half-demon really didn't mind getting used like this, having things rough. A small chuckle slipped out of Nicholas as he heard the whine when he pulled him off, before he bent down to ask him his question - and then giving him just a single, rough kiss, before he let go of him, letting Mike back off to get the rest of his clothes off, as Nicholas, too, got his underwear off the rest of the way, from where it'd fallen to just below his knees.

His arms slipped around Mike when he returned to his lap, hands brushing down his back to take a firm grip of his ass, in response to the rough frotting. "Mmhmm. hang on a fuckin' second..." he said, then muttered something under his breath, and with a snap of his fingers, he had the lube in hand. Might as well use the spell when he didn't want either of them to have to go look for it - that would just be wasting time better spend in other ways. He spread some out on his fingers, before his right hand went back to Mike's ass, this time letting one finger slip down the crack to start toying with his opening, wanting to tease just a little bit at first.
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptyTirs Maj 22, 2018 8:53 pm

Mike was maybe a little lost in the sensation if he was completely honest. There was something incredibly satisfying about the piercings that were rubbing against him, especially with the force he was jerking them off with. Just the thought of having them rub against his walls and sweet spot turned him on way too much and fucking hell, bottoming for this guy was a good call, okay? He buried his face by the other hybrid's neck, biting, licking and kissing the skin there while he waited for Nicholas to do something. How he'd get the lube was his own problem, Mike sure as hell wasn't about to move.

But sure enough, soon one of the hands on his ass moved away and then it made its way down to his entrance, teasing him. A groan left his lips, and he bit down particularly hard just then. Mike wasn't as loose as you'd probably expect from a guy like him, but not completely tight either. Truth was, his healing ability kinda fucked him over like that. Sure it was somewhat nice because a lot of guys were pretty damn turned on by a tight ass. But it was also pretty annoying because it meant preparation almost every time, and Mike was pretty fucking impatient. That was shown with the way he was moving back toward the teasing hand, urging him to go on. "Come on, don't tease," he mumbled, squeezing their dicks together again.
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptyTors Maj 24, 2018 2:55 pm

The continued frotting was a little distracting, he had to admit that. And seeing as he usually loved pain, the harsh grip was far from being too much. But now that he had the lube in hand and was starting to play with Mike's entrance, a smile graced Nicholas' lips. Well... Yes, he was a little tight, but nothing that couldn't quickly be fixed. It was just a good thing he wasn't in his demon form... That'd take forever to get him warmed up to, if he was to be completely honest.

A pleased noise slipped past his lips with the hard bite, before he grinned, especially with the impatient mumbling. But to be fair, Nicholas wasn't that much more patient, either, so before long he added a second finger, and perhaps a bit too early, the third, all the way in, curling his fingers slightly to find that perfect, sweet spot in there. At least, being dependent on sex as he was, and with the age he had, he knew pretty much where to aim from the start, no matter how high or drunk he was. So as soon as he could see and hear he hit the spot, his long fingers began pumping in and out of the other hybrid, bumping against that spot every time, while he leant in to lick and bite his way down Mike's neck, too, his free hand groping one of his ass cheeks while the fingers worked quickly to loosen him up just enough.

Once he deemed it enough - or just about it - he pulled out his fingers, taking another small dollop of the lube, and then batted Mike's hand away from their dicks to lube himself up pretty good. "C'mon, ride me like I know you fuckin' want to, you horny lil' bitch..." he grinned, biting Mike's earlobe almost hard enough to make it bleed.
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)   You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx) EmptyMan Jun 04, 2018 11:28 pm

Okay, so this was not anywhere near the most gentle thing that Mike had ever been put through, but honestly, he didn't want anything gentle right now. No, the only thing he wanted was just to be fucked, preferably fast, hard and right now. So he didn't mind that Nicholas skipped lightly over the preparation, especially because he was too high to feel it all that much.

What he did feel was when Nicholas' fingers graced something in him just right that made him moan against the other's skin, immediately pushing back against the fingers in him to get them to rub his fingers against it again. Not that he needed to, because soon that spot was abused by the hybrid's fingers and Mike bit down on the other's skin again, this time to muffle his moaning just a little. However, his hand didn't stop jacking them off, he somehow managed to keep going. At least until his hands were batted away. He wasn't happy about it, not at first at least, but Nicholas' quickly made him forget about all that, because holy shit yes, he wanted to ride him.

"Mmh, just leave it to me, big boy," he purred, pushing Nicholas down on the mattress, while he himself was still sitting on his lap. He reached down between them to line up the hybrid's cock to his entrance, slowly sliding down so he could take in the feeling of all the other's piercings dragging against his walls until he was down all the way. Did this whole thing turn him on and get him going? Yes. Did it hurt? Probably, but he probably wouldn't be sober before he was all healed up, so no damage done, right?
With that thought, Mike soon started to move up and down on the hybrid's cock, probably a little faster and harder (and sloppier) than most would prefer, but fuck if he cared. The only thing that mattered right now was the dick in his ass and the piercings that felt foreign but oh so good inside him, and of course, he didn't mind letting Nicholas know this, by moaning out his name - or some shortened version of it anyway.
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You got a bed with my name on it - Nicholas (xxx)
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