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 It wasn't me

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Humør : My life isn't as glamourous as my wanted poster makes it look
Fag : Study of languages, literature, history, art, dance
Antal indlæg : 177

It wasn't me - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: It wasn't me   It wasn't me - Page 2 EmptySøn Aug 08, 2021 4:02 pm

She finally reached her room, got in and as soon as she closed her door, she leaned up against it. Fuck. She had to close her eyes to catch her thoughts, but her whole body tickled and was screaming for release. It wasn’t like she hadn’t explored her body when she was on her own, but it was nothing like the urge that was going through her body right now. She banged her head against the hardwood that made the door, and then went straight over to her bed and placed herself it, a little clumsy she let her fingers glide down and find her pleasure.

Just as she was about to get to the good part, JJ’s voice could be heard from the other side of her door. She tried to ignore him as she kept going, maybe if she just thought about his voice being a part of her fantasy and not him actually trying to get in, then it would work. “Go away” she shouted back, with an almost breathless voice as she went a little faster. She didn’t hear Malcom’s voice, nor did she understand that there was an urgency in his words. Just though he was trying to be his annoying self again.
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It wasn't me - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: It wasn't me   It wasn't me - Page 2 EmptySøn Aug 08, 2021 4:25 pm

She was clearly busy giving herself pleasure the way she replied. “Lara, come on” he said as the boys got closer. JJ felt so tiny as their shadows reached over him. “He-hey. You come here often?” he tried to joke and made fingerguns to the guys. His shoulders were so tight that he didn’t notice how the shoulders pulled his sweater up; revealing the tent.
“Oh damn, he is excited to see you,” said one of the basic followers and patted on Malcom’s shoulder while pointing between JJ’s legs.
“Nah man, tha-” JJ tried to come with a stupid ass-hat comment but was cut off as Malcom grabbed onto the member from outside the pants quite aggressively.
“I think you’re right, Tom,” he sneered looking at JJ’s eyes. “But I’m not gay like this dude,” Malcom glanced up at Lara’s door, realizing that JJ had wanted to visit Lara. Their eyes met again, seemingly was Malcom not happy about it. “Or maybe you swing to both sides and wanted to fuck my doll because you didn’t want to confront me, huh?” JJ didn’t know what to say, because no matter what, it would be wrong. “What about I relieve the pressure for you in the bathroom?” Malcom suggested before he started to drag JJ towards he public bathroom.
“Hey, no- Stop!” JJ yelled. JJ had multiple times tried to make Malcom stop, but sadly, Malcom had picked the best ability against JJ as possible. A mental shield.
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Humør : My life isn't as glamourous as my wanted poster makes it look
Fag : Study of languages, literature, history, art, dance
Antal indlæg : 177

It wasn't me - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: It wasn't me   It wasn't me - Page 2 EmptySøn Aug 08, 2021 4:48 pm

Lara knitted her brows together and a soft moan left her as she buckled her hips pressing them towards her fingers, letting her head sink down into the pillow. But she was suddenly brought back to reality as she heard multiple voices outside her room. What the hell?
She took her fingers back and sat up in the bed listing to what was going on. Wait was that Malcom and his guys? She walked closer and then she heard some of the words, pressure, bathroom. Her eyes became big as she realized what was going on. More so when JJ started yelling that they should let go of him.

With a large bang her door was pulled open by her powers and she stepped through the door and looked at the three guys standing there, Malcom with his hand locked around JJ most intimate parts. “Let go of him Malcom” the guy just started laughing and she crocked open a brow “I said. Let. Him. GO!” she turned her eyes to Malcom’s leg and a horrible snap came as she broke his femur. She wasn’t playing around. The giant brute lied on the floor screaming in pain holding on to his leg that was bending all kinds of wrong as she also broke tibia and after that she broke his fibula. “You never touch JJ like that again” she hissed as she walked closer, the other guys pressing themselves towards the wall trying to stay out of side, hoping they wouldn’t be part of Lara’s wrath. “Were you the one beating him up as well” Malcom couldn’t say anything, whimpering on the ground she felt the tremor of her powers that made his body fly into the wall besides the cowering guys, pressing him so hard against the drywall that one could hear how it complained, almost to the point of breaking. “I should just snap your neck, you god for nothing animal” she hissed as blood started dripping down her nose, as she was overusing her powers at this point.
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Antal indlæg : 100

It wasn't me - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: It wasn't me   It wasn't me - Page 2 EmptySøn Aug 08, 2021 5:18 pm

Lara came to the rescue and within a moment Malcom fell onto the floor leaving JJ free to move around by himself. His hands moved to cover for the slowly dying erection. Damn, that guy had a mad grip. He didn’t even care of how Malcom’s leg was, all he cared for was that he wasn’t going to get assaulted in a bathroom and that Lara didn’t get hurt.
Lara moved closer and his friends moved up towards a wall trying not to interfere and hope that they wouldn’t end up in the same situation as their big old friend. They were soon accompanied with Malcom being thrown towards the wall which didn’t seem to be able to hold much more. Something about this wrecked drama made a smile appear on JJ’s lips, even when blood started spilling from her nose. But he realized it might be time for her to relax a bit. “Hey, Lara,” he said slightly out of breath before he looked at the two followers as he mumbled a little spell leaving all the guys in pink tutus and ballerina shoes. “I think you should rest,” he said and approached Lara letting a hand grab onto her shoulder, even though he would enjoy the sight of a broken neck on Malcom. “I think that Tom and Carl should carry Malcom to the nursery at the other end of the mansion,” he said squeezing her shoulder a little, hoping she would let go of them so the boys could get embarrassed all the way to the nursery.
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Humør : My life isn't as glamourous as my wanted poster makes it look
Fag : Study of languages, literature, history, art, dance
Antal indlæg : 177

It wasn't me - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: It wasn't me   It wasn't me - Page 2 EmptySøn Aug 08, 2021 5:28 pm

She didn’t hear his voice, she was so focused on pushing Malcom further into the wall, she could almost hear the strain it was making on his back, how his muscles slowly cracked under the pressure and how cracks were showing throughout the wall. She didn’t care that people was standing and watching at this point. She was so blinded about punishing him and taking her own trauma and anger inside of her out on him.

Only when she felt the hand on her shoulder, then she let go. Malcom fell to the ground and a scream left him as that meant he was landing on the broken leg. Multiple fracturs. “Yeah, okay” she mumbled and looked at how they went to pick up the brute and started walking away not really saying anything about how they looked or how people were snickering at them. Her hand dried of the still running blood. She was starting to feel a little lightheaded. Maybe she should walk inside of her room.

She closed the door, didn’t lock it, or think about that JJ might be following her. “Maybe I shou-“ then she collapsed on the floor. Blackness took her quicker than it had ever done before.
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Antal indlæg : 100

It wasn't me - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: It wasn't me   It wasn't me - Page 2 EmptySøn Aug 08, 2021 6:05 pm

JJ couldn’t stop smiling at the men in tutus and was quick to follow Lara when she went to her room. Not that he was in the mood anymore, but he had seen how her nose had been bleeding and was quite sure she wasn’t feeling well or might need some nursing. Not that JJ was fairly good at nursing, but she had to get what she could get, right?

He was just about to ask if she had to sit down when she collapsed. JJ rolled his eyes of her as she laid on the floor. “Fucking hell,” he cursed before he approached and picked up the unconscious girl and put her into her bed. He then went to lock the door and find some paper or cotton pads to clean away any residue of blood. As he looked at her he could feel how the excitement still lingered somewhere in him. He got up and threw out the cotton pad. For a moment he looked at some tissue paper which she had laying around. Could he… Fuck it!
He grabbed a couple of pieces, leaned up against a wall, pulled his pants a little down and started to work on himself. It didn’t matter that it was sore from Malcom’s indirect handling of it. His eyes were locked on Lara. Caused by the teasing from earlier it took a little while before he actually got to his climax with a moan and received the relief he had been searching for. He caught whatever left him in the tissue paper and threw it out in the bin. He then got fully dressed again and ruffled his own curls a little. He paced around waiting impatiently and finally he gave up and laid down behind her with one arm around her, only to fall asleep.
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Humør : My life isn't as glamourous as my wanted poster makes it look
Fag : Study of languages, literature, history, art, dance
Antal indlæg : 177

It wasn't me - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: It wasn't me   It wasn't me - Page 2 EmptySøn Aug 08, 2021 7:10 pm

Luckily, or unluckily on how one would look at it, Lara was completely out. Fallen to the ground like a marionet doll whose strings had been cut. She didn’t even move when JJ tried to wipe away the blood that had been gliding her nose, over her lips and down her chin. Nor did she hear, feel, or see that he took off his own pressure by jerking of in her room, lying on the floor.

It was dark out when she finally opened her eyes. It felt like someone had run her over with a steamroller. Her body ached and was sore her multiple beatings she had gotten through the day after she had been brought back. Something heavy was placed on her, and it took a while before she realised that it was JJ lying on the bed beside her. What the actual fuck? She sat up and looked at his body. Her fingers glided over her tired face, maybe she should just take a bath. A pained moan left her as she got up on her feet. A bath and then she could go to bed. She walked over to her dresser to find one of her towels as she accidently knocked over her trash bin. She groaned and started putting things back in, until her hands landed on some paper towels that was very stiff with some kind of – “Oh what the fuck!” she exclaimed and threw it at JJ “You jerked off in my room!?
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Antal indlæg : 100

It wasn't me - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: It wasn't me   It wasn't me - Page 2 EmptySøn Aug 08, 2021 7:25 pm

JJ slept very well next to Lara, even though his body ached from the beatings. He woke up when Lara got up from the bed but didn’t really act upon it. He just laid there with closed eyes, trying to figure out what she was going to do. It was only till she exclaimed and threw something at him that he slowly picked the folded papers. “What?” He sat up and then looked at the papers in his hand. When he realized what she had found he couldn’t really help himself from laughing. “You told me to go fuck myself, right?” He said and got up from his seat and approached her. “Can’t you just be happy that it was the paper and not you?” he sneered a bit before he threw the paper back into the bin a little harshly. “Or do you want that?” he approached her, not even scared of what he had witnessed earlier. If he could, he would frame her up against a wall breathing slightly heavily right by her lips. “Do you want me to cum inside you?” he asked ‘flirtatiously’, leaning in to kiss her.

Sidst rettet af JJ Søn Aug 08, 2021 10:37 pm, rettet 1 gang
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Humør : My life isn't as glamourous as my wanted poster makes it look
Fag : Study of languages, literature, history, art, dance
Antal indlæg : 177

It wasn't me - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: It wasn't me   It wasn't me - Page 2 EmptySøn Aug 08, 2021 7:55 pm

She was so tired, and exhausted from overusing her powers, from everything that JJ had told her and what they had done in his room. Physical and mentally drained. She pushed her brows together as he used her own words back at her. “Well not in my fucking room” she groaned, not really feeling up for actually talking about it, she, at this point just wanted him out of her fucking face and him to go to his own room. And stop bothering her.

What?” she quickly asked and looked at him slightly frighten how his tone of voice took a turn. She wasn’t used to him sneering at her. It was always with some kind of sarcastic or humour in his voice. Had he actually thought about it, while she had been uncocious? She had thought many things about JJ, but someone that could say things like; like the important woman you are? And then turn it around like that.

I –“ she swallowed hard, as he started to approach her she backed away, kicking over the bin once again. But this time she didn’t care as her back hit the wall and him looming over her as some kind of predator. If she had any energy left, she would have showed him what she was capable of. But she had nothing to give, nothing to fight back with. At this point, he was actually scaring her.
So, when he leaned in to kiss her, she just turned her head away from him.
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Antal indlæg : 100

It wasn't me - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: It wasn't me   It wasn't me - Page 2 EmptySøn Aug 08, 2021 10:35 pm

She turned her head away, not wanting whatever he was trying to give her. Therefore, he stopped himself inches from her ear. “I thought so,” he whispered into her ear. She knew very well that she was better than just that. She knew what she wanted and it was clear that the things she didn't want scared her. He didn't like to see her scared, but he liked that she reacted the way she did. It told him a lot about her. He was constantly picking up the things that she did - also that she had went to her room to pleasure herself.
For a moment he just stood there and let everything sink in before he moved away and whispered a small spell to clean up the mess from her having knocked over the trash bin again. “I’ll let you sleep on that,” he mumbled. He went to the door, unlocked it. He looked over his shoulder, “Tell me when you want to leave this place,” he said somewhat softly and walked out, leaving the door open. He needed a bath from all of this nonsense, and hopefully Lara would have more energy when they would meet again.
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