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 But the one who endures to the end will be saved

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Humør : (ง'̀-‘́)ง(ง'̀-'́)ง
Antal indlæg : 98

But the one who endures to the end will be saved Empty
IndlægEmne: But the one who endures to the end will be saved   But the one who endures to the end will be saved EmptyFre Jun 18, 2021 8:44 pm

LOCATION a small factory in the outskirts of Gaia, close to the North parts of the woods
DATE 5th of July 2021
TIME 4:30
TOPIC FOR @Austin xx

Sleep. Who needed sleep? Sleep was such a mundane think to do, and yet the more time she spend here on Earth she found herself in need for rest time to time, even if she was more likely to just go none stop. After her visit at James and Rebekah's she had been taking time to actually get to know her battle field. It meant finding out who people were, so she could find the treats before they found her, and know who they were. However, her planning had been disrupted when one of Michael's angels had called out to her about a small group of fallen angels they had found - and of course they wanted an archangel to take care of one of them. Saying the guy was someone who had been working with Lucifer back in the day, they had recognized his face but not said his name.

Eos had therefor teleported to the location of the prayer, meeting the angels who had caught the few fallen angels tonight. Eos gave them a slight nod before leaving them outside the factory. She looked shortly behind her, ironically enough it was the break of dawn, and as she opened the doors to the factory the morning light made its way through the dark room. Eos had always known how to make an entrance. The few other fallen angels that had been found was already taken care of, leaving just one left hanging with his arms tied up with holy crafted objects and trapped in a ring of holy fire. Eos moved her eyes to him, seeing his face through the fire and she just stopped for a second. "Abdiel?" her voice went from its natural toughness to a softer tone without thinking, almost like she didn't believe her own eyes. Without putting more thought to it she put out the holy fire, making her able to see him better. He was alive.
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Antal indlæg : 56

But the one who endures to the end will be saved Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: But the one who endures to the end will be saved   But the one who endures to the end will be saved EmptyOns Jun 23, 2021 6:46 pm

How had he ended up here? The only one standing after all the other fallen angels had been offed, he had been left to hang. Apparently, his words had made them reconsider and called upon another one to decide his fate. To be killed after so many years of repentance seemed like a cruel joke. Hadn’t he already given much more than any devoted angel? So, because of a naïve heart that had chosen the archangel that had ended up being kick out of heaven by his own father. It had been hard keeping the same view on God after that, but his fate to him had never really wavered even as he had screamed after help from Michael, from Chamuel. Really anyone that he had known from his time in heaven, but no one had come to help him.

Now that still didn’t tell the story on how he was hanging here in the ring of holy fire with his hands tied up. He hadn’t even known the other angels; this was really a story about very bad timing. He had been out and about because of the stories of all the demons that kept turning up in the woods. The stories about Eden being killed by one of them, hadn’t been a silent one. So, instead of just killing demons he was trying to see if he could figure out if there was an unauthorized portal around that they were using to get here so fast. Then there had been this group of fallen angels that was walking around, something about them had seemed suspicious. So, he had taken of the cloak that he had one and approached them, but before he had the change to talk heavens angels had ambushed the group mistaken him for being one of them.

The soft voice saying his name was enough to pull him out of the long train of thoughts that had been going through his head. His dark blue eyes looked up, first Elena being back from the dead and now Eos was away from hell gates? Had the days no end in making his life just a little more confusing as it had been before.
The fire was put out but the restrains not taken off. “Well would you look at that” he spoke with a stained and hoars voice. “Here to kill me off Eos?” he asked not taking his eyes of her face. She really hadn’t change much, but why should she.
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Humør : (ง'̀-‘́)ง(ง'̀-'́)ง
Antal indlæg : 98

But the one who endures to the end will be saved Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: But the one who endures to the end will be saved   But the one who endures to the end will be saved EmptyTors Jun 24, 2021 10:35 am

What a cruel reminder on how life had been before the war. Before sides had been chosen and the battle had begun. Before Lucifer had been send down to Hell and her to make sure he stayed put. How long ago it had been since she had looked at anyone she knew that wasn't family - and yet, looking at him right now felt like no time had passed - even if time had passed. Her scared body from all the fights in Hell, after the demons had taken a run for it, and the population had grown into more than she could handle in the beginning - it had been tough, and there was no healers in Hell, but she didn't mind her battle scars. She didn't mind blood on her skin or the violence, Hell had taught her to long for it like an unwished obsession for death and destruction. Years, she could take back. But looking at him, it was like she finally remembered life before, when it had been so easy to laugh and smile, and just be filled up with warmth and happiness. She had gotten a little taste of it here with Remiel, for a day or so, even Michael had tried to lure it out of her -but the darkness had just taken such a grab on her, it wasn't easy to shake off.

Here to kill me off Eos? His words made her frown a bit, as if her head had went somewhere else for a moment, which it had. Then, yes, she recalled what she was here to do. Learn if he knew where Lucifer was, then kill him. But no. She didn't want to do that. If Michael and Remiel could spare Jezebel, couldn't she spare Abdiel? Eos took one of her daggers out and stepped closer towards him, looking down at the blade shortly before looking up again. "Don't flatter yourself, I'm not going to let you get away from me that easy," she broke the silence with a small smirk, before lifting her hand with the blade and cut down the restrain. Fallen. She had spend time with Michael's kid, he was fallen, and after a year she had somewhat gotten used to it - not fan of it - but she had gotten used to it. Also, she would never go against Michael.
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Antal indlæg : 56

But the one who endures to the end will be saved Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: But the one who endures to the end will be saved   But the one who endures to the end will be saved EmptyMan Jun 28, 2021 3:01 pm

His bruised body fell to the ground as she cut the robes that had been holding him in place. Of course, the robes had been engraved with symbols that had cut of his powers and rendered him completely at the mercy of the other angels.
But even as it was quite a fall he made down to his knees; a smile formed on his lips as he looked up towards her face. “Not letting me go that easy? Huh, who would have thought” he made a small pause and sat down and pulled his leg up so he could put his arm on his knee. “have you missed me, Eos?” he asked with a smirk and raised one of his brows while looking at her. There was some knew cuts here and there, but with being the gate keeper of hell it made sense that she would have a lot more wounds than what she had when she had left for the task given her.

He took in a deep breath and felt how the pain spread from the chest into his lungs. They had really done a number on him. Not that he blamed them, if he had been the one finding one of the allegedly Lucifer follower. He would have done the same thing.
That day had been one of the biggest betrayals in history of the angels.
So, what happens now?” he asked and looked into her eyes while his smile subdued. “And before you ask, I have no idea where Lucifer is, I haven’t talked with him since the fall” he said clearly meaning ever word that formed in his mouth. Because it was the truth, after he had fallen, he hadn’t sought out Lucifer or even knew where he was. Other than at this point that he was gone. And no one had any idea where too.
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Humør : (ง'̀-‘́)ง(ง'̀-'́)ง
Antal indlæg : 98

But the one who endures to the end will be saved Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: But the one who endures to the end will be saved   But the one who endures to the end will be saved EmptyOns Jul 14, 2021 5:32 pm

He fell down on his knees, and she looked down at him into his eyes. His reply made her roll her eyes, while shaking her head a little bit only to raise a brow at him. It was odd and completely annoying how looking into his eyes made her heart speed up the way it did, it wasn't fair and she needed it to stop. Eos kept her eyes on him, almost aware in case of an attack, yet her heart kept whispering to her that he wouldn't tempt to hurt her. Then again, was that just her heart that finally made a sound, or someone playing tricks on her mind. "Yeah right," she responded while licking her lips slightly. Abdiel had been the only one she had ever given her heart to, and even if she never really got to confess her feelings to him, it never changed the fact that he was the only person she had ever loved - and those feelings despite all the time in the world, was slowly coming up to the surface - reminding her of what she had lost back then.

Eos noticed the pained inhale, making her frown a bit as her stoic face loosened a bit more up. She cared. Despite her brothers, Eos had spend so much time aroundn in Hell, listening to the tormented screams and the pain. The whole thing about being mad about the betrayal was history. The greatest betrayals perhaps, but none of that mattered when you got to sit in the darkness keeping the demons away from Earth - it had made her think time to time that perhaps Lucifer had been right, but not because she wanted her brother to be allowed his revenge, because Lucifer was pity and all he wanted was revenge. And yet, no one had seen the real Lucifer in a handful of years now, if he was so evil and wanted revenge so bad - wouldn't he had done something by now? The thought made her shake her head a bit, when Abdiel mentioned that he hadn't seen him. Eos took a sharper breath in. "I believe you," she exhaled a bit more deeply. "And I'm so done chasing my brother around."
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Antal indlæg : 56

But the one who endures to the end will be saved Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: But the one who endures to the end will be saved   But the one who endures to the end will be saved EmptyLør Jul 24, 2021 9:40 pm

Austin moved around a little and after a few minutes of trying to stand, he decided against it and just sat down on the dirty ground instead looking up at Eos. He moved his legs and ended with on folding around him and the other with his food planted on the ground and his knee pointing to the. He looked up, where was he even? In some kind of abandoned barn, house, cottage?
The fallen angel took in a deep breath and looked at her as she told him that she believed him. More so that she was done with chasing her brother around. A soft smile formed on his lips, he understood where she was coming from. Not that he had chased Lucifer around per se. But he had done a lot to get in touch with the other archangels. Remiel, Michael and Lucifer. Even Chamuel at one point, then late finding out that she had been a brink away from death.
So much injustice had happened, and he often felt like what had happened to him, was just a bad excuse to set an example of disagreeing with a stubborn father.

So” he finally spoke and let her eyes find hers, a smile forming on his lips. “How are you going to get me out of this then?
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Humør : (ง'̀-‘́)ง(ง'̀-'́)ง
Antal indlæg : 98

But the one who endures to the end will be saved Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: But the one who endures to the end will be saved   But the one who endures to the end will be saved EmptySøn Jul 25, 2021 1:40 pm

How was she going to get him out of here? A softer chuckle left her lips. "You say that as if it's going to be a problem," she tilted her head a little to the side. Perhaps these angel's were Michael's but they listened to her just as much, especially when he wasn't around. And they had no telling her what she couldn't and could do, or they could try, but it wasn't many that liked getting a fist thrown their way by Eos for disagreeing. A few had tried that by now, enough to know it wasn't worth it. But then again, back in Heaven she didn't have as much to say. She was just there training with her brother's. The real archangel's as Lilith had tried reminding her for thousands of years. She reached her hand down for him, "one thing I can tell you is, that you aren't going to get far by sitting down," she knew he was in pain and he tried, but at least she could provide him with some help from strong shoulders, if he let her. There was a lot of unsolved feelings for Eos in this, and she hated them. But also knew she couldn't do anything about them, so perhaps it was just be pushed back to a corner and forgotten - hopefully she could just forget it. "They listen to me just as much as they listen to Michael, at least when he isn't here." Maybe it was because next to Michael, Eos was the only one of their siblings that actually shared the visions Michael had and almost had the same willpower to see through this. Then again, Eos had lived in Hell most of her life. If someone wished that all the demons and darkness could be hosted there forever and leave Earth alone, it was her. "So, question is. Will you let me help you out of here, do you trust me?"
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Antal indlæg : 56

But the one who endures to the end will be saved Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: But the one who endures to the end will be saved   But the one who endures to the end will be saved EmptyMan Aug 23, 2021 8:35 pm

He raised a brow as she laughed at him, almost making it sound like he had asked a stupid question. He thought it was rather valid point, he was wanted by the angels. By Michael, that double crossing bastard. To say that he had much love for his former brothers and sisters, would be a shame. The only way he didn’t have any of that turned against Eos at this very moment, was because he knew that she had been at hells gate right after it had happened. Not much time to hear after prayers. Just as exposed as the fallen angels.

He took in a deep breath in as he pressed his brows together in agony and pressed down on one of the many wounds, they had inflicted on him. He took in a deep breath and closed his eyes. Slowly his aura changed from fallen to a pureblood angel instead. “That should help with some of it” he breathed feeling how sweat glided down his face. He looked up when she asked if he trust him. A huff left him, and he had to close his eyes. He wasn’t sure.

Right now, I don’t really have a choice now do I?” he said a little mockingly, and finally pressed himself up on his two feet and looked towards her. “Tell me your brilliant plan
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Humør : (ง'̀-‘́)ง(ง'̀-'́)ง
Antal indlæg : 98

But the one who endures to the end will be saved Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: But the one who endures to the end will be saved   But the one who endures to the end will be saved EmptyLør Sep 04, 2021 8:37 pm

Eos pressed her brows together as he closed his eyes, but she felt it. How the aura changed from the fallen to the pureblood angel, it made her chuckle a bit. But also hit her right in the gut, the angelic aura reminded her of a past, a past that had left a story untold. A story unfinished. Eos knew there was no going back to how thing once were, because they weren't the same people. She for one wasn't kind or sweet, she could never see herself as anything like that again. Eos took a deeper breath in before breathing out again. "Should get us at least a jump start," the archangel confessed. Her eyes locked with his once he looked up at her again. It was funny really, she didn't expect him to trust her, he didn't have a reason. If he had heard enough he knew she had been busy by the gates in hell, fighting demons and fallen angels - people God had seen as sinners needed to be punished that didn't agree.

"Well, if you want to get the hell out of here, not really," she responded to him, taking a small step back as he got up on his feet. Her eyes followed him, and she crossed her arms in a small chuckle, as he said for her to explain the plan. "Well, to be honest I was just thinking about walking out the door, but if you want to get fancy - I can just teleport us out of here," she suggested with a small shrug.
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Antal indlæg : 56

But the one who endures to the end will be saved Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: But the one who endures to the end will be saved   But the one who endures to the end will be saved EmptyMan Sep 06, 2021 9:30 am

He clicked his tongue and shook her head “language” he teased as she used the word hell, even though Austin had long stopped trying to get back his grace. There were still many of the old things and customs that Austin had a hard time putting away or forget all together. He was still a firm believer that some of the old ways where better than how humanity greeted and treated each other now. It was always two steps the right direction and five back.

He looked towards the door as she told him that she thought that they could just walk out like nothing had happened. A grin formed on his lips as she asked if she should be fancy and just teleport them out. “let’s just go with the, lets walk out of the door and hope for the best” he spoke with a soft voice, clearly still battling with the pain that was stabbing through his ribs and forming in his lungs.

A small wave was made with his hand towards the door as he started walking towards it, trying is best not to show that every step was uneasy and not as controlled at he would like it to be.
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Humør : (ง'̀-‘́)ง(ง'̀-'́)ง
Antal indlæg : 98

But the one who endures to the end will be saved Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: But the one who endures to the end will be saved   But the one who endures to the end will be saved EmptyTirs Sep 07, 2021 7:17 pm

Eos rolled her eyes a bit as he teased her to mind her language, making her grimace a bit. She found herself taking a deeper breath in, trying to balance this weird wave of emotion that seemed to try wash over her, that she kept pushing away. Eos wasn't going to just teleport him, also when you weren't used to it anymore, it could do more harm than good and the last thing she wanted was for him to be in more pain - or end up feeling sick. "Sounds good," she replied with a soft nod, looking towards the door. Eos hated seeing him in pain, seeing how he tried to fight through it. Constant struggle, she knew that for a fact, was harder than you made it look like.

She took a few steps towards the door, but moved rather carefully, keeping aware of how he was feeling. Which was odd, usually she moved ahead with such speed letting people catch up with her. But then again, most of the people didn't stir emotions up in her that she never had gotten to understand. Eos took a sharper breath in, looking at him seeming to handling it just fine, just alright, besides they just needed to walked past Michael's angels. It was perhaps not Abdiel who was the one outing something was wrong, but perhaps the confident and stoic, always on the move archangel that looked far from stoic as she walked past the door. "Is there a problem?" she asked stepping right back into the character they seemed to think she had broken, seconds ago. They frowned at her as she lifted her brow a bit more sharp. "Tell my brother that we are all set for the trip next month, I need to follow one more lead. And everything should be ready," she informed them. Which was true, her and Michael were going on vacation or a hunting trip to France next month to clear a small village that had been over-run by demons. "Hey wait a minute," one of the guards asked as they had made it few steps through the door. "What now? " She asked and turned her head toward the guard.
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Antal indlæg : 56

But the one who endures to the end will be saved Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: But the one who endures to the end will be saved   But the one who endures to the end will be saved EmptyOns Sep 08, 2021 10:18 pm

As they tried to get past the guards, Austin tried to make sure that he didn’t draw any attention towards him. Something he had always been very good at, but more or least had perfected over the years that he had been alone. But it was hard, as he still couldn’t hide the contempt that he was feeling towards Michael as his name was mentioned. But it was also clear that the attention from the guards were directed towards Eos and not him. Something he took advantage of and slipped through the last door. Filling his lips with the fresh air. A victory that was short lived as he heard how the angel suddenly remembered that something wasn’t right.

The fallen angel redirected his attention towards the guard that looked towards Austin, and he lifted a brow and looked towards Eos. Clearly, she had the same mindset as she just gave back in the same tone as the man looking a little confused. Well, Austin would have been as well, if he had captured a fallen angel, and suddenly the same angel was walking out the door having an aura of a pureblood. He didn’t say anything just put his arms crossed in front his chest and lifted an eyebrow while looking towards Eos. More or less telling with his eyes that she needed to fix this or get him the hell out. He wasn’t about to fight angels under Michael’s command. He didn’t need to give the bastard anymore reasons to hunt him down.
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Humør : (ง'̀-‘́)ง(ง'̀-'́)ง
Antal indlæg : 98

But the one who endures to the end will be saved Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: But the one who endures to the end will be saved   But the one who endures to the end will be saved EmptyTors Sep 09, 2021 5:10 pm

One thing she hated about being here on Earth was the other angels not seeing just as high of authority as her brothers. People always assumed Lucifer was the black sheep because he had been cast away, but in reality, no one remembered Eos for what she was. The stories that were, didn't linked to anything she really had done. So, she blankly starred at the angel who looked at her, feeling Abdiel's eyes in the back of her head. She knew she had to get them out of this. "If you have a problem, take it with my brother when he gets here. I have a job to do, those demons aren't going to kill themselves, but it would make it easier if they did," she sighed looking at the angel. He narrowed his eyes a little bit looking at Eos, before waving her off. "Thank you," she exhaled with an eye roll, before turning her eyes to Abdiel again. "Let's get going," she gestured to the way out.

Finally, a bit away from the angels she cursed a little to herself. Mostly just annoyed by the angel back then, even if it was such a small thing as just stopping her. They shouldn't question her, they wouldn't have questioned the others. "We need to get somewhere so I can get a look on your wounds," she breathed out looking over at him for a second. Eos rarely got healed by healers, which hence the many scars her body was covered in, but she had learned to stitch herself up and take care of wounds. "I have a hut in woods," she breathed out, not that she stayed there a lot. She had clean clothing and a roof over her head - that was mainly what she needed and some space where she was alone. "It's not far from here."
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But the one who endures to the end will be saved Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: But the one who endures to the end will be saved   But the one who endures to the end will be saved Empty

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But the one who endures to the end will be saved
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