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 Island adventures

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Island adventures Empty
IndlægEmne: Island adventures   Island adventures EmptyOns Sep 18, 2019 9:59 am

"Dare," Enid said with a shaky voice. She didn't know why she felt so nervous, felt like the fallen angel in front of her would bring her to her knees with that stare of his. "I dare you to never push me away if I kiss you," he said with a smirk on his face. Enid swallowed. She knew the rules, and now she had to live up to them. That was when she felt something, something she hadn't felt for all the days she had been kept here. She felt the presence of her sister, felt that she was there. Then her heart sank as she could feel Dean there as well. Her heart beating fast, she turned away from Xalvador, looking at the door briefly before she started running. She could feel them, she knew she could, she just needed to find them. Running along the beach the sun above was gleaming down it's hot rays, and her eyes were frantically searching. "Dean! Nimue!" she screamed, fearing that Xalvador was following her.
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Humør : Dying Is an art, like everything else. I do it exceptionally well.
Antal indlæg : 136

Island adventures Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Island adventures   Island adventures EmptyOns Sep 18, 2019 10:16 am

”Oh shut up Dean,” she hissed at him as she walk in front. There was no need to rush around, it would only make the search less effective. Nimue looked around, she knew her sister was here - she could feel it. She could feel it in her bones that she had to hurry. She didn’t care about Dean at all, if he died before making it to her sister - it would possibly be in Nimues favor. She pushed the thought aside. “Over there,” she mumbled in a higher tone before letting her wings out to make her fly over there. Nimue landed in front of her sister and quickly let her eyes look over at her. She didn’t seem to be harmed.
“We are here,” she confirmed, “lets get you home.”
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Antal indlæg : 605

Island adventures Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Island adventures   Island adventures EmptyOns Sep 18, 2019 12:30 pm

His emotions were fluttering inside of him as he lifted his gaze toward the jungle ahead, being so close to her made a feeling of ecstasy run through his body. He knew for a fact that the footprints in the sand belonged to her, and Nimue seemed to sense her as well. They quickly headed into the jungle, following their instincts. He wanted to run, thinking of Enid’s embrace, but he didn’t know what to expect or who the other tracks belonged to.
Hurry, this way,” he said as he walked beside of Nimue, trying to follow Enid’s tracks. He rolled his eyes when she told him to shut up and started walking ahead of him. However, none of that mattered as he finally saw Enid in the distance. His heart skipped a beat before he ran as fast as he could. Lifting Enid up in a tight embrace, feeling relieved to have found her alive. “I've been so worried,” he said, his eyes tearing up at the overwhelming emotion before he put her down on the ground. “Are you alright?” he asked looking into the eyes he'd missed so much, his hands still touching her arms before finally letting go.
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Island adventures Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Island adventures   Island adventures EmptyOns Sep 18, 2019 4:03 pm

He was shifting between her eyes, waiting for her to ask her truth or dare, yet it never came. Instead her face changed and before he could ask, she ran off. His expression hardened, but he wasnt going to chase after her just yet. Where would she go anyway? His radio started blaring with warnings that two unknown people had been spotted on the island. Xalvador's expression hardened as he unhooked the walkie-talkie before lifting it to his mouth, "Surround them," he demanded before placing the radio back in his belt. He cracked his neck from side to side, "It's a shame, a real shame," he mumbled before he went out, going the way his men had spotted the two unwelcomed guests.
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Island adventures Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Island adventures   Island adventures EmptyOns Sep 18, 2019 5:14 pm

Enid looked at her sister, feeling like she had lost all words. Then Dean came running, lifting her up and embracing her tightly, making her sigh in pure content that she was finally back in his arms. Then realisation hit, she heard men running over the sanded ground, coming even from the jungle and surrounding them. “Please...” she mumbled, wanting to hide her face away in Dean’s chest. Forget about it all and just wake up at home having a nightmare. She was out of it; two realities crashing and she felt utterly powerless. “We have to get away,” she said, looking at her sister to see if she had an idea.
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Humør : Dying Is an art, like everything else. I do it exceptionally well.
Antal indlæg : 136

Island adventures Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Island adventures   Island adventures EmptyOns Sep 18, 2019 5:26 pm

Of course that dumb dog had to ruin her reunion with her sister, and she crossed her arms and shook her head in disgust as he lifted Enid in his embrace. "Its all nice and good, we don't have time for that," she hissed a little to herself. Nimue was alert, keeping her senses out for danger. "Dean take her to the boat, I will be right behind you," she gave him a serious look, not that she had given him any other types of looks the past weeks - but she needed Enid away from the playing area. She used her ability to create a simpel hallunsation, making people besides herself, Dean and Enid being dressed in Enids dress. Nimue then walked besides Dean and grabbed his arm.
"If we get caught, you two run. I can keep them busy," Nimue had never been afraid of using her abilities, and she wasn't the type to be freaked out either.
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Antal indlæg : 605

Island adventures Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Island adventures   Island adventures EmptyOns Sep 18, 2019 10:13 pm

He looked around as he heard people approaching from every direction, feeling the adrenaline kick in. Then he looked at Nimue as she expressed a wish to hold the people back in case they got caught. It wasn't in his nature to leave someone behind, even Nimue, so hopefully it wasn't going to get to that. “Come,” he said, making eye contact with Enid before running in the direction that had the least noise and would lead them to the beach. He didn’t know how many lived on this island or what all of this was, so naturally he was prepared for the unexpected. He ran through the jungle, constantly making sure that Enid was right by him. He wasn’t going to lose sight of her now. Eventually they reached the beach, the boat some hundred meters away. Before moving further, he looked over his shoulder to make sure Nimue was right behind them, knowing that they had to go back to her if she wasn’t.
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Island adventures Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Island adventures   Island adventures EmptyOns Sep 18, 2019 10:41 pm

If there was one thing Xalvador was good at, then it was protecting his island against newcomers that thought it was just some low class come-and-go as you like retreat. He knew exactly what he had to do, which wasnt going head first to whoever was intruding his domain - Not without knowing what he was up against. He sent some sirens in the water to find their boat or boats, it didnt really matter how many was there. He then grabbed his radio to ask for a update, only to be greeted by confusion and odd mumbling. He sighed deeply as he rubbed his forehead, knowing that it didnt really matter what the men he had sent out did, all that matters were that the sirens blew their boats to pieces so they would be forced to come back for a new boat.
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Island adventures Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Island adventures   Island adventures EmptyOns Sep 18, 2019 10:59 pm

Enid looked to her sister with worry, knowing that she was always so willingly throwing herself in danger like that. "It's all of us or none of us," she told her sister, feeling like she couldn't handle losing her sister. Had the tables been reversed, Enid would've probably lost her mind missing her sister like this. She followed Dean, keeping her hand in his as she wasn't willing to let go. She had him so close, she couldn't handle losing him now. As they came out from the jungle they were hit with the gust of sand from the exploding boat, sending Enid backwards and back in to the jungle. Unwillingly she had let go of Dean, not wanting him to get swung so far away that he got hurt. Enid felt her head hit something hard, making her dizzy and disoriented. "Nimue!?" she called out, but she felt even her speech slurring. "De-an," she mumbled, trying to keep her eyes open.
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Humør : Dying Is an art, like everything else. I do it exceptionally well.
Antal indlæg : 136

Island adventures Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Island adventures   Island adventures EmptyTors Sep 19, 2019 8:08 am

"The one time, that I actually act out because I care about you. The one time," of course if it came to it, they would have a choice. Nimue just wanted her sister back, maybe Enid herself could convince their father that this kidnapping hadn't been a sign of weakness. When the boat exploded, she felt the sand hitting her skin feeling it like bullets. She hissed and coughed a little as she sat up. Her sisters call for her made her turn her head to the side and she crawled over to her.
"You are fine," she smiled a little trying to be convincing. Worry wasn't a thing that Nimue actually experienced, her father never allowed her to reach that point of emotion. "Dean get up .. now isn't the time to nap. Get over here," she didn't even look at him if he was hurt or anything. Her own arm was bleeding from the encounter with the ground. Nimue looked over at the beach. "Bloody sirens.. they are always trouble," she hissed and looked around.
"If there is a way here, there is a way away from here. We have to find another source than our own.. where is Baal when you need him to send us home," she kicked the ground a little with her left foot. "We have to keep going."
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Antal indlæg : 605

Island adventures Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Island adventures   Island adventures EmptyTors Sep 19, 2019 3:20 pm

Dean heard the roaring sound of the boat exploding, thinking that this was one of the worst things that could've happen. A piece of wood slashed the side of his body and made him fell back into a rock, trying to shield his face from the sand. He opened his eyes, looking back towards the girls. The pain replaced with irritation at Nimue telling him to stop napping. He crawled towards them. “Oh yeah? I was just starting to enjoy our family vacation to Bahamas,” he said ironically. He supported his hand on a tree to get up on his feet, looking shortly at the wound as it healed before looking at Nimue. He assumed that anyone in their family would’ve helped if they could, so it seemed their only option was to keep going. “Yes, but the question is where,” he said thoughtfully, thinking that the others were headed this way and most likely were all over the island. He walked over to Enid, kneeling beside of her to hold her hand. “Are you ready to go?” he asked, concerned that she’d hit her head severely.
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Island adventures Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Island adventures   Island adventures EmptyTors Sep 19, 2019 3:36 pm

As the sirens reported back that the blast had been a success, Xalvador couldnt help but smile a little to himself as he in a chuckle sent back a thanks through the radio. He looked around for a bit before he switched the channel on his radio, placing it at his mouth as he couldnt get the smile of his lips, "Now, the gas," he said as he stuck a finger in his mouth to feel where the wind was blowing, "Full power on those badboys, I want them in a coma if that's what needed" he added before he clicked the radio back in his belt. The sirens would start peaking their head up from the water as they seemed to have some sort of harpoon weapon in their arms. The spears came flying towards the three, but it wouldnt seem that the goal was to hit them. A thick sweet smelling gas would emit from them as they hit the ground, either to make the little trio pass out or move into the forest. Xalvador was hoping for the latter. He wanted to see how they would handle the traps.
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Island adventures Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Island adventures   Island adventures EmptyTors Sep 19, 2019 4:22 pm

Enid took a shaking hand around to the back of her head, feeling something wet and warm. She moved her arm, looking at her hand that was covered in her own blood, and she felt like throwing up. Both Nimue and Dean were at her quickly, but she felt like passing out. Then she heard the shots, falling forward on the jungle floor as to cover whatever was going on above her head. "I wanna go home," she whimpered weakly, getting her bloody hand full of sand as well. She was shaking, feeling her body go into shock from the blow to her head. Then she smelt the gas, making her want to fall asleep even more. "We gotta keep moving," she said in a slur, trying to move to her feet, leaning on Dean for help with balance.
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Humør : Dying Is an art, like everything else. I do it exceptionally well.
Antal indlæg : 136

Island adventures Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Island adventures   Island adventures EmptyLør Sep 21, 2019 7:22 am

She couldn't tell whether it was the fall to the ground or just the sense of so many people around, that have her a headache. But someone would have to pay for that headache sooner or later. The sound of shots made her look around. Her sisters whimpering made her sigh, clearly Nimue had been spending much time with their father lately. "Do you? Because then you need to stop whining and think," she said in a deadpan voice. Nimue didn't own much empathy, the fact she even was here - was about how far it went. "Good," she mumbled to herself when Enid said they needed to keep walking. The gas would possibly effect them, but this was just another game. Nimue loved playing games. She looked over at the way Enid clinging herself on to Dean, and she shook her head to herself. They had to keep moving. "This is just like playing games with father," she walked in front of Enid and Dean. She didnt seem to be effected much about what was going on, why would she? If her father looked from his fancy mirror to check on her, she didn't want to come off as a disappointment. "We need to show them, who is the master of games. And sweetheart, im not gonna let them take our titles that easy," she looked a little back at Enid.
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Antal indlæg : 605

Island adventures Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Island adventures   Island adventures EmptyLør Sep 21, 2019 12:52 pm

Dean heard the harpoons, but focused his gaze on Enid, about to comfort her when Nimue started talking. Her cold attitude got on his nerves even more when it was directed towards Enid. “Have some compassion, will ya?” he snarled at Nimue’s comment. It wasn't helpful and she had no idea what Enid had been through. The gas filled the air, and he coughed a bit at the inhalation, making him feel drowsy. They needed to get moving. He moved his arms around Enid to lift her up with him, following Nimue into the jungle. He didn’t know what games she was talking about, but he’d do about anything to get off the island and if it came down to it, he’d kill as many as he needed to. They reached a small opening where he noticed an almost invisible line. He put Enid down on the ground, hoping that she’d regained her balance before putting and arm in front of Nimue to stop her from stepping into the line. “Careful!” he exclaimed, breathing out at how close it was. “It’s a trap. We need to change direction,” he said, looking into her eyes before removing his hand and continuing to the right. He scanned the surroundings for more traps, as he followed the scent of the ocean. They had to have a harbor somewhere.
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Island adventures Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Island adventures   Island adventures EmptyTors Sep 26, 2019 8:53 am

The sirens quickly reported that the fugitives were moving inside the forest and Xalvador couldnt help but chuckle a little. He grabbed one of his men by the neck and pressed the side of his head real close to his. “Tell me, Chivo. What would be a dumb idea for these people?” He asked in a curious tone. The man Chivo got an unnerving look in his eyes as he feared what was about to happen. “To come back to camp,” he mumbled in a strained tone, barely able to breathe from Xalvador’s grip around his neck. “Si. Muy bueno. Why is that?” He asked another question, pressing his arm tigther around poor Chivo’s neck. “ you wouldnt.... hesitate to... put... a bullet... argh through their skulls,” Chivo spoke in a gutteral tone, feeling like he was going to pass out. Xalvador loosened his grip and pushed Chivo away before he laughed. “Yes Chivo. I wouldnt,” he said, nodding a few times before picking up his radio. He stood for a bit as he looked at it, before looking up at Chivo. “Oh yeah, I almost forgot to ask. Are you hungry Chivo? How do you feel about swallowing a bomb?” He asked, as if it was something trivial, moving to talk in his radio as some men grabbed a screaming Chivo. “Send him their way,” he commanded in the radio, chuckling a little to himself as he tapped the side of his device.
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Island adventures Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Island adventures   Island adventures EmptyTirs Okt 01, 2019 3:52 pm

Enid hated this, hated that Nimue seemed to find this almost as amusing. She had always hated their father's games, and now it all just seemed to come crashing down. Dean was right however, all of this was one elaborate trap. Their father might've prepared them for something like this, but the twins had always known what the end goal was with the training. This mess didn't seem to have a goal. She took a step back leaning her weight on her other foot and that was when she felt the earth give in. She fell for what seemed forever before landing rather softly in a large cave beneath the ground. Great. She was apparently once again the damsel in distress.
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Island adventures Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Island adventures   Island adventures EmptySøn Okt 20, 2019 4:27 am

// So waddup. Blev Enid reddet eller fortsætter vi? #kunnehaveskrevetichatten #men #gratisposttilxal <3
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Humør : Dying Is an art, like everything else. I do it exceptionally well.
Antal indlæg : 136

Island adventures Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Island adventures   Island adventures EmptySøn Okt 20, 2019 6:14 am

// Yeee, havde bare lidt bøvl med at finde ud af hvordan jeg skal spille Nimue. Men i kan bare springe mig over denne her runde <3 //
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