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 AD: The World of Gambion Awaits!

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AD: The World of Gambion Awaits! Idk_du13
See the world through a different lens

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General information
- This RP site is 100% in English, however the admin team do also understand Danish (however that is reserved for PM and such).
- If you are not good at the English language, fret not, we do not care about your spelling or the way you structure your sentences - as long as your topic partner understands, we see no problem.

Quick lore
- Molded by ash and stardust, Gambion came in to existence around 4000 BH, created by the Elders, and what would later become Churchill city was where the Elders placed their own homes. Some years passed before the Elders wanted some inhabitants of this new world, creating Justiae, Caemille and Koric to create more beings while the Elders resided to a tower far east. From their tower they could watch over the new gods and guide them if needed be. The Elders wished some more beings to sprout from the ground, creating the native humans of Gambion, a race that would look to the other gods as symbols of hope and belief. Loads of time passed, there was relative peace (except for the ongoing disagreement between daemons and seraphim), but one day a portal opened. Another type of human came through, wishing to escape their radiation ridden lands, and now nearly 600 years afterwards, there are still things to be figured out between the original habitants and the new.

All in all
Does this sound like something for you? Do you head to escape reality and dive yourself in to a rather immersive original universe? Then Kaleidoscope might be for you.
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AD: The World of Gambion Awaits!
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